Xenophilia - Melissa Pt. 03

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7k words

Part 6 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Melissa -- Part 3


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


Of all the emotions she had experienced over the past 24 hours -- fear, panic, dread, humiliation, shame, degradation, disgust, pleasure, uncertainty, confusion, titillation -- boredom was the last Melissa ever expected to be feeling in this situation. But too energised from the creature's milk, and the food she had been given, she could not bring herself to fall asleep, and she was far too alert to simply let time pass her by in a haze.

The only consolation to her doldrums was when one of her fellows had stirred from their sleepy fugue, and a conversation was struck. She didn't know this man personally -- just some middle aged clerk who dealt with the administration side of things in Victor's Post -- but it was good to be able to exchange actual words with another who understood them. Though the topic of conversation was hardly anything normal, as anyone would expect.

"They rounded up what few androids there were, and just locked them in one of the storage vaults," he explained to her. There were only a few androids in Victor's Post, fewer than some other settlements of even sizes smaller than it. It was hardly an issue, but it seemed apparent that the aliens were cautious of them, and dealt with them accordingly. "The strange thing is, they didn't kill any of them, except some of the 'dumb' ones that tried to fight. It's like they were trying to avoid doing that sort of thing."

Melissa pondered the possibilities; thinking back, when she had been on the run, she had not seen the creatures visibly kill or maim any of her colleagues or other colonists; they simply snatched their victims, and she could attribute the silenced screams to whatever they 'stung' Melissa with. Carton -- the middle aged office clerk in question -- had mentioned a similar instance, feeling a firm, dull thump in the small of his back, and then just passing out a few moments later. Whatever kind of venom it was, it worked fast, and effectively. Granted, Melissa had no idea if they kept everyone alive, or just those they liked.

At the very least, Carton's own recounts suggested the aliens were careful in catching their victims... yet they also seemed to take delight in stalking their 'prey' as well.

"I swear, she was just waitin', crawlin' around on the ceiling and trying to freak me out," he had said before their current exchange about the androids. Melissa had no reason to dismiss that these aliens would deliberately hunt, stalk and unnerve their victims for the hell of it; their behaviour, as caring as it was, was quite predatory, and they seemed to enjoy their 'prey' squirming in fear almost as much as they seemed to delight in making them squirm in pleasure.

Melissa also noted, with some chagrin, how Carton referred to the creatures as 'she'; Melissa wasn't quite ready to accept that level of familiarity, especially after one of these 'females' stuck a penis inside of her and pumped eggs into her womb with it. But she didn't press the issue with the man.

"Are you sure they didn't do anything else to the other androids?" Melissa asked. The more and more she pieced together about these creatures, the more and more Melissa was confused; they were hunters, preying on the people of the colony, one by one. It was slow at first, just a few disappearances the local Weyland-Yutani representatives said they were investigating and to not panic over -- basically just dismissing concerns altogether, really -- and then, a few days ago, everything ramped up and the colony was plunged into chaos as they started practically invading Victor's Post, snatching people as quickly as possible.

Melissa wondered if they had started out with only a few individuals, and slowly kidnapped people to reproduce and expand their numbers, and once they had enough, they unleashed an onslaught. In any case, they enjoyed what they did, stalking and stealing people, forcing their lustful intentions upon their victims, raping people and mating with them. In those respects, they were amoral and wicked.

Yet they exercised a great deal of care towards their hosts, given their tender feeding of their captives. Even the rough sex was not so savage it was impossible to enjoy, and it was clear that the pleasure of their mates was of particular importance to them, for whatever reason. They also made no distinctions with the recipients of their erotic affections, albeit tending towards their human captives over their own kin. In a way, it was like a twisted sort of 'xenophilia', except it was the aliens who had a thing for the humans this time. Melissa needed more evidence before she could really come to that conclusion.

"No," Cartoon shook his head. "No, once they got them all locked up, they left them there. Granted, I can't say what's happened since they caught me, but they didn't seem interested in dealin' with the androids once they weren't able to interfere. They're smart; get the robots out of the way, and any other technology too. I saw them block cameras and jam doors open, and knock out the lights in places, all for some sick game of cat and mouse."

Carton looked to Melissa with a quizzical expression.

"And then, they bring me down here and... well, it's not like I call what's happened a living hell," he admitted. "They get off on us, but I ain't seen them hurt a single one of us since I got down here, and I saw a few others kickin' and screamin' as they were carried off like we were. If they weren't killed, then... this is what they're doing with all of us. Don't get me wrong, I wanna get out of here too, but..."

"Don't say this isn't the worse situation we could be in," Melissa said with a churlish roll of her eyes.

"But it isn't! Not yet, anyways! Hell, I haven't had sex since my ex-wife stopped lovin' me, and I've never had it as good!"

'TMI', she thought to herself. However, even Melissa couldn't disagree with Carton; their captivity was still in early days, but other than a slowly diminishing emotional torment, the creatures hadn't done anything to her or her fellows that seemed wholly horrendous. Naturally, she didn't quite agree with Carton's acceptance of the situation, nor the overall idea that 'good sex makes it all okay'... though these creatures were very good at 'debating' that point. After all... it was the best sex Melissa had ever enjoyed in her life too; she hadn't even considered herself a lesbian beforehand, but now... they'd warmed her up to the idea of bisexual leanings.

"Whatever you say, Carton, but they might still murder us," she muttered. He grimaced in response.

"Can't say you're wrong," he conceded. "But they haven't exactly punished us for playin' up. Other than sexually at least."

That was another point Melissa had to agree with; defiance was not met with anger or painful punitive action, but forced pleasure, or a shift to more domineering behaviour, the aliens trying to make their captives submit through their mastery of the sexual arts. She wondered how they knew of so many ways of pleasuring a human, so many non-natural sex acts, and why their bodies seemed almost made for it.

Their conversation was broken by the stirring of a third party, a woman groaning groggily as she woke up, murmuring as though she were pleasantly drunk.

"Mmm, that's... good dick..." she mentioned as though still in a dream. She coughed and gagged, groaned again in a more exhausted manner this time, and spoke up from wherever she was, out of Melissa's view, though Carton seemed to be able to look at her. "Oh... you didn't hear that, right?"

Melissa decided not to answer that, and Carton simply curled his lips inwards, apparently doing the same, though expressing his awkwardness nonetheless. It suddenly occurred to Melissa that she and Cartoon had been conversing this whole time... whilst both were naked and glued to resin-covered walls, his junk on full display, her breasts, pussy and now slightly more swollen belly similarly exposed. Yet neither was gawking at the other, or mentioning their state of undress and indecency. Either there was an unspoken understanding, or their present situation meant they really couldn't focus on their shame right now.

"I trust you're... uh... well?" Carton asked, the man clearly not sure how to start the conversation after such a sleep-addled statement from the other woman.

"Oh? Oh yeah... best sleep I've had in ages," she said from around the corner. "Apparently being pregnant with alien babies is good for your body clock."

Melissa gagged just a little over the ever so casual tone in which she said that. As though whoever this other female was had completely accepted her situation. But again, part of her agreed with the statement, and she was most chagrined about it.

"Well... that's... nice," Carton said, his awkwardness rising audibly in his voice.

"It is nice; you know, I was worried I was gonna die because of those aliens, and I didn't want to be raped by 'em either... but now? After how good they made me feel? How much they seemed to love me? I can't get enough."

"Are you for fucking real?" Melissa exclaimed sharply. "They raped us! All of us, and you're saying you liked it? Not just how good it was, but getting knocked up too?!"

"Well, I didn't say I liked getting pregnant," the woman answered nonchalantly. "But... I don't not like it either. It's kinda nice, actually... makes me feel all warm inside."

"You're crazy," Melissa chided. "You don't know what those things could do."

"I know they made me scream for Santa Maria, and I've never gone to church in my life," she responded matter-of-factly. "And until these eggs start eating their way out of my gut, or they go to murder me, I'm just gonna hope they let me go, because I wouldn't mind taking them back to bed."

"I, uh, you... ugh..." Melissa muttered, trying for a retort and just failing to find the words to express her bewilderment at this woman's opinion... and also to argue her position. She seemed so confident, so accepting of her position... Melissa wondered if she might've just given herself up to the aliens if she knew what they had in store for her. As for Melissa, she probably would've refused if she had a choice.

"You're just crazy," she reiterated, pouting.

"It's better than just sitting around thinking I'm going to die," the woman retorted.

"She's got a point there," Carton interrupted. He looked to the other woman, and then asked, "I'm not sure I've seen your face."

"Tahlia Gundy," she answered. "Just Tahlia, please. Gundy just seems unpleasant to add."

"Right..." Carton did not seem to be able to think of anything else to ask Tahlia about, certainly not with the way she was behaving.

He wouldn't have to, as the cavern was soon filled with the skulking shapes of the aliens, emerging from holes and passages that were all too well camouflaged amid the resin structures that covered the surfaces of the cave. Carton paled involuntarily, still clearly unnerved by these creatures and perhaps still fearful of them, despite his honesty about how good the sex with them was, especially when one stepped before him and clutched his chin in its sharp fingertips. Tahlia, on the other hand, began giggling playfully.

"H-Hey, that tickles," Melissa heard her say between the woman's titters. There was a pleased, amused hiss, and then the sound of lips meeting rather audibly. Melissa grimaced just a little in distaste, but soon her own lips would be sealed by another set, the sudden kiss quite a surprise to her as the creature's head came down from above, hands grasping to the side of her skull and holding her in place.

Melissa loosed a surprised, muffled yelp in response, before her eyes rolled back as the creature's inhumanly long tongue began to probe inside her mouth once more. She could feel its muscle exploring her throat, bulging it out gently. She gagged softly, and gulped involuntarily around the appendage that had been forced down her gullet.

What had come as the biggest surprise was that Melissa didn't seem particularly perturbed by this; even with how invasive this alien was with its tongue, the way the slimy appendage so slickly slid against her flesh, and how nicely its supple lips meshed to her own, the erotic, sensual suckles proving decidedly invigorating, was just too stimulating for Melissa to feel repulsed. Even her shame and the feeling of being degraded had largely diminished, despite the growing embryos inside of her womb.

She peered around the side of the alien, and saw that the other colonists - the ones that were asleep woken up by the lustful advances of the aliens - were all being treated to such oral affections. She could also see Carton's alien partner stroking him gently, having no trouble getting him hard.

Suddenly, there was a startled, inhuman screech, and Melissa felt the lips of the alien before her be whipped away as it turned to face the source of the exclamation, as did all the others in the cavern. What followed was a series of frantic growls and hisses that were the complete opposite of the sensual, playful sounds she'd come to expect from them.

Melissa craned her neck so she could possibly see what was going on, and laid her eyes on a most hectic scene; another male, in his thirties it seemed, shuddering in his cocoon, his eyes bulging and rolled back, drool trickling over his lips profusely. And the alien before him savagely -- no, desperately ­-- tearing the resin from his body, until he flopped into its arms. The urgent scene, which had initially simply brought the alerted aliens' attention, now prompted almost every creature present to rush over to the convulsing man, seemingly having a fit clearly not brought about by impossible pleasure.

But things were different; gone were the playful, devious, wicked and seductive expressions of the feminine creatures, now replaced with urgency and grave severity. They descended upon the man, and grasped his arms and legs, trying to hold him still. Then they attempted to roll him into his side whilst still trying to keep him pinned... until he stopped moving. That was when their urgency turned to panic, and they began to bark and shriek and hiss at each other with ever increasing franticness.

"What the fuck's goin' on!?" Carton shouted over the noise. "I can't see!"

"Some guy, he's having a seizure or something!" Melissa answered, stretching her neck as far as she could.

What happened next, however, completely changed Melissa's opinions of these creatures... they rolled him onto his back once again... and began to administer first aid.

It was a little clumsy, but one pressed its hands to the man's bare chest, and began performing compressions, another placing her lips over his and giving him mouth-to-mouth. It was crude, and it was clear they weren't practiced or experienced, but they seemed to have a basic understanding, seemingly driven by nothing more than desperation. Some of the other aliens had ran off, whether in panic, confusion or to get help, Melissa couldn't say, but she knew for sure they didn't leave with apathy on their minds, not with how fast and distressed they ran.

As for the ones that remained, and were sitting on the sidelines not doing anything, they rocked their heads back and forth, their lips twisted into seething grimaces of intense worry. It was... shocking, to Melissa. She couldn't truly say she knew what these creatures thought, but the way they reacted to this man's medical emergency was beyond any expectations she had of them; there was no nonchalance to this affair, no apathy or disgust.

And nor was there inaction, save for those sitting on the sidelines, their lack of activity likely because they could provide no further assistance, and they looked substantially distressed over it. The concern and panic seemed so... genuine, it made her forget about everything else they had done; the rape, the imprisonment, the impregnation... none of it seemed to matter now to Melissa, not with how sincere their actions seemed; the reaction was wholly excessive, or would've been if they saw their human captives as nothing other than cattle at worst or beloved pets at best... this was as though family was in jeopardy.

Several other aliens would suddenly burst into the chamber, clutching white polymer containers with large green crosses slapped onto their sides. One would almost break open their container, and fumble around for a thick syringe, their long, spindly fingers making it awkward, but they kept themselves composed, removing the protective sheath that covered the sharp needle, shaking the syringe about, before plunging it into the man's body. Melissa idly wondered if they knew what kind of syringe they needed, or if they were just doing what they had seen done by humans, without knowing which medicine they needed.

There was a moment of quiet after, the aliens all looking down at the motionless man on the ground, waiting with bated breath, their bodies beginning to shiver with nervous energy... until the man suddenly gurgled and gasped, choking down a deep breath. The following response, Melissa could only describe as deep relief and jubilation, the creature's chattering rapidly amongst themselves, several laying themselves across the man with loud purrs and murmurs.

However, they wouldn't completely celebrate, the man looking around groggily, and then groaning as he fell unconscious, though breathing and alive. The aliens seemingly conferred quickly amongst themselves, before nodding, one of them picking the man up and cradling his naked boy in its arms, before carefully walking out of the chamber with care to each step.

And as quickly as it began, it was over, though the aliens that remained were busy leaning against walls or stooped over on the hands and knees, taking long, slow and deep breaths; Melissa knew that they weren't exhausted, they never seemed to tire, so they were clearly just trying to calm down from what seemed like a rather distressing and traumatic event.

As for Melissa... she didn't know what to think. Such an energised, urgent response was wholly unexpected, but it revealed to Melissa a new facet to these creatures; she'd had suspected that they possessed some measure of compassion, given the erotic affection and attentive care they showered upon their captives amidst the lustful, frenetic and sometimes highly assertive encounters, but to see them band together with such determination and urgency over a single individual showed they were far more attached to their human captives than their behaviour seemed. It wasn't the worry over the loss of a good breeding stud, but the fear of losing someone they deemed close.

It had left her speechless; their version of love might've been twisted, with their apparent penchant for rape, domination and forced impregnation, but it was genuine all the same. She didn't know whether to hate them for what they did to her... or admire them for what they might do for her should she find herself in a similar situation.

"Holy shit," came Tahlia's voice, breaking the quiet of the room. A series of murmurs rippled through the other now very much awake colonists, all mulling over what they just witnessed.