Xenophilia - Finale - Phoebe

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
9k words

Part 41 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

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Phoebe had returned to her previous job at the security station, monitoring the activities of the colonists through the facility. It had been a bit... tenuous, coming back to this job. If nothing else, than because people looked at members of the CPA a little less favourably than the somewhat diminished views they had even before the invasion. Mostly because people saw the CPA as a bit... pompous or out of their league. But they did actual work in this place, not to mention the Marine Squad had fared no better than any of the CPA Officers that tried to fight back.

Though, it was a little bit of a moot point when no one was dead, everyone was back to their work, only now, they had the 'invaders' walking and helping alongside them. Along with more... 'amorous' activities. She'd seen more than her fair share of intimate encounters between the xenomorphs -- as the name had been revealed to be -- and various human colonists through her security cameras; she wasn't sure what to think, knowing she was effectively a voyeur, spying on these sexual activities... though it was not entirely her fault; there were no cameras in the private quarters in the colony, and nor were there any in places like bath rooms and restrooms.

At least, not where people would be expected to be seen without clothes. That didn't stop the aliens from dragging humans into maintenance or janitorial closets or any other unoccupied room for some 'fun'. They often didn't ask, but even then, they seemed to be selective; people who weren't busy, didn't have a place to be in a timely manner, or people they just sensed were bored. It had something to do with pheromones, apparently, but beyond that, she didn't know much at all.

It didn't matter. She still took her job seriously, but as much as Phoebe should've been jaded about the scenes she often witnessed, her own experiences meant she was always rather... flustered, when viewing a xenomorph pinning down some man and riding him until his face looks like it was going to compact in on itself in ecstasy, or a woman bent over and mounted to have eggs laid in her womb... the latter of which she was familiar with. Even the mere thought gave her a tingle in her loins. None of what should've been traumatic was... just distracting from her job. Of course, despite that, the majority of the time, she saw few things interesting through her security monitors... though it was still odd to see xenomorphs crawling through, into and out of ventilation ducts, especially now that they were all fully functioning again... and of course, since no one paid them any heed unless they were suddenly being dragged away... again, selectively.

Other aliens, they walked with humans as if equals, providing assistance to colonists for varying tasks and day-to-day jobs and seemingly just watching and learning with close interest. And even now, she was being watched herself, Phoebe fully aware of the xenomorph clinging to the ceiling above her... almost like it was lounging. She grumbled, and continued to flick through her monitors, waiting for any to automatically pickup what the system's algorithms detected as 'unusual behaviour'... which was how she often ended up observing an interspecies mating ritual. As she watched, one of her colleagues sauntered up beside her, carrying two cups of artificial coffee. He set one down next to her on her desk, and kept his own in hand, smiling as he watched the various goings-on the monitors revealed.

"So, anything interesting?" he asked.

"Besides a particular lack of shame or decency?" she retorted with dry sarcasm. "Nothing much. Not since that male we caught stealing medicine from the infirmary. How did you catch him again?"

"Well, all we had to do was confront him, fortunately; with this many people, we don't actually have to worry about much violence; it's a close community, and he sure doesn't have anywhere to run. Our friends wouldn't help him, so we don't have to worry about troublemakers running off to them... they'll just drag them straight back to us... after screwing them into oblivion, of course," he remarked with a slight chuckle of amusement.

Phoebe just curled the corner of her lip slightly in a dry expression; the aliens did so love 'punishing' people by literally fucking them until they were exhausted... it was surprisingly effective, actually. It seemed such encounters were more than most people could manage, so despite the pleasure in it, it actually frightened some people. Herself included. But, the aliens were generally rather civilised, in their own way, despite their violent and forceful 'introduction'.

"Well, as long as they don't break them before we have them in custody; it'd be hard to keep this all a secret if we have to report people going insane," she quipped. Her co-worker chuckled, and took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh well. Hopefully, whenever we are revealed... well, that we don't have to worry about this place turning into a warzone... there'd be hundreds, thousands of people who'd happily sign up to live alongside these things... I know I would, knowing what they're like now."

His words weren't entirely inaccurate; it was often brought up in administerial meetings and discussions among colonists, that eventually, the little 'setup' of cohabitation here would no longer be a secret, that it'd be revealed to humanity at large... so, the idea was to get people into positions of influence to send the right sort of people here, so when it did eventually happen, nobody would want a fight, and that things could remain peaceful. But he was perhaps a little optimistic... she didn't think too much on it.

She knew now that this job at Victor's Post would be a permanent station, and as prudish and flustered as she seemed at the various goings-on around the colony... she didn't want to give up what she had here. She felt more alive than she had in a long time. She blushed a little, and then returned to her work, prompting her colleague to smirk, roll his eyes and walk away to his own station. Phoebe tapped in a small report onto her computer, when she suddenly felt a set of breasts come to rest on her head, heavy and supple, chitinous hands wrapping around her waist, and her own bust, gently gripping at her mounds, whilst the alien growled playfully.

Phoebe gasped softly and then shook her head, groaning as a bright red blush formed on her face.

"L-Look... I'm working right now," she said. The alien chuckled, and gently eased the pressure it placed on the top of her head with its bust, but it didn't let her go. Perhaps it knew that, though she was indeed working right now, she was soon going to be off work for a little while... more than enough time for them to perform whatever lecherous deed on the vulnerable security officer that they had in mind. She tried to keep focused, but the set of breasts on her head were distracting; she knew how delightful they were to touch and squeeze...

'No, no Phoebe, you still have work to do,' she thought, trying to keep her focus. Fortunately, the alien didn't interfere any more than it already had, simply watching what she was doing -- however the hell that worked without any eyes -- and waited for her to be finished. Time moved slowly, the feeling of the xenomorph's breasts atop of her head tugging at Phoebe's thoughts. She knew the alien wanted something from her... or rather, wanted to do something to her, but what that was remained to be seen... more eggs weren't unlikely. They were infertile now, but that didn't stop them doing it anyways, for the simple pleasure of it. Laying eggs was one of the most intensely stimulating things they could do, and they took every chance they could get to fill a woman with their seed.

However, time passed, and soon, she had finished all of her duties. She had nothing to do for some time... or, she would have, had this xenomorph not decided to steal her for whatever lecherous purpose it had in mind. She got up, and turned to face the alien, her eyes invariably drawn to the set of heavy, hanging breasts attached to its chest; she bit her lower lip, unable to avoid drinking in the strangely erotic form of the xenomorph, feeling herself tingle in her nethers. She wanted this, but she wasn't about to make it so obvious... the aliens enjoyed playing on that. It beckoned to her, and gestured for her to follow, and she nodded sheepishly, taking up position behind the xenomorph as it walked out of the security room. Phoebe remained, doing what last bits of paperwork needed to be done to show that she was off work, before following after the alien.

Trailing behind the exotic creature, she couldn't help but let her eyes be drawn to the gentle swaying of the alien's rump, so enticing and desirable, just barely jiggling with each step. It almost made her bump into a few other colonists and obstacles in the corridors, prompting her alien escort to click to get her attention, gesturing for Phoebe to keep her eyes up... if nothing else, than to make sure she didn't have an accident before the fun could begin. They had no issues with being stared at, and they often flaunted their form so that people would... but at this moment, the alien wanted Phoebe alert and ready.

She soon realised she was being taken back to her room, where this alien clearly intended to do whatever it was it had in mind. She had her keycard out already when they came to her room, the alien gesturing for her to unlock her room. She nodded nervously and slid the card through the reader, opening the door... and immediately coming face to face with four other xenomorphs, all seemingly chatting to each other, before their attention was drawn to the now fearful and highly embarrassed security woman before them, smirking deviously. Phoebe wanted to back out, but her escort bumped her in, causing the woman to yelp as the door was shut behind her. Not long after that, she was crowded in by the aliens, all squeezing her between their bodies. Their breasts brushed against her face, and their hands immediately began wandering, exploring her body with lecherous intentions.

It didn't take long for one of them to slip their chitinous digits beneath her clothing, slipping their fingers along her skin and touching her directly. She didn't know which one it was, however... she couldn't quite tell where any of them were, her senses overwhelmed thanks to her anxiety and her nervousness; they were all just a tangle of chitin and lecherous groping. Phoebe groaned as she tried to escape, for no real reason other than instinct; she wasn't particularly scared of them, but she was more than a little overwhelmed... but she definitely wanted to see what was going to happen; they'd never once hurt her... only brought her the most intense of pleasures.

She looked around at them, their eyeless faces and the dizziness of the overwhelming sensations making them all look the same, especially when her vision was constantly being obscured by supple breasts, their erect nipples poking her in the cheeks and along her nose, cycling around her so they could each take turns to bury the woman's face into their busts. She squirmed, feeling their tails scrape and slither against her body, slowly tugging down her clothing with all of their appendages. She was being stripped almost passively, Phoebe unable to tell where the stripping started and when the article of clothing was removed from her form.

Soon, she was completely naked amongst the gaggle of xenomorphs, all of them appearing to make immediate moves to rub themselves to her naked frame. She was squeezed between them, Phoebe groaning in response to the lecherous grazing of their bodies upon her own, sliding their breasts against and over her flesh, whilst gently squeezing her glutes, one even tracing a circle against her sphincter, another slipping a finger between her legs from the front to trace her slit, whilst a hand from two different aliens grasped at her breasts, rubbing her nipples and twisting them gently, fondling them in a circular manner.

It didn't take long for Phoebe to grow wet, her body having grown extra sensitive to erotic touch since the first encounters with these creatures. But... she'd never been with more than one at a time, let alone five. Could she even survive five at once? Were they going to fuck her crazy? These questions and more raced through her head, but they all splintered along with what remained of her concentration when they started slowly running their tongues up her face. What they wanted to do with her would come after they thoroughly teased her... they so loved teasing people, making them submit to their pleasures. And they were fond of using their tongues to stimulate people too, the excessively long and incredibly dextrous muscles more than capable of bringing humans to climax on their own.

There was no way she could withstand an assault from five of these tentacular tongues at once. She flinched and groaned, feeling their slimy masses glide across her face, pressing firmly and leaving slick trails behind wherever they touched. She whined and groaned, shivering and flinching in stimulation, her body being attacked from all sides at once, feeling chitinous tails coil around her limbs like she was in a pit of tentacles. There was no escape from the pleasurable hell that she was about to endure... she didn't particularly want to, but it was still frightening all the same.

They continued to lick and kiss at her body, until she felt one of them suddenly flick their tongue across one of her nipples, causing her to squeak loudly, tilting her head back... giving another a chance at her neck, latching onto her throat and suckling like some lecherous lamprey. She gasped in response, and whined constantly, shivering and struggling in their grip, but she was completely helpless. It wasn't long before her body began to feel like it was on fire from stimulation, her skin prickling and her nerves alighting with pleasure. More whines left her lips, until she felt the aliens beginning to change positions... and not long after that, she felt them simultaneously attack five of her most sensitive spots at once; two latched onto her breasts, one suckling to a nipple each.

Another crouched down in front of her, kissing and lapping at her vulva, whilst the fourth did the same to her sphincter. And the fifth... that alien silenced her with a deep, disarming kiss. Its tongue snaked into her mouth, coiling around her own and thwarting any possibility of resistance, orally speaking. Elsewhere, the aliens alternated between sloppy kissing, suckling with their tongues wiggling to her sensitive spots, to slow, sensuous licking, pressing their muscles firmly to her nipples, her clit and vulva, and of course, her sphincter and rump cheeks. She squirmed in their grasp, but their numerous hands held her by many places, keeping her arms outstretched and her legs spread wide, leaving her completely open to their lecherous desires and administrations.

She cried out into the mouth of the alien that silenced her, twisting from one side to the other as they gently explored her with their free hands and the end lengths of their tails, not coiled around her body. It kept her in position so she could receive this onslaught. She spasmed and twitched, her eyes rolling back already, before she cried out loudly yet again, feeling the tongues of the aliens down below push into her nethers, the one crouching in front of her suckling her mouth to the woman's vulva, plunging their tongue into her depths and wiggling it about, whilst the xenomorph kissing her proceeded to invade her throat, causing her to gag softly as the alien's muscle explored about in her gullet, swirling about the flesh and tasting her.

She shivered and twitched in response. How could she endure this? She was already approaching her first orgasm, and it'd been only a minute or so. The constant licking, the endless kissing, the ceaseless suckling to her sensitive parts, it was causing electric zings to bounce all about in her mind. She could hardly tolerate any more. She wanted to cry out, to moan loudly into the air, to let her voice be heard, just to get some air... but that alien's tongue was still buried in her gullet, still robbing her of oral freedom. She struggled against the violating kiss, and fought to escape the aliens' grasp... there was no real reason to try though. It was just something that she did instinctively.

But again, every attempt to struggle free only seemed to excite the horny swarm, prompting them to more fervently lick and suckle to her nipples, her vulva and her anus. She could feel the tongues worming around in her anus and her pussy, the latter wiggling at her cervix now, the former pumping in and out. As for the aliens latched to her breasts, they seemed like they were ready to milk her, though unlike a few of her colleagues, Phoebe rarely lactated, despite the frequency she admittedly had sex with xenomorphs. But all the same, they managed to draw small trickles from her teats, gulping her fluids down eagerly, adding more stimulation to her body.

Her feet had left the ground at this point, leaving her completely unable to leverage herself. She was vulnerable to their touches, and she tried to endure the pleasure. Her hands waved about, trying to find purchase on anything, eventually tightly gripping a forearm and a shoulder of two different aliens, her body tensing up. She wasn't going to last much longer, and the aliens knew it; they were assaulting her body, attacking her every weak point, seeking her orgasm. They knew she couldn't resist them, and they wanted to hear her scream. The way things were going, it was unlikely that she'd be denying them for much longer.

The security analyst writhed in their grasp, whimpering and squeezing as their tongues teased her most sensitive spots; she could feel the tongue in her pussy tracing her folds, every nook and crevice, and pushing against her G-spot teasingly, rubbing against that ever so sensitive trigger and pulling away so as to not make her climax prematurely... they wanted her good and crazy before they let her go over the edge, though they certainly weren't keeping her on the edge. She bucked and writhed, liquids pouring profusely from her sex, a sign of her fast approaching orgasm. Her eyes had once more rolled into the back of her head, her legs kicking uselessly, held down in the hands of some of the aliens, all gently caressing her thighs and lower legs, gently teasing her toes, kneading her rump.

Soon enough, the pleasure was too much for her, and she was spasming in their grasp, juices splashing out into the mouth of the alien firmly suckling to her vulva, prompting them all to attack her viciously, prolonging her climax. She continued to shudder vigorously, twitching and twisting one way and then another. She whipped about as she bucked her hips, splashing more juices against the face of the alien burying its head into her crotch. The alien to her rear vigorously shook its face between her cheeks, rubbing itself to her glutes and causing them to jiggle. Her hands released the aliens and balled into fists, whilst her toes curled repeatedly.

Eventually, this hellish pleasure came to an end, when she was bucking in a dry orgasm, shifting about in the elevated grasp of the aliens. They sensed this, and slowly pulled back. Their growls and hisses died down, and the hungry suckling to her breasts ceased. They released her teats with a wet pop, slick and erotic, their tongues teasingly trailing off her nipples. She felt the same thing down below, the lips of the two aliens to her pussy and her anus pulling away from her body, their tongues trailing out of her still tightly clenching orifices, causing her some lingering stimulation.