BabySitter and the Hot Tub

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Hot and sticky, they used the tub while the husband was away.
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Part 11 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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It was a hot and mucky day and I was feeling hot and mucky and irritable. I was also babysitting and I can assure you that chasing around after a couple of little imps does in no way alleviate your hotness or muckiness. It just adds tiredness to the mess that is you.

Sleepiness finally hit the little devils and they transformed into little angels, dead to the world, and hopefully they would remain that way.

With them out of the way I flopped back on the couch and cursed the fact that the Wilson's AC had broken down on a Friday. No-one was coming to repair it until Monday which was highly unfortunate. It wasn't that I was worried about the Wilsons having to sweat it out until then but the fact that I had to sweat it out right now that bothered me.

I was tempted to go and take a cold shower but Mrs Wilson would be home soon. Not Mr Wilson, though, as he was interstate, or so I was led to believe.

Mrs Wilson finally rolled up, walked in the house and started complaining.

"My god, it's like a sauna in here. How can you stand it? We have a fan. Why don't you have it turned on?"

"It is on," I told her. "In the kid's room. I thought it would be better in there and would help keep them asleep."

"Good thinking, Number Ninety Nine," she said, "but still. I'm sweltering here and you look as if you're going to ooze out under the door and flow down the drive to your car."

"That's how I feel," I admitted. "And my car doesn't have air conditioning. Just a heater which I don't think I'll require tonight."

Mrs Wilson laughed.

"I know what you mean. Hey, I have an idea. We have a hot-tub out on the back veranda. Why don't we just strip off and soak in the bubbles for a while?"

"A hot tub?" I asked. In this heat. She had to be kidding.

"Just because it's called that doesn't mean the water has to be hot," Mrs Wilson said with a laugh. "It'll be cool right now and whether you do or not, I'm going in. Coming?"

"Ah," I dithered. The thought of getting cool and un-mucky was wonderful, but. . . "I don't have my bathers," I demurred.

"I do, but stuffed if I'll be wearing them," said Mrs Wilson. She pointedly looked all around. "Just us chickens here," she said with a grin. "Not a rooster in sight."

"OK, I'm in," I said, capitulating with minimal resistance.

We stripped off in the kitchen and headed out to the tub. Mrs Wilson activated the jets and the water started bubbling like crazy. We both climbed in and relaxed, the cool rushing water washing all my troubles away. At least, it cooled me down and washed off the accumulated stickiness.

We sat and relaxed and chatted mainly about the children. Mrs Wilson maintained that they were fiends sent from hell to personally torment her. I was maintaining they were a pair of angels in disguise.

"A damned fine disguise," was Mrs Wilson's reply. "At time I think I should chain them to a wall and just throw food in their general direction."

I didn't comment to that as I'd been thinking something similar earlier. We switched topics, just talking to hear ourselves talk, probably.

After about half an hour I started making noises about having to go. Mrs Wilson gave a sigh as that meant she had to get out of the hot-tub as well, seeing I hadn't yet got paid. We climbed out and went padding back into the kitchen. I wasn't even going to bother about drying myself. The heat would do that all by itself.

We walked into the kitchen at the same time as Mr Wilson, who apparently was no longer interstate. He looked first at his wife and then at me, taking everything in, and we were certainly showing everything. Mr Wilson had a huge smirk on his face, matched by the one on his wife's. I had a totally crimson blush on, and froze like a deer in some headlights.

Possible it was my imagination but I was prepared to swear that Mr Wilson was paying more attention to me than to his wife. What wasn't my imagination was the way my nipples puckered and my breasts felt heavier, both things that I'm damned sure he noticed. Thankfully he couldn't see the unfortunate heat that pooled low down in my groin.

Maybe it wasn't my imagination that he was watching me too much because Mrs Wilson took a step towards him and swatted him on the chest.

"Don't go getting any ideas," she told him, making me blush even harder.

"I don't need to go and get any," Mr Wilson pointed out. "They were offered to me as soon as I walked in here."

"Maybe, but I suspect those ideas are breaking a couple of rules," said Mrs Wilson with a giggle. "Underage and virgins not permitted."

I just wanted to sink through the floor in embarrassment. I also wanted to grab my clothes and start putting them on, fast, but I couldn't help feeling that if I did that it would highlight the fact that I was standing there naked. So I stood and blushed and did nothing. Also, was he really saying that he wanted to fuck me? With Mrs Wilson standing right there? Not objecting to the fucking, I noticed, but to the legality of it.

"I hate to point it out but you did buy Janine a present for her eighteenth birthday," Mr Wilson said. "As to her virginity I'm willing to take the chance."

"You might, but Janine might not."

Actually I wasn't one, not that it was any of their business. I just gave the pair of them what I hoped was a repressive look. They totally ignored it.

"Excuse me," I said, loudly enough for them to actually look at me. Well, loudly enough for Mrs Wilson to turn and look. Mr Wilson had never stopped looking.

"As the person being discussed I'd think that I might have something to say," I stated firmly.

"Ah, why would you think that?" asked Mr Wilson, sounding genuinely curious. "Unless your views agree with ours they'll be ignored anyway."

Consider my mind boggled. He didn't say that, did he? I looked over at Mrs Wilson and she just smiled.

"Don't worry, dear," she said. "We wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to do. It's just that we may have to show you what you really want to do."

And just what did that mean?

"What I want to do is get dressed and go home," I said quickly.

"Ah, no, love, I don't think you do," Mrs Wilson gently told me. "If you really wanted to get dressed you've had ample opportunity to do so. Instead you've stood there, openly flaunting yourself before my husband. Is it any wonder that he's interested? I really think that you'd be unfair to him to change your mind at this stage."

Change my mind? I hadn't made up my mind one way or the other and surely they could have guessed that I'd say no to getting screwed? Now they were blaming me and saying I was offering?

"You've got to be kidding me. I never agreed to anything in the first place. In any case, you're also naked. He's your husband. You go and take care of his frustrations."

"Oh, I will, love, I will. Don't you worry about that. But I see no reason why he can't work off some of his excess energy showing you a good time. It's still too hot to be doing it all night long so you can help out."

I flicked a glance at Mr Wilson and promptly blushed again. While I'd been arguing with Mrs Wilson he'd been busy stripping and now he'd joined us in the nudity stakes. Gods above, but he was twice the size of my boyfriend. Um, I'm talking general physique here. Mr Wilson was the older by at least five years and he'd been putting on muscle and meat all during those years.

I flicked another glance at him and swallowed. OK, maybe he was even bigger than expected in some areas. His erection was rearing up and I was very determinedly looking elsewhere.

"Tell me, do you have a favourite position, dear," Mrs Wilson babbled on. "If you do I'm sure Mr Wilson will be only too happy to oblige you."

My immediate reaction to that was twofold. First, who in their right mind refers to their husband as Mr SuchAndSuch? Nobody, that's who. Second was what, precisely, did she mean by position? I had a nasty feeling that I both knew what she meant and didn't want to admit it.

"Thanks, but I'll pass," I said.

Mr Wilson just laughed, caught hold of me, and dragged me flush up against him. Our naked bodies were just plastered together. I could feel his nakedness rubbing against mine, some of it rubbing a bit too much for my peace of mind.

"That's what you say," he said, laughing at me, "but don't think I haven't noticed that you still haven't tried to get your clothes on even though Kate mentioned that earlier."

How nice. He at least referred to his wife by her first name. And at what point had I been in a position to grab my clothes and get dressed? Not that he was likely to pay any attention to such little details. He was talking to Kate again.

"What's say we adjourn to the bedroom? We'll be more comfortable there. We'll be able to see what Janine knows."

"Good idea," said Mrs Wilson at the same as I said, "No. Bad idea."

I had no intention of going to their bedroom with them. I was just going to stand firm. It turned out to be a bit hard to stand firm when your naked body is plastered against a man's naked body and his hands cups your buttocks and lifts. I went up, and as I rose I could feel myself dragging against his cock the entire way.

My hands were pushing at his shoulders, trying to get him to let me loose. Kate was dancing around behind me, telling him to lift me a little higher. He did and I felt Kate's hand push between my legs and then pull back again. While I didn't mind her pulling her hand back I could have done without the present she brought with her. She'd simply grabbed Mr Wilson's cock and dragged it between my legs, and now it was pressing up against me at a very sensitive spot.

"Just relax and settle down, Janine," Kate said. "You'll find you're making a commitment very quickly."

With that my arms went around Mr Wilson's neck and my legs around his waist as I tried to pull myself away from his erection. I tried to protest but it was rather hard to come up with a telling argument while I was being bounced up and down as he walked, with each downwards bounce threatening to leave me skewered like a bug on a very fat pin.

The Wilsons calmly strolled to their bedroom with me expecting an involuntary sexual experience the whole way. As it was we reached the room with me still unplugged, if you know what I mean. As soon as we were past the door I found myself flying through the air to land flat on my back on the bed. Kate landed next to me and grabbed my wrists and moved them above my head.

Mr Wilson grabbed my ankles and lifted my legs high and wide. I was about to start protesting (again) and struggling but Kate started talking.

"Stop getting all fussed up. All that's going to happen right now is Mr Wilson will show you that you can handle him without any problems. Just a simple easing in and a quick withdrawal. All over in nothing flat."

I didn't believe her. No way was I going to believe her. Still, I could pretend for a moment and save the swearing until he demonstrated what a liar she was. I just watched and sweated as Mr Wilson brushed his cock against my slit for a few moments, smiling to himself at my involuntary reactions. He eased my lips apart with a couple of fingers and then his cock was pressing into me.

Kate might have been right about him simply easing in but I wasn't so sure about my handling him. He looked enormous and once he was starting to move into me he felt even bigger. I'd have screamed like a little bitch as I saw him sinking in but I didn't want to look and feel like a fool. OK. I have to admit that he wasn't actually hurting me. Just making me feel most peculiar and even that was in a rather pleasant manner, maybe I could handle him.

He went deeper and I was holding my breath. I was also starting to feel faint and if I didn't breathe I probably would. I took a long shuddering breath and Mr Wilson laughed and gave a slightly harder push to bang fully home.

"See," said Kate. "Nothing to it."

At the same time she gave a jerk of her head and a meaningful look to Mr Wilson and he actually pulled back and away from me. Before I could comment on this he'd dropped my legs back to the bed. He didn't just drop them. He had one buckled at the knee and the other one on top of it. Then he took hold of the bent leg and just sort of twisted, rolling it over my straight leg and I just spun on the spot, going from my back to my front with no assistance from me.

That accomplished he gave me a slap on the bottom with the command, "Bottoms up," and the implicit suggestion was there that if it didn't come up a harder spank might follow.

I scrambled to do what he said, head down, bum up, but going, "What, what, what?" at the same time.

"Same as before," Kate said. "Just showing you what you can do."

"I don't need you to show me," I pointed out rebelliously. "I know what I can do."

"Maybe," came the answer, "but you don't know what we can do. Now hush and find out.'

Part of what they could do was have Mr Wilson invade me again, his erection sliding in more smoothly this time, apparently having already oiled the way for easier access. He just game banging in, this time with a small cry of surprise from me, not really have expected it.

I have to admit that I was finding this intrusion pleasurable. Even though I'd only had limited experience where sex was concerned those experiences had been most enjoyable. I didn't really expect this current experience to be any less, even if there was a note of coercion to it. I waited for him to withdraw, as promised, and wondered what was next.

What was next was the realisation that the immediate withdrawal only applied to the initial test. Mr Wilson wrapped his arms around me, cupping my breasts, and then things got screwy. He rolled over onto his back, taking me with him so I finished up straddling him. He'd twisted his legs out from under him and now he was stretched out, flat on his back, with me kneeling and straddling him, still impaled on his cock. I was also facing his feet, somewhat to my consternation.

"Dear me, this will never do," Kate told me, pulling my legs from under me and straightening them up. That done she calmly took hold of my ankles and spun me around, with me revolving on his cock like a wheel on an axle. Now I was facing him and he was laughing at me.

"Why don't you just sit there and rock a little while you contemplate how you want thinks to go," Kate suggested.

"What do you mean?" I asked, totally confused by this point. (That confusion didn't stop me from starting to rock, feeling his cock moving inside me with all those delicious thrills that resulted.)

"It's quite simple. Do you want to continue in a similar manner to what you're doing now and have a nice slow loving or do you want to be effectively raped, pinned down on your back while Mr Wilson demonstrates his mastery over your helpless body?"

I dithered. What sort of choices were those? Both of them resulted in me being screwed by Mr Wilson and I thought I'd already pointed out that I wasn't going to be in it. There again, the fact that I was apparently quite happy to sit there and bounce up and down on his fat cock may have given them a wrong impression of my preferences.

"She can't seem to make up her mind," Kate said when I remained silent. "I think that means that you're going to have to get all manly on her and dictate how things go."

"I can do that," Mr Wilson said and the world turned on its head again.

This time Mr Wilson had rolled back onto his stomach and I was lying on the bed under him, his weight crushing me into the mattress. He had also managed not to lose contact and those happy little bounces I'd been giving were an immediate thing of the past.

This was no longer a gentle cooperative occasion. Mr Wilson was pulling back and then driving in forcefully, nailing me to the bed with the energy of his thrust, all dynamic power and masculine stamina, showing me what he thought a woman should be used for.

I was all little screams and frantic gasps for breath and I was working hard to keep up with him, determined that whatever he did I would handle it. It was wild and exciting and I was both helpless and free. Not having any choice in the matter I could just let myself go, doing my best to extract every ounce of pleasure I could.

Oh, but I have to say that he gave it to me good and proper. Nothing in my experience had prepared me for something like this and it was purely elemental. I was willing to bet it would be a while before I received the same sort of workout again. (Unless, of course, Mr Wilson pounced on me again, sometime.)

I was so worked up and screaming that when I finally climaxed I just went from one sort of excited screaming to another, very slowly coming down from my high.

Kate helped me get cleaned up afterwards. While I was doing this she had a few words of wisdom for me.

"It's obvious that you need to learn more about how to handle a man," she told me. "Come around tomorrow and we'll persuade Mr Wilson to let himself be tied to the bed. Then I'll show you some tricks you can do and you can test them out on him. We'll see how long we can keep him going."

I didn't say anything to what was a ridiculous suggestion. Totally ridiculous. Still, I couldn't help wondering what sort of things she might show me if I did turn up. Not that I would.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Clean up by mrs wilson

You could have added a lot more to this story, it was still very good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Even worse proofreading than your usual, amazingly enough in such a short story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well written, very enjoyable

AshsonAshsonover 5 years agoAuthor
Dear Anonymous

Over sixty million views and it shows no sign of slowing down.

It appears that people think I'm doing something right.

It may not be great literature but it's fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Yawn, Yawn

I think the last line in your Biography sums it all up.

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