Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI


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"Very good my son. I want both you and Donna to go to Brooklyn College together. I want you in the same classes, with the same professors, on the same schedule. I want you two, to seem inseparable. Do not worry about the baby; it will be taken care of every minute of the day. The grandmothers will care for it, and the nannies will do most of the work. When college is over, if you two want to continue towards higher education, that will be fine. The more education you have, the better business people you will be. As I said, always think of the'Family'first."

Vincent replied,"'Family'will always be my first obligation, dad."

Frank listened to the conversation and knew that it was being transmitted, word for word to listening station, in a tenement, a half mile away.

Tony looked at Frank, and said to him, "You are Antonia's escort for the evening. Frank try to keep her tongue from moving too much, tonight. I do not care if you have to kiss her to shut her up, or take her outside. If she gets obnoxious, she could screw up this whole thing."

"Can I spank her like a spoiled child, if she gets out of hand?"

"Depending on how far she goes off the wall."

"I will tell her that before we get there. She will not believe me, but she will have been warned."

Tony looked at him and said, "Frank, it is a shame that you will never have children. You would make a great father."

"Thank you Tony. I will miss that too."

As the entourage exited their vehicles, in the secure area, that was the home of Albert DiAngiolla, they were greeted warmly by Albert and his wife, and Donna's father, Marco and his wife. Donna stood by her parents, quietly waiting for Vincent to be introduced to them.

Anthony said to Albert and Marco, "I would like to introduce you to my over impetuous son, Anthony Vincent, who has respectfully requested the honor, and privilege of marrying your niece. I wish with all my heart that you would approve this joining, not only of our two children, but of our two'Families.'"

Albert replied, "Our children, from what my niece has told me, have not acted hastily. They have known each other for years, as we have known each other for years. It is time that we join our businesses together and grow together as one. It is time to celebrate our new unions and prepare for the wedding of my niece and your son."

"Thank you, my friend, I have often longed for this day." The two men hugged and kissed each other on both cheeks, and completed a merger of two corporate empires.

As everyone was going inside, Frank said to Antonia, "Your father told me that I could spank you, if you got out of line tonight. Please get out of line; I have wanted to see your ass for a long time."

Antonia looked at Frank and said, "He did not say that to you, and you would not do that to me, ever. He would kill you."

"He also said I could kiss you, if I had to shut you up."

Antonia said, "Now I know you are lying."

"What would you do, if you found out that I was not lying?"

"I probably would be a very good girl."

Frank said, "Damn it, I should never have said a word."

Antonia looked at his face, as he said that, and said, "You are not lying; my father did say those things to you."

"Yes, he did."

Antonia looked at Frank and said, "One day, I am going to be a very bad girl, and I am going to see what you do about it."

"Little girls are my specialty. My hand fits across their bottoms from side to side, with each smack. I love to hear them squeal, as they kick their legs and beg for mercy."

"You forget Frank, 'I suffer in silence.' We had better go inside before my father thinks you have started on me, already."

As they approached the door to the house, two men asked Frank to stop and stretch out his arms. He was frisked, thoroughly, and let into the house, with Antonia on his arm.

The evening was devoted to Donna and Vincent. Frank kept Antonia moving from place to place, so she could not get too deeply involved in any one conversation. When Vincent knelt down and proposed to Donna, while putting the engagement ring on her finger, ahush fell over the room. When Donna replied, "Yes," there was thunderous applause and the traditional Italian salute of, "Cent Anni." (May you live and love for One Hundred Years.)

Antonia mumbled, accidently, just loud enough that Frank heard her, "They should only know."

Frank asked her, "They should only know what, Antonia?"

"Keep your mouth closed Frank. Do not say another word."

He looked at her face, and knew she was not kidding.

Marco Mancuso stood up and said, "Donna and Vincent have requested to be married soon, so they may continue on with their education, this summer. We have decided to grant their wish, and they will be married at the Church of the Transfiguration, at 4 P.M., one week from Saturday. They will honeymoon in Italy, for two weeks, before returning home and starting college." Again, the applause was thunderous.

Frank looked Antonia in the eyes, and nodded his head in affirmation. He knew what she had intimated before, when she told him to keep quiet.

Antonia said, "Not one word Frank, or I will kill you."

Frank replied, "Can I spank you first?"

"Frank, you are incorrigible. One day maybe, but that day is a lot of days off."

"You have just made my evening, little girl."

In exasperation, Antonia said, "Frank, stop it."

The four people in the van monitoring Frank's 'wire' laughed at the way he kept the young woman off balance, while doing his job superbly. While no business was being talked about at this gathering, Frank mentioned the people he saw, while he was there. It was only a gathering of the two families, and no other business associates attended. However, Frank had this enormous desire, to take a big shit, and get rid of the eight inches of batteries, that were stuck up his rectum. He longed for the evening to end.

The wedding went off, without any problems, and the young couple departed that evening for Rome. Donna was ecstatic, and Vincent played his part, as the happily married husband, perfectly. He took his father's words to heart. "The 'Family' Must Come First; everything else comes second, "andVincent had decided to become the ultimate team player.

As soon as they were settled in their suite, at the hotel, Vincent looked at Donna, wiggled his eyebrows at her, and said, "Wife, prepare for your husband."

"You have to catch me first, husband."

However, instead of running away from him, she ran straight to him, and said, "Well, I guess you got me. Why don't we go to bed, and fool around."

"That sounds like a good plan to me."

They walked into the bedroom, hand in hand. They went to opposite sides of the bed and turn down all the covers, leaving just the bare sheet. Donna turned her back to Vincent and started to undress.

Vincent said, "Stop."

Donna turned to him and asked him what was wrong.

"You are so beautiful; I never want you to turn your back on me, when you undress. If I am not undressing you, I want to watch you as you do it. I want to watch every bit of your skin as it becomes visible to me. Whether it is now, when you are thin, or when you are heavy, with our child, I want to see every inch of your body, as it is exposed."

Donna blushed and hesitated.

Vincent decided to make it easy on her and went to her, kissed her sweetly and passionately, and started undoing the buttons of her blouse. When he was finished, he removed it from her shoulders, and kissed her bare skin, from her neck, around her bra, to her stomach.

Donna could feel her juices starting to flow as her husband made her feel so wonderful and wanted. She had wondered if what Vincent said about loving her was true, but now that she was married to him, and the way he was acting towards her, she was sure of his commitment.

Vincent unzipped her skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor. He lifted one foot at a time, removing her shoe as he went along, and clearing the skirt, as an obstacle. His eyes focused on the triangle of her panties and his mouth seemed to go there, automatically.

Donna grabbed his head, as her head arched backwards. This happened to her, only once before, and Vincent was the one who had driven her to ecstasy, by doing it.

She begged him, "Vincent, let me lie down, or I will fall down. My legs have turned to jelly, because of what you are doing to me."

Vincent stopped, pulled off her panties, and sat her on the edge of the bed. He removed her bra and she was naked before him. Again, he told her how beautiful she was, and no other woman in the world compared.

"Vincent, you are still dressed. Let me help you, the way you helped me." She unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. Her hands played with his chest and arms, which are muscled and strong. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned the button on his slacks, and unzipped him. As his pants fell to the floor she kneeled down, unlaced his shoes, and remove them one at a time. She removed his socks and his pants. As her eyes moved back to level, they were staring at a bulge in his shorts. She had never handled one before, but now she was married and that taboo was no longer there. She lowered his shorts and there it was; his penis, dick, prick, cock, prong, and every other word, she had heard the other girls use, for this male appendage.

Now she wanted to try some of the other things the girls talked about at school. She kissed the tip of it, felt it, and tasted a little fluid that leaked, from the tip. She knew what it was, and it did not taste as bad as some of the girls said it did. She licked the tip more, and heard Vincent moan. She knew she was doing something right. She licked the shaft on the bottom and on the top and Vincent, brushed his hands on her hair. She now had to take the final step. She opened her mouth and inserted the head of the beast into it. She closed her mouth around it, used her tongue to lick it and she heard another moan. She pushed more of it into the back of her mouth, and choked on it. She moved it forward and back, but not as deep and continued the motion, while using her tongue to bathe the monster, within her mouth, with moisture.

Suddenly, Vincent screamed, "I am going to cum."

Donna opened her mouth and waited for the explosion of his sperm to enter her mouth. She pumped his hardened flesh, and she felt it expand in her hands. She looked up at her husband, as he screamed, and came in her mouth, for the very first time. He seemed to cum forever, and even though she swallowed as fast as she could, some of his seed spilled onto her chest and breasts.

Vincent sunk to his knees and kissed her, before she had a chance to clean the mess from her mouth. She loved him, even more for it.

He asked, "Young woman, where did you learn to do that so well?"

Donna blushed, "I was an 'A' student, at school. I was an 'A' listener, at lunch. Girls love to talk about what they do to guys, and that was my first oral experience, ever."

"My love, you just earned another 'A'. Now, it is my turn, and I do not want to be graded on a curve; unless of course, it is the curve of your ass."

Donna smacked him on the arm, playfully, and scooted her body up onto the bed. Vincent was milliseconds behind her. He was determined to give her, as well as he had just received.

He kissed her passionately, looked deeply into her eyes, and kissed each individually. He kissed her cheeks, her ears, moved to her neck and listened to her response in each area. He memorized the areas she liked best and moved lower until he captured a nipple in his mouth. Donna arched her body off the bed, and moaned with joy, as she pressed Vincent head tighter to her body. While his mouth was attached to her breast, his right hand was playing, with the curls of her pubic hair. He had seen enough porn to wonder what she would look like bare, and he was the one that was going to shave her. She would look very pretty pink.

As he switched to the other breast, his hand smoothly, between the furloughs of her lips, and found her clit.

Donna pressed her hips against his finger, wanting him to do more than just touch it.

However, Vincent was in no hurry to bring her to climax and just rested his finger on the hood of her button.

Donna moved her hips against his finger more rapidly and Vincent lightened his touch, so she received no additional benefit from her movement.

She said, "Vincent, please help me."

Vincent removed his mouth from her breast and asked, "What is it that you want help with, Donna?"

"You know what I need, help me please."

"Donna, I have no idea what you need. You are going to have to say it for me to give it to you."

"I need to orgasm."

"I do not understand the word orgasm. What does that mean?"

"You are a bastard, Vincent."

"I am not, Donna. I know my father and mother."

"I am not going to say it."

"If you do not say it, you are not going to get it." After he said that he rubbed his finger on her clit a few times and he felt Donna's body react.

"Vincent, you are cheating. You did enough of that at school."

"I am never going to cheat on you; ever. Now tell me what you need?"

"Do you promise you never are going to cheat on me?"

Vincent put his hand on her belly, and said, "I swear on our baby."

Donna smiled and kissed her husband and said into his ear, "Help me cum."

"Now that I can understand, but there is one other word you need to say, before I give in, and it is not 'Oral Experience.' What is it called Donna?"

"I am going to murder you, when this is over Vincent."

"You are not, my love. Say that 'One Little Word' and I will bring you to the heights of ecstasy."

"I went to the same Catholic school you did. They taught us 'not' to say those words."

"Donna, we are out of school. We are adults, and we are married. When you say that word, I am going to lick your cunt, until you have what you want."

"No more tricks, Vincent?"

"No more tricks."

Donna turned red as she prepared to say it. "Blowjob, Vincent. I gave you a blowjob."

Vincent did not respond. He moved quickly down her body, spread her legs, and blew a warm current of air into her vagina. Her petals seemed to open as a flowers and dew formed on the inside of her lips. His tongue moved up one labia lip and down the other.

Donna loved what he was doing, but she was impatient. She needed; no, she wanted her orgasm, now. She yelled at Vincent, "Stop fooling around, and give me what I want. You promised me."

Vincent went in for the kill. His tongue entered her sheath, and his thumb pressed on her clit, hard.

Donna responded with a loud, "Yes," to Vincent's attack and she grabbed his hair to keep him where he was. She rocked her hips vertically, horizontally, and in circles, to get, as much pleasure out of what he was doing to her as possible; and she loved what he was doing. Now, she knew why many of the girls, at school, did not wait to have sex, before marriage. She was one of the unlucky few that got pregnant. As she looked down, between her thighs, at her husband, she did not feel so unlucky.

She felt it in her stomach first, and then the tension moved down her body to her legs. She no longer had control of her hips; they would only go vertically. She humped at Vincent's face, with all the force she could muster, while holding him in position with her hands. When Donna's orgasm hit her, her body froze, her hips were up, her head was back, and her legs were stiff as steel. She screamed as loud as she could, and a stream of fluid exited her body as if she were peeing, then, she collapsed.

Moments later, when she recovered, she looked down and saw Vincent, still between her thighs. His face, hair, and chest were soaked. She asked, "What happened to you?"

Vincent said, "You never told me you squirted."

"I did what?"

"Donna, when you came, you squirted your fluids all over me, just like I came for you. It was wonderful, and I have never had that happen, with any other woman before you."

"I guess that is agood thing then?"

"It was a wonderful thing. I will make it my business, and my pleasure to give you many more opportunities to do that again."

"Vincent, I think you need a shower."

"Great, we can make love for the first time, in there." Vincent grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the shower.

Donna screamed, "Vincent, you need a shower, not me."

"You can wash my front, while I will wash yours. We will have so much fun, and you will love it."

"I can see I have a lot to learn from you."

"Yes, Donna, and you have a lifetime to learn it." The newlyweds were in the shower for over an hour washing each other and making love. The best part was this was a Five-star hotel, and they never ran out of hot water.

The End

Chapter One

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Fgreen79029Fgreen790293 months ago

An eight inch long stack of D cells? What? A butt plug joke? Did you need some comedic relief? "Just plug the connector into the back of "The Steely Dan", lube it up and DRIVE IT HOME! By the way, if you push that button, the vibrations will help you RELAX when you 'install it'. Removal? Just take a dump? Only if you're VERY accustomed to, dare I say it? Fisting?. Got to wonder about the techie who recommended THAT as a power supply for a covert device (His dream toy?) meant to be undetectable. Surely, the FBI can afford to purchase reasonably sized battery packs (even HUGE ones would be the size of an " N" cell (about 2/3 the size of an AA cell) for the whole thing, and even THAT might show up in a sweep with a less than $50 handheld metal detector wand from the red letter tool store.Plus you should be able to dispose of the soiled units without even thinking about the cost. Super Spooks like the FBI should not have to go down to the corner to purchase half of the drug store's supply of D cells for each use of a listening device. We've heard the stories of big government finance. You know, a trillion here a trillion there - pretty soon you're talking REAL money! Those D cells don't normally come with solder tabs, and they're heavy so they'd have to be in a spring loaded holder to boot. Weren't you just describing how tiny the listening devices Frank planted in the Caruso home were? Obviously, THEY weren't powered by D cells, and could operate for far longer than a few hours Just the thought of cramming D cell sized batteries into an anus surely drives home the proper name of that dark place. Rectum? Damn near KILLED 'em.

bruce22bruce22over 8 years ago
That was a great introduction.

This sounds like a major novel. Have you tried Amazon?

tomscardstomscardsover 9 years ago
up to the same standards i see.

just started on this on. very good start.

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