Xenophilia - Simon - Pt. 03

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
6.8k words

Part 15 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


It wasn't long before Simon grew hard beneath the feminine touch of his alien lover, bulging out his pants rather tightly. All the while, she smiled and hissed seductively, rubbing his length up and down through the fabric with her palm and fingers, pushing against his girth. She flipped her hand upside down, so that her fingers were trailing over his root and his balls now, fondling him through the fabric sensuously.

She leaned in close, and pressed her lips to his own, subjecting him to another one of her deep, disarming kisses, her tongue worming its way into his mouth and dominating his with erotic strength. He returned the affection, reaching up to rub and caress the alien with a loving touch, tracing all her odd contours and textures, feeling the many tube-like protrusions from her skin and chitin. She purred into the kiss in response, leading Simon to believe that she could feel with her chitin. Of that, he was glad, happy that he could give her delight through his wandering touches.

The kiss soon broke, however, and she crouched down before him, tugging down his pants with her sharp fingertips, making him wince a little in nervousness, but even in her insistence, she didn't nick him once. His cock sprung free once his underpants were peeled back, and she 'looked' at it with a hungry intensity, lapping her lips slowly. She gently traced the back of it with a sharp fingertip, causing his shaft to twitch in response, before shuffling herself closer, and taking a hold of her breasts in her two hands, gently fondling them in an erotic display, seductive and enticing.

She blew him a kiss with her lips... before letting her long tongue loll out lazily, slipping between her breasts and gently wiggling it about from side to side, coating the skin of her cleavage and chest in her saliva. It made his member throb with need, as he was certain about what was coming next.

Once she was satisfied with how much she'd wetted her bust, she then moved to wrap her mounds around his manhood slowly, sliding her globes down from top to root, pressing her flesh tightly around his own the moment she could, letting each and every moment feel like an enticing, erotic caress. He squirmed and shivered, partly from how cold her skin felt from her time in the server room, but also from the excitement and anticipation; the warmth of his penis was already warding off the frosty temperature that clung to her skin, and precum oozed from his tip, beginning to mix with the saliva she'd so thoroughly smeared between her mounds when her flesh slipped along his shaft.

Eventually, she settled around his root, unable to go any further, and began to squeeze tighter around his cock. It was pleasantly tight, her taut, supple flesh both melding to his contours, and pushing against his shaft, exerting a delightful pressure. He panted lustfully, his arousal as fiery as his face was red. She peered up at him, smirking in that devious, playful and scheming way that he'd come to love. They were always thinking of something debauched, and he couldn't get enough of how it affected their actions.

With a teasing lick of her lips, the alien then began to pump her bust up and down, squeezing tightly with her hands so that a firm pressure enveloped his cock. The lubrication of her saliva, and his pre as her motions smeared it across the skin of her cleavage ensured a smooth, erotic glide. She was going slow at first, but the pressure she applied was more than enough to make him grimace and pant in stimulation.

"Fuck... how do you... know all these moves?" he asked. "Do you... watch porn or something? Practice on other guys? How are you so good... shit!"

He only got an alien giggle in response, the feminine creature beginning to pick up the pace, sliding her mounds up and down, and even shaking them loosely, letting them ripple and rub to his cock.

Sometimes, she alternated their directions, sliding one up and the other down, and vice versa, doing the same with her shaking motions. He twitched and jerked, gripping the arms of his chair. He felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead, his sensitivity still that of a virgin, even if she had taken his virginity. It did little to curb his vulnerability to such erotic actions.

He twisted in his seat, digging his fingers into the foam of the arms.

"Nnf... damn... not that I'm... complaining..." he said with a loose tone, words hanging between pants once she began to pick up the pace, her silky smooth yet rubbery flesh providing a most tantalising stimulation. He shifted atop the seat, just barely trying to buck upwards into her cleavage, before reaching out to gently caress the smooth dome that covered the top of her elongated skull. More purring growls left her, reminding him of a cat, her tail flicking about in the air behind her in a very similar manner. He wanted to spurt there and then, but he held back as best as he could manage, not wishing to blow so soon; he wanted to enjoy this experience, and he suspected she did too.

She was pumping her breasts even faster now, grinding her tit flesh to his manhood with increased pressure, luxurious hisses leaving her lips. Simon wondered if perhaps she could feel some measure of pleasure doing this, or if the act itself brought about a sexual delight to this wonderful creature.

She was certainly making it hard for him to hold out, but he was managing somehow... until she utterly destroyed his resolve with her next dirty tactic, tilting her head down... and letting her long tongue unfurl from her mouth, rubbing against the underside of his glans at first, before moving to coil around his shaft, the dark, slick muscle wrapping around from his glans until he could feel it snaking its way around his balls, gently fondling them, all whilst she slipped her secondary mouth past her lips; it was a strange looking organ, rigid and slimy in appearance, the two mandibles it possessed equipped with dull, stubby teeth that still looked like they could rend flesh once they pierced the skin.

But he knew what this thing felt like, and was hardly opposed to its use. He could see that her tongue came from this organ instead of being attached to her mouth. It was odd in many ways, but it brought him immense pleasure. The second maw slipped forward, until its jaws gently clasped around the tip of his cock, beginning to suckle gently, all whilst her tongue swirled and twisted around his manhood, and she pumped her breasts up and down relentlessly.

He could feel an added pressure pressing against his glans from where her tongue was tightly squeezed between his tip and the side of her organ, but it only added to the delight.

"Oh fuck! I can't... oh god..." he exclaimed, barely able to string words together as he approached his climax. His hands also suddenly jumped to her bust, giving them a good squeeze with his own fingers, unable to resist the temptation. She only growled lustfully, sending tantalising vibrations all the way through her tongue and her extra mouth, her flesh thrumming to his skin pushing over the edge.

With a loud, vigorous cry, he bucked upwards into her bust, shuddering as his cock pulsed powerfully, sending vigorous spurts of cum directly into her secondary mouth, filling up her gullet, gulping down his seed greedily. She also released his tip and pulled back so that he could continue to orgasm whilst vigorously pumping her breasts to prolong his climax, letting him stain her face with his ropes of seed. It was intense for Simon, feeling like she was draining the life from his very balls, before finally calming down, panting in exertion.

He went limp, though he still groaned in pleasure as his alien partner cleaned him up with gentle strokes of her breasts, slowly pumping him up and down to rub the stained semen onto her mounds. She uncoiled her tongue from around his length as well, slowly dragging her muscle up his shaft and gathering up his seed, until he was, for the most part, clean.

The alien then drew her muscle into her mouth, and suckled about before gulping and groaning in delight, promptly opening her mouth once more and unfurling her tongue so he could see that her oral cavity was clean of any residual semen. It was an incredibly erotic sight to say the least, and Simon just couldn't compete with how sexy she was. She pushed her bust together, rubbing her breasts up and down against one another and letting her tongue slip between them to lap up any more residue, giving him an erotic display.

He wanted to complain, to call her out. It was unfair, the debauched show she was giving him. It made him want to go again, but after quite amazingly running her impressively long tongue over her mounds, and over her nipples as well, she released her breasts and recoiled her tongue, and with a final lick of her lips, stood before him in a sultry pose, hands on hips and grinning mischievously.

He could only look to her with a slightly chagrined expression.

"C'mon, that was uncalled for," he joked, feeling his cock twitching with lingering vigour thanks to her show. Eventually, however, it conceded and began to droop down into his crotch, spent and tingling with the afterglow.

The alien perched herself on the edge of the desk, causing it to creak under her weight. Simon remained in his seat for a few more moments, before moving to do up his pants once more, pulling up his undergarment and trousers. He sighed out contently, looking to his alien lover; her lack of eyes, and those hollow, shallow sockets beneath her semi-translucent skull dome in their place, did not seem to diminish the radiance of her passion.

Even if half her face was dominated by that smooth domelike carapace, the smile of her lips was more than enough to compensate, as well as the twisting of her cheeks. But more than that, it was the way she moved, the guttural sounds she made and the carnal intensity of her lovemaking. It all felt genuine, and purposeful. It didn't seem like what she did was acutely hardwired, only her insatiable libido; how she acted upon was entirely up to her whims.

Eventually, for no particular reason, Simon pulled himself up from his chair, stretching with a groan and sighing out. He turned to his companion and shrugged.

"So... what now?" he asked. At this point... he wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't carting him off to another place that needed his attention. She wasn't murdering him in brutal fashion now that his immediate usefulness had run its course, and she wasn't snatching him away and dragging him off to whatever lair they came from. She just sat there, smiling, but with a quizzical cock of her head. She then suddenly perked up, and hopped off the desk, grasping his wrist with her hand this time, and began dragging him behind her once more.

"Hey, ease up!" he complained, almost falling over as she bounded her way out of the control room. She looked back at him with a sympathetic smile, clear to him that this wasn't the typical 'kidnapping' that he'd witnessed occur to other colonists.

He wasn't sure where she was taking him this time either, taking a slew of random turns into a section of the colony he rarely ever went to, since it was heavily under construction in parts. But she seemed intent on bringing him there. In time, they came to a maintenance shed, one of several scattered around the colony and usually the first place to be built when an expansion is started. Here, she led him to one of the maintenance passages, wherein laid a hole in the grating, looking like it'd been melted through. Without any hesitance, she slipped down into the tight passage, and beckoned him to follow after she popped her head up a moment later.

Somewhat reluctant, Simon stepped forward tentatively, looking down the hole to see what laid below; a steep drop that didn't look at all healthy to fall into. Still, her insistence would see him take a breath, and begin to climb down into the tight passage after her, though she grabbed at his ankles and then at his waist, pulling him through, the human yelping in surprise.

Now firmly held in her grasp with one arm, she used her tail and free hand to climb down the hole until the wall started to slope beneath them, crawling slowly down this steep decline until things finally levelled out. Simon released a bated breath, finding even such a brief experience mildly harrowing. She looked to him with a smirk, before suddenly sweeping him off his feet and holding him in a bridal carry, jogging through the tunnel with him protesting in her arms.

"Hey, what're you doing? Put me down!" he demanded, though she only looked at him with amusement and sympathy. A quick look down at the ground, which he could barely see in the darkness, showed that it was rather uneven, covered in a strange, dark substance that formed many odd, organic contours. Perhaps it was best that she held him aloft for now.

He still had no idea where she was taking him, but Simon suspected that these passages -- numerous in number and labyrinthine in nature -- were all part of a greater hive. The lair in which these creatures had come from. It made him ponder further though over their origins; this planet was inhospitable once. It has a stable atmosphere now, but before nothing could breathe on it. These things might've been able to breathe in different atmospheres... or they may not have existed here until sometime after humanity came. That, or there was a breathable atmosphere in a subterranean environment that they were then unaware of, and with the atmospheric processing, and human activity, they were drawn to the surface.

Though that didn't explain their bombshell bodies and apparent penchant for kidnapping and possibly vigorously fucking humans. Perhaps they were the result of some twisted laboratory experiment. Maybe that's what the WeyYu lab was up to. It seemed crazy, but this alien had blown his mind -- and his penis -- several times already, and not once had she harmed him. Everything she did spoke to a somewhat human level of understanding in regards to sex and pleasure, and the things they did weren't wholly about procreation; they liked to have fun, and they liked to tease, and they seemed to thoroughly enjoy watching their partners react to the pleasure they inflicted. Therefore, he couldn't possibly think of them as mindless.

Eventually, her jog slowed to a walk, and soon enough, she set him down on the ground. It was a bit easier to see here, light from what looked like stolen lamps and luminescent stones left uncovered by the strange resin that coated everything brightening up the dark cavern. He looked around, and wondered what was here to see... until he heard distant moans and gasps of pleasure.

He felt her grasp his wrist and look at him knowingly, before once more leading him along, rounding a corner into a larger chamber.

Simon gasped at what he saw; humans, his fellow colonists, all stripped naked and imprisoned in resin cocoons, lining the walls and currently under erotic assault from dozens of other aliens. Many of the women appeared to have gravid stomachs, as though they were amidst the late stages of pregnancy, aliens thrusting into them with strange, dark members, some of them making bulging contractions, as though they were pushing something into their female partners, said partners' bellies slowly expanding.

Others simply pumped the female humans full of semen. As for the men, they were relentlessly ridden and pleasured in all manner of ways, and the women weren't all being mated with either, some having their vaginas eaten out with ravishing hunger. And through it all, Simon watched, this veritable orgy of erotic sights starting to have an effect on him, his pants growing just a little tighter.

But it wasn't just violation and relentless mating and pleasuring he witnessed; some aliens were tending to their detainees, feeding them food plundered from the colony's stores, or even their own breastmilk, affectionately caressing their charges as they cared for them. And lastly, he saw one alien tear down the resin cocoon that imprisoned a rather weary woman, picking her up and making its way out of the cavern, approaching Simon and his companion, meandering between various aliens and large, organic, egg-shaped objects, until it slowed as it neared. It 'looked' to him, and then the alien that had brought him here. It smiled knowingly, before pointing to the woman it carried, caressing her sleeping head gently, and then pointing upwards, perhaps the colony above.

Simon's companion nodded and smiled broadly, licking her lips before the two leaned in close and affectionately pecked one another on the lips. After this quick greeting, the alien carrying the woman chuckled gutturally, and proceeded to vacate the chamber at a jog, making sure that the woman it carried was not jostled about too much. It left Simon flabbergasted and utterly confused, but he had begun to formulate an idea of what he was seeing; on the face of it, it seemed both highly arousing, and horrifying, humans trapped and reduced to nothing but breeding slaves.

But as Simon saw a man, this one conscious, freed from his imprisonment, hugging the alien that did so affectionately, before he too was picked up and carefully carted off, out a different passage closer to them this time, he concluded that these aliens, once they had successfully enamoured a human with them, returned their victims to the colony... after that, he wasn't sure, and that might not have been correct at all.

But it was what he hoped, and he certainly admitted to himself that living life with beautiful, sexually voracious aliens that didn't completely consume his every waking moment with sex... hardly sounded awful to him.

"Arousing, isn't it?" came a voice from behind, causing Simon to jump almost out of his skin. He whipped around with his hands raised like he was about to karate chop someone, a ridiculous pose, but one he nonetheless adopted. Standing before him was a man, a bit dishevelled, wearing slightly dirty engineering coveralls. He had salt and pepper hair, and thin stubble around his face, and grey-blue eyes that seemed full of life and contentedness. He smirked at Simon, causing the Software Engineer to lower his guard and cast a quizzical look at the newcomer.

"Wh-Who are you?" he stammered briefly. The man chuckled and briefly raised his hand dismissively.

"Oh, yeah, introductions. Forget that all the time," he said cordially. "I'm Gordon Tabulam. I worked as an engineer down at the power station before these lovely ladies nicked me."

Simon lowered his guard completely now, giving the middle-aged man a strange look.

"You were one of the first missing persons?" he inquired. The man nodded and chuckled.

"Eeyup, and one of the first to almost shit my pants. I don't blame people for being terrified and ashamed of themselves first time they meet these aliens; it does screw with your head to have your liberty and your body violated... but these ladies..." he said, shaking his head with an appreciative smile. "They just win your heart over with the aftercare."

Simon scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, I guess that's true... though, they never kidnapped me," he said, gesturing to his companion. "She found me in the shower, and... well, we got 'acquainted'."