X-Mplary Friendship


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Thursday evening Tommy came over again.

"So, you ready?" He asked.

"Hell yes. Let's do this," I said excitedly.

"Okay, cool. You will take the pill at 1pm on Friday. Do not eat or drink anything after Breakfast, this pill is stronger and you will throw up if your stomach is full. You will have until Sunday afternoon. That's a total of less than 72 hours with the added safety factor" he said repeating info I already kind of knew.

"Okay. Sounds good. " I said.

"So, how do you feel? Nervous? Excited?" He said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Both," I told him honestly. "Um one question I did have was, how do I know I'll be Mia again. Like what if this time I'm different, I dunno fat or smaller." I said.

"That's not how the pill works. You should really read up on this shit Mikey. It's simple. Everyone has this part of their chromosome that codes for gender. X-change just unlocks and reverses that. So every x-change you take, you will always be that version of you. Make sense?" He said.

I nodded.

"Good. Because this is a big deal, and we're going to pull it off. No matter what. I believe in Mia. Not you, Mia." He said smiling.

"Yup. I believe it." I said.

"Well, get some sleep. You're going to need it. Big day tomorrow." He said shaking my hand.

"Yeah, thanks, see you tomorrow," I said as he left.

That night, I could not sleep. I was too excited, and nervous, and scared, and confused, and I didn't know what I was feeling. But the next thing I knew, it was 10am, and I was almost about to become a woman.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," I said, as I paced around the room, looking at the pill, and taking deep breaths.

"Okay, this is it. You've practiced. You can do this." I said to myself.

I grabbed the pill, and the glass of water, and put the pill in my mouth.

"This is it." I said, and downed the pill, and the water and stripped naked. This time I wanted to see how my body changed.

Unfortunately that didn't help at all, as the stomach feeling was stronger this time and I doubled over. I was more aware of the body changes this time, or they were stronger this time because of the higher dosage but I could physically feel my breasts grow and my penis almost retract. Or maybe I didn't and it was all in my head. The pain got worse and I found myself doubled on the floor near the toilet.

A few moments later, I was laying on the floor, with long dark brown hair. My face was soft and delicate again. My eyes were bright and expressive. My lips were full and pouty, and my nose was dainty and small. My boobs were back. My waist was thin, and my stomach toned. My legs were long, and my thighs were thick, but shapely. My hips were wide, and my ass was round. Mia was back.

I started to put on my clothes starting with the bra. I managed to get the clasp together with only a little bit of fumbling. All those videos seem to have helped somehow.

Next were the panties. I went with black to match the bra and wore a thong because I was afraid of panty lines on my dress. Yes, I actually did the research. I had to be convincing right?

"Ooh, this feels different," I told myself as the fabric felt way different on my pussy and legs.

Then, I put on the socks and the stockings.

"This is going to be a new experience," I told myself, and giggled.

Then came the dress.

"Okay, here goes," I said, as I slipped the dress over my head. It fit perfectly, and showed off all my curves.

"Wow," I said.

I put on the shoes, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. I make a hot chick," I said with a smirk.

I put on my makeup, and styled my hair. Once I was done, I went out to meet Tommy.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked.

"Pretty good," I said.

He stopped.

"Wait, Mike?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's me. Mia," I said.

"Oh wow. That pill did wonders. Plus seeing you with makeup and stuff, it's like you're a totally different person." He said once again checking me out.

"Thanks," I said, blushing.

"Well, you look amazing. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." I said as we got in the car to go to the hotel where the wedding would be.

The ride to there was mostly uneventful. I tried to get as many details as possible about the wedding and Tommy's family that I didn't already know.

"So how does it feel? To be Mia? Be honest" Tommy asked as he drove us.

"Well, it's different is all I could say. It feels very different. I've gotten a little bit better but the best way I can describe is being in some other body. My hands and legs feel different. I'm not as tall as I was, I'm not as strong as I was. I seem to be more flexible or bendy." I said as he raised an eyebrow at that last word.

"Bendy huh. Interesting. How many times have you jacked it to yourself? You know, knowing the pervert you are, I'm sure the minute I left that first day you stripped and took photos of your naked self just so you could jack off." He said with a sinister smile.

"No. I mean. I did take a video of Mia masturbating. " I said with a wink.

Tommy nearly swerved hearing that. "Show me the video or it didn't happen!" He said.

I ribbed him. "Fuck off perv. You wouldn't see Mike jacking off so why do you want to see Mia rub one out? In fact I think that's a good rule this weekend. Think of doing everything with Mike. You wouldn't do them now would you?" I said laughing.

Tommy shook his head. "Don't be gross. We are here to do a job. Besides I don't know if you know this " he began sarcastically, "But Mia is hot! Way way hotter than Mikey!" He said as he stuck his tongue out.

"Alright alright. Fair." I said as I giggled. I liked the attention from him somehow. I liked the attention in general. When I was Mike, it wasn't like I wasn't hot. I'm sure I was, I did date a few women but no one would say that to me outright. It felt different, good different to hear that from him or well, anyone.

"So. How was it?" He asked.

"How was what?" I asked back, knowing full well what he was talking about.

"The orgasm. I've heard it's different from women." He said smirking.

I smiled. "Yeah. You could say that." I said smiling.

"Oh don't by coy now. Come on." He said.

"Fine fine. It's hard to explain but like my body felt like it was on fire, and I swear to God I couldn't even remember what happened, my brain melted. It was very intense! And it wasn't just like my pussy. I could feel it in my nipples and" I stopped suddenly blushing, realizing I may have gotten too in detail.

"TMI?" Tommy said laughing.

"Something like that. Sorry. It's going to take a little getting used to. I know we have the relationship as a charade but I'm Mia now and it's hard to be my old self with you. At least completely. Does that make sense?" I said.

"Yeah yeah it does. And don't worry about. I promise I'll be respectful. I really really appreciate you doing this for me." He said as I smiled back and held his hand. Things were different. I would never have done something like that as Mike.

"Please tell me we're going to stop somewhere I have to pee." I said.

Tommy rolled his eyes at me. "Dude. Didn't you go before we left?" He said.

"Yes but I have a tiny bladder. I'm cold all the time too and I need to pee. And can we stop at like a nice place? I can't just pee anywhere." I said.

Tommy chuckled. "Haha. Fair. I'll get you a proper toilet I guess. And I promise to

When we got there, the hotel was beautiful. The lobby was huge and had high ceilings. The carpets were a beautiful deep red. There was a grand piano in the center of the lobby, and there was a grand staircase leading up to the second floor.

"Wow," I said.

"I know," Tommy replied. "They kinda went overboard right? Anyway let's check in." He said.

We checked in and headed up to the room.

"Alright, so, this is our room," Tommy said.

"Nice," I replied before realizing there was only one queen bed. Tommy seemed to have the same thought as me.

"I hope you don't mind and I know I said we would have separate beds but there was no way I could ask for it without it being suspicious." he said.

"Nope, it's fine." I said, knowing that's exactly the opposite of what we agreed upon. But still, it was a big bed. We had plenty of room.

"Good. Let's get settled in." He said.

Once we got settled in, it was time to go downstairs.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Hell yes," I replied after taking a deep breath.

We headed downstairs and into the main ballroom where the ceremony would be.

"Wow," I said.

"It's something else," he replied.

The ceiling was high, and the windows were large. There were huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The room was filled with chairs, and there was a large space in the middle for the ceremony.

"Wow," I said again.

"Come on," he said. "Time to meet my family and grab cocktails."

We walked into the room and saw his family gathered around a table.

"Hello, everyone," Tommy said.

"Heya Tomboy" his dad replied.

"This is my girlfriend, Mia." He said with his arm around my waist. I wouldn't dare admit it to him, but it felt weirdly right. And he didn't hold it around my ass, his arms felt good right there on the small of mine or Mia's waist.

"Hi, nice to meet you," his mother said.

"Nice to meet you," I replied. I had met his folks so many times, but this time was very different.

"So, when did this happen?" His mom asked.

"It's been a couple of months," Tommy replied.

"That's nice. Happy to have you here! " his dad said raising his glass.

We talked for a bit, and then the cocktail party began. A bunch of people came by and engaged in conversation with us.

"Oh my God," I whispered to Tommy.

"What's wrong?" He said with genuine concern.

"I didn't expect to have this many people talking to me, and asking me questions."

"It's okay, just be yourself. We got this" he said as he smiled. I don't know what was happening but I liked his smile. Everytime he smiled at me, I felt a warm feeling in my chest. Not as strong as the feeling I got when I was wet or horny but a more subtle warmth.

"Okay." I said grabbing his arm. I liked the way I could grab his arm. Since I was now Mia and much smaller than him, it felt nice to grab his large arm.

"So, how did you two meet?" Someone asked.

"We were friends in high school, and then started dating a couple of months ago," Tommy replied.

"How long have you been together?" Someone else asked.

"About 6 months," I replied.

"How long have you been in love?" Someone asked.

"Since high school," I replied without thinking. "I mean I had this huge crush on him, but he had other ideas. Luckily we reconnected recently and I was so embarrassed to tell him, but we hit it off!" I said spinning a fake tale and making sure to stick to those details.

"That's so cute," someone said.

We mingled a bit more, and then the rehearsal dinner began.

"Oh my God," I said to Tommy.

"What's wrong?" He asked with the same concern as before.

"I don't know, it's just, I'm overwhelmed. I feel like I'm being interviewed. I'm also really conscious of how I look. Is my make up still on? Is this too much cleavage?" I said slyly adjusting the neckline of my dress.

"It's okay, you're doing great and you look great" he said, reassuring me.

"I don't think I should drink any more. I just had one cocktail and I feel buzzed. Maybe it's the hormones or something." I said.

"I understand. Could also be the weight difference." he said. "Just try and have fun."

"Okay," I said clutching his hand tightly.

"And don't worry, I'm not going to leave you alone." He said smiling as my heart skipped a beat. It felt like his smile was warm, reassuring and weirdly beautiful, giving me that warm feeling again.

"Okay." I said as I smiled back.

After the dinner, we headed back to the room.

"Wow, I'm tired," I said.

"You did a great job today," he said as he took his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying not to stare at his chest. I had seen it so many times before but this time it felt different. It looked more muscular and more masculine than before.

"Getting ready for bed. That's what we're supposed to do." He said.

"Right. Let me uh. Let me put on some pajamas." I said as I went through Mia's luggage.

Unfortunately I couldn't find any pajamas. Had Tommy not bought me any?

"Uh. Tommy." I called out.

"Yeah?" He said still walking around in just pants.

"Do you have any pajamas? All I have is dresses and lingerie and stuff." I said once again scanning my luggage.

"Oh, shit. I think I forgot that. Sorry." He said.

"It's fine. Just let me find something." I said trying to think of how I could manage this. There was no way I'd sleep in my bra and panties. That would just be weird for both of us right?

"Sure. There's probably a bathrobe or something in the bathroom. You can wear that." He said.

"Okay." I said as I ran to the bathroom.

There was no bathrobe, so I grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around myself while I still tried to figure this out.

"Uh. Tommy." I called out.

I came out, and Tommy looked at me and burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked, slightly offended.

"Sorry, it's just, you look so ridiculous. You can't sleep in the towel!" He said.

"It's your fault! You didn't pack any pajamas."I said grumpily.

"Okay, okay, sorry. Why can't you just sleep in your underwear?" He asked innocently.

"What, you want me to sleep in my bra and thong? Do you realize how uncomfortable that would be? And how awkward it would be in the morning?" I said.

"Come on, it's not like you have a dick, anymore." He said.

"Shut up. But you do." I said, blushing.

"Oh. Yeah. True." He replied, slightly embarrassed.

"Fine, whatever, I'll sleep in my dress." I said.

"No, no, it's fine. Here, would it help if you took my t-shirt? It'll be super long on you anyway. I promise I won't look up it. Besides, you've already seen me in my underwear, remember?"I he said.

"Yeah. Thanks," I said.

He gave me his shirt and turned away while I got undressed and put his shirt on.

"Okay, I'm done," I said. His shirt smelt of him, and was soft and comfy. I still had my bra on.

"See? Much better." He said.

"Yeah. Thanks. You want to see something cool?" I said raising my eyebrows at him.

"Sure? You're not gonna fart are you?" He said joking.

I stuck out my tongue at him before I took off my bra without removing my shirt, knowing the trick would be handy. I had always seen memes about girls finding relief in removing their bras at the end of a long day but the feeling was real. My boobs weren't that big but it still felt good to have them liberated. I hurled my bra at Tommy childishly while giggling.

Tommy looked impressed. "Neat trick! I dare you to go braless for the wedding now." He said as he got into bed.

I rolled my eyes at his braless comment and got in on the other side and realized my folly. I was now braless in a long t shirt with just a thong on sleeping in the same bed as him. Whoops! Hopefully, Tommy wouldn't make too much of it.

"Uh. Goodnight Tommy and thanks for all the help." I said as I turned to the other side of the bed.

"You're welcome. Goodnight, Mia." He said as he switched off the light.

I laid there for a few minutes, unable to sleep.



"I'm scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

"Of screwing up. What if they find out?"

"They won't. Relax. You're doing great."

"Okay. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Just try and get some sleep. Okay?"


I tried to sleep again but I couldn't.

"Tommy?" I said once again.


"I can't sleep."

"Me neither."

"Why can't I sleep?" I asked.

"I don't know. Probably the excitement. Or the beer. Or just the hormones."

"You seem to be blaming everything on hormones."

"If the shoe fits I guess?"

"Why are you awake?" I asked him

"Because you keep nagging me." He said with a hint of acid in his tone.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone." I said

"You know you can always rub one out. That may tire you out." He was right though. The last time I passed out.

"Haha. You'd like that wouldn't you, you horny fuck." I said.

"I would, I can't lie. You're hot! Sue me! You know, you could always give that dildo of yours a whirl in the bathroom. I swear I won't be outside the door with my ear pressed and my other hand jacking it!" He said with a chuckle.

That made me laugh pretty hard.

"Ah so that's why you brought the dildo. Here, I was thinking you wanted to get some girl to use it on you!" I said jibing him back.

"Please. You're just jealous the dildo is bigger than your dick!" He said.

"Excuse me. I don't have a dick. I have a vagina!" I yelled back in laughter.

"It's kinda weird the way you say it. Vagina. Even that time in the car. It sounds weird when you say it, probably because this is the closest you've been to one!"

"Har har. I'll have you know I can get any pussy I want and I don't have to bribe someone to take x-change to do so!" I said.

Tommy went silent. Shit. Did I hit a nerve?

"Hey Tom. I was just-" I began

"I know. I know. It's okay. Don't worry about it. I honestly forgot you don't have a dick. You sound so much like Mike and you are Mike but you're not. Does that make any sense?" He said.

"No. But it made me laugh my ass off so thanks." I said.

"Good. Now get some sleep. Else you won't like my next suggestion." He said.

"I'm curious. What is it?" I responded.

"Sex of course. You and me!" He said with a chuckle.

I giggled. "Wow, you really know how to charm a lady huh." I said before giggling again.

"Good night, Mia," he said rather perfunctory and turned away.

"Night," I said.

After a few minutes, I finally drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I found myself sleeping on his chest. My face was resting on his chest. His t-shirt had ridden up, exposing his abs. I was snuggled against his body, enjoying his warmth and comfort.

I looked up, and our eyes met.

"Uh hi," I said.

"Hi." He said looking down at me

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I said not moving from the embrace and realizing how good it actually felt, his warm body against mine, our skin touching each other.

"Yeah. But it's okay. How are you feeling?" He said, somehow ignoring our predicament.

"Okay. Hungry." I said.

"Um is there a reason you're cuddling me now? Last night you were scared of my penis and my morning wood. " He joked.

"I'm sorry, you're warm. And comfortable. For some reason I'm always cold " I said as I got off his body.

The shirt I was wearing had rid up my back, and I was pretty sure I exposed my thong clad ass to him unintentionally.

"It's okay, I don't mind. You're a really good cuddler." He said with a wink.

"Thanks I said."

"So, are you going to go braless?" He asked.

"Absolutely not. Besides, what's the point? Everyone will be wearing gowns."

"True. I just thought it would be fun. You could flash the groom for a fun photo?" He said.

"No. Absolutely not. Besides I'm supposed to be your gf. Would you want your girls boobs in the wedding album?" I asked.

"Alright fair. Suit yourself. Let's get dressed and go to breakfast."

"Okay." I said as I absentmindedly started taking off my shirt before I realized I had no bra. My shirt must have been lifted a good few seconds giving him a good look at my boobs. I hastily put my shirt back on and looked at him but he was walking towards the bathroom.

"Do you mind if I go first? To shower I mean?" He said.

"Uh no. Go ahead. I think I need to steam my dress anyway." I said as he already turned the shower on.

I went to the closet near the bathroom to grab my dress but my attention instead went to the bathroom door which was slightly ajar. I hesitated and debated but something inside me snapped and I peeked.