
Sorry it takes me forever to post. I'm writing and re-writing as fast as I can.

I get writers block like A LOT - if you have questions suggestions comments (please comment it helps) feel free to hold forth, even criticisms help - but don't be cruel.


Just the facts here ya’ll. I have been writing my butt off. I have re-worked/re-written Dax & Lulu and added some. There’s a patreon page in the works and I hope to see you there.

I am seriously considering taking down the entire series. Don’t panic, if I do that I will post for a limited time only - the entire re-written and slightly improved Dax & Lulu book I series here on Lit.

If you have ideas storylines you’d like to see, then let a girl know.

I did post when I said I would. The Lit didn’t like it. So I just delved deeper into painting. As you can see from my new profile pic. There’s a site for that too, if you’re curious send up a flare and I’ll tell you.

I am striving to put up a teaser here on the Lit in the very immediate future.

I'm back and I'm writing. Bear with me, it's coming.

Thank you for the comments.

3.28.21 - well what is there to say. A LOT. but I won't go into much here.
Except to say I am unemployed :) Joy.

Now that I have somewhat moved past my fit of pique (pissed as fuck) I now have time to write.

I have notes all over the place on the phone on the iPad, written down and so I will be trying to cobble it all together.

i'm telling you now I am in a pissy place ya'll so many things have happened and are happening.

So much so that I want to reject this entire shit show of a reality. SO hang on.

If anyone wants to read or re-read and give me suggestions or just bounce ideas off me I can't promise to take it in that direction but it helps tremendously.

& SO I'm back? for now anyway.

2.25.20 - oh my, looking at the last date below I am really behind and off my game. I won't make promises, but hopefully I can get back to this soon. Writing is hard especially when you're tired and distracted. I do want to say thank you for those of you who prompt me to writ an send feedback to that effect. I hear you and your missives are not disappearing into some internet void. THANK YOU for reading and saying what the hell girl?! LOL!

Dark thoughts and clean living.


Hello out there party people - I am still writing and will be back with the postings again in the very near future - in the meantime I sincerely thank you for the encouragement and kind remarks.

Much Love & Thanks


Still Here



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Painting, Writing, World Domination

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