Xenophilia - Darius - Pt. 01

Story Info
A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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Xenophilia -- Darius -- Part 1


This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. It will also take time to update all the parts, so please be patient. Still, I hope you will enjoy them all the same.


Darius wasn't sure how long he'd spent in... wherever he was. He remembered going to bed, and then... a haze, and now, still quite groggy, he was uncertain of his surroundings. Only that it was dark, damp, and that he was bound naked to a wall of some sort, in... something. Was it glue? Some sort of resin? Darius couldn't muster the cognitive function to figure it out, it felt like he was coming out of a deep slumber. He just knew he was naked because he couldn't feel his clothes sticking to his skin within the cocoon that kept him imprisoned with his arms outstretched... that, and he could feel a temperate, moist breeze gently brushing around his limp penis.

As he slowly regained some measure of mental capacity, he began to struggle against his restraints, but the cocoon, which he was surer now was made of a sort of resin, refused to budge, its organic appearance giving it an almost slick look, glistening in the low light that seemed to filter through what appeared to be a subterranean cave of sorts, perhaps reflecting off the rest of the resin. Yet, despite looks, and its apparent smoothness, it was dry to the touch. It was moulded quite comfortably around his body, but that was irrelevant to Darius; why was he here? What was this place? Who brought him here?

The more questions he asked, the more panic began to rise in his throat, struggling as hard as he could, to no avail. His breathing grew hard, and he looked about this cavern with fearful quickness. It was then Darius noticed that there were others like him here, their predicament identical to his, bound in resin cocoons, naked and unconscious. A moment of clarity settled on his mind. Were these the missing colonists? There were more here than he first thought. Had Weyland-Yutani lied to him and his fellows? Everyone had been told that only a handful of people had gone missing in the settlement of about 350, but Darius saw at least a dozen or more, and he could not see the entirety of the cavern.

He considered screaming for help, perhaps the others would wake up... but then what? If whatever imprisoned him down here was as thorough with the rest as they were him, how would their being conscious help anyone? They were all stuck. But what choice did he have, other than to accept a likely unconscionable fate; this seemed remarkably similar to terrible rumours he had overheard about some parasitic alien lifeform... surely, they couldn't actually be real?

He began to struggle even more violently now, but he was so snugly embedded in the resin, it was next to impossible with his arms and legs completely restricted and without leverage. He couldn't even hurt himself beyond straining his muscles. It didn't stop Darius, however, the man attempting every action he could muster to try and loosen something. His breathing quickened, bordering on hyperventilation, and so very close to screaming out for help when something moved in the corner of his eyes, making him freeze and causing his body to chill as a deep dread washed over him.

He wasn't alone. Something else was here, and it was not imprisoned like the rest of his fellows. Darius heard a quiet scuttling, soft scraping against the organic resin that coated the surfaces of the cavern, arranged like it was a fleshy growth. The man squirmed even more vigorously now.

"No, no, no, I can't go like this!" he thought, grunting and straining in effort. He tried to wiggle and shimmy himself free of his cocoon, but no amount of effort was seeing him get anywhere. The shape flashed in his periphery again, closer now. His struggling intensified, but all he was doing was wearing himself out and causing his fear and panic to grow ever more intense. He was close to tears even, Darius having no desire to die, but feeling utterly helpless in the bondage he was in.

And then, he felt something warm and slimy drip onto his forehead from above. He froze. Then, he slowly looked up with quivering lips and eyes as wide as possible; he saw it, the thing, looking at him, hanging from the ceiling, its hips facing up, but its torso twisted so that it faced him, one hand gripping the web-like resin, the other hanging freely. It arched its chitinous body, hanging its torso down until it was almost perpendicular to its hips, and twisted to a right angle rotationally. Saliva oozed from its maw, at least from what he could see, the light reflecting off the liquid and its glistening carapace, but he could make out no clearer details, until it slowly and gracefully dropped down to the floor, first pressing its hands to the ground, and then bringing its body with it, curling its torso upwards as it brought its feet to the ground, leaving it ever so fluidly standing up before him, its back facing him at a slight angle. It turned its head slightly, as though to give him a sideways glance over its shoulder... but he could see no eyes reflecting in the soft light that filtered through the dark.

He could, however, make out more details now; it's chitinous body was unusual, etched with various grooves exposed here and there amidst smoother carapace, a quartet of tubular protrusions that grew out from its back, on either side of its spine and just between where the shoulder blades would be. They flexed slightly, as if hinged on muscles. The length of the creature's spine was marked with subtle, ridge-like scales, that grew far more prominent as the spine peeled away from the body into an incredibly long, segmented tail, the tip of which curled over its unusual, elongated head, the tail ending in a long, sharp blade that possessed a slight curve, reminiscent of a claw. Its arms hung by its sides, the hands possessing long, spindly fingers tipped with vicious claws, appearing all too capable of rending flesh from bone. And it stood almost a head higher than he did, lithe and lanky. A monstrous alien creature.

Darius' breath hitched in his throat.

'What the fuck is this thing!?' he exclaimed in his mind, too terrified to speak, mustering only a fearful whimper. He knew it was looking at him; eyes or not, it knew where he was, and it was here for him. His heart raced, and his body had broken out in an icy sweat, his breathing quickening to dangerous levels. It felt like his eyes were about to pop free of their sockets.

The creature growled ever so quietly, guttural, almost purr-like. And then, it turned around.

It was honestly one of the finest set of tits Darius had ever seen, and were it not for his fear, he might have uttered a surprised, and mildly appreciative, 'holy shit'.

They were smooth, round, and quite perfectly pliant, capped with a pair of erect charcoal nipples. They were wonderfully sized, neither too big or too small, and they hung from... her chest? It had to be a 'her', he concluded in his fear-addled mind. Yes, they hung from 'her' chest with perkiness even the sexiest twenty-so-old would be envious of, that perfect oblong shape as gravity tugged upon their pliant mass, jiggling slightly but hypnotically with each step this... she-thing made as it approached.

Upon closer inspection, forced by how it closed the distance between him and itself, Darius noted some more feminine features; smooth inner thighs, a waist that was marked with unusual but small rows of cord-like flesh layered one atop the other, whilst the belly was smooth yet athletic, and possessed an unusual navel, present but lacking any sort of 'knot' in its depths, as far as he could see. All along 'her' front, 'she' seemed soft and smooth, whilst her sides and back were smooth yet chitinous, sans what he thought was a well-rounded rump. Along the sides of its torso, rib-like protrusions were visible, albeit they smoothed out as they sank into the front of the creature, ensuring its chest and bosom remained smooth.

Its neck was unusual, tube-like chords of flesh and muscle, grooved all across their length embedded along the neck, growing up out of its shoulders and into its head. All along the side of its head, it possessed unusual indentations and pits, whilst the top of the almost-pill shaped cranium was perfectly smooth, almost dome-like and perhaps transparent, with the head itself curved slightly like a crescent. The she-creature's face was only slightly further away from the neck than expected on a human, albeit the dome-like top covered up the majority of the creature's countenance, leaving only a set of feminine lips just below the dome's slightly protruding edge, covering up where the nose should be, with soft cheeks and a feminine chin and jawline further exemplifying the creature's lady-like traits.

All of this Darius noted, of course, whilst ever so close to wetting himself from just how terrified he was; feminine traits or not, this thing probably imprisoned him... and was now going to slaughter him, or devour him, neither were particularly desirable fates. 'Her' face was inches from his now, the creature's lips twisted in a thin, almost amused grin. Could it be amused? Was it musing with glee as it watched him breathe ever so hard? It cocked its head, as if intrigued with him. Darius could feel its breath gently washing against his face, an odd aroma that recalled the scent of mouthwash and wet dough, an unusual combination but somehow complimenting each other. It made that strange, purring growl again, and then suddenly opened its mouth, revealing its teeth to be sharp and animalistic, and ran a thick, black tongue up his cheek, not entirely humanlike.

Darius gasped as the alien creature lifted its tongue away off his forehead, a warm, sticky trail of saliva clinging to his sweaty face. His breath hitched in his throat, still terrified of this thing and its uncertain intentions. So many fragmented thoughts were racing around Darius' mind, too many for Darius to focus on. All he knew was that this she-thing was before him, had just licked him, and was probably about to murder him.

Then he felt a sharp fingertip gently trace the length of his flaccid penis, and he twitched and froze in place. The manner of its touch was... precise, too deliberate, too... sensuous, for a lack of a better word, to be random. The fingers the she-thing possessed were certainly sharp enough to slice into muscle and flesh, but it applied only the most grazing, ticklish of pressure, inciting acute stimulation in his member. It cocked its head in the opposite direction, and then gave him a toothy grin, followed by a guttural, soft sound he could only describe as laughter. Was it making fun of him? It traced his member again, this time curling the fingertip around the side as it approached his root so that it could gently prod his balls.

He shivered again, grunting through gritted teeth. Again and again, this creature stroked his length with that devious pressure, like one drawing their fingertip across furniture to check for dust, only far more obscene; 'she' was using the tip of her claw, so the precision was quite intense. Darius jerked about in his cocoon, utterly unsure of what to do. On one hand, this thing might still kill him, and for all he knew, it was just playing with him until it got bored.

Of course, that it was 'playing' with him the way it was certainly never crossed Darius' mind as a possibility, and now it was tracing temptational lines along his cock, and much to his dismay and personal confusion, it was responding; blood began to flow into the organ, rising tentatively to the occasion. This seemed to please the she-creature, that smile widening just that little bit more as its efforts proved fruitful. As for Darius, even in his fearful state, he burned red in the face, and felt utterly baffled that he was able to get it up at all, in such a situation, to such a creature... but there was something... sensuous about it that seemed to arouse a deeper desire in him, a perverse attraction to something that seemed to hit the marks of a seductive woman, and yet be so... alien.

His penis was reluctant to stand tall, and understandably so. Still, the alien lady was appearing to grow impatient, as it crouched down before his crotch... and gave his semi a slow, practiced lick, tracing the contours of his cock much as it had done with its fingertip; the wet, fleshy touch seemed to spur his cock on, jumping with a throb as his own shameful, confused arousal began to take hold. If he was to die by this creature's hand, it seemed likely now that it would happen with the strangest stiffy Darius ever had. It licked him again, trailing along the side of his length and moving around to the underside, until he felt that strange, rounded organ pushing against and rubbing down his testicles. His breath hitched in his throat, gritting his teeth in an attempt to stifle any sounds this treatment might have wrought from him.

It continued to lick him, slow, deliberate and singular strokes, each time painting a different section of his manhood with its warm saliva. It brought a finger up now to gently poke and prod at his glans, digging the tip into the hard tip, eliciting gasps of light shock from Darius; it knew its claws were sharp, and that was the idea, pricking him with just the right amount of pressure that it was stimulating in conjunction with its lecherous tasting, without worrying about such things as stabbing him in the dick. It was more controlled than that, more practiced. It would slide its tongue all the way to his balls several more times, whilst its other hand moved up to gently take his sack within its spindly fingertips, gently fondling them by rolling the orbs between its lithe digits, gently scratching the loose skin with sharp nails like one would a pet.

Once Darius felt his cock fully slathered in a layer of saliva, warm and cool at once, it ceased its licking, having coaxed his member to full mast. It stood up, letting a fingertip sensuously glide along the tip of his member, the sharp nail grazing his sensitive cockhead with the ever-present dominance it seemed to delight in asserting. Its other hand remained by his crotch, fondling his orbs between its fingertips, perhaps too long and too sharp to simply grasp the balls in its palm. Nevertheless, the teasing ensured he remained erect for this creature. His fear hadn't abated, but now Darius was huffing quietly in arousal, so skilfully inflicted upon him by this devious entity.

It grinned again, leaning in to run its tongue up his face once again, the other side this time. It released his balls, walking its fingers up his cocoon until it came to rest its hand on the resin that covered his shoulder, whilst its other hand moved to cup the side of his face, the long, spindly fingers able to encompass the full side of his head with ease. With his buzz-cut hair, he could feel the fingers ever so gently pricking into his scalp as this she-creature took hold of him, looking into his eyes as if it had its own to gaze into his soul with. It was then he noticed what seemed like... depressions, or sockets, hidden behind the semi-translucent dome that covered its head, the closest analogue to eyes he could conceive of.

It smiled, and lifted its legs up, one after the other, and dug them into the resin on either side of his cocoon, lifting its hips up so that it could bring its crotch to hover above his own. He felt moisture drip onto his tip, alerting him to the ever so aroused slit nestled betwixt the alien woman's legs... though he could not see it with this thing pressing its bust to his cocoon, blocking his view of down there... but he could feel an intense heat radiating from it, hot arousal trickling onto his glans. It growled softly, deviously, clearly enjoying this foreplay, as short as it was.

Darius perplexingly felt... disappointed? It was a subtle feeling, but it was there, that pang of regret that the foreplay didn't go further. It confused him. Why should he want this, and why should he be enjoying it? Perhaps it was the fact that the longer it played with him, the longer he survived, and that maybe prolonged foreplay might've made the inevitable death a little less horrible... maybe. Either way, there was no avoiding what was to come, as the creature lowered its hips until the slippery labia pressed to his glans, and gently splayed to either side, his tip pressing up between the folds, gently sliding against either side of the head.

After her gentle but precise teasing before, Darius couldn't stifle the aroused grunt from how sensitive his tip was, throbbing and eager for this. The fear was mixing with the arousal now, and it made his head spin in lustful confusion, and it only made the experience more surreal now, as this eyeless woman peered deeply into him all the same, lips pursed into a hungry grin. He tried to look away, but... he found himself unable to look anywhere but 'her' face, the dark, soft skin outlined by the more rigid chitin, lethal and yet oddly beautiful, seductive even.

'She' began to grind against his tip, gently rubbing her slit up and down his glans, from the tip near her anus, and slowly until he felt a surprisingly firm clitoris prod against his glans, which prompted her to push the little nub firmly into Darius' cockhead, squashing and grinding her button with a lustful insistence. It caused her to hiss and growl quietly, sounds of pleasure that were all too animalistic and feminine at once. Whatever she was... she knew what she wanted, and she knew what made her feel good.

Darius' only desire currently was to feel himself inside of her. He couldn't even believe himself, wanting to shove his member into her depths, but she had riled him up like this, despite his fear, his terror and his certainty that he was going to die. A large part of him wanted this to stop, to be freed from this lurid nightmare, to avoid being used by this strange creature... but 'she' was not going to stop, and he had absolutely no means to stop her. And he a perverse curiosity to see this through.

She clutched the side of his face just a little bit tighter, her claws lightly stinging him with their sharp tips digging into his scalp. He winced and gasped in pain and pleasure all at once. It wasn't the first time he'd ever had sex, but... never like this. Bound and helpless at the mercy of some she-creature that might kill him once she was done with him. It was exciting and frightening all at once, though he could not help but whimper in fear ever so quietly as she bared his teeth at him, and then smiled wickedly after. Was she threatening him, or just making him react for her own amusement?

He had no way of knowing.

He felt her tail press up against his shaft now, pushing against it and keeping it aligned with her entrance as she now began to drop down upon it, her walls parting as his tip opened her up... with effort at that. The alien hissed in pleasure, and he grunted in a modicum of strain, the she-creature's tunnel clenching aggressively at the intrusion. But eventually, the tip slipped in fully, and with it came a sudden jerk as she dropped down an inch or two, and he gasped in shock.

Her vagina was nothing like he expected. Though he's never had raw sex before, always using a condom, and certainly never having as much as he'd like to draw comparisons between women, but... she was just... the fleshy folds buried in her depths were far more pronounced than a human's, firm enough that they put pressure on his shaft, but pliant enough they folded and stretched and curled against his member once enough force was applied, and the lubrication... she was slimy and slippery down there, and it meant, as long as the speed and force was there, he would slide with relative smoothness... but she was taking her time, dropping down with small sideways gyrations of her hips, and savouring the sensation, hissing loudly.