Index : membres : Seanathon : Biographie

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La Biographie de Seanathon:
Sexe: Pas de réponse
Poids: Pas de réponse
Hauteur: Pas de réponse
Orientation: Pas de réponse
Intéressé Par: Rien
Statut: Pas de réponse
Fume : Pas de réponse
Bois : Pas de réponse
Fétiches: Aucun(e)
Animaux de compagnie: Aucun(e)
User Number: 1653701
Member Since: October 3, 2013
Dernière Modification: September 25, 2016
Quelques mots de Seanathon:

Update: Sep. 25/2016

Thanks to all who are still reading/commenting on my stories. As many have noticed, I have been on hiatus from writing on Literotica for the last year due to real life commitments/issues.

The second chapter of The Two-Headed Monster was taken down in the hope of re-writing it as, after posting it, I had mixed feelings on the way Aria and Zane's story had developed in relation the the first chapter of their story. Unfortunately, due to the previously mentioned r/l issues this rewrite is also on hiatus and, at this time, I have no plans on re-posting the second chapter as originally written.

Thanks again for your continued support of my stories and I hope to be back writing (for Literotica) soon!


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