A Satiny Halloween Pt. 01


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Chris made a note because it would help when he needed to go. But he started thinking about it and wondering if was unbuttoned the whole time she was behind the bar and thought about how close the vampire stood.

They walked around some more. Linda unbuttoned his button too so he could make a stop. "JUst remember to sit down, that's what girls do" she teased. When he came out they walked and talked to a few people but Chris was bored. Fortunately, he had also had his erection go down without Diana around to instigate Linda teasing him.

Chris and Linda came up to the Smiths again. They seemed to be having an argument. They stopped talking but not before Linda overheard the word whore.

"Hi again. Chrissy and I wanted to tell you want a lovely party this has been. We don't want to stay too late, we have a drive." She didn't say it was a short drive so Mrs. Smith might have assumed they were headed back.

Mrs. Smith was grateful and Mr. Smith looked disappointed. "Linda, I'm so happy I invited you. You're so classy not like everyone who came. And your friend Chrissy is lovely too." She smiled at them.

Linda looked surprised. "Did something happen?"

Mr. Smith was too busy staring at both Linda and Chrissy to answer but Mrs. Smith said, "Nothing significant but my nephew looks like he left and I told George I thought this whore here earlier dressed as a witch was after him. George said it wasn't true but you know men."

Linda nodded. "Oh yes, Diana. I met her earlier. A little drunk maybe but she was talking about older men and vampires I think."

"That makes me feel better. But the only vampire here is that ridiculous Tony and he's still here. I saw him kissing someone earlier and it wasn't a witch. It was a princess." She nodded and winked and both Linda and Chris.

Linda asked Mr. Smith to take her upstairs and help her find Marie so they could make arrangements about a ride. That left Chris talking to Mrs. Smith or at least listening.

Mrs. Smith kept going on about Diana and how her husband stared at her and how she was going to kill her nephew for being rude and how hard it is being a hostess. "You're very understanding, Chrissy. You know how it is I bet. At a party like this you can dress up and change who you are a little but not as much when you're the hostess especially since George is just useless. Do you know happened earlier? You can't breathe a word to George obviously. But that one police officer over there he made a joke about illegal searches and pretended to frisk me. It was very rude and he used it to grope my butt." Then she leaned in and whispered, "I should have slapped him but it got me excited so I didn't say anything. I might try to get George to make love tonight and in my mind pretend he's arresting me. After three glasses of wine, I'm out of control."

Chris laughed, said a word or two at the right moments. He said, "well, technically it's the day before Halloween so maybe tomorrow on the real Halloween you can let loose and go somewhere else and let someone arrest you." They laughed and then he whispered "shh, here they come."

Linda said "OK, goodbye you two." She kissed Mrs. Smith on the cheek who then turned her back and said goodbye to Chrissy. Chris was surprised that she squeezed his ass, giggled, and said "you have the right to remain silent. Our secret, remember."

While her back was turned, Linda pulled George's head into her cleavage and smothered him a little then kissed him hard on the lips and then licked his ear. She grabbed Chris and walked to the door.

Outside, Linda said "I told Marie that Linda and Chrissy are leaving but she can get a cab whenever she wants. She wanted to stay so I don't care. I'm taking you back to the house and we can wind down and go to bed. We'll see her later."

Chris found that he didn't care about Janet. She had ditched him, that was clear. But they had been pretty casual for weeks now so it wasn't exactly a surprise. It was weird but he found a strange attraction for her mom. That was stupid. He guessed he probably wouldn't see her again after they officially broke up but she had spent a lot of time with each other tonight. So he'd had a good time.

Linda was talking on the very short drive back. "I'm glad we did this. It was fun. It was a weird party. At least it was boring. The Smiths are very boring aren't they? Even their costumes were boring. Just a funny hat."

Chris said, "well not completely boring." Then he told her about Mrs. Smith and the cop and her squeezing him. "I think she was almost saying she wished she could go to a party at someone else's house and pretend to be another person. I guess that is what I'm doing."

Linda liked this. "Maybe she's not as boring as I think. Well, you aren't someone different. You're just you in panties and a dress. You're still the same man you were. Think about your penis throbbing in your panties. I'm sorry I should talk about panties or your penis. I don't want you to be nervous hearing me say the word penis or know that I'm talking your penis and whether it is throbbing in your panties. But it is pretty fun. I thought about it a lot tonight. I mean you were the only one there you went all out. No other man disguised his penis by putting it inside satin panties. I think any penis would throb in black satin panties. But I'll talk about something else. I'll talk about the slut Marie."

Chris was trying not to think about all the times she said the word penis or the word panties. It made him crazy. But then he was interested when she wanted to talk about Janet. He was done with Janet but it was interesting that her own mom was talking about her and calling her Marie, her costume name, instead of Janet.

"I know our third person was disappointing but Marie is a slut. She's been a slut for a while. Every guy she's dated has been an idiot like that vampire. Most of them were younger than the vampire I guess. I only liked one of the guys she's ever brought home. That's you sweetie." She smiled and patted his thigh.

"You treat her better than she deserves and I think she was going to dump you but I like you so I thought this would be good. I mean we can still be friends, right? And after the way she treated you it really makes me mad. I mean you know why her button was unbuttoned right? And the look on her face? When we saw her behind the bar and that guy had his hand up her skirt, maybe you didn't notice. You're too trusting. Anyway, we left her behind and we don't have to even think about her for a while. There were other fun people. Diana was fun. I wish we saw more of her but she went off with that young man and shocked Mrs. Smith. That's silly, like age matters at all. Anyway, we're home."

They got out at the lake house and went in. Linda talked Chris into a drink. She got wine and they went onto the balcony off the master bedroom. It was down the hall and around the other side of the House from the stairs and Janet's room.

They didn't change because it was just after midnight and Linda said they should stay in costume because it was now Halloween. "Chrissy, dear, it's so private here. You can't see anyone or hear anyone except the houses way across the lake twinkling like stars. Here we are, just two girls drinking wine and having a ladies night out. I'm teasing. But I'm so proud of how we pulled this off. I thought immediately about dressing you up and how sexy you would look. I know it's a different sexy and maybe a little kinky but you know vampire loser wanted his hand up your skirt first and that Diana would have been happy to go lesbian for you. And, be honest with your new best-girlfriend, wine-buddy, I bet you were hard all night in your pretty panties?"

Chris was nervous. The wine helped a little even though he hadn't had as much as Linda. She made him nervous but also he was comfortable too. "This is great. It is so completely peaceful here and the rest of the world isn't even there. And I was not hard. Maybe sometimes. I mean it doesn't matter and you know panties are whatever. I mean sexy and stuff like that. It's natural. And Diana was fun, you said so too but I wasn't thinking about her most. And vampire guy was just an asshole, sorry. It wasn't our skirts he wanted to rip."

Linda laughed. "He didn't have to rip anything. I'm not thinking about him but see how this works. The button here is open. Now pretend this railing is the bar that the slut is standing behind. Just try and look normal. The other person's hand goes here behind the knee and touches the nice silky nylon and caresses. But without the button the skirt is open higher if you let it be. Just move your feet further apart. Yes, like that. See how up above the railing we see nothing, you and me watching. But here, the hand slowly moves up. It can push your skirt up and gently squeeze your ass. Oh I like doing that. But I think it also went underneath here. See how the hand can touch the soft skin on either side and then touch the middle of the panties? And then I can slide my hand forward without anyone noticing and right here. I'm cupping your cute balls with my hand. I bet they look cute inside their silk pouch. On a woman it's different and it isn't these being cupped but a finger teasing." Then she pulled her hand out and drank some wine.

Chris was shocked and tried not to think too much about it. She was so clinical the way she talked and acted like she was teaching not doing anything dirty. It made it impossible to stop her but it also made her much sexier. His cock was twitching and he actually groaned out loud when she cupped his balls.

Laura was thrilled at the reaction she got. He was just perfect. Her hand actually shook a little as she drank her wine. She kept hoping her bitchy daughter didn't come home and ruin it but she pressed on. "That didn't help did it? I mean you don't really understand completely because you are not a woman. You have a juice throbbing cock poking in your panties which is different. I have an idea to help explain. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl over here. Then undo my button. Go ahead."

She watched as he just obeyed. He got down and crawled. She turned slightly and he fumbled with the button. Then she moved her legs very wide and lifted her skirt a little too.

"That's right. Good boy. Now stay down there so you can see and run your hands up and down my legs. Both sides. All the way from the knee to the panties. Don't be shy. There. You can tell how that might make a woman a little excited. Now run your hand slowly over my ass to push the skirt up a little and feel my panties covering me. Nice, isn't it? Nice and slow. Yes. Now under and around a little and then push the middle finger right, oh yes right there. Oh fuck. See, can you see how, oh, warm, I mean wet, how wet, oh yes, see how wet a hand might make a, oh fuck, woman, oh okay. wow."

She pulled away and turned and pulled him to his feet. It was too soon. "Anyway, you can see how a slut behind a bar at a party might enjoy that. Here grab your wine and let's go inside. We'll sit over here by the gas fireplace. Isn't this cozy? A little couch and coffee table. And it so much warmer. Very warm actually. Oh wait a minute, that's my phone. I'll put it on speaker so be nice and quiet. Hello?"

Chris was silent and took the chance to secretly smell his hand after his fingers had been to such a nice place. He was trembling. But he heard his girlfriend on the other end of the phone. Maybe he should think of her as his ex-girlfriend.

"Hi Linda, this is Marie calling. I was thinking there was no need for you to come back and get me. You're probably tired and settled in. I told our hosts that I had a few drinks and George offered to let me spend the night here. I think they expected to put up a few people. I thought I should let you know."

Linda rolled her eyes at Chris. "Hi Marie, I have you on speaker because I'm changing. I'm glad, Marie, that you can stay. It's very convenient, Marie. It's good that others are staying over too so it's not just you and George and people. I almost wish we had stayed too, Marie, but it will be relaxing here. Anyone else we know staying over, Marie?"

Chris noticed how many time Linda said Marie and decided she also thought it was funny like he did that Janet was playing as Marie still. But she was brief and didn't want to stay on the phone. "Good, you should relax. I think there are six or seven people here. None of your friends but I'm not sure everyone who is here. I'm sure the Smiths will be nice. Anyway, I should go. Good night." And she hung up.

Linda hung up and smiled. "She's a bitch isn't she? Still calling herself Marie. Actually that's good. I don't need people thinking anything else. I'm done thinking about her. We're fine without her. In fact, I'm glad she didn't come back. We'll have a nice quiet night to ourselves without her around. I do want to take my dress off though to protect it. Here help me." With that she was busy undoing it and didn't wait for an answer and expected help.

When they removed it, Linda acted completely normal, hung it up and removed the petticoat. She turned to Chris as if it was normal to be standing there in bra and panties and stockings. "That's better because of the heat. And it protects the dress. Oh, we should get yours off too then we can have a drink."

She moved and Chris was overwhelmed and just let things happen. She got it off, told him to do the petticoat, hung up the dress, then walked to the couch and sat down waiting for him like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Linda's super-normal attitude sort of put Chris at ease or made him think it was okay. But he was nervous. He was a man sitting with his girlfriend's mom, wearing black super-sexy lingerie, and to make it worse his cock was rigid. The panties had a spot for that like they were designed for a hard cock to fit in them but he still looked aroused even if Linda acted relaxed.

Linda wasn't relaxed really. She was excited but she knew that everything was going better than she could have expected and she needed to act calm to make things move ahead. He came over and sat on the couch and she was already talking. She felt the need to keep talking almost like it kept Chris in a trance.

"You know, Chris, I could tell this would be a good idea for a costume. I know you're always relaxed and you seem the kind of person who makes the best of whatever. I had noticed that my, I mean your, I mean Marie. Marie never treated you like she should but you went along with it and made the best of it. And when I was thinking of costumes, I thought about you and about me. Marie was always an extra. I thought you'd be up for anything and were a risk taker and just plain fun. This has been fun hasn't it.?"

Chris smiled. He was feeling more relaxed all the time. Part of it was that he wasn't used to wine. But also he really liked Linda and she made him feel good about himself. "To be honest, Linda, it seemed weird at first and I wasn't sure but you made it seem so normal and then the whole night was different. It was like I was a different person. And you went all out with the costume. It's amazing. I guess to get into a character you have to focus on details."

Linda squeezed his hand. "Exactly! I thought about other costumes but then I thought about this. I mean I love the way silk and satin feel. It's very sensual. And I know a lot of guys think silk is sensual too. It's very erotic even. Guys like to see women dressed in it all the time. And I knew you probably liked lingerie a lot. I think I noticed you staring at one of the catalogs around my house. Don't be embarrassed. Every guy does."

She turned a little and looked at him as she talked now. "Any some men even go through their mommy's dresser and play with her panties. And I think some men might even go through their girlfriends hamper and look for her panties or maybe her mother's panties." She paused because she could tell he was breathing hard and half embarrassed and half excited. "And a good costume is a chance to see how sexy they feel from the inside."

He didn't know what to say but she solved that by issuing an order. "Darling Chrissy, be a dear and go get my wine I seem to have left on the fireplace."

She watched him go quickly and obediently and come back. When he handed her the wine, she stopped him from sitting and she looked surprised. "Oh wait. Oh dear. Oh my Chrissy. That's my fault."

He was confused until she touched the bulge in his panties. "No, I didn't, I mean I'm sorry."

She patted his bulge and said, "No, don't apologize. It was me. I kept talking about panties and penises and I wasn't thinking about your penis throbbing inside your panties. The silky satiny feel of your panties caressing your manhood and making you excited." As she talked, she continued to pet it and touch it and gently fondle it.

"It isn't fair is it? Your penis has been hard all night and satiny all night." She stroked his thighs with one hand over the stockings and the garters and the naked thighs between his stocking tops and panties.

She looked at him and kissed the tip of the bulge in his panties and kissed along the satin shaft. Then she kissed the satiny balls underneath and then cupped them, gently stroking and squeezing them. She looked up with her tongue on the wet panty spot at his tip and then spoke. "I don't think Marie has pleased you orally yet has she? No. We need to relax you."

Chris was shaking and feeling like his fantasy life was his real life. He watched as she opened her mouth and put it over the panties and his penis at the same time. Her hands rubbed the backs of his legs, his stockings, then up to his ass and squeezed and fondled, moving his hips in rhythm along with the satin blowjob. Hands on his satin ass, a mouth encasing his cock which was encased in satin. He couldn't last.

She sensed it and pulled off just for a second to say "Darling, cum in your pretty panties while they're in my mouth." She had a moment to suck him in again before he tensed. She held tight to his ass and then felt him explode. The panties didn't contain all the mess but they helped a little.

After a few minutes, she patted the couch next to her and said "that should help, now what were we talking about?"

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Medussa55Medussa5511 months ago

I really disliked this. It's just a fantasy dump. Characters change personalities far too often with lazy explanations. Ok it's a fetish fantasy and I have little problem with that perhaps even Parental manipulation so maybe we shouldn't expect a coherent plot. Just as well as we didn't get one. Just to be sure I sneaked a peek at the latest chapter published. It hasn't got any better 1 star

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

almost a 5 star rating. like how Chrissy's panties got wet. waiting for more

BulkingtonBulkingtonover 5 years ago
You transcend the genre

Your panty-boy seductions rival Agatha Christie's murder plots in cleverness! And your bravura character sketches and psychological insights into character are brilliant. More, more!

A suggestion--a more sinister motive, like an inheritance in the balance, might heighten the drama.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 5 years ago

It appears that Chris will get lucky in the next chapter as Linda had planned! I wonder if there will be an FFM when Janet/Marie returns! Lots of possibilities. Looking forward to the continuation of the story. Rated it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

What a pile of crap.

Missing words and shit grammar. Learn your or you're.

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