Xenophilia - The Alien - Pt. 02

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
8.1k words

Part 35 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


The alien slowly slipped herself off the man's slowly softening cock, a slick sound emanating from their nether regions. She had ridden him hard, yes, filling him with the ecstasy of her love. He had given so much seed, but now he was exhausted, panting heavily but shallowly, his eyes barely open. She smiled, leaning in close to peck him on the forehead, her only response a slight wince and a beleaguered groan. She chuckled quietly to herself, before peeling away from him, her breasts sticky from her own sweaty secretions. She would let him rest, perhaps let a sister tend to him; he would not be ready for feeding for a while yet, though no doubt he'd be feeling hungry quite soon.

All the same, she licked her lips and blew him a farewell kiss. He did not notice, but she didn't mind. No, she was happy with the lovely communion they shared. But now... now she was still hungry, and her catch needed rest. Yes, he needed rest, and she needed to sate her hunger. She looked around; those that were not slumbering were already attended to, either by her sisters or the Queenmother's eggs. She smirked; just the excuse to go up once more to hunt. If she brought back another, the Queenmother would reward her. Yes, yes, reward her greatly.

The alien shivered in delight, before making its way out of the passageway, a lusty sway to her gait. It caught the attention of some of her sisters, who beckoned her over to their open embrace. She smiled, but declined, too hungry for the hunt to want to spend time with her sisters right now... no matter; they would hunt her down later instead, and pay her back for her 'rudeness'... she looked forward to the struggle and the love. For now, she just blew them teasing kisses, which were met with devious, predatory smirks, a sure sign they were definitely planning on hunting her down in 'revenge'.

The creature sauntered her way out of the passage, watching one of her sisters escort a human female with a bloated stomach, a happy expression upon her face; such a sight brought joy to the alien, knowing that they were succeeding with their plan. Soon, most, if not all, of the humans would be relishing in the love of the Hive. Her home and theirs would become one, even if not so obvious from the outside eye... but the union between them would be ever so close. The Queenmother never wanted to destroy what they had built, or rob the humans from that life... only bring the two together into something... beautiful.

But for now, there were still humans to hunt. Still stragglers that needed to be caught before the Queenmother's goal could be fully realised... but knowing there was progress made the alien happy, a shrill, shivering hiss leaving her lips at the thought. It was something she yearned for and was happy was coming. She eventually made her way to the passages that led to the colony, though this time, she made her way up a shaft that led to the surface, away from the colony proper. She emerged from a hole in the ground, the cold wind of the barren world whipping at her nude body. She didn't feel it much, her sturdy form more than capable of surviving much harsher conditions, even if appearances didn't suggest as much. But she didn't think on it, only the prospect of another hunt. Another for the Queenmother's love.

She made her way across the terrain, bounding on all fours and low to the ground, leaping where she could to increase her pace, before slowing down once she reached one of the doors. It was trickier to get inside from the outside, of course, but like her sisters, she took different routes each time, to make it difficult to track down. She crawled along the walls of one of the interconnecting passageways, looking for a door that she could enter; many were locked, though some had been opened by her sisters, and left open by whatever means, so any sister could use them. She found such a door, jammed open by a piece of metal. A warning tone alarmed that there was a blockage. She paid no heed, opening the inner door, similarly forced to prevent it from locking, and slipping inside.

Almost immediately, she picked up a scent; a fertile female, but alert and aggressive. She would have to be cautious. She would've played with the man before if she could've, if she hadn't gotten so excited, but she'd have to be careful with this one. None of her sisters had yet lost their life to a human, though a few had been injured... there were human warriors in this place. Some were not so dangerous, but there were a few, clad in armour and wielding weapons that shredded through their carapace and flesh with ease. If this one was armed similarly, then she wouldn't toy with her, not too much... not until she knew if the human was more easily taken.

She tracked the scent, and came across her quarry within a storage room of sorts, crates and containers stacked upon one another all over the place. It was cluttered, and a perfect place to stalk her prey from. Of course, the woman she found was not without protection; she held one of the human firearms, a small hand-held weapon. Pistols, they were called, and they were capable of killing her if aimed true. The woman was alert, and she had a fierce expression on her face, but she didn't wear the attire of the protectors, and nor was she one of the soldiers. She seemed to be but a simple worker, but she held herself aggressively. Her pheromones also showed her alertness, her hostility. Yes, she would have to be careful with this one.

She examined the room; no ventilation ducts in obvious view, that weren't partially covered at least. Others were too small. She would have to move through the boxes, and strike when she was close enough to be faster than the human's reactions. She looked at the woman again; she was at the back of the room, glancing at the vents that were too small, and glancing at the ones that weren't, but were partially blocked. She knew. She knew the way her sisters did things. Smart woman... fertile. It was a lovely smell, and there was fear as well. But what fear she scented was overwhelmed by the aggression, the anger. This woman was dangerous. Frightened, but more akin to a cornered predator than a simple, squeaking prey animal.

The alien dropped low to the ground, moving from box to box, exploiting the shadows. The human was likely here to hide, as she was not moving from where she had placed herself. Perhaps she was hoping for rescue. It was only the alien herself who she would look forward to meeting. The alien crouched low, watching the woman between the numerous stacks of crates, careful and alert, much like the woman. She slowly closed the gap, but the human became alarmed, eyes widening and whipping her pistol around. She grunted, but said nothing; she trusted nothing. She did not think it was a fellow human, and she looked ready to flee... and ready to kill.

The alien drew closer, weaving between boxes, making sure her tail didn't linger... but it invariably scraped across the ground, just where she'd been before flicking it back to her body. It caught the human's attention, focusing on where she had just been, and not where she was now. It was the window she needed, the alien crouching low as she observed her prey, the human's teeth gritting. She smelled of sweat and exertion, no doubt having run quite hard before hiding here. But she was still energetic, the alien could tell that much. She would have to be quick to take the human. Her body tensed up, ready to strike...

The human turned, noticing just the barest movement. Her eyes widened and her face twisted with a shocked expression. Anger and fear flashing across her countenance as she brought the weapon in her hand to bear. The alien lunged, a hand reaching out intent on knocking the human's weapon away. The human pulled the trigger on her weapon, but by then, the alien was too close, the shot going past the alien's head. She pinned the human to the ground now, tackling her into a stack of boxes, before wrestling with the woman to keep her forced down.

One of her hands gripped the human's wrist, the one connected to the hand that held the gun, keeping it pointed away from her chitinous head. She slathered like a beast, not resin, but drool of exertion, before getting a firm grip on the woman. She pinned both the human's wrists down, and snaked her legs around the female's, the writhing human trying to fight back, getting a few good punches in before the alien had her wrists pinned. She growled at the creature, fierce and frightened.

"I'll fucking kill you, you freak!" she snarled. The alien was quite surprised; it wasn't often that one encountered a human this fierce, but they weren't to be taken likely.

Still, the woman had a lovely smell, and she was quite the attractive figure... just perfect for mating. It made her feel bad that she couldn't impregnate this female. She did, however, have eggs to provide, and even if they would not hatch into anything... it felt wondrous to implant them in another female's body. But... she would take her time with this one, smiling before moving to run her tongue up the human's face, causing the female to mutter in disgust, grimacing.

Her tongue was long, sticky and slimy, and it left a trail of sweet-tasting saliva across her countenance. The woman continued to squirm, the alien's breasts pressing to the female's through their clothing. The alien delighted in the rippling of her chest, the way the human's struggling so erotically massaged her mounds, the feeling of their bodies rubbing across and against one another.

At the same time, the alien's tail had begun snaking its way towards the human's wrists, slowly tying them together above the woman's head, so that the alien was free to slip downwards. It was tricky to get the human's hands together, though the alien managed it by distracting her with more slow, firm licks to the woman's face, letting her slimy muscle glide up the woman's flesh. She groaned and shivered, trying to fight back, all the while grimacing in disgust. She muttered, before trying to break free of the alien's grasp.

It didn't succeed, and soon, her wrists were bound above her head. The alien hissed in delight, and proceeded to slowly travel down the woman's body... undoing the zipper and buttons of her attire as she did, slowly exposing the human's form. The woman widened her eyes, and she adopted an almost manic expression.

"The fuck are you doing!? Get off me!" she shouted, cursing and speaking with such a vicious tone.

The alien didn't listen. She was starting to reveal more and more of the human, and the smooth body beneath the clothes was far too enticing for her to simply ignore, applying wet licks and slow, sloppy kisses to various parts of her torso, pecking her breasts all over, gently flicking her nipples with the tip of her tongue before doing the same to her stomach as the alien dropped further down. The human tasted nicely, even if it was something other humans wouldn't have agreed upon, the sweat trapped by the woman's clothes giving the alien a most unique flavour about the woman.

The creature smirked and hissed, dropping lower and lower until she was peeling the human's pants and underwear downwards. From there, she revealed a cleanly shaven vulva, causing the alien's mind to light up; it was always a treat to find such smooth groins on humans. They found hair was obstructive, and sometimes hurt their mates... this was so much nicer.

Nice enough, in fact, that the alien didn't hold off on licking the woman's slit, causing her to jump and a high-pitched squeak of surprise to leave her mouth.

"What, what are you doing!? Stop that, you fucking monster!" More and more curses came from the woman's mouth; she certainly was a fiery one. The alien liked that, licking its lips and once more applying a slow, sensual draw of its muscle up the human's slit, letting the tip of her inky black muscle flick off of the woman's clitoris, causing her to yelp and squeak once again in stimulation. She shivered, and she groaned.

"Ugh... no, this is... fucked up..." she remarked, her breathing starting to become huskier with each slow, wet lick the alien applied to the woman's vulva.

The alien smelled and tasted other men on her, the pheromones of prior mates still clinging to her... even those of other human women. This human was fiery, but she was free with her love... yes, that was a good thing. Now the alien was going to be free with her love. She pressed her tongue more firmly to the woman's gash, rolling and curling her muscle up and down the slit, gently splaying the woman's labia to either side with the girth of the alien's muscle. She undulated it from side to side like a serpent, which caused the woman to grunt and gasp softly, the stimulation already getting to her. Nevertheless, she still struggled, attempting to kick and wrench herself free, prompting the alien to squeeze her coiled tail a little bit tighter. Of course, she couldn't squeeze too hard; she didn't want to hurt this woman.

She didn't want to hurt anyone... save, perhaps, those that deserved to be hurt. But this wasn't one of them. No, she deserved to be loved. And the alien would provide all she could take, moving to clasp her lips around the woman's vulva, the alien ever so gently pinching it between her teeth, rolling the nub with the back and forth motions of her jaw, whilst she started to impart a potent suckling sensation, gently tugging on the woman, whilst her tongue wiggled and prodded at the female's clitoris.

A loud moan left the woman's lips, who began to shudder and roll from side to side, her exposed breasts jiggling hypnotically from the motions, her brassier resting below her mounds from where the alien had removed them.

"Aagh... shit... you... freak..." she snarled between pleasured pants, glaring at the alien before rolling her head back when she felt the creature force its tongue into her entrance, wiggling the muscle between her walls. She tasted so lovely, the alien wanted more. It certainly helped excite her with how the woman was reacting, her responses to the alien's attention causing shivers to run up the creature's spine.

She started to lick at the woman's slit a bit more vigorously now, after releasing the woman's clitoris with a teasing, parting flick of her tongue. The alien hissed in delight, before moving to suddenly seal her lips against the woman's vulva, working her jaws and suckling hungrily against her gash. The human's eyes widened, and she tried to rock from side to side to escape the alien's grip.

"Oh fuck... get away from meeeaaahh..."

The woman's angry curse turned into a low moan when the alien thrust her tongue into the woman's depths, the powerful muscle plunging with vigorous force all the way to the human's cervix.

The human tasted so very nice. The alien was thrilled, she wanted to delve even deeper, but she didn't, for now, just waggling her tongue to the woman's cervix, prompting the human to shudder and grimace as pangs of stimulation wracked her body. The alien was similarly feeling sensations of pleasure running up her own spine, a more psychological stimulation than what the human was feeling.

By now, the woman began secreting quite thick amounts of fluids from her arousal, which the alien happily gulped down. She was delicious to the creature, who loudly and lewdly suckled to the vulva against her mouth. All the while, the human tried to fight the alien off, with no success, tugging against the tail that bound her wrists, and trying to kick at the alien, only managing to slide her legs up the sides of the creature.

The alien was only further excited by her defiance. She enjoyed it when prey struggled, and this was one of the best, when they were fiery and energetic. She crooned at the feeling of the human's legs running up and down her hips from trying to kick at her. And the rolling of her hips against her face, the reflexive bucking in response to her tongue writhing about in the female's depths... it was delightful. She hissed again, and with each pleasured sound she made, her tongue thrummed, the vibrations transferring into the female's depths.

A low moan left the woman, who was slowly losing resistance to the alien's efforts. She liked watching their willpower crumble, and she liked the sounds they made as the pleasure wracked their mind. And the more pleasure the human felt, the more fluids oozed from her depths, which the alien so very happily slurped down. She traced the woman's walls with her tongue, the inky, flexible organ following the various contours and grooves of the female's depths.

It made her shiver in delight, the feeling of a woman's depths against her tongue, and the taste that accompanied the lecherous flesh. She crooned again, causing the human to wince.

"Shit... get... oh fuck!" the human cried, clearly losing herself to the pleasure bit by bit, though the alien didn't think she'd lose her mind just yet... something she hoped wouldn't happen for a while. It was so much nicer when her prey was in control, to some extent, of their mind, even in the heights of ecstasy... it meant they could feel the pleasure so much more potently.

Her tongue twisted about like a vortex, circling around the walls of the female's vagina, lapping up the woman's fluids and suckling them into her mouth... both her mouths, the alien moving her inner jaw forward, gently stretching the woman's depths a little bit wider. The human's eyes opened substantially, and she sat up to give the alien a shocked, manic look.

"What the hell.... Fuck!" she cried out, her head tilting back as the alien began to pump her inner mouth back and forth between the female's walls, all whilst her tongue wriggled about the human's cervix. She eventually pulled her inner mouth back, so that she could focus on using her tongue, twisting it into a helical shape, stretching the human's walls, and letting her tongue contract and expand repeatedly, all whilst undulating her muscle up and down against the human's flesh.

The woman began to pant, her face a deep red, the heat from the flush so very evident to the alien's sensory organs. It was a good sign, especially the sweat that started to bead across her skin.

"Sh-shit... this... feels... weird..." she muttered, code for intense pleasure, that much the alien knew, simply from the woman's tone alone. Her back arched, and her hips shivered and rolled instinctively. Her face was scrunched into a strained grimace, trying to ignore the stimulation but failing, a sign that the alien's skill was more than the human could resist.

"Damn... how... you're fucking... good at this..." she finally admitted, causing the alien to smirk against her vulva.

The creature only increased her efforts now, causing the woman's head to roll backwards once more, a potent moan rippling through the female's vocal cords. She could feel how much hotter the human was, her skin prickling and beading with sweat from the alien's touch.

The alien could also feel how much closer the human was to climax, the quivering of the female's walls a sure sign of that. So she increased her efforts, plunging her tongue back and forth between the flesh of the human's depths, and twisting it into a single thicker muscle, which made the human cry out when she felt the braided muscle writhe about in her depths.