When Darkness Falls


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Frank let go of Marjorie's hand so he could brush the sand off his feet as he stepped onto the blanket. He sat down with his legs crossed and looked up. "Care to join us for a little while?"

Marjorie brushed her feet off and sat down next to Frank. Her feet were curled up beside her left ass cheek, her gown pulled down well below her bent knees. Somehow she felt better sitting down.

Sandra got a pouting look on her face as she looked at the way the nightgown was tucked under Marjorie's legs. A moment later, she sighed and whispered, "So much for another glimpse of those creamy thighs."

Marjorie looked at her, smiled, and said, "I do have to stand up and step back across the fence when I leave."

Abby laughed. "She called you on that one," she said to Sandra. "She's catching on fast."

Sandra sighed and laid her head down on Abby's thigh. "I'd try an talk her out of that nightgown but Frank would have a cow," Sandra said and then grinned at her brother. "It wouldn't be his first or probably his last."

Frank ignored his sister and looked at Abby. "We were talking earlier and it seems, Marjorie's parents dumped her off at her grandmother's about fifteen years ago and haven't been seen since."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Abby said.

"Tough," Jake put in.

"Grandmother has taken very good care of me," Marjorie whispered defensively.

"Held you prisoner, is more like it," Sandra said sitting up.

"What's her legal status?" Frank asked.

Abby looked at Marjorie. "Are you eighteen?"

Marjorie nodded. "I had my birthday a few months ago."

"Then you're free to do as you please," Abby said. "Legally that is. But there is your grandmother to consider. She is your sole means of support in all things at the present. Making her mad might not be a good idea."

"I've considered that," Marjorie said. "Just being outside even at night..." she let the sentence trail off. "I should head back home."

As Marjorie got to her feet, Sandra laughed. "Oh goodie, I get to see those creamy thighs again."

For an instant, anger flashed through Marjorie's brain from the taunting sound in Sandra's voice. Before she could think about it, she whipped the dressing gown off over her head. "You want to see me? Well, here I am," she said sharply as she tossed the gown to Sandra.

You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone's mouth was hanging open except Frank's. He looked at the three and then chuckled as he said to his sister, "I think you took that bit of teasing too far."

Sandra nodded but her eyes were wandering all over Marjorie.

Abby closed her mouth and grinned as she looked up at Jake. "Someone toss me a rag before Jake drowns me with his drool."

"I know how he feels," Frank said as he stood up. "She was naked when we met on the beach."

"Holy shit!" Sandra whispered as she finally got her mouth to close.

"Uh huh," Jake managed to get out.

Marjorie sudden realized what she had done and blushed long, hard, and hotly. "I... I... I probably shouldn't have done that," she finally got out.

"Nope. That was the exact thing to do when my sister teases. Call her on it," Frank said with a grin in his sister's direction.

"Holy shit," Sandra whispered again and then shivered. "She's gorgeous."

"Uh huh," Jake said and then groaned as Abby leaned forward and then back sharply. "Hey now, don't be breaking your toy," he said quickly.

Abby chuckled. "I was just letting it get in a more comfortable position. It was poking me in an unusual place."

Marjorie looked confused and Abby grinned as she asked, "How much do you know about guys?"

"Uh, not a whole lot. I've read what was in the books and looked things up in the medical reference grandmother has," Marjorie confessed.

"Yeah, Jake would be in a medical reference alright, under medical anomalies," Sandra said and then laughed.

Marjorie looked at her but didn't get the joke. Sandra looked up at her brother. "She has no idea what I'm talking about, does she?"

"Not a clue," Frank replied. "And let's keep it that way for now, shall we."

"Hey, that thing scares me just thinking about Abby bouncing up and down on it," Sandra said and shivered dramatically.

Suddenly the light went on over Marjorie's head. "Oh, you're talking about his..." She stopped talking suddenly and blushed deeply.

"Now you've got it," Sandra said with a laugh.

"No, I've got it," Abby said. "Why else would I keep him around?"

"Hey now, I always thought it was my charming personality and boyish good looks," Jake said in mock protest.

"Those too," Abby said as she leaned her head back so Jake could kiss her.

Marjorie watched them kiss and shivered hard. She had never been kissed by anyone but her grandmother and that was always on her cheek or forehead. When Jake's hand came over and caressed Abby's breast, Marjorie whimpered softly.

Sandra was watching the young woman closely and grinned as she said, "You've never been kissed like that, I take it."

Marjorie shook her head sharply and Sandra's grin grew broader. "You could kiss me. I taught both of them everything they know about kissing."

"I don't think so," Frank said with a frown in his sister's direction.

"Hey, I taught you everything you know also," Sandra said still grinning. "And not just about kissing."

"Lets get back to Marjorie, shall we," Frank said quickly to change the subject. "What happens to her if something happens to her grandmother?"

"That is up to how her grandmother's will is written, if she has one," Abby said thoughtfully. "If she has one and leaves everything to Marjorie, then things can continue the same. Although now Marjorie would have to do the shopping and everything her grandmother does now."

Marjorie slowly sat down as she had been before but with her nightgown in her lap. She glanced down at it and shivered. Maybe she should have put it back on, she though for a second and then looked up at Abby. "I don't know anything about my grandmother's affairs."

"Then you need to ask her about them," Abby said softly. "You will need to know so you can plan for the future."

Marjorie shivered hard. She had never thought about the future past a day or two in advance. There had never been a reason too beyond maybe a test or a special dinner. She said as much to Abby.

Abby nodded. "I can remember being that way when I was very young but as I grew older, dates and social occasions made me start planning my life. Then as high school came around, there were thoughts, plans, and dreams of the future."

"I seemed to have missed out on a few things," Marjorie said in a soft whisper.

"A few things?" Sandra said and then laughed. "Way more than a few things. You missed out on—"

"We can all figure out what she has missed," Frank said sharply to his sister.

"Maybe you should talk to her grandmother with her," Jake said to Abby.

Abby shook her head. "I don't think that would be a good idea. Her grandmother has obviously taken great care to shelter her and anyway, I'm just pre-law so I'm not nearly qualified. I might make things worse, not better."

Marjorie sighed deeply and nodded slowly. "I think I can handle grandmother. She isn't mean or anything, just protective as you said. If I ask questions at the right times, she might feel it is a new learning experience."

"If you need any help with questions, call me," Abby said.

"They don't have a phone," Frank told her.

"Oh, in that case, I guess it's all up to you," Abby said.

Marjorie nodded and got to her feet. "I appreciate your help and concern."

Sandra grinned as her eyes once again wandered over Marjorie's body. "And thank you for taking that nightgown off. I know what I'll dream about later this evening."

Marjorie blushed hotly as her eyes wandered over Sandra's body. "My dreams should be interesting also," she whispered and then looked at Frank as he stood up. "Are you going to walk me home?"

"My pleasure," Frank replied softly.

"Maybe I should go along as chaperon," Sandra said with a big grin.

"And I should have already swatted you on the nose with a newspaper," Frank said with a grin.

Sandra rolled over on her belly and lifted her hips. Her head was more or less between Abby's thighs. She wiggled her ass as she leaned her head down and licked the inside of Abby's thigh. Lifting her head, she looked over her shoulder at her brother. "Abby will protect my nose."

Abby squirmed and whimpered softly as Sandra licked her inner thigh again. When Sandra turned and grinned at her brother, Marjorie's eyes zeroed in on the lower part of Abby. Jake's hands on her bare breasts had drawn her attention until now. The blue windbreaker was open all the way down and skin showed everywhere.

Sandra turned her head back toward Abby and licked her inner thigh several times, her tongue moving farther up each time. Marjorie groaned deeply as a vision of a tongue on her clitoris crossed her minds eye. A finger was one thing but a tongue... She groaned even deeper.

Abby was watching Marjorie closely, as was Jake. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He whispered to his girlfriend.

Abby nodded as she replied, "Never been kissed and never been licked."

Jake groaned softly, as did Sandra. "Be still my heart," she whispered softly as a look of pure lust crossed her pretty face.

Frank caught most of the conversation and shook his head. "Uh, I think it's time to go."

"But... but... but," Sandra said as she raised her ass and wiggled it side to side.

Jake laughed. "How many T's are there in those buts?"

Abby groaned and shivered. "Leave my butt out of this."

Frank took Marjorie's hand and turned toward the windbreak. "Like I said, time to go."

Sandra laughed. "Was it something I said?"

"Isn't it always," Frank replied as he stepped over the windbreak.

Abby chuckled and said, "She does have a big mouth."

"Not big enough for some things," Jake added with a grin.

As Marjorie stepped over the fence, Sandra groaned softly and Abby grinned. "Don't take us seriously and it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, our pleasure," Jake said.

"If only..." Sandra said with a deep sigh.

Marjorie turned and looked at the three people and smiled shyly. "It was good to meet you also. Educational in a lot of ways." She shifted her hips from side to side feeling the slip and slide of her slippery inner and outer lips. "Stimulating also."

Abby grinned and winked at Sandra. "That would be you."

"Actually it was all three of you in one way or another," Marjorie said as she turned and started to walk away.

Frank had a grin on his face as he followed her, his eyes on her bare ass. She was still naked; the nightgown was wadded up in her right hand. "Yeah, stimulating is a good word."

Once they were out of sight around the end of the dune, Marjorie stopped and took a deep breath. She shivered hard and took Franks, right hand in her left. Without a word, she started to walk at an angle across the beach toward the edge of the surf.

They made a quarter turn to walk up the beach. Frank looked at the young woman next to him and sighed. The moon was bright and had lost the pinkish glow. "Like I said, you are very beautiful. You totally blew my sister's mind when you took off that nightgown."

"I probably shouldn't have done that but..." Marjorie said and then shivered. "I'm glad I did."

"Can I ask why?"

With a deeper shiver Marjorie whispered, "Your eyes on me was exciting when we first met. Three sets of eyes were even more exciting. Not to mention the looks on their faces." She paused and whimpered softly. "Their casual nudity surprised me at first but now I think I understand it. They love each other."

Frank chuckled. "As often as possible."

Marjorie's steps faltered as she looked up at him with a confused look on her face. "Emotional love is an always thing," she said and then her eyes got big. "Oh... you're, uh, talking physical love."

"That too," Frank said as he shook his head. "I should learn to keep my mouth shut."

"If you did, I wouldn't learn things," Marjorie whispered.

Frank grinned and then chuckled. "I could say so many things to that but none of them would be right."

Marjorie looked confused. "You would be lying?" She asked a moment later.

Frank looked at her quickly and then said, "Uh, no, not lies but inappropriate, not my place to say."

"Ah, like your sister," Marjorie said with a grin.

Frank chuckled. "Pretty much."

Marjorie paused in walking and looked at the dunes. She turned them at an angle and they walked towards the dunes. "I wish I could stay out longer but I'm afraid grandmother might miss me or come check on me for some reason."

"I'd love to spent more time with you myself," Frank said softly.

Marjorie looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. "I'm naked and you have your clothes on."

"Me taking mine off, might cause problems," Frank replied.

Her eyes dropped to the front of his shorts, and she frowned. They looked like normal shorts. That wasn't what she had expected. "Do, uh, I, uh, have an effect on you?"

Frank nodded. "Oh yeah," he whispered softly.

"I don't see any sign of that," she said and quickly added, "Not that I would actually know from personal experience. I've read about the affects of... Uh, you know."

Frank chuckled and nodded. "Oh yeah, I definitely know. I'm wearing my swimsuit under my shorts. They are keeping things under control, shall we say."

"Oh!" Marjorie said sharply. "I, uh, hadn't thought about that. I don't own any."

"You've already told me you don't own a swimsuit," Frank said and then figured out what she meant. "Oh, you don't own any underwear either."

"No, I've never needed any," she said with a light blush.

They reached the edge of the dunes and Marjorie stopped and turned toward Frank. "I think this is as far as you should come with me," she whispered.

Frank nodded. "I understand," he whispered in reply.

Marjorie took a moment to shake out her nightgown and then she started to slip it over her head. She paused and lowered it down. "I, uh, could I, uh, could you, uh," she stammered and then groaned as she closed her eyes, leaned her head back, and puckered her lips.

Frank stared at the young woman for a moment in confusion and then smiled as he bent forward and kissed her gently on the lips. He was about to break the kiss, when she moaned loudly, dropped the nightgown, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Now the kiss was total passion on her side and he should have had smoke coming out of his ears.

Somewhere along the line, his right hand ended up on the small of her back and his left hand was on her shoulder blades. She was bent backwards slightly. Suddenly her hips were jerking and flexing to a tune all their own. She was whimpering and moaning loudly as they did.

Frank ended up holding the young lady up, as her legs seemed to melt. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against his chest. She was breathing hard and fast. Her body was pressed up against his. Frank could not believe how hard and for how long she had came from just a kiss. It pretty much blew his mind.

Slowly over a period of time, her legs took more and more of her weight as her breathing slowed. She took a deep breath and groaned softly as she stepped back. "Is that, uh, does that," she tried to ask but then shivered and turned toward the cut between the dunes.

With her back to him, Frank picked up her nightgown and held out past her right shoulder. She took the gown and shivered as she shook it out. "I, uh, don't think that was supposed to happed," she whispered as she slipped the gown on.

"After the adventures you've had tonight and it being your first full kiss, I can see why it happened," Frank said softly as he put his hands on her shoulders.

Marjorie nodded. "Yeah, that's probably it."

Frank grinned as he leaned over and kissed her on the hair. "You be careful. You are a treasure and I hope whoever is your first is very caring and loving."

With that said, he took a step back and sighed. "Now, get your beautiful little tail in the house before I make a complete fool out of myself."

Marjorie giggled softly and whispered, "My knight in shining black armor."

When no reply came, Marjorie turned and looked behind her. Then she looked down the beach. She could just make out Frank walking away at a quick pace. She sighed and smiled as she turned toward the cut and walked towards her grandmother's house.

Nothing would ever be the same.

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AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

‘ideas on your statues’. I hope you were trying to say ‘ideas on your status’.

‘The contrast between her white hand and his darkly tanned one was very marked.’ Not sure how either of them would see that, since it’s night time.

‘…pealing in some strange places…’ That would be ‘peeling’.

I’m an albino myself, do not tan at all, never have, and yes, I most certainly have to be careful about exposure to the sun. But nowhere near to the extreme as depicted here. I have led an active life, including outdoors. Fishing and swimming. Biking. Yardwork. Any decently high SPF sunscreen protects me just fine from sunburn. If you ever do a sequel, she should find out that she can get out in daylight with a few simple precautions.

Nice story, though the odds that the first people she meets are such a liberated bunch seem kind of low.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Damn this was fun. Eagerly hoping their is a part 2 in the future

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great start to an ongoing Romance, would love to read more......

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Time for the rest of this story. It's awesome so far.

BwincflBwincflover 4 years ago
Slow and sensual lead-in

As with all TxRad stories there is a long and exploratory lead-in that keeps you reading because you cannot wait to see what comes next. When this story stopped after page 2 I immediately went to his index of stories to find part 2. But, at this time there is no part 2. Hopefully he will continue the story as the storyline can be exploited for many parts and i hope that TxRad brings the same sexuality to When Darkness Falls as he brought to Wild Child, which is still one of my all time favorites.

Thank you TxRad for many hours of joyful reading.

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