We Need To Talk Ch. 02


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Wednesday, God, was it only Wednesday, I had an early meeting, and was going directly from home. I was about halfway to the expressway when I remembered a packet of information I needed, that I had left at home. When I got back to the house..." Her voice broke and she started to sob. In a few seconds, she began again, "I walked in and found Michael and his father, naked, in the living room, in the 69 position." Her voice broke again. "I guess I lost it and attacked Rick, accusing him of all manner of evils. He defended himself, physically, and pushed me away. I fell and hit my cheek on a coffee table." Her voice was steady, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I don't know why I'm still crying about this. I've been crying for 2700 miles." She gave a weak laugh.

"Oh, shit, Ellen. I am so sorry." Chris reached out to take her hand. Sue put her arm around her shoulder.

"Well, the fall sort of calmed us all down," Ellen continued. "Michael explained to me, while Rick was getting some ice for my cheek, that he had been the aggressor in their relationship. He had realized his last year in high school that he was gay, and had come out while he was at Colorado.

"He said as he became more comfortable with his decision, and more experienced," she gave a small shudder and went on, "he recognized several silent signals, as he called them, that his father projected. They had gone to San Francisco for a baseball weekend in July. That was when he seduced his father." There was a small sob, and the tears started again.

"Rick told me that he had recognized a few years ago that he had bi-sexual tendencies, and had experimented a couple of times while out of town on business trips. He claims he practiced safe sex, but he's been lying for a few years, so who can tell? When he told me that, I started to get angry again. I think I could have accepted him having an affair with another woman. I could have fought back somehow. But this, it felt more like rejection than betrayal."

She poured herself more coffee and fixed it. "While he was talking, I made the decision, and while he was there in the room, I called our lawyer. I told him we were divorcing, that there would be no contest, that the property and bank accounts were to be evenly split, and that Rick had agreed to pay $50,000 a year alimony.

"Then I handed the phone to Rick, saying I was sure he wouldn't want to go to court.

When he hung up, I went up to pack, called the people I was meeting with and explained there was a family emergency and some one from the office would be in contact with them as soon as practical. Called the office, and here I am. Not mad anymore, and not quite as cried out as I thought." She tried a small smile. It didn't quite work.

"What can we do for you, El?" asked Chris.

"How long do you want to stay?" asked Sue.

Ellen looked at the couple, one on either side of her. " Thank you. Right now, I think I just need a place to collapse and hide for a few days, but you don't need me here, infringing on your relationship."

"Nonsense!" the couple said together. Chris caught Sue's eye, and winked. "Yeah, Sue's been looking for an excuse to move her stuff into the master bedroom. This is perfect." Sue beamed. She had been ready to share her room with Ellen.

"You're sure? Both of you?" They nodded.

Sue stood up. "While you two get the bags from the car, I'll move my stuff. There isn't much. Then I'll start breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, ham? What's your pleasure?"

While Ellen unpacked, Chris joined Sue in the kitchen. "You know," she said, "you're going to have to do the same sort of magic on her that you did on me, and it may take longer. I think you may even need to use that great magic wand of yours."

"You serious?"

Sue nodded her head, slowly. "Yes, I think I am. Mike is her stepson, am I remembering correctly, and they've been married fourteen years or so? Think what her discovery will do to her self image, her image of herself as a sexually attractive woman. It's bad enough to lose your husband to another woman, but to a man, and that man, your stepson? O-o-o-h-h-h-h!" she shuddered.

"She is definitely going to need some of your special therapy. With or without me present. Or both." Suddenly, she smiled

"It's going to be warm today. We can go skinny dipping."

"Skinny dipping? At this time of year? What has this man done to you?" Ellen stood in the door to the kitchen. She had changed into jeans and a pullover sweater which hugged her body like a lover, showing off a nicely sized bust.

"To properly answer that question, you have to see the pool. Which we will do right after we eat. What would you like?"

"Chris, what was that Italian omelette you used to make us Sundays for brunch?" She looked at Sue, "We tended to sleep in on Sundays, especially when we were first together. He'd get up first and make these great omelettes out of leftovers."

"Fritatta," said the couple together, looking at each other.

"Chicken," said Chris.

"Fricassee," said Sue, at the same time. They broke out into grins, then the trio laughed.

"How long have you been a couple?" Asked Ellen. "You act like you've been married for years."

"I don't know," answered Chris. "What time is it?"

"Nine-ish," replied Sue, smiling, pulling stuff from the fridge.

"Hmm, about 35 hours, give or take a few minutes." Chris said, pulling pans from the cupboard. "Although, to be fair, I was gone a month, so she was left here alone with no one to talk to but the raccoons and deer, and a few wild birds. So, as soon as she feels civilized again, she may up and leave me."

"Don't count on it. I gave you your chance yesterday, and you pledged your undying devotion to me and my lady."

"Your...oh!" said Ellen, blushing.

Over breakfast, Chris and Sue described the farm and his various winery endeavors. Ellen was intrigued by the pool, but given the chilly morning, wasn't sure she was ready to try skinny dipping, especially with a man she hadn't seen in nearly fifteen years. Sue offered to loan her a suit, but thought it might be a little small, especially since it was a one-piece. The alternative, was for Ellen to swim in her skivvies.

This was pure sophistry on Sue's part. She and Ellen were, nominally, the same size, especially through the bust. Because of her running and swimming over the summer, Sue was trimmer, more solid than Ellen, and visually, looked thinner. Ellen, not being aware of her activities through the summer, thought Sue's swim suit was purchased to fit her present figure, not the one she had when she was built more like Ellen. Expecting an uncomfortable, unflattering fit, Ellen opted to swim in her undies. Sue gave herself a mental high five.

It was late mid-morning as the trio walked to the pond. Chris pointed out some of the sights and sites they had talked about over breakfast. For the first time, he saw the feeding station Sue had built while he was away. He asked if any deer had been seen using it. Sue shook her head. "That's good. We need to move it back towards the woods, away from the vineyard. If deer begin using it, and discover the grapes, a half dozen deer can kill a small vineyard in less than a week."

"Oh," said Sue, apologetically. "I never thought about that. I don't usually think of deer as grape eaters."

"They don't. It's the leaves and new growth they go after. And, while they're feeding off the plants, their hooves can dig in and cut up the roots. They're beautiful, and great to eat, but they can be hell on any kind of planted acreage."

They had reached the turnoff for the pond. Chris instructed Ellen to close her eyes and give him her hand to guide her. Sue followed, her hands on Ellen's hips to help steer her on the way to the water. It had been nearly a week and a half since Sue had been swimming, so even she was unprepared for the expanse of wild asters which had taken over the lea surrounding the pond. It looked like a carpet of yellow, orange, rust, and purple had been spread over the ground. When Ellen heard Sue's gasp of surprise and amazement, she opened her eyes and echoed her. While she looked around in bewilderment, after all this was Upstate New York, not exactly known for such beauty, her companions were shedding the robes they had worn.

The splash as Sue entered the water, drew Ellen's attention back to the reason they were there. As she focused on the pond, Sue's red head broke through the surface of the pond. Her painful gasp, followed by "Omigawd, it's freakin' freezin' in here," elicited a laugh from her companions.

Chris was poised on the shore to dive into the cold water. The sight of his well muscled back and tight buns refreshed some memories in Ellen which she thought had gone forever. As he dove, she caught just a glimpse of his member, hanging free. The sight and the memory stirred something within her, and she felt the beginning of a tingle between her thighs.

She pulled off her top and unbuttoned her shorts, letting them drop. After removing her sneaks, she ran to the pond and jumped in without pausing, figuring if she thought about how cold it would be, she'd change her mind.

After three or four minutes in the water, she no longer felt the chill. Even the air felt warmer. Sue and Chris were swimming laps, Chris easily out swimming Sue. His long arms were cutting powerful, driving strokes through the water, completing a lap in just about a minute.

After five round trips, Sue made her way over to where Ellen was sculling around in a circle, enjoying the sun on her skin. Sue led her to a place where they could climb out of the pond, and they made their way to the blankets she had brought along to lay on. The sun and the breeze combined to dry them fairly rapidly.

In a few minutes, Chris joined them, shaking his head and splashing them with the drips from his hair. "You rat," they both yelled, laughing. He dropped down on the blanket between them with a huge sigh.

"It's too bad I can't find a way to enclose this for the winter. That's the only attraction Florida and California have ever had for me," he said. Turning to Ellen, he asked, "So, how did you like my pool?"

"It could use a heater, but otherwise, it's lovely."

Chris sat up, an unreadable expression on his face. "A heater, huh. I'll heat you up," and he fell forward, his face landing on Ellen's stomach before she could react, where he delivered a resounding raspberry, and set his hands to search out the ticklish areas he remembered she had.

Ellen screamed and began to laugh. She tried to push Chris away, and only succeeded in exposing herself to more attack. Sue lay on the blanket, laughing at the horseplay. As she watched, she saw Chris's hands skillfully slide under Ellen's bra and lift it over her very erect nipples. Somehow, he had maneuvered himself so Ellen's legs were over his shoulders. His face lowered between her knees, catching a nipple between his lips. Ellen froze, moaning. Sue watched Chris pull her panties from around her hips.

"Chris, what..." started Ellen.

"Sshh," he replied, moving his face to between her thighs. The first touch of his tongue caused another, louder moan.

"But Sue..." She gasped as she felt his fingers enter her, and a thumb begin to stimulate her clitoris. "Oh, God! It's been so long since... damn, Chris, you're too fucking good at this! O! Shit! Don't! Stop! Not noooooooooow!" And her legs began to kick in the air. Soon her whole body was shaking, and whatever she was saying sounded like oh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh!

Chris lowered her legs back to the blanket and lay down beside her, Sue spooning into his back, rubbing his chest, kissing his ear. "You did good, lover."

Ellen opened her eyes, her breathing still uneven, and looked at Sue. "You don't mind? You're not mad?"

"It's funny, ironic, in a way. Last night, one of the last things we talked about before going to sleep, was under what conditions having sex with someone else would be permissible. I told Chris, if there was a woman we both loved, who needed to have her femininity reaffirmed, then he would be free to make love to her. He told me, only if I ordered him to. While we were getting things together, I did just that. Told him I wanted him to seduce you, that after what you had been through, you deserved to be loved by someone for whom you still had strong feelings. Was I wrong? Did I make a mistake?"

Ellen laughed. "No, Sue, you sweetheart, no mistake. Does that mean I get the whole enchilada? And are you going to do more than just watch?"

She rolled onto her side, facing the couple. Glancing down at Chris's groin, her eyes grew big. "Jeez, Chris, I think you've gotten bigger, and you were already almost too big for me."

"Mmmhm, you get the whole enchilada, as you put it. A couple of simple rules, though. You don't get to sleep in our bed, and he doesn't sleep in yours unless I'm there, too. And, while you're here, you have to share him with me. As for my participation, I don't know. I've never been involved with another woman. If you were willing to try, I guess I would, too. Were you considering some kind of payback to Rick? Or just curious and adventurous?"

"I don't know, really." She reached for Chris' rod. "That was the best orgasm I've had in a few years, and instead of satisfying, it acted more like an appetizer. Right now, I guess, knowing it's available, being horny and all, I guess I'm feeling a little wicked." She smiled and pulled on Chris' staff. "If I can get a sample of this, I'd like to try something, Sue, that I haven't done since I was sophomore in college." She grinned. "I always wondered what a threesome with you would be like."

"Too bad we didn't try back then, it might have saved fifteen years of bad feelings. Or if we could have got Tommy involved, too, maybe more." She moved to lay on her back as Ellen got into position on her hands and knees, between Sue's thighs. While Chris was getting into position, Ellen dropped to her elbows and began kissing the inside of Sue's legs. At the first touch of her tongue, Sue felt a frisson of exhilaration pass through her. Reflexively, she jerked away, then settled back, with a low moaning, "oooo."

Ellen continued concentrating on the soft, sensitive inner thigh areas, occasionally venturing into the thatch covered area surrounding her outer lips, eliciting louder, longer moans. Concentrating as she was on Sue, Ellen momentarily forgot about Chris, until she felt his tip opening her, entering and stretching her, her own moaning replaced Sue's in the meadow while Chris worked his way into her lady, marveling at the tightness of the 40-something chickpea under him.

He paused about half way in to let her adjust to his girth. Instead, she pulled forward on his rod, then pushed back until she captured all of his length. A loud guttural scream accompanied her effort, causing a flight of small birds from the sanctuary of the surrounding pines. Sue could barely hear her muttering, "oh god, oh shit, oh my god. Uh, uh, ow oooh, Christ, mmm."

She sat up and signaled to Chris to back out. He pulled his hips back slowly, to a change from sounding distressed to pleasured in Ellen's tone. Not until he was nearly ready to exit her did she acknowledge his movement. "Back in me, now," was all she said.

Chris reversed direction, working his way back into her love chute with short back and forth strokes. Again he paused about halfway in. When Ellen signaled she was about to repeat her action, he held her hips and slowly and gently pushed in until his pubic hair was mashed against her ass cheeks. There was no scream this time, only the repetition of the phrase, "oh fuck!" Until he bottomed out in her.

Sue had scooted up to hug Ellen, holding her around the shoulders so that Ellen was leaning on her. "God, Sue, how can you take this? Rick never gave me the impression of being small, but shit...Chris, is the same prick you had when we were married? Have you had some weird surgery, or just gained weight in a strange manner. Can you back out like you started to come in the last time, short in and out strokes? That's right. That's good. Oh, yes, that feels good. I may live after all. Okay, a little faster...more. More. Okay, a little harder, yeah, that's right, oh shit, that's starting to feel good. Okay Chris, go for it, fuck me!"

She pushed Sue down on her back. "Where were we? Oh, yes. I was about to sample your pussy juices," she said, dropping her head between Sue's legs. The change in position elicited a moan as it changed the pressure points in her vagina. Her tongue snaked out, running up and down Sue's slit.

Oral sex had not been high on Tommy's list of enjoyable sexual activities. In fact, with the exception of a half dozen times when he had been both drunk and amorous, she could probably count on one hand the number of times his tongue had been in contact with her vulva. The other night Chris had demonstrated a willingness and a certain amount of talent, but the lighter, more focused, almost delicate approach she was experiencing now was enough to convince her, that from this day forward, she would not lend Chris out, only share him. Soon it was hard to identify the sources of the sounds filling the meadow.

The lack of activity for a long while, her needy emotional state, and the feeling of being stretched and filled beyond capacity combined to quickly bring Ellen to a gigantic climax. Nearly senseless, she pulled away from her two lovers and fell on her side, in orgasmic bliss. Her two partners looked at her, then at each other and smiled. In a heartbeat, they were joined and completed their simple mating dance with each other.

Ellen watched, fascinated. This was the first time she had witnessed a live performance of the act of love. She was overwhelmed by the beauty of the act performed by two people so obviously in love with each other. Although Chris' thrusts appeared to be as hard and fast as those she had received, there was a tenderness, almost solicitousness, he exhibited toward Sue. It stirred memories of their early days together, before the sex had become routine, memories which were lacking with Rick.

Their climaxes, seconds apart, triggered a mini-wave of pleasure in her own lady, strong enough to be noticed and to bring a smile to her eyes. She leaned in and gave each of them a kiss. "You two should give lessons. I have never seen anything more beautiful than the two of you together." She stood up and looked at the pond. "Will the water still be as cold as it was?"

"What is it, Ellen?" Chris asked, softly.

"It's just me. I don't belong here. Watching you two, I realized that only once in my life have I ever really made love, and that was the night we broke up. I've had a lot of sex. But, making love? Not really, and I don't want to get between you two." She turned to look at them. "I'll be honest, I feel needy enough to try. And, bad as it might make me feel, I don't think I could stop." She started picking up her clothes.


"No, Sue. I'll pack up and leave as soon as we get back to the house."

"No, you won't," Sue replied, iron in her voice. "You'll spend the night, and tomorrow night with us, in our bed. You need some time to make some plans for yourself. It may as well be done here, where you have someone who cares to help and advise you. Whether or not we all have sex together, that is a question we'll deal with when it comes up. No pun intended," she added with a saucy grin.

Ellen looked at her, a trifle taken aback. She looked at Chris, the question plain on her face. "What she said," he said.

Sue got up and crossed the short distance to Ellen. She stood in front of her so her nipples just grazed the other woman's. "When we get back to the house, we'll decide what we want Mr. Unicorn over there to cook us for dinner and send him out to shop. Then you and I will lay down and discuss what's really bothering you, and you show me how to attend to this," she told her guest, sliding her hand between Ellen's thighs, grazing her labia. Her tone let Ellen know there would be no arguments allowed. The slightly older woman felt herself open and moisten. Sue's smile told Ellen she was aware of it.