Xenophilia - Marcus - Pt. 01

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
6.6k words

Part 7 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Marcus -- Part 1


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.


'Well, Marcus Crespin, you're officially screwed in the worse way,' Marcus thought to himself. Yeah, he'd been screwed in the sexual way too, but after seeing that Darius ass get freed and carted off on that monster's back, Marcus was especially sure that they were all going to be discarded of once these freaks had their way with them; him, Darius and ever other colonist that lived at Victor's Post.

And he couldn't say a damn thing, not with this alien's lips forcefully pressed to his own, that fat tongue worming around inside his mouth. It pushed down his throat, exploring deeply, making him gag. He wanted to vomit too, not just in disgust, but spite - flood the freak's mouth with something foul. But he couldn't, and struggling got him nowhere; the creature held his head firmly, and fought effortlessly against the shaking of his head.

Sure, the aliens had done nothing but fuck him and everyone else he saw from the moment of capture, but Marcus knew what they were. He'd heard rumours of these murderous aliens -- Xenomorphs, he thinks they were called -- that had obliterated an entire colony, and a Marine detachment that went to investigate. He'd inquired about it, but got nothing, told that it was just a tragic accident. He knew bullshit when people tried to spoon feed it to him though, and he had never really trusted WeyYu to begin with. These creatures... they seemed to match the description in the rumours, sans the cock-sucking mouths, breasts and pussies these ones seemed to be so fond of using.

It didn't sway his thoughts though, he knew what they really were; monsters, freaks, abominations that had to change into alien bimbos so they could lull humans into thinking they weren't truly dangerous. But it was never that easy, never that ideal. Once they were done with everyone, they were either going to mutilate them or keep them captive until they died, locked away as breeding chattel. But he wasn't about to give in that easy, no way. He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

Though, he'd done a poor job of defiance thus far, the aliens having already milked him dry several times. It was humiliating, and his stomach churned at the thought of having knocked one of them up and little freak spawn running around with his genes. But he couldn't stop them, they were... admittedly very good at what they did, and even now, feeling lithe, sharp fingertips, capable of ripping into his flesh, ever so gently graze along the skin of his cock, the pressure it applied light and almost ticklish with how the tips sensuously scraped against his member.

Try as he might, between the teasing caresses of his shaft and it's deep, slippery kiss, he had grown hard for it, much to its delight, hissing softly into his mouth. He thought about biting down as hard as he could, but the way her tongue moved about made it almost impossible, practically stretching his jaw open a little bit wider whenever the undulating muscle pushed against his teeth, proving to be... quite strong in that regard. His only recourse was to glare savagely at the creature, and gag repeatedly. It did not suppress the hot flush that was spreading across his face, however, its fingers gingerly wrapping around his dick like a movie character would delicately curl their fingers around the hilt of a sword, applying a gentle twist to his manhood.

He grunted involuntarily, the alien rubbing the bottom of its palm to his glans firmly. It pressed its lips more firmly to his, surely trying to fully silence and subdue him. He glanced to one side, and noted that a few more cocoons were now empty; naturally, it was all the ones that held people he thought were idiots, tricked into thinking these... xenomorphs were friendly. He couldn't believe how they had been so thoroughly fooled into accepting them; you don't fall in love with your rapist, that was just... mental. Fucked in the head. No matter, he'd not give up until the bitter end.

Of course, his body was not being so stoic as he, his member already throbbing with need in response to the gentle twisting pumps it was giving to his cock. How he was going to block this out, he had no idea; every time he tried, he'd just be brought back to reality by a forceful kiss, a playful bite or some other devious trick the aliens employed to keep their victims from dozing off or blocking out their efforts and their stimulation. They were cunning like that, and they seemed to have a sadistic streak in them, enjoying the reactions of their helpless captives.

Fortunately, its tongue had retreated somewhat, no longer swirling about in his throat and bulging out his neck from the outside. Its kiss had also lost some of its forcefulness, the alien being gentler with him now. He only glared. His body felt good, but he reminded himself that he didn't like this. This wasn't making him feel good, no matter how much his body tingled in need for their touch.

It broke this kiss, but didn't give him a chance to break into another angry spiel or tirade, pressing a palm to his mouth and keeping him silenced. With his body vulnerable, and his only means of resistance -- his harsh words -- suppressed, he was completely vulnerable to its ministrations. It nuzzled into the crook of his neck, and he felt its lips gently splay apart against his skin, tongue erotically dabbing to his flesh and teasing him.

It began to suckle and slurp now, tugging at his neck, even nibbling at his flesh every now and then playfully, nipping at his jawline with its teeth; its ivories were sharp, but fortunately, it knew just how much pressure to apply with each little bite. Marcus groaned indignantly, gritting his teeth beneath the alien's palm, and endeavouring to endure this latest round of punishment and torment.

It was picking up pace now, stroking him even more vigorously, hoping to extract an orgasm from him; there was no other purpose to its efforts but as torture for his defiance and as amusement for it. He idly thought they should've adopted better torture techniques, as this wouldn't make him beg for relief at any rate... but it was humiliating, and Marcus would've liked nothing more than to take a blunt instrument to its skull; he once again lamented opting not to join the Colonial Marines, because then he might've been assigned to Victor's Post as security, with an actual gun, instead of the janitor's job he'd applied for, and the personal errand boy of Doctor Kanel.

Doctor Kanel; his mind seethed at the name, and he thought that if the alien hadn't withdrawn its tongue from his mouth, he might've actually mustered the angered strength to bite through it.

'That bitch', he thought. 'She must've known something about this.'

One of two head scientists at the WeyYu laboratory built alongside Victor's Post - and the de facto chief administrators of the bloody place - Doctor Kanel had said, to people's faces, that there was nothing to be alarmed about with the disappearances.

WeyYu had always been a shifty corporation full of shifty people, so a lot of people immediately assumed something was amiss. Most just accepted the situation and kept their heads down, knowing there wasn't anything that could be done... of course, until they disappeared too. And as soon as everything properly went to hell, Doctor Kanel had gone to ground, probably holed up in that panic bunker of hers.

As for the other Head Scientist, Doctor Genos, Marcus had no idea; she was always busy with her work, secret and confidential as it was, and rarely did she speak to people outside of her laboratory. He didn't know what to make of her, and assumed she'd either been captured or joined Kanel in her bunker, waiting for the next supply ship to realise something is wrong and send out a distress call, followed by the Colonial Marines coming in and razing the place with nukes and thus everyone still alive, imprisoned by the aliens, leaving the two great 'Doctors' to emerge from the bunker, sturdy enough, Marcus believed, to survive said nuking, and be picked up as the 'fortunate sole survivors'. And then they'd be busy twisting the story with the rest of their WeyYu 'friends' so no one found out what truly happened.

It made Marcus' blood boil, and the alien presently nibbling at his neck and giving him a handy noticed, growling in annoyance. Marcus scoffed into its palm, unable to care less about its indignation towards him.

'Get fucked. I ain't giving it to you easy,' he spurned.

His subsequent thoughts were suddenly derailed as he felt a set of soft lips wrap around one of his testicles, looking down over the chitinous hand over his mouth to see a second alien on him, loosely suckling on his orb and juggling both within his sack with its tongue. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes; that had sufficiently surprised him that he couldn't forget about the aliens a second time. Perhaps this alien had heard its compatriot voice its annoyances, and came over to lend a hand... or mouth, in this case.

He couldn't help but groan, feeling the alien practically gargle his jewels with a desirous enthusiasm, pushing its elongated head further between his thighs to better access his scrotum, whilst the first alien trailed its lips up and around his neck until they were sliding over the rear hinge of his jaw, and up a little further until it had clasped his earlobe between its lips, slipping its tongue out through the corner of its mouth to directly tease outer contours of his ear.

She slurped quietly, but with the proximity to his ear, it was quite loud and obscene, drowning out anything else he could hear from that side. The alien down below would provide further assistance to its comrade, snaking its fingers between those of the first alien and grasping his cock as well, the two of them simultaneously stroking him off, both gently twisting their hands around his girth for added stimulation.

He, at first, didn't know what the other alien was doing with its free hand... until he heard a slick sound and the creature hiss around his orbs, sending tantalising vibrations directly into the sensitive testicles through its lips, Marcus just barely able to see its arm nestled between its thighs, moving slightly in a manner that he could only assume meant she was fingering itself.

He winced at the picture, wondering how they could be so careful with fingers as sharp as theirs were. They managed somehow, and pleased themselves in the process, given the irresistible vibrations thrumming through its lips against his scrote, tongue gently slipping across his rounded orbs and tasting him with a sensuous care and expertise. He did his best to hate it, though invariably he ended up cursing out himself in the process.

'You fucking shitbrain, don't like this! They're just going to discard you when they're fucking done! Don't be a bitch man, make 'em work for their fucking goal, don't make it fun!' he slammed himself mentally. Yet, for such inner bluster, he couldn't stop the throbbing of his dick, and nor could he do much more to voice his disgust and hatred with his mouth covered by the xenomorph nibbling on his ear, and slickly lapping at the contoured side, the tip of the muscle teasing at the entrance to the ear canal, though going no further. It was loud, and it made him wince in disgust, yet it caused his skin to prickle in stimulation all the same.

They picked up the pace of their stroking now, really squeezing his manhood, like they were trying to milk him like a cow. It made him angry, but it made his body twitch and shiver in anticipation. If his consciousness was him, and his body another entity, he very much would've liked to have beaten the traitorous bastard to a pulp. In his current predicament, he could do nothing but wait, and hope that they made a mistake, or he saw an opportunity to free himself, or at least cause a ruckus. Maybe free a few others, at least those who hadn't surrendered themselves to these things like cowards and deviants.

Of course, that was what he hoped for; his reality was far more obscene, the throbbing of his cock intensifying, as did the pressure in his loins, building up to yet another forced, explosive climax. He bit his lower lip beneath the smooth alien palm, grimacing as he attempted to endure and deny them what they sought.

But try as he might, his resistance inevitably faltered, and with an almost pained groan, a result of him trying so hard to stop his climax in its tracks, he began to buck his hips with what little range of motion he had, thrusting his cock into their hands involuntarily, spurting his thick seed onto the ground below, prompting them to pull away from his ear and his balls, watching with delighted hisses as his semen cascaded onto the ground, the thick ropes of the sticky stuff a testament to their prowess.

He panted hard in his cocoon, snorting air out over the edge of the alien's hand, though it would gently bring its palm away from his face once he began to recover from his ejaculation, allowing him to breathe fully once again. He seethed, glaring at the aliens as they ran their fingers along streaks of his seed spattered across the ground, accumulating it onto the tips of their digits, so they could slip their fingers between their lips, closing their mouths and suckling slowly and erotically, drawing their fingers slowly out from between their succulent lips, pulling them free with wet pops.

They purred in delight and pleasure, and then 'looked' to him with those eyeless faces of theirs, half their countenance covered by the domelike carapace that topped their skulls. Yet despite that, their lips conferred enough emotion to tell him what they were thinking, and the twisted smirks made him want to punch them in the face.

His member had begun to grow soft now, the aliens having released his dick from their grasp. He glowered at them, baring his teeth like an angry pit bull.

"The fuck you want, huh? You got your shit, you think that's going to break me? I'll be kicking and screaming all the way until you leave me to rot, you freaks!"

His cursing did not fall on deaf ears, but they simply smirked in a way that was always accompanied by an eye roll on humans. His grimace and toothy sneer grew painful as the anger boiled his blood; he couldn't stand the expressions they made, how they seemed to brush off his hostility with such nonchalance.

"You think you're better than me?! You think you can just do what you want to me?! The next chance I get, you'll have to kill me to stop me, because I ain't gonna play by halves, I'm going to tear you in half and beat the shit out of you, until I'm covered in your blood!"

His bluster was met by the aliens glancing at each other, before the one that had previously silenced him with a kiss stood up slowly, looming over him in a rather intimidating manner. It smiled dangerously, its sharp teeth just barely visible between its lips. It then brought up one of its hands, its tail slithering over its shoulder until the bladed tip rested its sharp edge against its palm.

With an amused smirk, it placed pressure on its chitinous hand... and began to cut into its palm. It hissed softly in mild pain, wincing from the sting. Luminous, dirty-green blood oozed forth, coating the edge of its tail blade once it finished its cut, neat and almost surgical. Then it inverted its hand so its palm faced down, dripping that glowing yellow-green blood onto the floor below.

The droplets would sizzle wherever they landed upon the resin, gouging small holes into the ground with every droplet. Marcus gulped nervously, his previous bluster now thoroughly suppressed, his words seeming far less intimidating now; he was ready to fight to the death, but he had no desire to be burned alive in acid. The creature then clenched its hand tightly, squeezing off the flow, though some would still drip through its fist.

However, it outstretched its index finger from this hand, and stroked the side of Marcus' face with the fingertip, that bloodied hand uncomfortably close. It smirked at him, before turning around, leaping up into a hole in the ceiling, its long, segmented tail trailing after it, the sharp edge tinged bright green from the creature's impromptu self-harm.

The other alien present glanced towards the hole its compatriot had climbed into, and then back to him, shooting him a wry smirk. The feminine creature then stood up, and cupped the side of his face in its palm, blowing him a kiss with its lips. He himself grit his teeth yet again, but instead of acting out, he maintained a stoic posture; clearly, they weren't above making points. The creature hissed deviously, leaning in to run a hot tongue upside his cheek, leaving a wet trail of saliva against his skin. He didn't understand these creatures; they always felt cool to the touch, except their mouths, which always seemed hot, especially their tongues.

The thing began to trail a series of slow, prolonged licks and kisses down his body now, expediting its process when it reached the resin that covered his chest, dropping down further until it reached his crotch, giving his flaccid girth a teasing nudge with the edge of its domelike skull. It chuckled in its inhuman way, and Marcus was very much expecting another unwanted blowjob; it was freaky, the way they did it with their two mouths, and unfortunately -- in his eyes -- far too pleasurable than it had any right to be.

But it had other plans for Marcus, giving his flaccid penis a few revitalising licks. He thought hard on other things, like maths, science, history, geology, even sweaty socks, anything to keep his cock from rising to the occasion like a backstabbing traitor. But the feeling of its lips clasping around his tip, and that long, dexterous tongue coiling its way around his limp dick, the slimy muscle making its presence known with its constricting squeezes, made those thoughts fragment and grow chaotic. And then it began to stroke his length with that tongue like it was a tentacle.

'Dammit... she's too good...' he lamented. He caught himself, and grimaced over his slip. 'She?' Dammit, Marcus, don't lose it now. It's an it, it's a freak, nothing more.'

As much as he wanted to tell himself that, 'she' was proving far too good at invigorating his manhood, the length now thoroughly erect in the coiled embrace of the alien's muscle.

'She', however, did not take his length into 'her' mouth. Instead, the creature released his mast and unfurled its tongue around his girth, all so it could shuffle forward a little... and wrap its breasts around his length, the supple mounds squeezing him quite nicely, both conforming to his shape, and placing stimulating, spongey pressure all around him. 'She' was able to completely enwrap his dick between her mounds, erect nipples rubbing against one another. He could feel the feminine beast's sternum against the underside of his shaft, the only completely rigid part in this erotic, soft, spongey prison.

Marcus grunted softly, biting his lip in a far from sexual manner, trying to suppress any moans or other sounds of euphoria he might've unwittingly loosed as this assault continued. 'She' opened her mouth, and extended that unnerving secondary mouth past its lips, the mandibles twitching needily as it approached his glans. He thought it was going to bite the tip of his dick off, but no, he felt that inner orifice press nicely to his head, and squeeze pleasurably, the mandibles only ever so gently digging the dull teeth into his sensitive glans. It was difficult to resist the stimulation he felt, the creature drooling from both its mouth and inner jaw, slimier than usual.