Xenophilia - Finale - The Couple

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
9.3k words

Part 38 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

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William slotted his keycard through the reader, sighing out as he strode through the door; it was a strenuous day at work, having to perform quite a bit of labour and physical work... even with the help from the colony's newfound 'friends'. No matter, he was home now, and he looked about the spacious room he and his wife had earned themselves. There were few rooms in Victor's Post that accommodated more than one person that wasn't a security or military barracks.

But he and Jess, they had gotten special consideration due to their marriage, and certain other plans. They now had a suite. It wasn't too much bigger than the standard rooms available, but it had its own separate bedroom, along with a larger kitchen and dining room combo. In which he found his wife, Jessica, humming away as she rehydrated some food rations. Alas, there wasn't much in the way of fresh fruit and veg in the colony, not until the hydroponics department was fully up and running, which was uncertain even now.

Of course, that didn't mean he didn't smile at the sight of his wife preparing a meal; no doubt her day was shorter than his, being that she worked any number of jobs. Her role wasn't quite as defined as his, she was more of a handywoman. It gave her more flexible hours than him, or sometimes a greater workload, it wasn't always consistent. But she enjoyed her work, and enjoyed seeing him come home far more. She turned to him, and smiled.

"Hello honey... you look like you've had a hard day," she said, smirking sympathetically.

He responded with a weary expression of amusement of his own.

"Well, when you have to move crates and piping all day, and then weld the pipes with parts from said crates, with more crates and pipes than hands... well, it's a bit rough on the arms," he remarked, setting down a toolkit on a metal chair by the door. The suite was still fairly spartan, hardly something comparable to even the typical mid-range hotel suite on a more developed world -- Earth, mainly -- would have. But it was comfortable for them, and it suited their needs.

Jess laughed softly.

"Sounds like it... all I had to do today was some admin stuff up near the labs, and I'm not even that experienced with IT support... but I suppose I helped out," she said. She watched Will saunter over to her, and give her a kiss on the cheek. She murmured appreciatively, almost finishing up with her cooking; just some rehydrated meat, a sauce that was supposed to be gravy, but no one really called it that, and a side of dried fruit. Hopefully in the coming months, more fresh food than was available would start coming in, and she could actually make halfway decent meals for her and her husband. No matter, it would come. She knew that much; the next supply ship was slated to have a great deal of hydroponics equipment with it. Once some actual farming was underway, along with some vitro-meat... well, it would be a true mark of a new colony. When the food the colonists ate actually resembled food.

At least what they had still tasted nice... and smelled nice too. Enough that it wasn't long before it drew another visitor to Jess...

She sighed out as she felt the teasing caress of lips to her neck, upside down as they were, a certain 'friend' hanging from the ceiling. The alien then dropped down and gently embraced the woman from behind, not so much that it disturbed her cooking. Will noticed, and raised an eyebrow. He honestly hadn't noticed her, and moreover, he didn't recognise her... but that was something he was used to. These 'xenomorphs' were free with their affections, and that meant they often went around to different people. It didn't mean anything less to them, of course; in their 'eyes', the humans were all members of one great family, so the idea of having as many partners as possible wasn't taboo to them... especially with how incestuous they were amongst their own kind.

He smirked, and sat down at the table, watching as the alien sauntered over to him, a silky sway to her gait. No matter if this one was a stranger, they all imparted affection and intimacy, and that was something he and his wife did not at all mind, not after all they'd been through. The first encounters might've been... less than ideal, but now he understood how they behaved, how they thought. It was logical to them, despite their seeming awareness of the trauma it would've caused their human prey.

But... since the first time the two of them were brought to their Hive, they were won over by the Xenomorphs... it wasn't easy, and they certainly hated them for a while, but they were able to witness acts of compassion amongst the debauchery and predation. It was something... different, but not inherently wicked, something that most people had grown to accept now. These aliens also opened their lives to something more... liberating. They had no intention of enslaving the humans they caught, but they couldn't suppress their instincts... though that was in the past now.

Now, in the present, these aliens had worked tirelessly to earn forgiveness and acceptance, and they had succeeded... evident by Jess giving the alien a kiss on the lips as she set the now ready meals on the table, sitting down next to her husband. The Xenomorph smiled, and gnawed on some cooked, rehydrated meat that Jess had set aside for their 'guest'. They didn't eat much, apparently sustaining themselves with fish found in subterranean rivers, fish that were too toxic for humans to eat... but given they had blood that could melt through solid steel, Will didn't think it mattered much to them, and it allowed the colony's supplies to not dwindle to rapidly. The aliens seemed concerned about that, which was why none of the food they stole when they were kidnapping humans was eaten by them, simply used to feed their captives.

Nowadays, they were more than happy to eat anything humans shared with them, but they didn't eat much even then... they really didn't require much in the way of substance to go for long periods of time without eating. Just one of their many advantages over humans... though now tempered by love and compassion.

And sex... lots and lots of sex. It was no secret between Jess and Will what this xenomorph wanted here... and no secret that they were more than happy to oblige. Their sex life had reached new heights now that they welcomed these xenomorphs into it... that they were so adamant their partners felt pleasure ensured it was always an enjoyable time.

It also, in an odd twist, reinforced their love for each other; they recognised their hearts belonged to one another, and so did the aliens. In that regard, they weren't put-off by having multiple partners, though neither had ever had sex with another human since the 'incident'... but it was rather uplifting to learn how keen the aliens were to preserve their relationship. As it turned out, they actively encouraged humans to love one another, and didn't like coming between human relationships... it was all very odd, but in a way, it made sense with some thought.

Of course, once dinner was over, the smiles on all their faces was all that was needed to show they all had the same thing on their mind. And after a day's work... it was a good way to unwind.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," Jess remarked, smirking. The alien licked her lips slowly, and stood up from her crouched position, having not needed a seat at the table due to her stature.

Will nodded and got up from his own seat, following behind his wife -- who was rather seductively swaying her hips enticingly for him -- whilst the alien shadowed him with intimate closeness. He felt her breasts brushing against his shoulders, the alien hissing softly.

They entered the bedroom and shut the door behind them... and already, he found himself pulled into an embrace with his wife, the two of them wrapping their arms around one another and pressing their lips together. Their tongues slipped into each other's mouths, mingling and swirling around the other, meshing their lips together, gently twisting their heads. Their hands explored their bodies, cupping glutes and running up their backs. All the while, the alien watched on, already growing wet from arousal.

The kiss didn't last too long, and shortly afterwards, he found himself being turned around and then pushed down to the bed by his wife. Will had noted that, ever since her first encounter with the xenomorphs, Jess had grown a bit more... sexually aggressive. She had a taste for dominance, though he hardly minded. He often got the chance to turn it on her, though he had to admit to developing a thing for being submissive; more than a few of the men in the colony had discovered a taste for being the bottom... time with the aliens had quite the effects on people.

He watched as his wife slowly stripped, taking off her shirt with a fanciful gyration to her torso, like she was trying to belly dance. She didn't have to bother with her pants, however, the alien using their tail to take care of that for her, whilst they unbuttoned her brassier as well. It didn't take long for Jess to strip naked, clean-shaven and smooth-skinned; he wasn't sure what, but time with the aliens seemed to... improve their health. Even his skin was softer than before. He'd also taken to shaving like his wife. It was something that the aliens liked, and for some humans, they simply started losing hair down there.

At the very least, none of the changes that he, his wife and other humans had experienced were terribly drastic... they only seemed to confer some slight benefits... which often lent themselves to intimacy. He felt his pants become tight, and decided it was high time he stripped himself, slipping off his overalls, his undershirt and pants, kicking them away with his shoes into a corner of the bedroom, sitting up on his knees, his wife chuckling and moving to crawl towards him over the bed, similarly kneeling. From there, they once again embraced each other, husband and wife kissing each other deeply, twisting their lips against each other whilst their hands explored a bit more fervently than before.

They each took a handful of the other's rump, Jess slipping her hand down to gently tease Will's testicles, whilst he took the initiative and gently circled his finger to his wife's sphincter. She groaned softly, before he broke the kiss to suckle and kiss at his neck. All the while, the alien crawled onto the bed, and embraced them from the side. She kissed Jess, whilst he moved to switch his attention between her neck and the alien's, lapping at smooth, human skin, and strange, cord-like alien flesh. He felt a chitinous, lanky hand firmly grasp his rump, whilst Jess' hand slipped around from his testicles, tracing around his hips until she came to wrap her fingers around his erection, gently stroking his mast slowly. He wouldn't sit idle, pressing his finger more firmly to her sphincter, circling the ring of muscle with greater pressure than before, whilst the alien's other hand moved to gently trace Jess' slit with a sharp but careful fingertip.

He found his head being nuzzled against by the alien, lifting it up and finding his lips stolen by the xenomorph, her long, slimy tongue slithering into his mouth. He instantly went numb and still, their throaty kisses so very disarming. He felt one of his nipples licked as well, Jess leaning in close to attack his weak spots. He groaned around the alien tongue slipping about in his throat, twitching as his wife clasped her lips around one of his nipples, flicking it with her tongue, before she pulled away. The alien released him from her oral captivity too, smiling as it looked to Jess; as dominant as they were, they often let the humans set the pace in situations like this.

However, this time, it was his turn to do something, moving forward to grope both of Jess' breasts, flicking her own nipples with his thumbs, revenge for her tantalising suckle from just before. Though, he didn't settle with just the touch of his hands... he leaned in close and sealed his lips around one of her teats, suckling vigorously whilst assaulting her nub with his tongue. She gasped softly, and started tugging his cock with a bit more vigour now, prompting pleasured groans from him. She rubbed his glans with her thumb, whilst the alien moved behind her to start lapping at her slit from behind; its mouth could only really suckle to her sphincter, which stimulated her all on its own, but the alien's incredibly long tongue saw her womanhood traced by the slimy muscle. Now she was the one under assault, sweet moans leaving her lips. She panted softly, and looked to her husband, her free hand moving to gently rake across his scalp.

It wasn't long before there was another position change, however, Jess pushing her husband over until he was lying on his back. She crawled between his legs, hands splaying wide and traipsing across his thighs as she closed in on her goal, his throbbing cock, eager for her attention. She grinned with a predatory hunger she had to have learned from the xenomorphs, licking her lips until she was atop of his crotch, Jess grasping his root in her hand once more and stroking slowly but firmly. She grinned at him, tugging his length with force enough to make him gasp, her other hand moving to ensnare his jewels, fondling his balls whilst she teased his length.

He knew what was coming next, seeing her hand slip closer to his root to give her space above, bringing her lips to his glans, and gently kissing it. She didn't take it immediately, the woman wanting to take her time with her husband first, gently swirling her tongue around the soft tip of his cock in between her sensual, wet kisses. She liked his taste, murmuring in appreciation, especially when a dribble of precum formed at his tip, which she eagerly lapped up.

The alien wasn't going to remain left out either, the creature crawling towards Will's face, clutching his head and bringing her lips to his own. He did do the same, albeit only one hand pressed to the side of the alien's face, the other instead moving to squeeze one of her silky, alien breasts, rubbing his thumb to her nipple, much as he had done to his wife. This time, she didn't open with the invasive kiss, instead opting to imprison his tongue with her own by coiling the muscle around his, squeezing and stroking it, the tip reaching out to graze the flesh of his mouth, all as her lips suckled to his own rather nicely.

It made him shiver, however, and despite the intense kiss, he was not rendered unaware of the fellatio slowly happening at his member either, both acts upon him intensifying each other. He groaned, and arched his body in response to the pleasure, whilst his wife gently slid her lips closed from around the corona of his cock until they were pressed together against the opening, her tongue gently prodding and teasing his manhood, until her hunger got the best of her. She began to slip his length into her mouth, waggling her tongue aggressively to his cock the entire time, aiming for the most sensitive parts of his member.

However, the seal briefly loosened when he noticed, just barely, the alien's segmented tail moving to rub against her slit, 'sawing' at her nethers and stimulating her slowly. Jess managed to regain the seal she had around Will's cock, though the moans from the alien's rubbing only intensified what the husband was feeling, the vibrations of her moans thrumming against his cock through her lips and her tongue wherever they touched.

He grunted, but he did his best to endure for his wife, and to keep the alien occupied, kissing the creature as best he could, but his tongue was still thoroughly trapped in the coils of the alien's muscle... which soon began to slither down his throat, once more sending him limp and unable to resist the alien's touch. He groaned and murmured as he was dominated. If an alien wanted to subjugate a human, all they had to do was apply one of these kisses to their intended prey, and they would turn to putty.

Fortunately, the alien didn't continue the deep kiss for long, withdrawing her tongue so as to not distract him from the increasingly vigorous blowjob his wife was giving him. To the point the alien broke the kiss and twisted his head so he could see Jess bobbing up and down his cock, taking his length into her mouth to the halfway mark, whilst vigorously stroking the lower half of his mast with her hand. Will groaned, thoroughly aroused by the sight of his wife fellating him, but as it happened... the alien had an idea to make it all the more interesting.

The creature moved to grab Jess' legs, and to her surprise, she was twisted around Will's cock, allowing the alien to form a triangle with her body, Will's, and its own... laying itself down and placing its head betwixt Jess' thighs, and forcing Will's between their own, pressing its sopping gash to his lips. He didn't waste any time, and immediately unfurled his tongue to lap at the alien's slit. It tasted coppery, much like a human's in a way, not nearly as sweet as the creature's other fluids... but it didn't matter to him, enjoying this as much as he possibly could.

Just as the alien enjoyed sticking its tongue into Jess' nethers, the woman starting to moan and shudder just from the intensity of the cunnilingus she was receiving; a xenomorph's tongue could reach deep into a person's body, and was infinitely flexible, like a tentacle, tracing the folds of Jess' womanhood and pushing against her sweet spot. It was so very intense for anyone having their pussy or ass eaten out, and the aliens knew it. They were masterful with their muscles, and were thoroughly stronger and more impressive than any human's. It was one of their many tools for subjugating a human, and both Will and Jess had experienced it firsthand.

Though, Will did not feel disappointed in himself; even with his short tongue, he was making his alien friend shudder and spasm, just from waggling his muscle as vigorously as possible. Sometimes, he attacked her clitoris, even suckling on the nub like it was a nipple all its own. Pleasured hisses thrummed against Jess' pussy, and her moans spurred him happily to continue, all as his Wife picked up the pace herself, bobbing her head deeper than before, suckling firmly and assaulting his glans with her own tongue. He shivered, as sensitive as ever, precum beading onto Jess' tongue, his wife lapping it up as though it were a treat.

He shifted, and used one of his hands to grasp at the hip of the alien whose crotch his face was currently buried in, digging his fingers into the flesh of her rump, feeling it fill the gaps between his digits, whilst his other hand moved to gently rake through Jess' hair. The alien did the same to him, massaging his scalp and making sure he couldn't pull away, whilst Jess released the root of his cock so she could reach down to play her fingertips across the dome of the alien's skull, her other hand continuing to play with his balls. In response, the alien moved her free hand to play with Jess' rump, squeezing and kneading it, all whilst plunging their slimy tongue in and out of Jess' pussy with merciless lust.

Both Will and Jess felt the man's cock throb; he could feel the pulsing of his manhood, and she could feel each twitch against her tongue and between her lips, a sign he was close. So was she, quivering around the alien's relentless tongue, threatening to break her just as soon as she would break Will's resolve. As for the alien... the pleasure the two humans were feeling was enough for its own arousal to drive it closer to a climax, no doubt purposely waiting to join them in the mutual orgasm. Whether Will or Jess were able to cum together was another matter entirely... they were both shivering, and Will's tongue lapped more erratically at the alien's slit, unable to focus from the gentle but intensifying pleasure his wife's mouth provided.