We Need To Talk Ch. 03 (Conclusion)


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Sue walked to her, standing in front of the blonde so their bodies were in contact. Ellen nearly lost her balance trying to back away and hitting the bed. Sue caught her and pulled her back, engaging her in a tongue filled kiss. "Yes!" she said. "Thank Heavens! That's all I've been working for; for you to realize that and to no longer need to feel less than worthy.

"I love you, too, Ellie. But the only time I will 'dominate' you when we're making love is when I'm on top in a 69." Ellen looked at her, eyes full of tears, then laughed as she realized what Sue meant.

"Oh, Sue! Thank you!" She embraced her friend, cheek to cheek.

"Now," said Sue, "we should get to bed. Tomorrow, I think, is going to be a long day, and Chris arranged for us to get our hair done by Marie, in the village, at ten." She caressed Ellen's breast lightly. "And I promised him all three of us tomorrow night."

"Sue! All of us! But it's your wedding night!" She studied the younger woman's face. "I know, first and last, but still...Why don't you and Chris stay at the inn, and I'll bring Liz back here, and you can join us for lunch or dinner."

"We'll see. Thank you, though, for the thought. Let's see what Chris says."

Liz positioned herself on the bed so her back was against the headboard so she could watch as Chris took off his clothes. On the few occasions their paths had crossed at Tom and Sue's, they had always been friendly, sharing a hug for their first greeting, and occasionally dancing if their was a party.

She could recall a few, rare instances when he had, literally, risen to the occasion, giving her an approximate idea of his size. When his staff did emerge, she realized she was in for a bit of a night. Chris, she realized was not the biggest cock she had ever had, but he was visibly, significantly larger than any of her husbands had been.

She grinned as Chris approached the bed and slid down so she was lying on her back. She reached her arms up to greet him. "C'mon, lover, Momma's waitin' and wantin'," she cooed to him.

Chris joined her on the bed, rolling her to face him and pulling her leg over his hip, opening her pussy to his touch. His hands began exploring her body, finding her non-erotic sensitive points. As his hands explored, so did his lips and tongue.

In a short period of time, Liz's nipples were diamond hard, hurting. She could feel her labia were engorged, her clit long since exposed, and Chris hadn't yet even kissed her breasts. She rolled on to her back, pulling Chris with her, her legs around his hips, pulling him toward her pussy.

"Fuck me, Chris, I can't wait any more. I need you so bad, it hurts." She grabbed his ear lobe in her teeth and bit down."Now!" she growled, "or so help me, I'll bite this fucking ear off."

Chris laughed and pulled his head away from her, freeing his ear. He then slid down her body to take a nipple in his mouth. Seizing it with his teeth, he pinched. The sudden pain was enough to send Liz into orgasm.

It wasn't long, but it was enough to release some of the sexual tension she was experiencing. She tried to pull him up to her lips for a kiss, but he just grinned and shook his head no, and slid further down her body.

When Liz realized where he was headed, she sucked in a deep breath. Some of the guys she had been with before she married had been willing to go down on her, especially the older, more sophisticated of them. Before he got nasty, Carl had also done it for her, but neither of her other husbands would deign to kiss her below her nipples.

"Uh, Chris, I might be a little dirty down there. You don't need..."

"Liz, as wet as you've been since we started, it's practically the equivalent of a shower, but if I can't stand the smell, I'll go get a washrag and take care of it. Okay?" he said, running his tongue from the top of her slit to the bottom, pushing it in to open her labia.

"Ooohhhhh, Gaaawwwd!" she moaned, loud enough to be heard in the other room.

"Bout time over there!" they heard Sue shout.

"Oh, shit!" cried Liz, glancing at the still open door. "Fuck, Chris, the door..."

Her complaint was shut off as he moved up and into her. Another huge, loud moan announced their joining. As Chris entered her, opening her like she hadn't been open in over twenty years, she was reduced to babbling, "ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck," and "damnshitdamnshitdamnshit."

Chris strokes in and out of his lover were, at first, slow measured strokes, designed to heighten her arousal and enjoyment. Still, it did not take her long to reach her climax, announcing her achievement with a loud scream.

As she caught her breath and calmed down, her sister yelled more encouragement from across the hall. Liz and Chris gave a short laugh. "Go to hell, pervert!" Liz shouted back as Chris started moving again. She heard the other two women laugh at her response, then bare feet running.

Sue and Ellen burst into the room and jumped on the bed, one on either side of the couple. "Who's a pervert? Look at these two, Ellen, they can't even interrupt their fucking to say hello to company," complained Sue, patting Chris on the back.

Without withdrawing, he sat back on his heels, as Ellen bent down to capture Liz's lips in a kiss and Sue bent to plant a loud, long raspberry on Liz's stomach. As soon as she started, Ellen moved from Liz's lips to a nipple, where she repeated Sue's actions.

Recalling some of their childhood horseplay, Sue started exploring her older sister's body, looking for remembered ticklish spots. Held down by Ellen, Liz was subjected to some massive tickling, resulting in a monster orgasm.

She came so hard, her squirt bounced off Chris and showered Sue, making her stop to laugh and fall on the bed along side her sister. She rolled on her side to look at Liz. "Are you okay?" she asked, the smile and look of love reflected in he voice.

"Considering that I'm getting the best fuck I've had in too many years, and that half the town is in the room watching or listening to it happen, and I just pissed all over the poor guy, I'm fucking great," she laughed. "How are you?"

"Sleepy," Sue replied, getting off the bed. "C'mon, Ellie, let's go." Sue bent down and kissed her sister on the lips, her hand sliding down between her and Chris to find Liz's clit.

She flicked it with her finger, eliciting a gasp from Liz. Sue bent down to whisper in her sister's ear, "I can't wait until we can fuck. It'll be soooo nasty." Liz groaned in reply, nodding.

Sue turned to kiss Chris. "You're doing great, sweetie. Just remember we have a ten o'clock appointment." It wasn't until she turned to watch Sue leave that Liz realized the two women had been stark naked when they came into the room. She moaned again as the implication sank in.

Chris lowered himself to her chest and wrapped his arms around her, then turned them over so Liz was in the cowgirl position. She grinned and started posting on him.

As she approached her climax, Chris pulled her down to take a nipple in his mouth. Her movements became erratic, frenzied. He reached behind her, scooping up some of her moisture on his middle finger, then thrust it into her asshole.

The reaction was immediate. She had an orgasm which was only slightly eclipsed by the one set off by tickling. Her hips started gyrating, partly from the orgasm, partly to dislodge his finger, which didn't happen.

She did, however, trigger Chris' climax, bathing her inner walls in several shots of male creme sauce, which caused her more little deaths as she collapsed on her lover's chest. When she could finally speak again, she hissed, with a smile, "You mother fucker, you'll pay for that."

"I'm counting on it," he replied.

In the other room, the blonde and auburn beauties climbed into bed, facing each other. They leaned in to kiss goodnight; some hands found bosoms while others found vulvas. Without further ado, they fell asleep smiling at each other, maintaining their touches. They awoke in the same position.

Chris, uncharacteristically did not wake when the sun came through the windows, nor when Sue came through the door to wake Liz. It was the sound of his 4x4 driving down the gravel drive which woke him. He stretched and moaned with the pleasant ache which follows a great coupling. He made his way to the kitchen for coffee, to the bath for a long hot shower, and then to his office to tend to his e-mail.

There were some follow up questions about his last trip, an inquiry about his availability, some congratulatory messages from people who had heard about the wedding but couldn't get there, a message for Liz from the DA in Springville to the effect that there would be no trial.

Her ex, when he sobered up and saw the evidence against him had decided to plead guilty to a charge of criminal mischief. Because of the amount of damage that had been done, it was still a felony, but three years beat fifteen.

Her insurance company was offering a $200K settlement, based on the value of the house, her business equipment, and the apparent destruction of the business itself.

There was also a message from Rick, Ellen's husband, asking if he had heard from her; she had been gone over a week without any word; he was worried she might be injured or hospitalized somewhere without family support.

As usual, there was also a ton of spam. By the time he was finished with all of the e-mail, it was almost noon. He heard the 4x4 coming up the drive.

When he heard the door open, he got up and started down the hall, still nude from the shower. When he saw the women, he stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw dropped; his cock rose. He found his voice after several seconds.

"Uh, the set for Sex in the City is down the road, about 500 miles. Are you lost?" The three women, coal black brunette, blonde and auburn hair done up to perfection, had also been professionally made up. Although the make up couldn't be seen, the effect had transformed three beauties into candidates for the title of 'Most Likely to Stop (fill in any city) Traffic."

Sue laughed. "Well, if we are, we've found our Mr. Big, it seems." She flowed into his arms to greet him with a kiss. "Thank you for sending us to Marie. She is an absolute gem."

"Sis, may I? I need to thank this hunk. Based on what you told her last night, she had sent out an e-alert to some of her more 'fashion forward' customers, as she put it, about me joining her.

"She had me cut and style one of her other hairdressers, and give her a beauty treatment, including make-up. She said she'll endorse my license transfer, and I have a full week of appointments already. Thank you, Chris, for everything," she said, administering the tonguesillectomy she had promised him last night.

He greeted Ellen with a kiss, then passed on the messages. Liz was relieved that she wouldn't have to return for a trial, and was pleased with the insurance settlement, but decided to ask for more based on her new national reputation, to see what the insurance company would say. Ellen went off to call her husband. Chris also reminded them that Father Ivan, who was to marry them at three, had asked they be at the church no later than two-thirty to fill out the paperwork.

Later, to Sue, Chris would confess he remembered practically nothing of the rest of the day. Only that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, or wanted to see again.

He did remember that night, at the inn, alone with Sue. Luckily, someone had thoughtfully rented the remaining rooms to keep them vacant, so the couple had the inn to themselves, except for the concierge. Luckily, because Sue's screams of orgasmic delight would have kept any other roomers awake until the first rays of sun peeped through the windows.

The honeymoon trips had been enjoyable, for other reasons, too. Although Chris had lived in New York for nearly ten years, the only part of it he was at all familiar with was the county in which his farm was located, and the traffic corridor between his farm and the regional airport.

They had spent the month seeking out tourist attractions, major and minor. They had let themselves be amused by the honeymoon hotel atmosphere at Schroon (pronounced Screw-in) Lake; been in awe of the Adirondack Peaks, especially when in full fall color; enjoyed the historical significance of the Revolutionary War battlegrounds; engaged in some mild corporate espionage while visiting several wineries. They had even sneaked in a couple of college football games, to Sue's delight.

Now they were headed home, having cancelled their last week of trips. For the last several days, Sue had complained of fatigue and some overwhelming nausea. Mindful of his driving, Chris hurried, slowly, anxious to get home so he could get her to a doctor.

Pulling up to the farmhouse, he was relieved to see Liz's car in the drive. He was sure she would be able to help him convince Sue to see the doctor. As he got out of the car, she came out of the door.

"Hey, guys. Glad to see you all home again. Chris, you have to speak to Ellen. She's been sick, but I can't get her to go to the doc. She says it's just a flu, nothing to worry about."


"Yeah, she complains about being tired all the time, and achy, plus she's barfing every morning regardless of what she eats. I'm sure it's something more than flu."

Chris looked at the car, the facts sinking in. "Liz, please tell me you're on birth control."


After word:

Sue had been told it was 'unlikely' she'd be able to get pregnant. But just as it's possible to pass a penny thru a dime-sized hole in a sheet of paper by crimping the paper, some of the sex positions Chris and Sue used probably opened her Fallopians enough to allow an egg to pass through.

Advances in treatment methods, and her own healing over time made it possible for her to carry their son to viability. After the baby was born, she wrote a best selling novel based on her life from the time Tommy died until her son was born. She is currently negotiating with a major movie studio.

When Ellen and Rick married, he had already had a vasectomy. It had been so long since she had had to worry about birth control, she had stopped thinking about it. She delivered her daughter just two weeks after Sue.

During her pregnancy, Chris' wineries and the co-op renting his acreage formed a consortium to market their products. Ellen was hired to direct consumer education. She moved in with Chris and Sue.

Liz wasn't on birth control, as such. After escaping Carl and his wrath, she had her tubes cut and tied. She became a partner with Marie, and introduced the concept of the traveling bridal beautician, who came to the bride on the day of the wedding to do hair and make-up.

She married Chris' best man. He sometimes travels with Ellen. When he does, Liz stays with Chris and Sue. It gets soooo nasty.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wow, best read in a very long time, tnx and keep up the good work.

Redhawk45Redhawk456 months ago

The pregnacies were a nice touch. Too bad the story didn't allow for a trifecta.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

A good story until it got to fisting and anal coupling, then you just had too much of a brain funk and finished it by going silly, sorry but you spoiled a good thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't know a well written story from a badly written story. I do know what I like and do not like. I liked this story. I like happy style endings. This ending , to me, was a happy one. Thank you for writing it.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaabout 2 years ago

The story started out very well. After that, it went downhill fast.

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