Xenophilia - Phoebe - Pt. 03

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
6.1k words

Part 24 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

* * * * *

Phoebe awoke with a start, finding herself bolting upright in her own bed. She looked around, panting heavily. She'd recalled what had happened to her before... was it all a dream? Some strange, lurid nightmare?

She glanced down at herself, and realised that she was naked... and then she glanced upwards towards the floor... coming face to face with the very creature that had plagued her slumbering thoughts. She froze, tensing up and tugging the blanket a little closer to her naked body.

It only smiled, and slowly dropped down towards her, arching its back most flexibly, an ever-present grace to its motions as it loomed closer to her. Phoebe's lower lip quavered in worry, and she turned away when it closed in... but all it did was peck her on the forehead, softly and affectionately, before carefully dropping down to her bed, the metal frame almost inaudibly squeaking from the added weight.

Its smile was warm this time, neither threatening nor full of devious intent, though there was a hint of mischievousness twisting its lips. For the most part though, it simply 'stared' at the woman, perched on the end of her bed and waiting quietly for something, though Phoebe had no idea what that was. She cocked her head to one side curiously, and pushed herself a little bit further back, clutching the sheet to her body.

"Uuh... what... do you want?" she asked, no other words coming to her mind, after everything the creature had done to her. She didn't expect it to understand a word she said, but it was the only thing that she thought of. What was she to do in front of her alien rapist, the creature that had forcibly violated her and... made her squeal quite loudly in ecstasy. She looked around her room, and then came to a confused thought; she was in her room.

She recognised that much. But why had it brought her here? Why did it not simply keep her in the security centre, or drag her off to wherever they came from, or murder her whilst she was unconscious?

Instead, it had brought her back to her room. How it knew which room was hers, she didn't know and nor did she think it was relevant. What mattered was that it had not only brought her to her room... but tucked her in bed.

She blinked at it, still a little unnerved by the way it perched on the end of her bed. Still, it was better than it trying to assail her with its own debauched desires. She sat up a little straighter, and tried to formulate words. She knew she should've felt horrible, disgusted over what had occurred, but... she didn't.

It was all just so odd and unusual that she didn't seem to be able to dwell on what it had done. Though part of her also thought it helped that the creature made her feel very good, to the point the forced nature of the encounter had slipped her mind before she lost consciousness.

She kept her sheet covering her breasts, trying to conceal her nudity... even though this alien had ejaculated into her anus. She blushed at the memory, finding it odd that such a thought seemed more embarrassing than painful. Her ruminations were then interrupted by the rumbling of her stomach, causing her to groan as she realised just how hungry she was.

"Ooh... I haven't eaten anything since... I got called to the security centre when you things invaded," she said, the creature cocking its head as though it was having trouble understanding what Phoebe had stated. All the same, the creature proceeded to smile, and quietly jump off Phoebe's bed. She winced in reflex, pulling her sheet just that little bit tighter against her body, watching the alien as it moved to the door to Phoebe's room... opening it without any difficulty other than getting its lanky fingers through the handle, revealing the very cart that had held food for people working in the security centre.

The alien pulled it inside and shut the door... but not before she swore she caught a glimpse of a man walking past as though nothing was amiss, even though he would've been unable to miss the alien pulling in a wheeled cart with various foodstuffs.

There wasn't much of a selection, most of it some simple 'Lux-Rations', dehydrated foodstuffs and other selected, non-perishable goods that were a little bit higher quality and less industrial than a good lot of the supplies stored in the warehouses. They issued them to everyone so there was some variety in their diets instead of the same boring old food. Phoebe was honestly hoping they'd start up the full-scale hydroponics section over the basic setup they had, which prevented them from having any real fresh food.

But... Lux-Rations weren't all that bad, and when the alien presented the tray to her, the rumbling of her stomach shattered any notions of caution; if it was a trap, well... there wasn't much else she could've done in this situation. She reached out, and grabbed a plastic container filled with jam biscuits. She pulled out several, and after propping the sheet on her body so it wouldn't slide off, she began to eat, swallowing large mouthful after mouthful. She was rather hungry, and she ate the biscuits voraciously, the entire container soon completely empty. She moved onto some crackers, and some dried apricots after that.

Naturally, eating so much dehydrated food left her wanting for drink, and all she had -- besides stale, cold coffee -- was bottled water. She took the water and unscrewed the cap, taking several swigs of the stuff before she was satisfied, placing the bottle back onto the cart and sighing out. The rumbling of her belly quieted, and she did not feel so light anymore. It was a good feeling, though she'd been so engaged in eating, she did not notice how the alien was looking at her. It had this odd, almost affectionate smile, as though it was quite enjoying watching her eat.

It was a little unsettling, to say the least, but she wasn't about to yell at the alien that could tear her limb from limb without any effort... Phoebe's eyes glancing at the bladed tip of the creature's tail, the appendage swaying slowly from side to side behind it. But for all its vicious qualities, its anatomy seemingly designed for killing... despite its roughness in the throes of passion, the alien had been rather gentle with her. Above all, it seemed to be keenly interested in the way she reacted, in the way she behaved, and seemed to try and make sure that she felt good whenever it was doing some debauched with her.

And now, it was giving her food, after bringing her to her own room and tucking her in. That spoke of a level of intelligence Phoebe was only just now starting to fully realise these things possessed, and was wondering just why they had to do what they did... instead of exposing themselves earlier and trying to ingratiate themselves with humans without having to violate them forcibly, and kidnap them to who knows where... but it didn't matter anymore. What they could've done was not what they did, but now, it seemed this individual at least was trying to make up for it... or was showing some sort of perverse, twisted affection.

As much of it was human, both in appearance and subtle mannerisms, she reminded herself that it was still an alien, a creature not of her race... the way they did things might've been drastically different from how humans did things... or they just really enjoyed forcing themselves on people. That made some measure of sense to Phoebe. But that part was past, it seemed, and now it was being kind to her.

She looked to its eyeless face, the lack of any visual organs somehow not diminishing the amount of emotion and 'life' the alien had. Even with only a lower face to emote with, it still expressed a great deal that Phoebe could understand. It licked its lips slowly, and crawled closer to the human, prompting Phoebe to rear backwards, blinking a little in nervousness as the space between them diminished.

Soon, she felt its body pressing up against her own, its nipples perpetually erect it seemed, Phoebe able to feel them through the fabric as they brushed over her own chest. She gulped and shivered, whilst she felt one of its hands move up to the side of her face, caressing her cheek and brushing a bang of hair out of the way. It smiled, and then leaned in close to press its lips to her own in a soft, almost romantic, loving kiss.

Phoebe went stiff, not knowing what to do. It wasn't sticking its tongue into her mouth at least. Its other hand slid down her side and proceeded to caress her hip, its tail gently thumping on the ground, until the sudden opening of the door interrupted them. The creature snapped straight, and then sighed out as it saw the figure in the doorway.

Phoebe looked too, and almost gasped when it was none other than her boss, Chief Danila Hamlin, the head of the CPA. Danila, Phoebe's junior by four years, was a much harder woman than her soft features and demeanour suggested, smiling often until she needed to get serious... though Phoebe had never seen Danila smile as she was now, amused and perhaps a little teasing.

"So... I see you've been taking a little 'leave', have you?" Danila remarked, chuckling at her own little joke.

The alien let out an exasperated growl, casting Danila a less than enthused expression, prompting the CPA Chief to cast the alien a sympathetic look.

"Oh, I'm sure you want to get back to making up with your friend, but mind if I take a shot at convincing her instead?" she explained. The alien stood up from the bed, strolling over to Danila and giving the woman a bit of an annoyed expression. Despite its height and stature, Danila did not seem at all phased. "Come on, you let me have some minutes alone with my analyst here, and you'll be having more fun when you get back~"

The alien glanced between Phoebe, and then Danila, and back and forth before growling softly in exasperation, making for the door but not before giving Danila a firm grope on the backside, causing the woman to yelp quietly, before smacking the alien's rump in return.

"Cheeky little bitch," she said teasingly, the door closing behind them, before turning her attention back to Phoebe. "So... you look more than a little confused, hmm?"

To Phoebe, that felt like 'more than a little' of an understatement.

"Confused? Why are you not terrified of them?!" Phoebe demanded, before hearing herself and reigning her voice back to a calmer state.

Danila laughed and moved to sit down on the side of the bed.

"Because I have nothing to fear from them... they mean us no real harm, even if their personal preference of 'introduction' is... less than legal by our standards. Guess not by theirs. But that's not the point... the point is, they don't want to hurt us. They don't even want to enslave us, save for the few of them that have a dominatrix streak in them, but even they're compassionate at heart... and I've seen it."

Phoebe blinked, leaning forward a little whilst keeping the sheet above her chest.

"What do you mean, 'you've seen it'? I've seen video of them dragging people into vents... I can still hear the screams."

"Yeah, that part they could've done without... but they've put themselves in danger to protect people who've put their own lives at risk trying to flee. Sure, they started it, but they're completely selfless when someone is in danger, regardless of the cause."

Phoebe cocked her head, loosening up a little as curiosity took its course.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw a man trapped in a room. He'd been running from the aliens, but got his leg stuck underneath some crates when they fell over. He'd managed to ignite a gas pipe, causing a jet of flame to separate him from the aliens chasing him. However, because he got stuck, he was unable to get out, and the room was filling with fumes, quickly, his only exit a shut door. He'd intended to get out that way, but the crates falling on him trapped him. Instead of leaving him there, I saw, through a security camera, one of the aliens charge through the flame to get to him, free him and get him out through the other door before the whole room caught fire. She was burnt, but she survived... and I heard from one of the other 'survivors' -- if we can really call ourselves that -- that a man had a medical episode. Instead of leaving him to his fate, they fought hard to save him, even apparently bringing in a first aid kit... all because they seem to value our lives as much as they like chasing us down for sex."

Phoebe was quiet, contemplating the nature of Danila's words. They were predatory creatures, revelling in the 'hunt' and the way they toyed with their 'prey'... yet Danila had stated quite clearly that they seemed to also extend an odd sense of compassion and affection towards those they 'catch', and a selflessness when it came to the humans they had been quite frequently chasing down for, as it turns out, sex. She thought on how the alien had brought the trolley from the security centre she'd been in since, feeding her when she was hungry... she also remembered how good it made her feel, the memory of Phoebe discovering just how much anal seemed to tantalise her body tingling her nerves just a little. She looked to Danila, and shook her head.

"You say that, but... what if they plan to murder us all when we have our guard down?" she suggested.

Danila laughed, leaning over to place a hand on Phoebe's shoulder.

"Well... unless they are doing it for the sake of doing it, I doubt they'd go through so much trouble... and they really like humans~" A blush had formed on Danila's face at this point, and she was smiling even more broadly, sighing out as she pulled her hand back from Phoebe. "I've never felt so good, so desired in my life... it's honestly an amazing feeling to me, but I can understand why you and plenty of others aren't so convinced."

Phoebe felt that being 'unconvinced' was putting it too lightly... but she was admittedly being swayed by what Danila had told her, and from what she had seen herself. Danila was not known for lying. She despised it, so Phoebe had reason to trust her. Still, it was hard to think of these creatures as 'friends', all things considered.

"Are they letting people come back?" Phoebe asked.

"Slowly, but yes... once they believe a person has accepted them, they let them go... a few of us are helping to speed up the process... it's odd, you know. My first encounter with an alien species, and they strip me naked in a cocoon, fill me full of eggs and give me the best orgasms I've ever had, and now I'm trying to convince others how great it is... makes me seem a little crazy, doesn't it?" Danila said with a sheepish laugh.

Phoebe paused, giving Danila a quizzical look.

"Wait... eggs?" she said tentatively. "They... filled you with eggs?"

Danila shifted in her seat, looking around the room bashfully.

"Well... one of them laid eggs in me, using her cock... it was odd, scary at first, but... it felt pretty damn good, in hindsight... and they fed me their breastmilk. One of the most delicious things I've ever drank," she said.

Phoebe was in disbelief about how open Danila was about all these intimate details.

Phoebe remained quiet for a moment, before looking at her boss with her head cocked to one side.

"Why are you telling me all this? Not about the aliens, but what they did to you? You seem... pretty happy to share it," Phoebe stated.

Danila shrugged, and placed her hands in her lap.

"I guess it feels good to be able to talk about taboo things... and I want you to understand that they're not out to hurt us. Sure, they'll have to earn the forgiveness of a few of us, but I think... well, I think they can make it up to those people... and make it up to you."

Danila smiled, leaning in close and clutching Phoebe's hand, causing the woman to shiver slightly; she was so unused to this sort of open intimacy, with her boss of all people. Phoebe was still naked, after all, and Danila did not seem to mind that at all.

"They don't mean us any harm... I hope you'll see that, and I hope you'll come to enjoy their company. One of the things I learned about them that I appreciate the most is how they enjoy simple things as much as the sex, as well as how they seem to encourage interaction between humans... they don't want to 'steal' anyone away from anyone else. They just want us to be open with each other, free with each other, and happy. Even if they're not 'exclusive' to any one person... they like to have fun with everyone and each other, but that doesn't seem to diminish how much they care for people... they have spacious hearts."

"And how do you know that? They don't speak a word of English."

"No, they don't... but they're smart enough to communicate with their hands, using gestures, shapes and quite a bit of body language. It's hard to understand at first... but once you do, you know what they're trying to tell you, and they seem to get real happy when you do."

Again, Phoebe was quiet, contemplating the information she'd been given. She mulled it over, but still, wasn't sure what to think.

"I don't know... this is all so... ridiculous..." she mentioned, wiping her hands over her face.

For the second time, Danila leaned over and place a hand on Phoebe's shoulder, locking eyes with her, her face serious but compassionate.

"Phoebe... I want you to be honest with me, and yourself... do you really feel so horrible about what happened? Whatever your answer, I am here to help you," she said.

Phoebe wanted to say 'yes', but... even if it had raped her... she couldn't bring herself to feel disgusted, ashamed or even depressed over what occurred. It made her feel weird, but... like Danila had said, it made her feel desired. Even what Danila had said about them moving around from partner to partner only exemplified that. Would she find intimacy with more of those creatures? She wasn't sure, and the idea made her feel embarrassed. But in the end, she came to a somewhat reluctant and nonetheless surprising decision.

"Thank you, Danila... could... could you give me some time alone... tell 'her' that she can come in..." Phoebe said, blushing brightly as she did so. Danila raised an eyebrow, and then smirked.

"Of course," she said, rising from the bed and sauntering over towards the door, before turning around and casting a knowing glance towards Phoebe. "Have fun~"

Phoebe blushed and grumbled, before watching her boss open the door... the alien looming over her with a smile, the two leaning in for a quick but sensuous kiss, their tongues mingling for a moment before the alien pulled back, licking 'her' lips and entering Phoebe's room, closing the door behind 'her'. It approached the woman with a sultry sway to its hips, and despite what Phoebe had said, she found herself clutching the blanket tighter to her chest. It crawled onto the end of her bed, and wait there, smiling.

They were quiet, the alien oddly making no advances, as though leaving Phoebe to make the first move... despite it raping her to begin with. She would eventually say something, though she wasn't sure what words to use given it couldn't speak the same language.

"I, uh... can you... understand me?" she asked, though she was sure she already knew the answer. The alien nodded, smiling and licking its lips. "Right... so... you and... me, right?"