What It Takes Ch. 01


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In fact, it was her breasts that had stopped me in my tracks in the first place. I mean not the fact that she had breasts or that they were large, I had seen them before. Besides, I was never one to be particular enamored by breasts, or any other part of the female anatomy. No, I had stopped because, it seemed that I had nearly walked in on Dr. Alton as she was changing. As I turned the corner, with my fist raised to knock, I saw Dr. Alton's left had reach up towards her shoulder and quickly slip the strap of her jumpsuit down her arm. In a half a second, she had used her right hand to slip off her other shoulder strap as well.

Dr. Alton, like the rest of us on board, was wearing the usual CTA-issued interstellar crew uniform. It was a single-piece jumpsuit that was designed, for some reason, to look like two articles of clothing. The top looked like a form-fitting white tanktop (though the material was heavy, to hold breasts in place without the aid of a bra and without exposing nipples). The tanktop tapered down to the waist where an elastic band formed a sort of belt. Below the waist, the jumpsuit ballooned out into two baggy pant legs. While the top looked nice on someone like Dr. Alton, a somewhat flat-chested girl like me looked like a little girl wearing a romper. No one liked the pants.

Regardless, just seconds after I stood in the doorway, the shoulder straps on both sides of Dr. Alton's tanktop were dangling under her arms. Her thumbs quickly slipped into the neckline and, in a flash, the doctor's two large breasts poured out of her shirt. My eyes widened and I put my hand to my mouth. I shouldn't be watching Dr. Alton get changed! But, at the same time, I couldn't turn away. Dr. Alton's breasts looked even larger now that they were no longer confined in the tight tank top. They were very nice looking, I had to admit. She had large pink areolas with somewhat long, thick nipples. But what was really impressive was that they were so perky. I'd never seen large breasts that sat up so high on woman's chest before. It made me wonder for a moment if the artificial gravity had stopped working. Only the fact that I was still rooted in place in the hallway let me know for sure. Like I said, I am not particularly attracted to women, but...its boring on a long-range space mission and...well, damn, sometimes you just have to respect something that is well-made.

Once the tanktop portion of her jumpsuit was off, Dr. Alton quickly shimmied the baggy pants down over her hips and let it pool on the floor at her feet. I was a little bit surprised to see that Dr. Alton was not wearing anything underneath of her jumpsuit, not even panties. As soon as her long, shapely legs kicked the jumpsuit off, I could see...well everything. Dr. Alton was shaved, or perhaps like me she'd had her body hair permanently removed. Her vagina was attractive, with small, symmetrical pink lips and a somewhat large clitoris that I could see from where I was standing.

Maybe it was the fact that I really could see Dr. Alton's entire naked body that it really registered what I was doing. I was watching someone get undressed. I mean, she had her door open, but she also had no reason to expect anyone to come for her. It was totally inappropriate. I guess, to a certain extent, I recognized then that I was a little...excited by my brief turn at voyeurism. I had already told myself twice that I wasn't attracted to women, but I couldn't take my eyes away from Dr. Alton. I knew that, regardless of my normal proclivities and preferences, I hadn't even seen a man in about two years. I was already depressed. And lonely. And I guessed I was a little...horny too.

I shook my head (though Dr. Alton's flawless body remained framed in my mind) and stated to turn away again. I would just pretend like I'd never come here and tell Tara that the doctor was asleep. No one had to know that I'd been a Peeping Tom. But as, soon as I turned, I heard something, something strange coming from inside of Dr. Alton's room. It was hard to explain, a sort of clicking chirping sound mixed together. It was very low, but powerful. I could feel the vibrations from the sound sort of wafting through me. It sounded almost like some sort of equipment had given way or burst, and I instinctively turned back to the room.

For the first time since I'd arrived at the room, my eyes were not immediately drawn to Dr. Alton's body. Instead, I scanned the entire room. I quickly realized the source of the noise. Nothing had broken or burst. Instead, the noise was organic. It had come from one of the alien creatures that Dr. Alton had captured on Loem-7. It was in her room, sitting near the foot of her bed.

Actually, sitting might not be the most accurate word to use. I am not really sure that that particular alien could do anything that would be characterized as "sitting." More than anything else, the creature looked like a slug. A giant slug. It was around seven feet long from the tip of its tail to the opening of its mouth. The end of the tail was quite small, a sort of rounded spot around three inches in diameter. But the creature's body expanded rapidly from there. At its widest point, a little less than halfway up its body, it was about two and a half feet in diameter, bigger than an oil drum. From there, the creature's body began to taper again.

The most remarkable thing about the creature's body was its color. It was, vaguely, bluish in tone but it was translucent. The first thing I'd thought of when I saw it was that it looked like it was made of rock candy. In fact, the body was so clear that you could actually see inside of the thing's body. As I looked at it, I could see its stomach and its coiled intestines, and countless other unpleasant-looking organs packed tightly into its body. The only thing that obscured the view of the creature's innards was the thick sheen of mucus-like material that coated the entire creature. It looked like there was about a quarter-inches of slime coating the alien. In fact, I could see a trail of slime. The slime had a particular...pungent smell. A little like rotting wood, and a little, oddly, like human sperm.

The last two feet of the creature's body consisted of a long, somewhat thin neck that was lifted up off the ground (unlike the rest of the body, which was flat on the floor). From that point, the body was no longer translucent, but instead a dark, solid blue color. The neck then ballooned out to an oval-shaped head. The head looked sort of like a football that had one end pointing out away from the body and the other sticking out behind its neck. The top of the head had two large antennae, drooped slightly, and capped with large, fleshy beads about the size and shape of golf balls. The creature's eyes were very large sat on either side of its head, kind of like a deer's eyes. These eyes were totally and completely black, though they reflected the light in the room. The creature had no nose, but it had two large holes on the front of its face. Below those holes were the creature's mouth. This was just a small, circular opening around the size of a softball. But every inch of that hole was crammed with strange, snake-like growths. Each of these tentacles was between one foot and two and a half feet long and around a half an inch in diameter. There were so many of them that I couldn't really count. The tentacles slithered and moved at all times and they dripped a thick, viscous liquid onto the floor. It apparently used these as limbs to capture prey and then bring it into its mouth.

All in all, it was a thoroughly repulsive creature. Just looking at it made my flesh crawl.

I had actually seen the creature before. I had seen Dr. Alton bringing it into the ship on our last day on Loem-7. It wasn't in a cage or any sort of safety device. It was simply slithering along next to her, leaving a trail of slime on the rocks. I had asked the doctor if it was safe to bring the creature inside and she had assured me that it was a ...some scientific name (I always thought of it as the Giant Space Slug) and that they were well known to be harmless. She said it had a brain around the size of a cat's. It really looked harmless, so I hadn't thought of the thing again until I saw it now.

For half a second I wondered if Dr. Alton knew it was in her room, perhaps it had escaped. If I'd thought about that for a moment I'd have realized that it was ridiculous to think something so large could go completely unnoticed. But as soon as that thought crossed my mind, Dr. Alton broke the silence, "There, that is a little more comfortable, isn't it?" she asked, looking directly at the creature. It made a small clicking noise, but I wasn't sure if it was in response. She said it was harmless, maybe she was keeping it as a pet? There had been a small, mammal-like creature I'd seen, around the size of a gerbil. That would seem to be a more pleasant companion.

"Okay there honey," Dr. Alton said in her sweet, deep voice, "We don't have a lot of time. I need to feed everyone today, even the Vesparum Ingens." And with that said, Dr. Alton, quickly sat down on her ass on the cold metal floor of her quarters, with her back propped up against the wall. As soon as she was settled, she quickly spread her legs very wide, almost like it was some sort of yoga pose.

I cannot be sure, but I think that as Dr. Alton spread her legs, I saw the giant slug's black eyes flash heavenly blue for a brief second. Regardless, before I had a chance to think about it, the giant slug was on the move. It did not move quickly, I doubted that it could, but it moved methodically, like it knew exactly where it was going and what it was doing. The creature's body didn't slither, like a snake. Instead, movement seemed to ripple through it, the way a millipede might move, despite the fact that it didn't have any legs. As the alien slug made its way across the floor, I could see its innards shift and move, making my own stomach turn.

To a certain extent, I suppose, I had been avoiding thinking about what I was watching. I had been so intent, first on seeing Dr. Alton get undressed and then seeing that creature in her room, that I hadn't really considered what it was Dr. Alton was doing. I guess in retrospect, it seems obvious. But, at the time...I don't know, I guess I figured it was some sort of alien research at first. That is what Dr. Alton was supposed to be doing, after all.

My first inkling that I might be wrong about that came just a few seconds after the creature began to move. It was laid out now along the floor of the room, at its maximum length. After just a few small ripples of movement, its head, with all its writhing tentacles, had slipped between Dr. Alton's feet, heading slowly deeper between her legs. For a brief second, the creature tilted its head to one side. I saw one of its tentacles brush against the inside of Dr. Alton's calf. A trail of slime was left in the creature's wake. Dr. Alton sighed deeply and then giggled a little. At the same time, she slouched down a little against the wall, thrust her hips out farther in the direction of the giant slug.

The creature kept moving deeper and deeper between her legs. I felt my heart rate start to rise and my tongue went dry. Before I even really had a conscious idea of what was happening, my body was reacting with a deep sense of foreboding. Each passing second, the strange, translucent space slug looked more and more repulsive. She couldn't possibly be...

The tentacles from the creature's mouth were now rubbing up against the insides of Dr. Alton's thighs, slathering them in slime. Dr. Alton moaned softly and brought one of her hands up to her mouth, biting her knuckle gently. She kept her eyes on the creatures as it kept moving closer and closer to her. I knew now, of course, that there was no research going on. It had been naïve, and frankly silly, of me to think that anyway. I wanted to believe that there was some sort of slow-motion attack happening, that Dr. Alton wasn't doing what it looked like she was doing. But I could see the fire of excitement in her eyes, I noticed that her nipples had grown erect and quite hard in the warm, humid room. What's more, just barely, over the stench of the slug creature, I could smell Dr. Alton's body. I could smell... her arousal. I knew what was about to happen next. And though my stomach knotted and my skin went pale, I couldn't look away. It was too disgusting to look away.

The wider parts of the creatures body were now slipping in between Dr. Alton's legs. She slowly began to close her knees, drawing them in towards the center. After a moment, I saw her thighs close around the top half of the creature's body. They were soon coated in the creature's slime and I could see her knees pressing into the slug's soft flesh. I could see its insides moving to accommodate her. She groaned as she felt the creature's wet warmth against her.

"That's it honey," Dr. Alton groaned softly, "This is the perfect spot. Show momma what a good boy you are." Her voice sounded sultry, naughty as she spoke the words. The alien made another low, clicking sound and, once again, I could feel the vibration's through the air. Apparently Dr. Alton, who was obviously much closer to the creature, could feel it as well. I saw her eyes roll back in her head and heard a low moan escape from her throat. Her whole body shuddered and, for the briefest of moments, I was a little curious about what she was feeling. Maybe even a little bit jealous. Then I realized what she was doing, and no longer envied her. Still, I couldn't look away.

The creature seemed to dip its head slightly (though I could tell that its eyes remained fixed on Dr. Alton). The flailing, slithering tentacles dropped as well. I hadn't realized how deeply the creature's body had slipped between Dr. Alton's legs. As it now moved, I could hear some of the tentacles slapping wetly against Dr. Alton's flat stomach, I heard her laugh as she felt it. But the laugh suddenly caught in her throat and turned to a low moan. Dr. Alton's eyes closed and her body shivered again. But this time, the creature wasn't making any noise. I moved slightly in the hallway (trying to stay in the shadows), getting myself a better view, to see what I already knew was happening.

"Oh Jesus fuck!" Dr. Alton groaned and, after a moment, I saw the cause. The space slug's head had now dropped down into Dr. Alton's lap. I could see the mass of tentacles slithering down between her spread legs, I could see her thighs glistening with its juices. The writhing mass of tentacles was slithering against Dr. Alton's pussy, pressing against her clitoris and coating her in lubricating juices. For a moment, Dr. Alton seemed frozen. Her eyes were still slammed shut but her mouth was stuck slightly open, her body shivering. After a while, the moan died out, but the flush in her cheeks showed that she was still enjoying the feeling of the dripping tentacles pressing against her bare pussy.

"Oh God, honey, that feels so good!" Dr. Alton groaned, "Put some inside of me, go deep inside!" She gasped. There were too many tentacles swarming over Dr. Alton's body for me to see what happened next, but I could tell from Dr. Alton's reaction that the space slug had followed her directions. Dr. Alton's entire body went rigid and she bit more firmly down onto her knuckle. I saw her knees shaking, pressing against the slug creature's slimy skin. I knew for certain that one, or more, of the creature's disgusting tentacles had pressed between Dr. Alton's pussy lips and drove deeply into her body. In my mind's eye, I could picture it pressing deeply inside of her, massaging her and coating her insides with its slime, even as other tentacles pressed against her aching clitoris. In a moment, Dr. Alton confirmed my suspicions.

"Oh honey," she said, "You're so big. That feels so good. Go deeper, fill me up!" Her voice went an octave higher as she said the last word and I knew that the creature had already fulfilled the request. Dr. Alton's body trembled more deeply as the creatures, thick slime began to run in thick globs down her legs, pooling on the floor around her.

"Oh shit, how can this be so good?" Dr. Alton asked, apparently to herself. But apparently it wasn't enough. Even as the words were coming from her mouth, Dr. Alton was moving her arms. She popped her finger from her mouth and, at the same time, her other hand rose from where it was resting against her side. Quickly, both hands found their way to Dr. Alton's massive breasts. Her palms pressed flat against her long nipples, her fingers sinking deeply into her flesh. Her hands began to squeeze tightly on her breasts, even as the creatures tentacles moved deeper and deeper into her willing body.

But the creature didn't allow her to do this long. Its eyes had remained on Dr. Alton the entire time while its tentacles writhed around between her legs. As it watched Dr. Alton began to massage her own breasts, it lifted its head slightly. Most of the tentacles remained caressing and oozing in her lap, but a few of the longer ones suddenly rose up with a speed and control I didn't realize the space slug possessed. Two slimy tentacles quickly slapped around Dr. Alton's wrists. Dr. Alton let out a low cry as these tentacles wrapped around her arms several times and then pushed them back. In half a second, Dr. Alton's arms were pinned to the wall on either side of her head while slime dripped down towards her elbows.

For half a moment, I thought the creature had attacked. I was almost ready to go bumbling into the room to save her or, more likely, get killed myself. But as soon as Dr. Alton's breasts were freed from her hands (and bouncing gently against her body) several other tentacles rose. Two of the longer ones instantly began to wrap themselves, loosely but firmly, around Dr. Alton's large breasts. They coiled around her so many times that, in a few seconds, only Dr. Alton's areolas and a few inches of skin around them were still exposed. I saw the wrapped tentacles begin to undulate slowly, stroking Dr. Alton's breasts and squeezing them gently. At the same time, two more, shorter tentacles rose up. The rounded ends of the tentacles quickly found their way to Dr. Alton's areolas. I watched as they oozed a little slime onto the vary tips of Dr. Alton's nipples, and then began to slowly circle around them, teasing and caressing them. The nipples grew even harder the rest of Dr. Alton's body seemed to react to the creature's ministrations.

"Oh fuck honey, you learn so quickly!" Dr. Alton moaned as her body trembled. Clearly she wasn't being attacked. In fact, it looked like she was loving it.

In fact, Dr. Alton's body now seemed frozen with pleasure. All of her muscles seemed completely rigid and her eyes were slammed shut. A low moaning noise was being emitted from her throat and I could see her hips rocking back and forth. Between her legs was the massive body of the giant space slug. The creature seemed now to completely dominate the room. Dr. Alton's knees pressed tightly into its translucent trunk. It almost seemed like the alien's body was enveloping the doctor and it pulsated, expanding and contracting. Inside, I could see the creature's organs roiling and turning.

The creature's ovular head was still placed near Dr. Alton's stomach, its eyes intently on her. They seemed to be glowing, almost excited and focused totally on its task. Most of the writhing tentacles pouring from the creature's mouth were pressed down between Dr. Alton's legs. They were squirming and dripping slime all over her tight, bare pussy, lubricating her clit. I knew that some of those tentacles were slipping up inside of Dr. Alton's body, massaging her body from every possible angle and lubricating her further. Four of the creature's tentacles remained focused on Dr. Alton's breasts, with two wrapped around them, squeezing and massaging the doctor's sensitive flesh. The other two were flicking and teasing at her aching nipples. Most of Dr. Alton's torso and legs were now coated in a thin layer of glistening slime. The remaining two tentacles kept Dr. Alton's wrists pinned to the wall. The creatures was, once again, making its low clicking noise, sending vibrations through Dr. Alton's body. Dr. Alton groaned louder.