Xenophilia - Finale - Xander

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
9.1k words

Part 42 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

* * * * *

Xander whistled as he wandered through the halls, cheerful as ever. It'd been a few weeks since the whole 'crisis' with the xenomorphs ended... well, he admitted, there were a few things that could've gone seriously wrong had some individuals not dealt with them... though from what he'd heard, most of these problems were brought to the attention of people who knew how to fix them by the very aliens that caused the whole ordeal. He really hadn't known about them at the time, he was stuck in a makeshift hidey-hole made out of a shipping container near the landing pads... totally unaware one of the creatures was already inside.

Of course, that's when he first learned what these creatures were actually like, and they had tantalised him so nicely. The two of them had made the janitor feel so very nice. And in that time, the janitor had gotten to know the aliens a lot closer... none of them seemed to be bothered by his frequent visits... rather, they seemed rather eager to have him give himself to their whims. At least, between jobs, and personal activities. They also helped him with his own work, the xenomorphs, as he'd come to know them as, surprisingly adept at cleaning up mess, and they were quick learners... when they weren't lathering themselves with soapy water so they could seduce him. He shivered at the memory, that one eager alien a particularly fiery one, making him pass out from how much she was stimulating him.

He couldn't help but smirk at the memory, though he hadn't met that one since. They didn't 'stick around', so to speak, but he didn't mind. They thought of things differently, experiencing everyone they met and going around and sharing their love with everybody. As for him, it meant he got to experience a variety of different personalities; though they were all very similar, lustful, playful and largely dominant, there were often slight differences between them in behaviour. Some pretended to be playfully shy and coy, others were bombastic, some were aggressive and roughly domineering, whilst others still were domineering in a much more refined, controlling manner, using seduction and precise stimulation to make a human submit. And of course, there were those that enjoyed a more mutual experience, delighting in the company of their lovers and holding them close.

Whatever kind of xenomorph he was making love to, it was always a wonderful time, no matter how long or short. Though, they had other things to offer a man with a few hours of freedom... that's why he was heading down to their hive. The place was always open to humans, but, even without the ability to speak any human language, the xenomorphs had made it very clear that any human wandering down there without a good reason was 'fair game', so to speak. Fair game to be pounced, and 'raped'. He was honestly hoping for such a thing, he hadn't been 'hunted' since the 'crisis', and he rather enjoyed the adrenaline that was coursing through him from the fear of running from an alien he thought would kill him... at least, when said fear and adrenaline mixed with the stimulation of a lusty, exotic being pleasuring him with her wondrous form.

Maybe he was a bit of a pervert, but he shrugged at the idea; it didn't matter to him anymore, and most of the colonists on the station were rather open about their sexuality now, and their antics. They'd been thoroughly 'liberated' by the aliens, so to speak... though Xander did admit, he had a slightly higher workload now, most of the extra labour cleaning up after an alien and a human decided to have a little 'encounter' some place. It was really ironic when he had to mop up mixed semen and feminine ejaculate and any number of other sexual fluids in a janitorial closet... they did seem fond of the closets.

'Oh well, I'll deal with it... the payoff is more than worth it,' he remarked, smirking and rubbing his hands together like some comical, cartoon villain, or a lecherous old man... old, he wasn't all that much, but lecherous... he couldn't deny that. But he was a decent person, and he didn't make anyone uncomfortable; what he did, he kept to himself... save the aliens, who wanted every little detail about what pleased him now... all new desires they nurtured in him. Soon, he found himself in a maintenance and construction shed.

There was no one in here right now, but that was not what he was here for; in the middle of the room was a hatch, ostensibly an opening to a shaft meant for future geothermal generator rods to be sunk into it once the shed became of little use or if the extra power was necessary... but in reality, it was a hidden entrance to the xenomorph's hive, so that humans and aliens could come and go as they pleased... though humans often had to wait with some of the routes, wait for an alien to come along and carry them down; the terrain was too treacherous in some of the shafts, and if one wasn't careful, it could've spelled certain death. So, it was often best to wait until an alien came along to help said human down. He opened the hatch, and climbed down the ladder until he came upon a hole in the rock, a cold draft tugging at the nape of his neck. He squeezed through the opening, and stood on the edge of a deep shaft.

He turned on the lamp latched to his toolbelt, illuminating the area around him; the top of the shaft looked like solid rock, but looking down, and he saw the various resin formations that marked the start of the alien hive the colony sat upon. There was no way down from here that he could access, and it was too dangerous to try and climb... but he wouldn't have to wait long. They were usually pretty timely for coming and getting humans that wanted to get into the hive, and usually, they were kind enough not to pounce on them there and then when the humans had no chance of escape... usually.

Though a human never had a chance to escape, it seemed to respect the 'chaotic' and unpredictable nature of how one would end up caught in this place, and didn't want to make a human already exhausted before any other alien got to them; they were, after all, just helping the colonist down, there was no fun in taking advantage of someone who had no other choice than to trust them... though, that wasn't always the case. In a way, that added to the unpredictable element of the Hive.

A few moments later, he saw a shape meandering up the wall from below, jumping from one outcropping to another with effortless leaps, before bouncing over to his side of the shaft, and crawling up over the ledge onto the outcropping he himself resided. She was a bit more petite than her sisters, but that didn't mean she was any less 'dangerous' than her kin. She smiled at him, and pulled him in close for a kiss, wrapping her arms and tail around him. He melted into the embrace and returned the oral affection, one of their preferred ways of greeting. She broke the kiss, licking her lips and then gesturing behind her, down into the shaft with her head. He nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I want to go down there," he confirmed. She grinned widely, and without any further preamble, snatched him up into a cradling carry, and then proceeded to help him down the shaft.

It wasn't long before he was finally at the bottom, where he'd be able to traverse the hive without any issues, at least as far as slopes and climbs were concerned; there were still difficult spots, and he was guaranteed to get lost. He didn't have to worry, the xenomorphs would help him leave once he was ready... and thoroughly exhausted. The alien that helped him placed him on his feet, and pulled him into a tight embrace, another kiss stolen from his lips. This endured for a bit longer than the first one, her slimy tongue worming about around his own, until she pulled back with a soft gasp, grinning at him. He panted too, and smiled, watching her let go of his frame.

"Thanks," he said. She giggled, and then suddenly bounded away, crawling into a hole in a wall, one of the many 'ducts' they used to traverse around the main tunnels, often to ambush humans that wandered down here. From this moment onwards, he was now 'free game', and he couldn't get out of any attempt to violate him.

That suited him just fine. So he began to walk, heading away from the shaft, deeper into the hive. He wasn't sure what he'd find, he'd been down here only once before... and that time, he hadn't been down here for long. He'd never been cocooned like most of his fellow colonists, and he wondered if that would happen here... the idea excited Xander, but whatever the aliens did now was no longer entirely motivated by an end goal... instead, they were free to do as they pleased, so they followed no basic pattern anymore. Hell, he'd seen one of them learn how to play chess... they were surprisingly quick learners, though they had great difficulty in reading anything 'flat' so to speak; screens were a bit easier, but papers were another matter. They saw their world in '3D', as one of the scientists said, but they couldn't really discern anything '2D' that didn't have anything that showed up on their own unusual senses. That being said... they could recognise faces easily, alongside the scents of individuals.

So, he knew he was being watched the moment he came down here. The idea was when one of the xenomorphs decided to hunt him. But as he continued, he came across a collection of large eggs, sitting in the middle of the tunnel. Unlike some of the older eggs laid by the Queen -- the source of all the Facehugger eggs and the Xenomorphs themselves -- these ones didn't appear to be desiccated or partially eaten... or open. They were fresh. And of course, he remembered that there was something else these eggs could contain... an unusual organism, one he nonetheless knew could send a man insane.

He saw it last time he was here... some sort of milking tentacle, one that would emerge from these eggs, latch onto a cock and swallow it whole, and suck it dry. He admitted, it was something of a frightening image... and at the same time, he was very much intrigued and aroused by the idea. He moved closer to the eggs, wondering what would happen, when there was a sudden, slick 'smacking' sound, like an organic click. He paused, and saw the petal-like flaps that composed the opening of the nearest egg twitch slightly... and from there on, a sweet, enticing aroma emanated from it. He took a cautious step closer, and the opening seemed to loosen, the gaps growing more apparent between the petals.

Another step, and slowly, the petals began to splay wide, opening up to the air and revealing the slimy contents within... but there was no facehugger in this one, waiting to latch onto him. Rather, a thick, but nonetheless flexible, appendage uncoiled from the depths, rising up like some obscene serpent, the tip a contracting, quivering orifice that Xander could see was lined with numerous, stimulating bumps and tendrils, all meant to induce intense pleasure in the recipient. No doubt, any man that was unfortunate enough to be cocooned with this sort of egg placed before him... or in this case, a certain janitor who looked about as though what he was about to do was considered deeply repulsive... but nothing down here was going to judge him, and as weird as it was, even to him, his curiosity was just too strong... and there was nothing that could really happen to him; nothing that came from these aliens seemed to be truly dangerous to humans. He fished into his pants, unbuckling his belt and loosening his trousers so he could comfortably pull out his cock, gently stroking it to get it hard.

It took a little bit longer, the 'material' he had to work with before him not exactly the most erotic in the world... but that orifice looked incredibly inviting, and the tentacle seemed 'drawn' to him. He wondered if this thing had a proper brain, or if it was more like a plant, or a hybrid thereof. He stepped closer, dick in hand, peeling back his foreskin and waving it about; the sweet aroma grew stronger as the tentacle arched closer to his manhood... until he felt his glans swallowed, the orifice immediately closing tightly around his tip, causing him to grunt.

"A lot... firmer than I was expecting," he admitted, feeling the tentacle slowly 'creep' up his cock, swallowing it bit by bit. Whatever this lecherous thing was, it seemed entirely intended to milk men dry... perhaps there'd be nothing left for other aliens to enjoy, and they'd have to carry him back to the colony for rest. He shrugged; if that's the way it was, that's the way it was. He then smirked, and shuffled forward, allowing the tentacle to further swallow his cock. He let go of his member, the length now firmly 'in hand' so to speak. He moved to instead grasp the head of the tentacle, though that was easier said than done, the fleshy surface rather slimy and hard to grasp. His grip was lost a few times on the slippery organ, but he eventually had it held nice and firmly in his hands, like some sex toy he was about to hump.

With how intensely it was already suckling, he suspected that he'd end up bucking simply out of instinct; the nubs were grinding to his sensitive flesh, and the walls were contracting and rippling in waves, far more intensely than even the xenomorphs could perform, gripping tightly around his shaft and imparting a potent, powerful suction, all whilst constantly lubricating his shaft with a slimy substance, ensuring he'd never be rubbed raw by the constant roiling of the tentacle's flesh. A groan left Xander's lips, but he stood his ground; since the entire union between the two races, he'd been motivated to get fitter, hitting the gym and 'hitting' these lovely ladies, discovering that sex with some of the more vigorous specimens... was quite a thorough workout.

But it was a workout that he never dreaded, or complained about the aching afterwards... it all felt rather nice, despite the soreness. He'd need it to stay upright now, the intense suckling of the tentacle starting to make his legs quiver already. It didn't pump back and forth along his member... it didn't need to, the flesh within able to shift and ripple enough on its own to thoroughly stimulate the man, the numerous tendrils directly attacking his glans, sensitive and vulnerable. A loud gasp left him, and he widened his stance for stability.

Heated breaths left his mouth, and he held onto the suckling tentacle, too delighted to want to pull it off, yet still worried it might somehow slip off... and also so he could thrust into it if he pleased.

"Fuck..." he remarked, pushing his cock into the organ and starting to thrust a little bit, though it didn't change how far along it swallowed its cock, the edge still wrapped firmly around his root. He felt his testicles slapping up against the lower edge of the tubular organism, feeling the constant 'ooze' it practically drooled from the opening. Such lecherous slurping sounds filled his ear, and he was feeling more and more sensitive by the moment. The alien tentacle was indeed efficient, and didn't need the added stimulation of his bucking to make him moan.

He shifted, and thrust even harder than before, panting loudly, starting to sweat. His first orgasm was close, he could feel it in his loins, a pressure beginning to build.

"Goddamn... and there were guys stuck to a wall enduring this?" he remarked, though he reminded himself that, even if he was standing free, even if he was not stuck to a wall and had his hands around this thing... he wasn't any less trapped than they were; it wasn't going to let him go until it had drained him. By how much, he couldn't answer... certainly perhaps enough to make him pass out, but he knew he wouldn't die.

But he knew he'd feel completely exhausted if this thing decided to milk him to such fatigue, the suction intensifying, the debauched slurping he heard around his cock causing him to really lose control.

"Ah shit... feels way too damn good," he commented, feeling himself nearing his first orgasm. Precum was oozing from his tip, and it was being drawn from his tip immediately, like his cock was a straw. He gasped, and leant over the tentacle, starting to put his weight on it for support... and even then, that didn't seem to phase the tendril, keeping his weight from crushing it without any issue. It continued to gently suckle, though the stimulation was still intense, feeling all those perfectly formed bumps and tendrils attack his most sensitive parts, rubbing along his glans, its corona, and the area beneath the ridge.

He shuddered, a lustful convulsion running through his body, whilst powerful stimulation burned his cock, despite the constant lubrication the tentacle secreted. He wondered if there was an alien watching him now, smirking at his lechery... even if there was, he wouldn't see it if it wanted to hide. So, he just continued to pump his hips slowly into the tentacle milking his cock. As much as he knew this was weird, he just couldn't get enough of the intense slurping suction that this thing was imparting on his penis. He was ready to blow, and he spread his legs a little wider in anticipation.

Not long after that, he was brought over the edge by the tendril, the tightly clenching, rippling flesh drawing out an ejaculation as Xander moaned, gasping and shuddering, bucking into the orifice as he pumped his seed into its hungry maw. It gulped down the semen without any delay, small bulges forming on the exterior of the thick tendril, making it seem as though it was collecting far larger amounts of his essence than he was actually producing. Each almost unnoticeable bump was drawn into the open egg, collected for later. He wondered what they needed these things for... perhaps they were simply to break men in. If so, they were very good at it.

The suction died down for a brief moment, but when he was in the final moments of his climax, during the last few spurts he shot from his cock, the tentacle began to suckle again, making him groan hard in pleasure.

"Ah fuck... I knew this thing wasn't going to let up after one..." he remarked, though he held his ground, making sure he didn't simply topple over from the intensity of the relentless pleasure. He was sensitive from his orgasm, so to come under attack by the tentacle just moments after, and with no less intensity at that, meant things seemed far more stimulating than before.

He shivered constantly, and panted, starting to sweat as the tentacle drew him closer to another climax. Whatever this thing's purpose beyond milking men, it didn't quite matter to him now. He could feel pressure beginning to build inside him already, the lack of respite meaning he had no chance to rebuild his resilience. Soon, he was cumming again, and there was nothing he could do about it. Experimentally, he pulled and pushed at the tentacle, trying to see if he could pry it off... but the thing only clenched down tighter and imparted an even slicker, more potent suction, causing him to groan, almost doubling over the debauched organ. His heated breaths came frequently, and he shivered and tried to survive the endless pleasure.

"Damn... these things... sure don't... let up..." he muttered, his grip on the tentacle loosening up as he found himself unable to maintain his strength. Soon, he was teetering at the edge of another orgasm, the slimy rippling of bumpy flesh against his member more than enough to tantalise him.