"What could be the harm in that?"

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Oh, the choices we make.
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This story is a bit long. If you're looking for a lot of sex you won't find it here. There is only enough sex to make the story work. My reason for writing was to show how decisions we make affect more than just ourselves. I hope you enjoy it and appreciate any and all comments.


She walked out the door. I knew it was going to happen. It had been coming for a while now. I saw the signs for months. She had been distant, then irritable, then ambivalent, then confrontational. No matter what I said or what I did it didn't help the situation.

During those months there were very few "good times". In fact, the "good times" were when we were out with our friends, this afforded a distraction from our pitiful life.

My name is Kurt Randolph and the "she" is my wife Sue. Well, she is my wife for a little longer at least. I have already spoken to a divorce attorney to draw up divorce papers. Twenty-six years of marriage ending, not with a bang but with a whimper.

I will be calling my son and daughters to let them know sometime this weekend. I just don't know where we went wrong, 26 years of marriage, all but the last few were good, not great, but good. Life wasn't a bowl of cherries, but we had had a good life. Our kids, Glenn, Julia, and Rachel are all healthy well-adjusted young adults. Two of them are still in college and one graduated 6 months ago.

Maybe that was the catalyst to our problems. Empty nest syndrome started as our first went off to college. It affected her more than I knew. She changed drastically. While our sex life had never been porn quality, or even close, we enjoyed each other's bodies. Well, that was up until about 3 years ago. Since then no matter how much I hinted, made advances, or begged, it didn't happen.

It was "The Change" and I had to "deal with it", it being the fact that sex was no longer to be part of our life together. Needless to say, this led to many heated arguments. I finally just gave up and took the situation into my own hands, it wasn't worth arguing about it. Why would I want to be intimate with someone that didn't want me.

Then, months ago, she started to change, and not for the better. Now she is leaving and to be honest I am having a hard time feeling anything close to sorrow. I know where she is going - to her lover. She couldn't bother to have sex with me, but some guy 10 years her junior she spends hours in bed with.

When I first noticed this most recent change, I knew something was going on. Of course, I cared, just not as much as I probably should have. I had to know though, so I asked around. I work 50 - 60 hours a week at the 3M Corporation in Aberdeen, South Dakota. I'm a process engineer. It's a great job, except that occasionally I have to go in at odd hours. Sometimes I'm on call and if something goes wrong that the maintenance techs can't figure out it is up to me to get them back up and running. Being on call has caused a few problems in the past - not being able to take off for the weekend or missing kids Saturday soccer games or even an evening meal occasionally. They pay well though and Aberdeen, even though the third largest city in South Dakota, it is a small enough community that it still feels like a small town. I much prefer that to big city life. We did that for a few years in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Being in this city not much goes on without someone knowing. If you ask around someone knows someone that knows or has seen something. It was only a week after I asked my best friend Paul that he came back to me with a dour look on his face.

"You were right Kurt." He said.

"What did you hear?"

"She's been having lunch with a guy at least once a week. Carol, one of her coworkers, is my cousin. She said it's been going on for at least 3 months now. He picks her up in the parking lot and they come back an hour later." Paul told me.

Sue works at Midstates Printing. She's a secretary, sorry "administrative assistant", I guess secretary is a derogatory term now. She's been there for about 15 years now, she went back to work shortly after our youngest got into preschool.

I have to admit, for a 48 year old woman she is still good looking and doesn't look even 40. I'm sure that is why she was attractive to David Perkins. That's the scumbag that has been taking my wife's affections. He's a paper salesman for Heartland Paper, a paper mill in Sioux Falls. He makes his rounds and calls on Midstates on a regular basis. I checked him out after Paul clued me in. David Perkins, divorced with 2 kids, 7 and 10 years old. From what I can gather he had been cheating on his wife, she found out and had him served. That was 4 years ago. I guess cheaters don't mind getting others to cheat. I wonder if Sue is his only conquest. I guess for her sake I hope so, I doubt it though.

It doesn't really matter now. Sue has left, some lame excuse of "going away alone for a Spa Weekend to give my mind a break from the tension between us."

Alone, what a joke, I know she is going to be with him. Not just for a few hours like she did two weeks ago when she took the afternoon off to be with him. Carol had called Paul, who called me, when she found out Sue was taking the afternoon off. I took the afternoon off also and followed her when she left the parking lot. She drove to the Holiday Inn and guess who was waiting for her.

That's when I called a divorce lawyer and started the process. She would be served sometime on her "Spa Weekend". I have only to call when the GPS tracker in her Yukon XL stops at the final destination.

I know some people would say I should have confronted her about what is going on, but after 3 long years of no intimacy you kind of wonder if it's worth it. It's not that your love dies, it's just that you wonder if love is enough anymore. You start to think, maybe you would both be happier with someone else, or even alone.

For her sake I hope she is. Me, I have always been the type of person that can enjoy myself in almost any situation. Why go through life focusing on the negatives, there's so much good around you every day.

So, I sit here with my phone in my hand tracking her progress as she makes her way to her rendezvous with destiny.


I'm excited, and a little apprehensive, as I drive to Sioux Falls. I'm going to spend the next 2 nights with David, my friend and lover. He understands me. He listens without judging or feeling the need to try to fix me or my problems. He demands nothing of me and because of that what I give him I look at as a gift. No pressures, no expectations, no whining or begging like my husband Kurt would do. He just doesn't understand.

When a woman starts to go through "the change" she doesn't want or need sex like she did when she was in her twenties. She needs someone to listen and just love her for who she is. David has been that someone for me for the last 3 months. We started going out to lunch together and talked. I could talk to him about anything. He listens and makes me feel special, like I am more than just a mom or an administrative assistant.

Two weeks ago he asked me if I could get off for an afternoon of fun and enjoyment. I knew what he was asking, he had been hinting at a sexual relation for the past month. He would casually mention how he loves to pamper a woman, to be considerate to her wants and needs. To have this guy 10 years younger than me showing the attention and desire really got me thinking.

I had agreed to take Thursday afternoon off, I had comp time available. He booked a room at the Holiday Inn. I was nervous, of course, but I decided that this was a guy that knew me and cared for me. I wanted to show him that I cared for him too and wanted to thank him in a special way.

I stopped by the drugstore on the way to the hotel. I needed to get some K-Y Jelly so that I would be wet enough for him. I knew that my body wasn't responding that way physically much anymore. Kurt had tried to get me aroused once a couple of years ago but nothing happened and I couldn't take him.

I ended up giving him a hand job until he came all over my hand. It was disgusting and I decided that if I can't get wet, I don't need any of it. He could take care of that himself. So, just like our son had done before he went off to college, Kurt started taking long showers.

When I got to the hotel David invited me in to the room and we sat in the chairs and talked for some time. He complimented me on my looks. "Sue, you always look so good. You dress smartly - businesslike yet sexy. I don't know how your boss is able to get any work done."

I blushed and giggled a little. He is so nice and I'm glad he noticed my attention to my personal appearance. Then he leaned in to me and kissed me passionately. We had kissed before, but it was more of a goodbye kiss after our lunches, nothing like this. Our lips parted and our tongues started teasing each other. Pretty soon we were going at it like teenagers. I thought to myself, "When was the last time Kurt kissed me this passionately? I know it has been years."

His hands started caressing up and down my back sending tingling sensations up and down my spine. Then he started to caress my butt cheeks. I started to feel a little tingle in my private parts. My hand slid down his arm to his thigh and I felt him shudder as a shiver went up his spine. I couldn't believe I was having this effect on him. He was squirming and I knew why, he was trying to adjust himself to make his manhood more comfortable.

His right hand moved up and cupped my breast. I gasped a little as he did this, then I moaned involuntarily. His kiss got even more passionate as he caressed my nipple through my dress. They were both starting to get hard from the excitement. I started rubbing his crotch with my hand. It was straining in his pants. He was definitely hard. As my hand stroked him he started unzipping my dress. This allowed him to pull my dress off my shoulders and expose my lacy red bra. I saw his eyes go wide when he saw my cleavage and the affect my nipples were having on the soft material.

As he looked, I continued to rub him. He was straining his pants. He saw that my bra clasped in the front and gently, slowly undid it. By this time, I had undone his belt and the top button of his pants. His penis was now pushing its way up so that the head was poking out of the top of his boxers. I brushed it softly with my fingertips. He moaned and then put his mouth on one of my nipples, massaging it with his tongue as he sucked gently. I knew this wasn't going to be able to last long. I had unzipped his pants and was stroking him slowly. His breathing was getting heavy.

I pulled away from him and said, "Let me go get more comfortable."

I got up, went into the bathroom and took off, my dress. I draped it over the shower rod and took off my bra and panties. I knew I was aroused but when I felt with my fingers knew it was not enough. I pulled out the K-Y and lubricated myself. I was now ready to give myself to this man, to do something I had not done in over 28 years. To have sex with someone other than my husband.

"Oh Kurt, what happened to us?" I whispered. "Why can't you be like David, want me for who I am as I am." I straightened up and set my shoulders. I was going to do this to thank David for making me feel wanted and like a woman these past few months.

I opened the bathroom door and stood in the doorway. He was already naked, waiting with just a sheet over himself, lying in bed. "Wow!" he said, "You look gorgeous."

I tingled all over when he said that, as I walked slowly, seductively toward the bed. The sheet was tented with his stiffness. I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I slid in beside him and grabbed his cock and gave it a little squeeze. He cupped my breast and lowered his mouth to suck on my nipple. I started to slowly stroke him again. I could feel the silky pre-cum on the head of his cock. As his mouth continued to suck a nipple his hand slid down my belly to my bush. When he massaged his fingers through my pubic hair I opened my legs a bit for him. He gently put a finger inside. He could feel the wetness so I would keep the K-Y my secret.

He started finger fucking me and I started breathing heavily. Then he put 2 fingers inside of me and I opened my legs wider saying, "I need you in me now! No more foreplay, I have to feel you inside of me."

He laid me down and got between my legs. As he entered me I felt a little bit of guilt. I was giving myself to another man. Then he started pumping in and out of me and all thoughts of my husband were gone, at least for the time. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling and knowledge that a 48 year old woman could still be desired and lusted after by a younger man.

He pumped in and out for what seemed like a glorious hour, but in actuality was probably only about 10 minutes. When he exploded into me I felt his hot jism fill me and lubricate me even more.

He laid beside me and started kissing and fondling my breasts again. I felt for his cock. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't flaccid either. I started slowly stroking his slimy shaft. It was covered with his semen, my natural lube and the K-Y. My hand slid up and down easily.

His sperm was in my vagina, but I had no worries, I knew I couldn't get pregnant anymore. I would just enjoy the feeling of being filled with his cum. My nipples were getting hard again from the attention he was giving them. I wondered if he could fuck me some more so I could have an orgasm. I pumped him more aggressively with my hand.

"I don't think I can get rock hard again with you doing that, but I'm sure I can if you suck on it." He said.

I hesitated, I had never like the taste of cum. The one time Kurt had cum in my mouth I ran to the bathroom, spit it out, and gargled with mouthwash.

"I would love to make love to you again, but the only time I've been able to get it back up that quickly was when I had someone go down on me and work me back stiff." He said.

I really didn't want this lovemaking session to end, but could I suck it until he was hard enough to go again? Could I get over my disgust for the taste enough to make it happen again? I looked up into his eyes, they showed longing and compassion. There was no demanding, no begging in those eyes. I nodded and bent my head down and took his cock in my mouth. The taste almost made me gag, but I started to pump my head up and down on his shaft. Pretty soon I didn't could hardly taste it anymore. All I felt was my lips gliding along his cock and the feeling of fullness as I went down on his shaft.

He wasn't any bigger than Kurt, in fact while the length was about the same, he was smaller in girth. I continued to pump and work my tongue as I sucked gently. He was right, he did get hard again and it only took 5 minutes.

When I felt it was hard enough to penetrate me I took my mouth off and looked up at him. He looked down at me, smiled and said. "Are you ready for doggie style?" I nodded.

It had never been my favorite position but Kurt had liked it so it was part of our routine on an infrequent basis.

I got on all fours on the bed and he positioned himself behind me. I felt the head of his cock as he lined himself up with my pussy. Then he drove all the way to the hilt. I was taken by surprise. I wasn't expecting that. It was a good thing I still had plenty of lubrication in me, both from my K-Y and his cum.

He pumped in and out of me. I could feel him with every stroke. I started getting aroused again and this time I knew that he would be able to last until I was able to have an orgasm. It was about 15 minutes after he started that I came. I have never been real vocal during sex so as I felt it strengthening I buried my head in the pillow and let him continue to push me over the edge. I tensed, then shook and moaned into the pillow. He kept driving and after a couple more minutes I could feel his cock swell in me as he shot once again into me. When he exploded it pushed me over the edge again and I came at almost the same time.

We laid there exhausted for about a half hour. I wanted to get home before Kurt so I got up, took a quick shower, and got dressed.

"Do you think we could go away for a weekend?" David asked me. I can get a Bed and Breakfast on the river near Sioux Falls and we could enjoy the view, the countryside and each other again. The fall leaves are just coming to their peak."

"That does sound nice. I don't know though, what would I tell my husband?"

"Tell him you're going away for a Spa Weekend. You need to get away for some "me" time. Is he that terrible of a person that he would begrudge you a little time away?"

"I don't know if he would even notice." I said thinking about how our relationship had deteriorated lately.

"Well I'll set it up for 2 weeks from this Friday. Okay?"

"That sounds great David. I love spending time with you." I said.

"And you know I love spending time with you." He said.

I left with the thought of he and I getting together again in just a couple weeks. I drove straight home, getting home about my usual time, of course Kurt was not there. He always works late. I felt a little guilt as I walked in the door. This was our home that I shared with my husband. I walked through the living room toward the kitchen and saw the large photo of the whole family hanging above the mantel. Then I saw our wedding photo in a frame resting on the mantel. I stopped and looked at both pictures.

"What had I done?" I thought to myself. "I know Kurt and I have not been getting along but is that a reason to step out on him? I can't do anything to make him suspicious. I'll just do everything I normally do."

I went to the bedroom and changed into jeans and a t-shirt, putting my clothes in the hamper. Then I went into the kitchen to start dinner. I decided I would make one of his favorites, stuffed porkchops and mashed potatoes.


I remember that day vividly. It was the final nail in the coffin of our marriage. She was in the hotel room for over 3 hours. I'm not an idiot, I know what they were doing, it broke my heart. It had been over 3 years since we had any form of intimacy, she didn't even want to kiss me anymore because, 'It always leads to you wanting sex.' The most I got was a quick peck on the lips, and that didn't even include a hug.

I drove around after I saw her leave the hotel. I didn't want to go home. I didn't know what I would do to her in the emotional state I was in. At 8:30 I drove into our garage, turned off the car, and sat there for a minute or two. She opened the door from the kitchen to the garage as I was just getting out of the car.

"What were you doing? You drove in a couple minutes ago?" She asked.

"Uh ... talking on the phone." I said. So it began, the lies.

"I made supper, but it's cold now. I wish you would call when you're going to be this late!" Isaid in annoyed tone.

"Sorry, a problem came up that I didn't know how to deal with. I may be working late a lot in the near future." That was not a lie, I didn't want to be around her.

That was 2 weeks ago, now she is walking out the door for her "Spa Weekend". These last two weeks I have come home late every night, and on the weekends I've spent the time doing yardwork and getting the house ready for winter. We were like roommates, but not for long.

As soon as she gets to her destination I will call Tom Andrews, the Sheriff. One nice thing about living in a smaller city is that you get to know a lot of people. Tom and Marcia were friends. We had been to their house and vice versa many times. I had spoken to him a couple days ago and asked him if he would serve the divorce papers to my wife. He was shocked until I filled him in.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Kurt. You and Sue have been together a long time."