Wild Photo Session

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Photoshoot assignment turns into an arousing experience.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/30/2020
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Been awhile since I've posted anything. Sorry about that, but other things have taken a priority during these troubling times. As for the narrative below, I was hoping to document the entire event in a single accounting, but it wasn't possible without it being unacceptably long. Way longer than I'd like and as a result decided to split it into two parts. Maybe multiple parts by the time I'm finished documenting everything so please bear with it. Thank you.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive.


Early one Sunday evening while Walter, Brenda and I were relaxing watching television my dear friend Rita called. After the usual pleasantries were over, and after I excused myself to talk in another room, Rita asked if I was interested in a photo assignment..."While you've photographed our group of intimate friends more than once, this would be mostly of people you don't know so you might not be comfortable with it. But when Jill mentioned something to me about it I immediately thought of you."

Jill, along with her husband Jack, are Bill and Rita's neighbors. Next door neighbors even though their homes are nearly a half mile apart since both sit on approximately fifty acres of land. Jack and Jill are former school teachers in their early sixties and what I would call ex-swingers. Ex because they lost contact with the people they were intimate with after they retired and moved out of town, of which all of them are school teachers still actively teaching. Long story short, after a lot of organizing effort on Jack and Jill's part, they were able to arrange a get-together at their place in the country, and Jill mentioned something to Rita about how Jack thought it would be a nice idea to photograph the event.

"You mean to tell me none of the people participating can either photograph or video things?"

"Apparently they've attempted it in the past, but none of their efforts ever turned out well. Everything looked amateurish. And they're more interested in a nicely done photo slideshow than a video. Since it could be the last time they're all together, both Jack and Jill want to 'document' it and have it nicely organized on a DVD for everyone. And by someone who understands and appreciates their lifestyle. Neither Jack or Jill are proficient with a camera, along with anyone else, and couldn't think of someone they could ask to do it and be confident they'd be discreet about it. That's when I thought of you."

"Did you mention me to Jill?"

"Yes I did, and she was ecstatic when she found out you could do it. I even showed her some of the photos you've taken at our get-togethers. She loved the spontaneity of the photos in that everything looked candid versus staged, and without anyone having 'red-eye'. The question is, are you willing to do it?"

"What about the other people. Are they agreeable to someone outside their intimate group photographing things?"

"Yes, but only after Jack and Jill vouched for you and assured them you would be discreet about things. Once over that hurdle they asked me to talk to you."

"How many people are we talking about?"

"Excluding Jack and Jill, a half dozen other couples if everyone shows. All in their mid forties to mid sixties, and no one you know. At least I don't think you do."

"I doubt it. I can't think of anyone I know who's a school teacher, or their spouse. And it's a lot of people to photograph during a group sex session. You know how hectic it can get once everyone gets involved in things. Not sure if I can do it alone."

"Are you thinking of including Walter?"

"Depends when the get-together is. Otherwise, Brenda for sure."

"Speaking of Brenda, has she decided what she's going to do as far as staying here or going back east?"

"Coincidently, she received a call yesterday from Lois about an apartment being available in the complex where she lives. We're going to look at it tomorrow after we clean the house. My best guess is she's going to rent it, at least for a year."

"That's good news. You must be thrilled your only sister will be staying here with you. At least another year."

"Yes I am...very much so. Now when is Jack and Jill's get-together?"

"Three weeks from yesterday."

"I need to check with Walter. Seems he mentioned something about a business trip in the near future. At a minimum, Brenda will need to accompany me to help with things. Something she's gotten very good at, as well as with a camera since she took an interest in photography and I've been giving her lessons. One obvious question I need to ask...are we expected to be naked while taking pictures?"

"You should know better. Of course. Very much so since most of the couples said they wouldn't be comfortable with a fully clothed photographer roaming around while they're having sex. As much as they like the idea of the DVD slideshow, they feel they couldn't relax with a fully clothed person taking photos. And I know they'll be a lot more appreciative of the fact the photographer is a female if you decide to do it. And while you haven't asked yet, have no fear you'll be well compensated for your time and effort. Money isn't an issue with Jack."

"I didn't think it would be and wasn't worried about it. As for being naked, I figured it was a given, but wanted to be sure in case Brenda will be accompanying me even though I doubt she'll object to having to get naked."

"Now do I tell Jill you're willing to do it?"

"Let me talk to Walter and Brenda first and think about it overnight. I'll call you with an answer first thing in the morning."


The next morning I informed Rita I was willing to do it, and Brenda would be with me. Coincidentally Walter did have a business trip scheduled for the same week and even though he would return on the day of Jack and Jill's get-together, he'd figured he'd be too tired since it most likely would go well into the wee hours of the morning as they sometimes do.

Then I asked..."Are you and Bill going? I figured Jill must have invited you, otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned anything."

"You're very perceptive. Yes she did, but we haven't made up our minds yet. But now that you and Brenda will be there, even if it's only to take photos, we just might. Either way, why don't you and Brenda plan on staying overnight with us. That way you won't have to worry about the drive home afterwards."

"If it's no bother, I'd love to. And I know it will put Walter's mind at ease so he won't have to worry about us."

"Of course it's no bother. I can't count how many times you and Walter have stayed with us on weekends. If we don't go, we'll leave the lights on and the front door unlocked. You know your way around the house, and where everything is."

"Sounds like a plan. I owe you one."

"Have no fear Lacey, I'll think of a way for you to pay me back."

"I'm sure you already have Rita, and if it's what I think it is, it'll be my pleasure. I have to go for now, but I'm sure we'll either talk or see each other before Jack and Jill's get-together."

After I talked to Rita, Brenda and I took our daily bike ride before we cleaned the house and went to look at the apartment. When we arrived at the designated time the facilities manager, being a matronly woman, showed us the apartment. It was almost identical to Lois's as far as the lay-out and only two doors down the hall on the lower lever of what is a two story L-shaped complex. It was completely refurbished and looked as though it was never lived in.

After doing a walk-through, it took all of five seconds for Brenda to say she'd take it and get her check book out to pay for the first three months rent plus a security deposit. While we were hoping to visit with Lois, we couldn't since she advised me beforehand she would have a customer at the time and be busy doing her nails. So I did the next best thing and texted her to let her know she'd be having a new neighbor soon.

On the drive home..."It didn't take you long to make up your mind about the apartment."

"I actually made it up before I even looked at it. I just never said anything since I didn't want you to be disappointed if I changed my mind once one became available."

"In some ways I would have been, but whatever you decided I would have lived with it. You making your own decisions without anyone influencing you is more important. And as much as I hate for you to move into an apartment, the good news is, you and Lois will be neighbors. It'll give me peace of mind knowing she's only two doors down from you. And I'm sure you two will become the best of friends with her also living alone."

Brenda spent the rest of the ride home on her cell phone making arrangements for the furniture she needed to be moved to her new apartment from what she had in storage. Then she called her three daughters to break the bad news to them, which as expected didn't go over very well.


The next two weeks were uneventful. What free time Brenda and I had was spent refining her amazing ability to take way better than average photos with very little guidance on my part. Nearly as good as me at times. She had an excellent eye relative to composition, point-of-view (or POV as it's commonly known), use of depth-of-field (DOF), timing, and more importantly, camera settings as far as compensating for poor lighting and other adverse conditions typically encountered. Being a devout user of the "manual mode", I encouraged her to develop the habit of using it when I first began teaching her how to use a camera instead of the various automatic modes found on any good DSLR.

While most of our time was spent photographing wildlife, landscapes, and still life in that order, the one thing we hadn't spent much time on was honing her skills relative to photographing people. Be it portraits, full body shots, group photos, glamour photos, etc. Last but not least, with the upcoming Jack and Jill event, people engaged in any kind of activity, or action shots as they are sometimes called.

Figuring it was long past time we did, and while we were out photographing birds one day..."While you seem to have pretty much mastered most everything as far as taking photos, I think it's time we spent more of it photographing people. It's the one genre of photography you haven't. Very little when I think of it."

"What do you suggest Lacey?"

"My biggest concern is this coming Saturday night at Jack and Jill's get-together. No way can I photograph everything that takes place. I'm definitely going to need you to take photos along with me so I can be sure we capture everything. The last thing I want is to hear is someone complaining about there being no pictures on the DVD of so and so sucking their dick."

"How do you propose we do? Especially since we don't have much time between now and then."

"There's always Walter and I, but I'm sure he won't appreciate me asking with tonight being his last night home before going on his business trip. It won't hurt to ask, but most likely he's not going to be very receptive so we might have to come up with a plan 'B'."

Later that evening after we finished dinner I explained my dilemma to Walter about the upcoming photoshoot at Jack and Jill's and Brenda's minimal experience with photographing people. More importantly, while having sex.

"Even though she hasn't, I'm sure she'll do just fine Lacey. She's a whiz with a camera. The way she's so at ease with using one, and the great results she gets, you would think she was born with one. I wish I had her natural ability when I first started out with photography. I could have been another Amsel Adams."

"I agree with how good she is, but a 'dry rehearsal' beforehand won't hurt."

"I had a feeling that's what you were leading up to, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out you'd like you and me to be the dry run."

"Only if you don't mind."

"No I don't, but we need to get it over with. As much as I love having sex with you I need to get some sleep since I have an early flight tomorrow."

Once we were both naked in the bedroom, and Brenda had the camera she would be using, we performed just about every possible sex act we could imagine people would participate in come Saturday night. Intercourse for sure, both vaginal and anal and in different positions, along with performing cunnilingus and fellatio respectively, also a little foot sex thrown in for good measure along with other variations of foreplay. Not only on the bed, but on the floor and as well as in an easy chair for good measure. Even though most of it was mainly staged for Brenda's benefit, Walter was still able to avoid ejaculating with his excellent "staying" power as far as being able to hold off when he wants or needs to.

Finally when we were both exhausted I told Walter it was okay for him to cum so he could call it a night. And being the good sport he was, I told him he could do so on my face after I sucked his cock. While I don't mind him coming on any other part of my body, I'm not crazy about taking a cumload on my face after getting an eye full of semen once. I much rather take it in my mouth, but it's something he doesn't get to do often and enjoys it when he can. But what man doesn't like shooting his cumload all over his lover's face. Plus it would give Brenda a good opportunity to take pictures of someone ejaculating on someone, which I'm sure would take place Saturday night.

After he sat on the settee at the foot of the bed and I was on my knees I took his fully erect cock straight in my mouth. Since he was well beyond the point of being ready to cum I went into full sucking mode while bobbing up and down as fast and deep as I could. It took only a few minutes before he announced he was. Soon as he did I released his cock, which he immediately began stroking while I positioned myself about a foot away so my face would be an easy target. Brenda was on her knees about three feet from us and I could hear the shutter clicking away in continuous mode as Walter let loose with a loud grunt as his first cum stream shot out and splattered on my face. A huge glob as the first one always is, which landed on the bridge of my nose. In rapid succession four more cum streams shot out and landed on my cheek, chin, lips and the tip of my nose, but thankfully none on my tightly closed eyes.

Once he stopped, and with my face still covered in cum, I took his cock in my mouth to gently sucked it dry and didn't stop until it was all but totally limp. After I released him I turned towards Brenda so she could get some photos of my cum covered face and of me licking up as much as I could with my tongue. Then for the camera, Walter proceeded to lick what cum I couldn't get before transferring it to my mouth for me to swallow.

Right after I sucked his tongue clean..."Wow, you two give a facial a whole new meaning. It was pretty wild taking photos of Walter's cumload as it shot out and all over you Lacey. Thank you, and for both of you to take the time and effort to give me some much needed practice for Saturday night."

"I'm sure Walter would agree with me in that it was our pleasure Brenda."

Which it was even though I never orgasmed since we mainly went through the motions for Brenda's sake versus engaging in uninhibited sex while she took pictures. About the only thing that wasn't "staged" was when I sucked Walter's cock and him shooting his load on my face, which I enjoyed. Being the exhibitionist I am had a lot to do with it since my sister was watching and photographing us.

After Walter went to bed, Brenda and I spent the rest of the evening reviewing the photos she took on the computer. Surprisingly she did very well for her first time photographing people having sex. A lot better than I hoped. Once again her skill with choosing the best POV made a big difference by making a photo of something as simple as a Walter's cock in my asshole more interesting. I was particularly impressed with the close-up shots she took. Especially the ones of me sucking Walter's cock and him shooting his cumload on my face.

After we reviewed the photos..."You did damn good Brenda for your first time. While you could always use more practice, I think you'll do just fine Saturday night. At least well enough so between the two of us we'll have more than our fair share of good photos to create a nice slideshow for everyone."


Saturday finally rolled around and we planned to arrive before everyone else to get the "lay-of-the-land" at Jack and Jill's place. After we loaded the car with everything we could possibly need we were on our way. It was a half hour ride on mostly back country roads intermixed with corn and soybean fields.

On the way Brenda asked..."I know we have to be naked while taking photos, but what do we do if someone approaches us for sex?"

"I already spoke to Jack and he assured me he's explained to everyone about us being there only to take photos and nothing else. Plus if the rest of the people are anything like Jack and Jill, I'm sure they didn't have to be told, so I don't expect it to be a problem."

"Are Bill and Rita going to be there?"

"According to Rita, no they won't, unless they change their mind at the last minute. Bill figured since it was kind of a 'reunion' for everyone they would feel out of place since the only people they know are Jack and Jill."

"One last question about tonight. I couldn't help but get turned-on photographing you and Walter. As much as I tried to stay focused on taking photos it was hard not to. A lot of it had to do with the fact it was you two, but I'm still concerned about tonight. How do you handle it, or keep yourself from getting aroused?"

"You already touched on it by having to stay mentally focused on what you're doing. Taking photos...and the best ones you can. But you wouldn't be human if you didn't to a certain degree. When you are, don't allow yourself to be overtaken by it. If it gets to be too much, take a 'potty break', and don't return until your juices stop flowing. Now we just passed Bill's driveway so I expect the next one to be Jack's."

Sure enough, a half mile further Jacks' driveway appeared. Like Bill's, it's about a quarter mile long and more of a single lane dirt road than a driveway through woods mostly of Black Locust and Oak trees. When we arrived at the house, Jack and Jill came out to greet us and after we hugged and kissed I introduced them to Brenda before they helped carry our gear into the house.

Now would be a good time to describe Jack and Jill, and in detail since I've seen them both naked more than once. Both are in their early 60's. As for Jill, she's a tall woman, about five foot eight and long legged. Big busted too. Way bigger than yours truly with huge areola and nipples. Nearly as big as Brenda, but unlike Brenda her tits have more of a sag to them. As for her pubic mound, it has a thin covering of dark hair as she is a dark haired woman. Dark brown, almost black, which she keeps cut short. Pretty facial features with dark brown eyes. Plus an ass any woman her age would be jealous of. Like her long legs, it's surprisingly firm, which can be attributed to being an avid "walker" along with Jack. At least five miles daily according to them.

As for Jack, he's isn't much taller than Jill. Six feet at best. Slim build and like Jill has a firm butt. Good looking man, but what makes Jack a stand-out is his cock. Easily nine inches long when fully erect and about two inches in diameter. Biggest cock I've ever had the pleasure to suck and in my vagina, which was quite the cunt full. Both only once, but never in my back door.

Since it was the first time I've been to their home, I asked where all the festivities would take place. They showed me to the great room, which was in terms of size as it was huge. Had to be at least thirty by twenty-five feet. I explained our biggest concern would be having plenty of light so I asked them to keep most of the lights on when the time came. Otherwise we could compensate with hand held fill lights, or worse the umbrella lamps we brought, but would like to avoid it if at all possible.