Wolf's Wood

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A peasant woman encounters a werewolf.
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Ethel shuffled quickly down the overgrown path. The sinister trees stood on either side of her, their barren branches stretched to the heavens like the hands of sinners begging for absolution. She had gone seeking work in the city of Grindstone, but nobody would give her the time of day. Anyone willing to speak to her only grinned wryly and told her to inquire about Ms. Horehound's brothel on the seedier side of town. She knew she would fetch a pretty penny that way - she was a lovely woman with wavy reddish-brown hair, fair skin speckled with freckles across her shoulders and nose, and eyes somewhere between gold and tan - but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was an outsider in her hometown, and following that line of work would only further ostracize her. Besides, she wanted to finally earn her father's approval. How would she do that living as a whore? So, she was returning to her town of Wiltfield with an empty coin purse.

"Get through that forest quickly, Miss," a guard had told her, "for a beast stalks it in the night." He turned his head skyward and said, "The moon is full. I've warned you not to proceed, but you wish to go and there's nothing else I can do to stop you. Just know that, should something happen, I will lie and say our paths never crossed."

Ethel had tried to ignore him. She thanked him for his concern and went ahead anyway, cocky at first, an easy-going sway in her step, but her mood shifted the moment she heard a branch snap. It had been under her own foot, and she admonished herself for not only her carelessness, but her paranoia as well. The guard was only trying to scare her. She wondered if he was lonely. "If I had a wife or daughter," he had said, "I would forbid her from going into these woods alone." Perhaps it had been a ploy, a trick to frighten her, to get her to fall into his arms, and maybe, after that, into his bed.

Yes, she could almost hear him now, "Don't worry, lass. I don't have gold to pay for your stay at the inn, but I can put a roof over your head and a bed beneath your back. By the way, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look in the moonlight? Now, tell me what you like..." She giggled to herself. It was the first time she had laughed in so long. She wasn't quite sure why she was laughing. Maybe it was the thought of how easy some men could be, or maybe it was the thought of going to bed with someone, or maybe... maybe she just wanted someone to want her. Her smile suddenly faded at the thought. Sure, she had attention back home, but none of it was kind. Wiltfield was a sorry little hamlet. Nobody there was happy. And they decided to make it each other's problem. She sighed sadly.

And to her horror, it seemed the forest sighed back.

Ethel froze where she stood, her feet glued to the dusty trail. Every hair on her body stood on end. She looked around. She wanted, stupidly, to call out, but she knew no good could come of it. She scanned the trees, looking for anything that seemed out of place. Bars of moonlight pierced the clouds and passed through the trees, but everything about the unfamiliar landscape seemed unusual to her. She forced herself to keep moving, step by step, barely inching her way towards home. It was the wind, she told herself, just the wind, you're being ridiculous. Another twig snapped. She looked down. This time, it hadn't been her fault. The bare branches rattled. She shivered. She looked around again. Still nothing. She forced herself forward, one foot in front of the other. There was a growl. Tears formed in her eyes. It was her stomach, she had barely eaten all day. She kept walking. She scanned the trees again, and stopped. Hadn't she passed that boulder already? She put a hand over her racing heart. Then, the boulder moved. It raised its silver head and opened its golden eyes, seeming to give off a glow of their own. She yelped. The thing lunged at her. She tried to run but stumbled and fell flat on the path. She rolled onto her back just as the thing stood above her. It was a beast in form, but a man in shape.

She swallowed hard.

It was a werewolf.

The werewolf threw its head back and howled. Ethel rolled onto her stomach and scrambled to her feet. It grabbed her skirt in its claws. She turned and tried to jerk it away, only for it to rake its claws at her chest. She lunged back. Its claws ripped her shirt open, spilling her breasts into the cold night. She screamed. She jerked on her skirt as she tried to run, and the old fabric tore apart in its hand. She stumbled, but caught herself, and threw herself down the path. The monster howled again. It pounded down the path after her.

There was not one light ahead of her. There was not one light behind. She sprinted down the path. A cloud veiled the moon, plunging her into darkness. Everything beyond her fifth step became a mystery to her. Still, she ran forward, the beast thundering close behind.

A fallen tree appeared on the path. She leapt over it, snagging her skirt, but pulled herself free, leaving more fabric behind. She kept running. The wolf pounced on the tree, snapping it in half. There was a low-hanging branch up ahead. She pushed it out of the way, and let it snap back into place. The werewolf caught it between its jaws and crunched down, breaking it to splinters. It was gaining on her. There was a bridge just ahead. She had always been taught that evil spirits couldn't cross running water. If she could just make it-

The wolf clawed at her again. More of her skirt was torn away, exposing everything below her knees.

She couldn't get cocky yet. She sprinted forward, legs on fire, lungs burning like brands, before she finally threw herself over the wooden bridge. She collapsed on the other side, pulling herself just a few stretches forward, before turning onto her back, grinning like a madwoman, to see the foe she had vanquished.

The werewolf leapt into the air.

Her smile faded.

It crossed the stream no problem.

She tried to scurry away but she was too slow.

The monster landed on her, pinning her arms beneath its hands and her legs beneath its knees. She struggled to free herself, but to no avail. Its fingers were as thick as her wrists, its body almost pure muscle beneath its grey-brown fur. It snorted, its hot breath blowing the hair out of her face, settling like embers on her neck. To her shock, that pang of loneliness came back. Is this what it felt like to die? Lonely? The werewolf's attention roamed down her body, snorting again in her face, on her neck, on her chest. Its snout brushed her breasts. Its golden eyes were wild, but not unintelligent, and it almost appeared to be studying her. It snorted again, its warmth enveloping her chest, shielding her from the cold night. She drew a breath. Her heart pounded and her throat tightened, but fear had failed to fully take root. The weight on top of her and the hot breath on her virtues reminded her of a lover she had taken once. Something just as primal as fear and twice as shameful bloomed within her. The werewolf was powerful beyond all comprehension, making her feel small and weak and vulnerable and... enticed! And how shameful it was, to remember that traveller and the way he made her feel! And how shameful it was for this monster to be the catalyst of that memory! But, if he was to kill her, at least she could die to the memory of the handsome stranger who took her breath away.

The werewolf returned its gaze to her face and snorted yet again. "I smell more than fear," it growled. Its voice startled her. It was the perfect marriage of man and beast, deep and resonant, wild but with a shred of civilization. Ethel felt its gleaming eyes on her, scanning her face, her bare chest, her torn skirt. "What is this?"

"Something I can't explain," she choked. "Perhaps desire... for negotiation." She should have gone to work in the whorehouse! Who in their right mind would answer so bluntly? At least she tried to cover her trail there at the end. But perhaps... Yes, perhaps she could try to fulfill that need.

"In what way? I have no need for gold."

"Tell me of your other needs." She swallowed hard. Beads of sweat broke upon her brow. She thought about what so many men had told her, both in Wiltfield and in Grindstone. "Surely, I can be of some use to you."

The monster growled, leaving Ethel's skin covered in goosebumps, and her legs pressing themselves together in something akin to girlish excitement. To her surprise, he stood, towering over her once more, as a new shape distorted his silhouette. Ethel held her breath as she realized what it was.

The beast's shaft was as long as her forearm, and just as girthy. It was red as an apple's flesh with a bulge near its base, giving the whole thing the shape of a vase.

"Go on," the wolf growled, "demonstrate your usefulness. Prove your worth."

Ethel got to her knees. Her hands shook like leaves in the wind. She wrapped her fingers around the werewolf's shaft. The skin was soft and supple, almost luxurious to the touch, but stiff as a bone underneath. She began to stroke. Nothing about the monster's heavy breathing changed. She looked at the tip apprehensively. It wasn't like a full human's cock. It was so much larger, and would only fit down her throat if she was dead.

"I'm waiting," the wolfman said impatiently.

Ethel took a breath. Both hands still stroking, she brought her face forward. She licked the tip. It twitched in response. She licked again, and again, and then one final time before finally mustering the courage to take it between her lips. It barely fit. The tip alone filled her entire mouth.

"Atta girl," the wolfman sighed.

Ethel let herself breathe. She bobbed her head back and forth in very short strokes. She kept her lips wrapped tightly around the werewolf's shaft, licking the tip as best she could to please him as much as she could. She formed an O with her fingers and kept moving her hands along his cock, picking up speed as she still struggled with his tip. It made her nervous. She felt dangerously close to choking, but had come too far to quit. If she gave up, surely the monster would kill her.

"Don't be shy, girl," the werewolf said, setting a hand on her head. "Show me you love it."

The wolf began pushing her head along. The tip entered Ethel's throat. She gagged, her eyes widening, but didn't dare resist. For a horrible moment She worried he would plunge the whole thing down her throat, a move that would no doubt kill someone as inexperienced as her. But he didn't. He didn't get much farther than the tip.

"Don't stop stroking," the werewolf said with a lick of his lips. "Prove yourself to me!"

And so she did. She stroked with a renewed vigor, though her arms were already getting tired. She let the wolf's hand set her pace until he finally let go. She pulled back, taking a deep breath through her nose, and then sucked in as much of his cock as she could. It was like trying to swallow a fist, but in her desperation to survive and determination to prove herself to this beast, it became easier with each pass. Soon she welcomed his tip into her throat, and even found herself trying to suck down more, only stopping when her body threatened to quit on her or be sick.

The werewolf's tail wagged with such ferocity it rustled the leaves around them. "Yes!" he roared. "YES! YOU ARE WORTHY!" Without warning, he withdrew his cock from her mouth. He pounced on her, pinning her on her back once more. He sniffed her chest, his breath hot on her skin. Then, he stuck out his tongue and began licking her breasts.

Ethel moaned, her wrists twisting in the beast's grasp. She felt small again. Her breasts looked to be little more than berries against the werewolf's tongue. He continued to lick them, the sensation becoming more intense each time. Then, he wrapped his snout around her tiny bud and began to suck like a hungry infant.

Ethel moaned again. "What are you doing?" Fear and intrigue were at war within her, her legs squirming as they fought between trying to stand and run, or parting for the monster that loomed over them.

"You are worthy," he said. He sucked on her entire breast, his lips massaging the skin and muscle beneath them.

She yet moaned again, arching her hips reflexively. "W-Worthy of what?" She had thought she was fighting to prove that she was worthy of life. She was starting to wonder if, perhaps, she had proven herself too well.

The werewolf didn't answer. He took her other breast in his mouth, sucking with ferocity that should have been painful, but instead left her wanting more. After a few moments, he pulled his snout away, leaving her breasts tingling, released her arms, grabbed her legs, and pushed them open.


The werewolf ran his tongue across her entire entrance and clit. Ethel moaned like a beast. It was as if he had scratched an itch she previously couldn't reach, or perhaps as if he helped her out of some desperately uncomfortable trap. And he kept going. He licked her a half dozen times, each pass more desperate than the last, before plunging his tongue inside of her.


He wriggled his tongue back and forth, writhing like a serpent faking its death, up and down, side to side, in and out with a smooth but primal ferocity. And he laughed. He laughed a guttural laugh as she twitched and writhed in his grasp, her mind unsure of her predicament, her body desperate for more.

Just as quickly as it started, it stopped. The werewolf pulled his tongue out of her, the thing dripping with saliva and her desire

"Why have you stopped?" Ethel asked, a pout in her voice.

"Because you're ready." He threw her skirts over her hips, grabbed her tightly by the thighs, and plunged his cock into her.


The beast laughed. He thrusted his hips forward while pulling her legs towards himself. Their bodies met with violent collisions. Ethel could see the lump in her abdomen, rising towards her navel and then dropping back with every thrust. It should have hurt. He was so big it should have been agony, but instead, she found herself arching her hips as best she could, letting him push even deeper.

"Atta girl," he growled again. He hummed with pleasure, his shaft throbbing inside of her. "AGH! SO GOOD!" He pressed his hips against hers. Ethel felt something even wider slip into her, but it didn't slip back out. She tried to pull her hips back to help the wolfman and herself along, but she couldn't. He was stuck inside of her.

The wolf leaned over her. She could smell the night on his coat. He released her legs and then squeezed her breasts, his enormous paws rendered rough by a lifetime of running through the forest. At the same time, he licked her neck and chest. All the while, he kept thrusting, his cock practically inside her womb. It should have hurt, but it didn't. He ran his calloused thumbs over her nipples. She moaned. She wanted him to keep going.

The wolf threw his head back and howled. His hips connected with Ethel's, and a hot, thick explosion filled her. The knot at the base of his shaft shrank, and he pulled out, his cock dripping with wetness and semen. Ethel could feel his emission flowing out of her. "D-Don't be done yet..." she said pathetically.

He pushed himself to his hind feet. His cock had yet to shrink. It was still as stiff and tall as when she first took it between her lips. In fact, it was still throbbing as if he had never even finished. The werewolf ran his padded hands down to her thighs and grabbed her by the hips. "Oh, don't you worry." He rolled her onto her hands and knees. She gasped with surprise and delight. "That was only the beginning!" Then, he pushed his massive cock inside of her again.


The wolf laughed. "You sound like one of us!"

Ethel moaned. The wolfman's cock had reentered her without an ounce of resistance. She had become so wet. Back and forth he went, his shaft filling her entirely, shedding light on parts of her never truly known. For as delightful as her time with the traveller had been, he didn't have this beast's monster cock. Her breasts, seeming mysteriously bigger than they had before, swayed with the wolfman's thrust. She reached down and began stroking her throbbing clit.

"What have you done," Ethel paused to hum with primal delight, "to me?"

"N-Nothing!" the wolfman grunted. "This was there all along!"

She didn't know what he meant, and she didn't care. All she cared about was the ecstasy flowing through her. She wanted to cry with delight, to thank the werewolf for filling her with this pleasure.

"Thank you for this," she squeaked. She moaned, his cock hitting all the right places, setting her nerves ablaze.

"My pleasure," he growled. He pushed her hips away from his as he pulled back, then brought her hips close as he thrusted back into her. Despite how tight she was, she welcomed his shaft warmly at every depth. It was as if the poor girl had been waiting for him. He lengthened his strokes, pushing as deeply inside of her as he could, reveling in her moans.

Ethel could feel the knot beginning to swell again. It slipped in and out of her, undetectable at first, before becoming a lump that brought her another wave of pleasure as it passed through her entrance. She lowered her torso, raising her hips so he could go even deeper. She was close, she was so close. And, as the knot expanded inside of her, trapping his cock deep within, she was finally there.


Her muscles tightened around the werewolf's cock. It was like her mouth, sucking on him with a ravenous desperation. He pressed his hips against hers, another wave escaping him, her body bringing it deep within itself. He gave Ethel a moment to recover, her hot, shaky breath rattling the leaves on the forest floor, before he began humping her again.

"Oh, you beast!" she moaned. "How is it that you're not spent?"

"My desires are bound to something much darker and far more ancient than full-blooded humans could ever understand," he said. "I shan't be satisfied until you are overflowing!"

"Then fill me beyond my brim," she said, pressing her hips against his. His cock almost tickled inside of her, now that her body was fully awake and primed by her orgasm. If she wasn't careful, she could turn into a beast much like him. But then again, that fate didn't sound so bad! She resumed stroking her clit, her arm shaking. "You will not best me on this night!"

"Then prove yourself not just worthy, but as an equal!" the beast bellowed. He continued to thrust, her insides pulsing with desire. She was slick as oil and smooth as silk. She only felt better and better the longer he fucked her. He roared, "Take all that I can give you!" and unloaded another hefty emission deep inside of her.

She hummed with approval. It filled her and warmed her from the inside out like a hot drink. She was beginning to hope that the night would never end.

The werewolf pulled out. Ethel was absolutely dripping. He scooped her up, turned her onto her back, and held her in both of his massive arms. He gently licked her chest again. He could easily lick both at once, but why not make it even easier? She grabbed her breasts and pushed them together. His tongue danced on both at once, tracing her nipples in an 8 pattern several times over before wrapping his lips around them and sucking firmly. She moaned again, her cunt quivering from the pleasure. He sucked firmly, greedily, as his cock once again began pushing against her entrance. After a minute, he pulled his lips away and pushed her down onto his cock.

"Mm, yes~" she moaned.

The wolf's laugh was something between a chuckle and a growl. He continued to thrust, one arm around her waist, pulling her hips against his, while the other supported her shoulders, his hand on the back of her head to keep her stable. His thrusts were loud and wet, like a spoon stirring a pot of porridge. Her breasts bounced with each thrust. Ethel relaxed her legs. She carried no tension in anything from her hips down. She surrendered herself completely to the wolf inside of her. It gave her even more room to feel good. It was as if she had a boiling kettle inside of her, fed by his heat, melting the ice of the cold, dull person she used to be and leaving steam in its wake. She started gasping. She was close to another climax. She looked into the werewolf's gleaming eyes. They reminded her of that traveller again, and somehow she started to feel even better.