All Comments on 'Life as a New Hire Ch. 01'

by FinalStand

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fanfarefanfarealmost 10 years ago
Femdom Ultimare

Well FS, you're at it again, Another terrifically written mystery to sort out.

It would be a fun puzzlement if you actually used words and phrasing from other languages. Especially Nešili.

One of the storylines I am working on right now, is going to a mishmash of Nordic, Amer-Indigenous, Celt and Saxon languages. But then I enjoy tormenting my readers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
This feels like a prequel to One in Ten

If any agency was going to voluntarily create a gender plague it would easily be this one. This protagonist is essentially fighting the same battle, cut off from friends and resources, in enemy territory.

Whether there is a connection or not this story is well written and has great potential.

theanalisttheanalistalmost 10 years ago
my favorite author strikes again

with life and times of Cael.....Thanks for keeping us readers entertained....Long live cael and the series...hope the amazons don't kill him...

SmutolSmutolalmost 10 years ago
That grumbling one :)

Like that anon before i too see this strikingly similar in moments to 1 of 10. Only problem here is that world the story is going in is not defined and as so when u push that fighting scene the reader to that point expecting normal, logic world is badly surprised. I get tthat this is sf story but it all develops just like a dream u at start told us that it was made of. As a dream it lacks logic in chaining the events together. The way main character is thinking in very similar way to Israel and im not sure this is good thing.

On 3 pages on lit i feel i already have too many characters - at least 2 teams of females + one team of males. They all try to interact bewteen them but im lost very fast on who is who.

Main character is both smart and beutiful and on top of that proficient in more than 1 martial art ofc without any word where that came from - does that sound realistic ?

Speeding plot strikes again this time even before we get to know who the main character rly is

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Hey Now!

:D Okay, One in Ten is a serious story about a 'normal' yet damaged guy in an advanced world in a bizarre situation. 'New Hire' is a dark comedy. The main character is over the top. He speaks four languages, multiple dead languages, knows MORE than three forms of martial arts, is gorgeous, nearly brilliant and a physical fitness drone. Oh wait, he also scores multiple chick on a daily basis AND still finds time to sleep. Better yet, the absurdity of his situation does NOT escape the notice of the people around him. To top it off, he is confronted with a 3000 year old conspiracy be a legion of lethal women bent on World Domination. This story is supposed to be absurd. It is not going to be a laugh riot. There are serious and sensitive scenes. The first five chapters are already either with the editor or submitted.

gnome_mangnome_manalmost 10 years ago
Another Hit out of the Museum/Ball Park

So cool. Cael is my kind of guy. This is so good! Definitely, DARK, definitely WITTY, definitely FS at his best.

No job is too small, or too demeaning for this guy. As long as he stays alive, of course! You don't see thinking on your feet (knees) like this every day, people. I love his greatest hit hit hit hittite. Can you imagine having to pretend that you can't understand a room full of harpies discussing the destruction of the male half of the human race? Even a moment's lack of attention would be lethal to our young James Bond.

And, doesn't EVERYONE speak 4 living and one dead language? God, I could do six marital - uh, martial arts before I was nine... feet tall.

The hot-and-cold-running babes are just too much - or not enough. I can't make up my fevered mind!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

you are an excellent writer and one of the best on this website. However, you never finish any of your stories and always need a mental break. Unfortunately you also never return to finish any of your stories after the "mental break." That makes you a terrible author in my opinion. I really hate stories that are dropped before ending and wont bother reading any more of yours.

DB71DB71almost 10 years ago
to the anon posting "Finish"

It's a free web site. People submit stories for free. You can like it or not. You can even leave a comment anonymously like you did. You can even be an ass about it, again like you did. Do I really need to spell it out for you ...

To the author,

I liked it. Especially your sarcastic humor.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Cael didn't strike me as a submissive. I hope you don't make him into one, since as a guy who's dominant, I wouldn't like to see it. This story is simply too entertaining for that to happen and ruin it for me.

I've read your stories, and noticed that you like to place your main male character in situations where he is outnumbered by women, and those women always have dominant tendencies, and try to dominate the main character too, except that he fights back, and wins much more than he looses. But the message you try to convey is often ambiguous, since you always put some elements in the story where the main character is submitted, or kinda submits himself.

Concretely here - when Cael voluntarily gets down on his knees. For someone who is supposed to be as awesome as Cael is (and here I don't actually have any problem with his shear spectrum of skills and awesomeness, because it's very interesting), I find it kinda disappointing that he ended up kneeling like that. I understand why it was so, truly, but I'd feel that it would leave a very bad taste if a guy like Cael were to be submissive in this story. He's not Israel, after all. When the Hittite-language conference rolled in, it felt as if Cael was some sort of infiltrator, undercover agent, that he would worm his way into this Amazon secret society and destroy them from within, so that when he reveals his true colors, the women are blinded by his shear awesomeness (purposefully going over the top here :)). Sorta like... turning the tables on them, and dominating them instead.

By the way, are you a lawyer? Many of your characters throughout your stories use legislative threats/means to make things go their way. That type of outsmarting a foe is cool to read, but you'd do well not to overuse it, or one story just becomes like the others, and gets boring. A bit more backbone, and fist-talking is cool to have, like Jethro from One in Ten, or that devil-may-care kid Vandermeyer from Ravenrook.

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
No Worries

Cáel Nyilas is no weenie. To put the ending scene in perspective:

It is 1950 and you moved from somewhere to New York City. You dress in your best suit, go out to a nice club and drink it up. You meet a gregarious guy who mistakes your for his cousin Vito from Cleveland. This guy has the connections and the dames so you decide to tag along and play to his mis-identification. A few hours later, you meet some guys, cruise around and have a good time. Suddenly, in the back room of some club, several of these 'gentlemen' turn and murder an 'outsider'. Is this the moment you reveal you are NOT Cousin Vito? Or, do you laugh it up, joke around and act normal until you can safely get the hell out of dodge?

The latter is what Cáel is doing - playing along until he can exit the situation. He is unarmed on one of the top floors of a skyscraper totally owned by Havenstone. Where is he going to go?

I've already written the first 5 chapters (each about 10-12K words) to my editor. Chapter 6 is almost done. The story's main elements are Cáel navigating the politics of Havenstone, dealing with the moral qualms of the conspiracy and his romantic and sexual relationships with women inside and outside the corporation. The man is a pick-up artist. Except for one bizarre exception, he avoids having sex with Havenstone women, instead having sex with other women he seduces. By the end of Chapter 5 that is three women plus the one he's 'only' dating and one he has set up for sex the next week.

No, I am not a lawyer, but I'm sure my Mom will appreciate that I was mistaken someone who actually graduated college.

Yes, I like confident, powerful women in my stories. As I see it, there a lot of stories that don't have them, so I'm okay. I think they make wonder partners and antagonists. In my stories 'Just Deserts' and 'Kidnap Me Please' the women are anything but that. I also like super-competent people, mainly because I'm as slub, but I've also written 'Making Work A Better Place' where the main male character is an Idiot.

I hope this helps.

As for finishing things. I know it is wrong to not complete what I started. Most of you know that I'm am mentally - as in can't work and can barely leave the house - disabled. I wish I could promise all of you I will follow through, but I can't. It is the way I am.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

FS you are a good writter,but always starting new stories!!! BUT never compeleting OTHER Stories written But not Ended? eg Christen Sex College,What My Brother Left Me,Fighting For Broken Marrige. You Stated You Want Feedback,BUT you never REPLIED on Coments Left to you!!!!JUST GIVE YOUR FANS A ANSWER ON WHICH STORIES YOU WILL CONTINUE OR HAVE ABANDON!!!!

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Let me see...

In the past week I have worked on 'My Brother's Back', 'Ugly Ducklings' (the sequel to Ugly Duckling', 'The Mother I Never knew' and 'Tales of the Technician'....a few hundred words each. Not a lot. I poke along at a tiny pace because that is how mine mind goes. I get small burst of inspiration then it flickers out. I don't mean to abandon a story. I simply don't force a creative energy that isn't there. I wait for it to come back. I know this is unfair to those who chose to read my stories and I should do better. I'm not going to force out crap either. If I type out a few thousand meaningless words, I'm doing you as much a disservice because you've come to expect better from me. I don't know what else I can say.

NutRanchNutRanchalmost 10 years ago
Don't sweat the small stuff

While I also would love for you to finish more of your stories/series, I find it just lends more enjoyment to what you do produce. Endings really are needed, but get to them in your own time in your own way.

Since I do quite a bit of traveling, I read. Constantly. I follow multiple authors in several genres, in and out of Lit and constantly have to wait for new material so waiting for your next installment doesn't bother me. (OK, it does, but it's worth it)

I find myself drawn to your characters in just about every story you have written. The situations can be a bit odd, but this is fiction the last time I checked. Reality is nice and all, but reading is either for education or enjoyment. Rarely, but sometimes, both. I enjoy reading your work.

Because of your encouragement, now I also write. And it ain't as easy to produce quality work as it is to read it. Hence the lack of any of MY work on the site as yet. Time will tell if anything I do ever ends up here or is any good.

Don't sweat the small stuff and handle your business the best way you can.

Best wishes

fanfarefanfarealmost 10 years ago
Gogo Gofer it!

Seeing that you've been posting new chapters, I went back to reread the early ones to better understand the development of this storyline and your characters. And noticed something interesting.

"..."Aren't you disappointed you didn't get one of the plumb assignments; banking, or asset management?" she inquired.....

"Hell, no," I blurted out..."I mean, I think this is a great way to know the company. We get to go everywhere..."

I remember from when I was taking film courses at our local College. Our instructor, who had a lot of Hollywood experience, did a flow chart of jobs in the Film industry.

For those in technical and crafts trade jobs were union. And almost never where able to advance beyond the line.

Those who were above the line, were Guild members. But even there were limits. For instance a Good Assistant Director was almost never promoted as they were too useful as an expert.

It turns out, that the majority of Directors and even Producers began as Gofers. That the lowliest job of all is what it takes to work yourself to the top.

"Those who would rule must first learn to serve - Code of Chivalry

kizkizkizkizalmost 10 years ago
Nice finish

I do worry the personality if not the exterior stuff is closer to Israel, but situations and the responses to them help characters grow and differentiate. So I don't mind if both characters start of with the same personality kernel, so long as they differentiate as the story moves along.

I had a friend in college who had mastered numerous martial arts and the way he described it to me is that after the first one or two, it becomes a lot easier to pick up more. I am an American and struggle to learn German, but many of my friends from the nordic countries know their native language, english, Russian, and several others by the time they finish high school. Most Americans don't have the opportunity to learn and reinforce the learning of martial arts or languages. So I don't find our protagonists skill set unbelievable.

What I do find really interesting is the exploration of the liege-relationship, whereby a man can be strong and domineering to his peers and subordinates and somewhat submissive or restrained to their betters. This is the fascinating social dynamics of feudalism, and one of the elements I enjoy exploring in my works as well. In our American society, where everyone is "born equal" we don't often see it formally played out. At its heart, we get to see how Cael's personality changes depending on the people and situations he is around. This fleshes him out and makes him interesting.

One of the other cool things I like exploring and see being done here is the notion of talent vs opportunity. Cael might have been born really smart and talented but had few opportunities to prosper from it due to his background. This is the idea of social mobility, and its interesting to see it explored here.

I also thought the action scenes at the end were really crisp and well done.

As always, FS. Even if your work isn't finished, as 1 of 10 showed me, giving the gift of perspective is the hallmark of truly great fiction writing. What use is finishing something if you didn't learn from it? To carry nothing with you into the future is a sad waste of time. I love your work for that reason, even if it never finishes.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenover 9 years ago

Definitely one of the most intellectual stories I've seen here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Booooo. Boooooo.

Stopped reading after the fight scene. Is there anything that will cause this character to pause, to be caught off guard. As if anticipating every scenario. As if it is all scripted!!!

FinalStandFinalStandover 9 years agoAuthor
Huh and What?

As the author, I'm confused by the above comment. Did Cáel win the fight? It is rather critical to the story that he defeats Rhada and Madi. It is also important to the story that the reader understand why he beat them. This isn't 'He Man' crushes 'Puny Women Who Think They Can Fight Like Men' - ha, ha, ha.

Cáel's victory is much more a matter of quick-wits and serious misunderstandings than brute force. Cáel, like a trapped rat, has to think fast, or he knows he's going to get thrashed. The Amazons, holding all the advantages, have the luxury of trying to figure things out. There is absolutely NO WAY Cáel can fight his way free. In the greater scheme of things, he knows he cannot win. Madi has as much time as she needs and the moment she starts to lose the fight, the other Amazons threaten to jump in.

Cáel - the fight starts with him being caught off-guard. Rhada smacks him. She connects. Second attack by Rhada. Not only is Cáel prepared (you hit me once and act like you are going to hit me again - I'm prepared), Rhada is acting under the assumption that Cáel wouldn't dare block her, much less strike her. She's wrong and pays for her arrogance by being knocked down. It isn't a matter of fighting prowess, but of expectations. Round One: Cáel is surprised. Round Two: Rhada is surprised. Intermission: The very actions of a male in their presence at the tail end of their miniature Council meeting acting violently causes momentary confusion. I repeat : 'How does this male think he's going to get out of here alive?'

Cáel didn't look, or act insane...until then.

Rounds Three, Four, and Five: Cáel goes down. Madi kicks his ass. It is a combination of Cáel's confusion over the social implications of the fight (all the women seemed fine with Madi assaulting him), Madi's superior ability in her martial art, and the mismatch of Cáel's style versus hers. Only when Cáel addresses factors one (fighting is no longer a matter of waiting for people to 'break things up') and three (moving from a 'hard' style to a 'soft' style) is the outcome altered.

Given a chance, Madi could have better countered Cáel's Brazilian jujitsu. For the third time in the fight, surprise mattered. Cáel was caught off-guard twice...I thought that was pretty clear. He gets slapped and then he gets to taste the carpet a few times. Beforehand, his unwillingness to be disciplined by Rhada catches her off-guard and she goes down. This is as much a matter of pure shock that a male is hitting her as Cáel being very strong and a very good boxer. With Madi, the final decision is pretty much the same. Madi beats Cáel, under-estimates Cáel (because she keeps defeating him) and Cáel finally being able to switch to a totally different and unexpected martial art.

A disabling hold can be applied within a second and once locked in, the target is pretty much fucked. It was that split second of surprise, plus Cáel's ability to take a pounding, that let's him 'win' the second fight.

Rhada and Madi were hardly pushovers. Cáel's victory is far from certain and he expresses this when Katrina orders him to fight them both. At that point, Cáel thinks he's screwed - two opponents (one he barely beat one-on-one), he is out of surprises and those two are hardly going to act so blindly arrogant the second time around.

As I said at the start: I don't understand the comment above. Had they bothered to read Chapter 2, I think Cáel's level of pain would have shone through. Madi, who was nearly choked out once and never hit, recovered immediately while Cáel is begging for pain-killers.

Is it that he showed quick wits after the fight? He almost didn't. At the point he is going to start protesting in Amazon/Old Kingdom Hittite language to the group discussing his eminent demise, Katrina intervenes so Cáel decides to keep his mouth shut (lucky set of circumstances).

After that, some clever thinking on his part, a bit of basic psychology and philosophy, and a superior understanding of women in general keeps Cáel safe (almost). The Amazons aren't stupid. What are the odds that a male could both speak their language and have sneaked through the screening process without that knowledge coming out? It is far easier to believe he has some sort of 'conditioning' than the former bit of deduction. And, as the start of the fight scene stated "an accident of fate took over".

MontanosMontanosover 9 years ago
My own guilty pleasure.

Stories like these are one of my guilty pleasures. This hits all my "I want women to be in charge and try to dominate me, but I will resist domination" perversity.

Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Unrealistic and unbelievable

Our colleges and universities do not produce these kinds of kids, nor is the real power in this world held by women.

FinalStandFinalStandover 9 years agoAuthor
(A) and (B) and (C)

A) This is in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre.

B) Cael and his fellow New Hires are the cream of the crop. There are high-achieving students, exceptional student athletes and/or a mixture of the two.

C) Women not holding power in the world is one of the key reasons for these fantasy Amazons to exist as a Secret Society. As future chapters reveal, it is this power disparity that fuels Amazon concerns and helps them recruit outsider women/'Runners'.

I do hope you give the story a shot. FS

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
Dear analmousie...

..."Our colleges and universities do not produce these kinds of kids, nor is the real power in this world held by women."

All those degrees, MBA's and a multitude of other acronyms. Were the same bungling assholes who crashed Wall Street, the economies of America and across the Globe.

The White Anglo-Saxon Privileged caste who fraternally accomplished that disaster, are every single one a College Graduate.

Welcome to reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
It feels like you think you're smarter than the rest of us...

You clearly get off on writing these superhuman characters. Which is fine. But you try too hard and it comes off awkwardly, to me. I couldn't make it through One in Ten. I just hated the main character. I got about halfway through and got tired of the weird arrogance/omnipotence combo.

Let's talk about our boy Cael. It seems like his only weakness is not coming from wealth. His only prospect is fast food because he went to a small school. The dude's apparently omnipotent, he's got prospects. And scholarships are a very real thing for brilliant people.

You're trying to cram a superhero into a regular person and pretend there's nothing strange going on, and that makes it awkward to read. Anyone who can learn a dead language while fucking and apparently see the future does not qualify as a normal person.

It's just frustrating to read. You talk to the reader like we're slow. Oh, and Feng Shui? Everyone knows what that is. Your character not knowing was hilariously out of character.

Also, technically, he wasn't assaulted, he was battered. Colloquial use has led to assault and battery being combined, and then shortened to assault, as it is uncommon for someone to be deliberately physically harmed without assault (the aggressor causing the person to feel threatened) occurring as well. But a hit that be didn't see coming would technically be only assault, not battery. So, dear author, I'm afraid you'll need to let your mother know that you cannot, in fact, be mistaken for a law school grad. And when your boy Cael is acting smarter than everyone else around him, you might consider taking him down a peg.

I'll continue reading because I'm curious and open to being proven wrong, but I imagine that your style will continue to infuriate me. If I should find myself feeling differently I'll be sure to say so.

FinalStandFinalStandover 9 years agoAuthor
Well, Anon, you are somewhat right.

In my defense, this story is in the Sci-fi genre. I fully admit that Cael is extreme in so many things. Feng Shui? Why is him not knowing that so odd? In Chapter 35, he knows his Will Smith trivia but doesn't know about the current history of the nation of Georgia.

Cael will often voice his belief in one chapter only to be proven wrong later. He does occasionally make a bad call. This ratio of good to bad is such that he has reason to trust his gut and experience.

FYI, the smartest person in the room is Katrina. She's often the smartest person in the room even when she's not actually in the room.

Lastly, this story has the "comedy" and "dark comedy" descriptors for a reason. This story is not to be taken seriously.

WisquejacWisquejacover 9 years ago

In reading some of these comments I just have to say, "The lot of you sound like whiny children!" It is a science fiction story! Who the fuck says it is even in our reality! Shit do you understand the word "fiction?"

So just read it and quit getting your panties all bunched up! Finalstand I personally am enjoying the story so far and thought picking Hittite as the secret language they are speaking was a very nice touch. Keep on truckin'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Very Clever

Can't wait to see where this goes


GreenRevolverGreenRevolverabout 9 years ago

"You have an excellent grasp of linguistics as I recall." also called....a cunning linguist. Ah ah. Somebody probably already caught that joke.

bruce22bruce22almost 9 years ago
Worth Reading.

as a nice puzzle full of unstated rules and unusual relationships. At the moment I find this enjoyable, but I may tire along the way. I have to admit that the author likes turning our world topsy-turvy and then suggesting that we are out of step!

Geon54Geon54almost 9 years ago
12 paragraphs in....

"... Tessa smiled. I hoped she eventually give it back to the orca she'd swiped it from."

LOL. That turn of phrase got me hooked. Thanks!

On second reading, I notice there seems to be a minor grammatical flaw embedded there (give vs gives or maybe gave?), but nothing that interferes with the intent or story flow. I certainly didn't notice it until I decided to extract it for this comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Not good

I'm not sure why this has such a high score. I find it confused, abrupt and poorly crafted. I'll read another chapter and I hope it improves dramatically.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

much enjoyed

sadly let down by confusing dialogue in one or two places

and also hard to understand how one uses a 3000 year dead langauge to describe modern terms in business / finance / corporate governance.

and why there would even be a words/concepts for Amazonian in the Hittite vocabulary..


still i ignored that & voted 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Final Stand is a serial NON finisher of stories.

If you are coming to this story as a new reader, be aware that it is not finished and given that fact that Final Stand has a number of unfinished stories, is likely to remain so.

However, the story to date is quite interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Best series on this site

I disagree with anon below. This series is definitely worth your time and patience as Finalstand writes this story. You will find great characters operating in a fantastic internally consistent world with mind-bogglingly intricate research, humour fun oh and sex. Finalstand often responds to the comment and the insight that brings makes the stories better. Yes FS doesn't finish a lot of his stories but many of them have finished. e.g. Christian college sex comedy and one in 10. I enjoy this story enough that when it is finished and I believe it will be, I will buy it on Amazon.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
this is also fucking boring

and needs an editor.

gollyathgollyathover 7 years ago
The best

If you have an iota of patience, a bit of downtime, & high standards for how life should be lived, enjoy!

Broke my foot... readthrough #3 begins!

hellinahelmethellinahelmetover 7 years ago

This is definitely a good start to a possibly great story. Couldn´t figure out why Hittite to be the language...until the last few paragraphs, duh!! Sorry I was so slow, the tells were all there...on to ch. 02.

Muadib89Muadib89about 7 years ago

Clasic case of a story trying to much to be a sex story. No sane human would have stayed and played out like you wanted in that fight.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You have no idea. Yes there's sex, this IS literotica, and yes it can be glossed over if it's not your style, but the story has an amazing arc that if you're blowing off just because you don't like a little manwhoring then you're missing out and you have only your self to blame. 1 chapter is far from enough to make a judgement on this epic series.

FinalStandFinalStandabout 7 years agoAuthor
Muadib89 ... I'm unclear what you mean.

Are you are implying Cáel should have left? If so, at what point?

As the story develops, he is being paid an insane amount of money for a person with his degree from the college he graduated from. He was willing to put up with some 'oddities' for the HUGE PAYCHECK. Cáel also has the impression Katrina likes him so sticking it out makes sense.

If you think he should have left after he learned some of their corporate secrets ... I think I covered that. He didn't want to make anyone suspicious, so he decided to finish out the day.

If you are saying he should have left after the first slap ... when did he have the opportunity? He was slapped. When that happened, he asked for assistance. When none was forthcoming, he responded to violence with violence. Do you think he should have let Rhada slap him again? If so ... that's you, not him ... and wouldn't have developed the story the way I wanted to shape it.

When Mahdi joined in, he continued to resist. Why? It isn't Cáel's nature to submit.

Now, if you think the women acted irrationally - they did. The rationale behind their attitudes and actions is a major part of this story. The women think they have the right to treat Cáel as they wish when in private. Once the violence stops, the arguments play out due to Havenstone politics which aren't explained this early in the tale. Suffice it to say, their treatment of men is central to the tale.

James aka FinalStand

lazarus402002lazarus402002almost 7 years ago

many have complained about the lack of this or that (sex) I find that every story has a reason why it was posted.. some have some details at the beginning, some at the middle, and some at the end. every story has worthiness at different times.... so it is the reader's responsability to be patient.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Cael Imperial Aerosol Kid....

Talk about lying down on Broadway!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
my oh my

this story is brilliant !!!

it has cracked me up a number of times already and i am a measly three pages in .

it has intrigue, wit, and actual body.

can't wait to read on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
dude awesome!!!

We should let women rule. Men have fucked this world up big time. i can't wait to see what the following chapters hold and i sure as heel hope you finished it by now!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

No worries. Please continue to prioritize your health.

It's been almost 8 years and I've never commented

while secretly admiring your work. If it wasn't for that

(very rude in my opinion) comment I wouldn't have

lost my self control and responded in shock. Knowing

the bits of information that you have shared over the

years it's evident that there are considerably more

important things at stake here.

You're under no obligation to report your status, though

it is appreciated. I've no doubt most of your readers

understand this and are more concern about your well

being, hopefully finding some sort of solace and stability.

There's not much we can do, but stick with you.

Personally, if it take weeks, month, years I don't mind.

Ill always check up here and now since i'll always have

such fond memories of reading your work.

Take care,


SigonSigonover 3 years ago

I don't understand what's going on, but okay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Starting my 3rd time reading this story and I know there's and new chapter at the end from last time I read it, can't wait to read it.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 2 years ago

Yep, I read this series ages ago. I really enjoyed it then and I’ve forgotten enough of it to enjoy it again.

Spoiler for the first timers. The boys who get ‘sacked’ get disappeared.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

i feel like i’m reading a story in a different language. i have no fucking idea what’s going on. not even a little bit

Edhawk64Edhawk64over 1 year ago

This is the best story I have ever read on Literotica.

Your imagination and storytelling are both brilliant, thank you for sharing this with us.

Yes, I have read this story twice or three times before, so I know what I am talking about.

striker24striker24over 1 year ago

What in the hell is this shit? It's all sexist crap that makes no sense and it's fucking weird.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 1 year ago

Grrr. Pet hate is people calling ‘kneeling on one knee’ kneeling. When it’s NOT. Kneeling requires two knees on the ground, plain and simple. NOW the real term for ‘taking a knee’ or ‘bending the knee’ is GENUFLECTING. In a sentence… The man over there on one knee is ‘genuflecting’. Or. I’m tired says the woman, too much walking, I think I’ll ‘genuflect’.

So shitty Wikipedia has a page ‘body positions’ that says expressly that kneeling can be one or both knees and so on. While over at Wikipedia they have a page ‘Genuflecting’ that clearly says that only one knee is genuflecting and two knees are required for kneeling.

Who am I to believe? Wikipedia or Wikipedia or Webster’s dictionary or just 48 years of vocabulary? Three out of the four say kneeling is two knees and genuflecting is one knee. Funny as a case in point it’s why people are told to “bend the knee” or “take a knee” and not to kneel.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 1 year ago

@ striker24.

Well they just said that they are the real amazons. They also said that they are a criminal organisation that commits crimes against humanity, slaving, genetic engineering, etc. it’s an all girl, obviously, organisation that’s been forced to have men by the USA government in the USA branches, these are the first 5. It’s sexist because amazons are powerful women who think they are superior to men in all aspects and treat them as such because they abhor patheticness, both in mythology and this story.

What’s not understandable? It’s a sexist, violent, criminal organisation run by the real amazons and they have been forced by the USA legal system to hire men in the USA. While we follow the exploits of Cáel a guy who’s figured this out slowly but the language, the meeting, the fight and the conversation afterwards hammered it home. He’s in a den of murderers but needs the money so he tries to survive.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

A bit out there but lm enjoying it


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why do sad little fucks like submissive males?

And on top of that shit like, did you AIM for boring the brain cells out of everybody?

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Boy, ard there differences of opinion here. Find it confusing initially but now I begin to see more clearly, I think. Great start.

42757270656573427572706565735 months ago

This story is good and entertaining. I left five stars on every chapters. That being said, don't read it for the sex. It is often mentioned in passage, and when it's described, it's too short to get the motor running. Which I think is a shame because the protagonist is supposed to be a sex god. We usually get a short description followed by "She fell asleep after I gave her five orgasms" (especially after the first few chapters). I exaggerate a little but, but it's the gist of it. Fortunately, the plot and characters are interesting and makes you want to read more.

ClearmuseClearmuse25 days ago

Very interesting premise.

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

This is surprising wonderful. I had my doubts after the first chapter but this is unlike anything I have come across thus far and I have traveled the world reading anything I could get me hands on, even if it required translating. I find this most impressive and I shall have to read more of your tales after this one is finished. Thank you for making me aware of your work that you obviously take plenty of time and effort to create something that is the best that it can be. I appreciate it greatly.


AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Pardon my French, this is fucking hilarious. Oh thank you!

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