War of the Pussy Snatchers - Interlude 03

Story Info
Zoey is rescued from a cold hell by her guardian angel.
14.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/15/2018
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This is the last of the three interludes that I've inserted between the main chapters of the War of the Pussy Snatchers serial. I hope you enjoy this short story that expands on the world I've created. I strongly urge you to have read the entirety of the Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers series as well as the "War" series up to this point before you begin. The recommended reading order for "War" is as follows:

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Intro

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Interlude One

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Act One

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Interlude Two

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Act Two

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Interlude Three

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Act Three

War of the Pussy Snatchers: Conclusion

DISCLAIMER: This story may not be for everyone. It contains the following sexual scenarios: Lesbian sex, heterosexual sex, nonconsent/reluctance, oral sex, anal sex, fisting, mature/age-gap sex, and some scenes of violence. If you are offended by any of these subjects I suggest you stop reading now as this story clearly isn't for you.

War of the Pussy Snatchers Interlude Three: One-Winged Angel

540th Day After Contact

Zoey huddled in the corner of the stoneblock cell while explosions sounded from all around the compound. Small pieces of debris fell from the ceiling to dust the floor after as the building's foundation resettled with every shake and tremble of the earth. Zoey's entire world vibrated and churned as each deafening noise left her ears ringing. Okay, that last one was close. Zoey could hear screams from above. Scattered bursts of gunfire. How the hell had her life come to this?

The other women imprisoned with Zoey whimpered or moaned with fear while they sat and rocked back and forth in fetal positions. But not Zoey. She had already lived through two warzones, the first her hometown in Pittsburgh and then again in Detroit where she'd fled to after the Steel City fell. Zoey had watched helplessly as her family members were killed in the crossfire of a battle between the military and Soulless forces. She'd spent the last few months living in a true hell on earth with the most fiendish devils terrorizing and torturing her. It would take a lot more than machine guns and a few rumbling explosions to shake her resolve.

The combined forces of the U.S. and Canadian armies shot indiscriminately into the crowd of women, not bothering to discern Soulless women from human before opening fire. Zoey watched as her mother and both her younger sisters were cut down in this fashion before she was "rescued" by the victorious Canadian force. The shocking images of blood and gore from Zoey's family spraying all over her while the whizzing bullets that tore their fragile bodies apart miraculously avoided Zoey's nearby person would never leave her brain. She revisited those horrid visions in her nightmares every single night.

Zoey's family tried sneaking over the border into Canada with a large group of like-minded women who feared Detroit's brutal occupying force that comprised of remnants of the former U.S. military equally as much as they feared the dead-eyed women who kidnapped girls in the night. Rumors spread that Soulless were hidden amongst their caravan and a joint military brigade arrived soon thereafter to prevent their crossing over the border. Despite their barbarism, Zoey granted that the ambushers were proven correct in their assessment that Soulless had indeed infiltrated the caravan. When the migrants were stopped at a border checkpoint and started being harassed, women throughout their caravan produced secreted weapons and within seconds gunfire was exchanged between the two groups before any innocent bystanders could hide or flee.

Once the dust from the skirmish cleared, unsympathetic soldiers tore a devastated and screaming Zoey away from the bullet-ridden corpses of her family and stuffed her into a cattle car with several other women. She spent time at several different camps throughout the next month while the embattled Canadian government decided what to do with the American refugees. Finally they were transported to an internment camp in far northern Canada. This was not exactly how Zoey expected her first visit to a foreign country would ensue.

The conditions at the camp weren't great to begin with and they only degraded further as the war dragged on. Food and fuel grew scarce as supply lines became disrupted by the war and priority for all supplies was given to the soldiers and guards stationed at the camp before the prisoners. The women interred there were allowed no contact with the outside world and the food and clothing they were provided would have been barely adequate during pristine weather conditions let alone during the dead of winter.

Zoey shared a small room that was enclosed in depressingly gray cement walls, ceilings, and floors with eleven other prisoners who were only given skimpy, ragged uniforms for clothing and flea-ridden blankets to lay over their cot for bedding. The dozen women shared one communal toilet and sink between them but with the constantly freezing pipes they often had to resort to using a sickly stained pail left in the corner of their cell. With no privacy separating them Zoey became intimately familiar with the sights and smells of women making their toilet over the next few months.

The remote prison camp located deep in the Northwest Territories turned absolutely frigid during the long and bitter winter. Zoey and her fellow captives were eventually forced to share their cots so each party could benefit from combining their body heat. The thin, verminous blankets they were provided for warmth were an absolute joke at fulfilling their intended purpose. Zoey shivered and itched all the time, her breath always escaping as a mist with the cold ever-present in the prison her life had become.

Zoey experienced her first lesbian sexual encounter a couple months ago during the coldest and most desperate weeks of her stay here. Cellmates often came to a certain arrangement when they agreed to share beds and the large, black, somewhat mannish-looking woman named Leslie insisted her demands be met before she agreed to share her blankets and her warmth with Zoey.

The experience actually wasn't as bad as Zoey feared. She had been happily straight during her old life but the realities of captivity hardened Zoey into accepting that while certain acts might be indecent or unsavory they were sometimes necessary for the sake of survival. Zoey couldn't just give up, it wasn't in her to quit. She would come through this somehow.

A few days before that fateful night when Zoey first slept with Leslie two women imprisoned in another wing weren't so lucky to have cellmates. In the midst of a powerful blizzard that knocked out power to the entire complex, those poor women froze to death in their rooms after no guard checked on them for several hours. No, Leslie's pillowy breasts, her soft and most importantly warm body, and the squishy wetness inside her pussy felt just fine to Zoey when she considered death by freezing or starvation as the alternative.

Zoey had been a somewhat important person in her old life. She had been a stockbroker and a financial analyst with an annual salary on the high end of six figures. With her shaggy, neck-length dark hair, a pale, beautiful face with naturally red lips, and a short, slim, almost elfin figure, Zoey made herself very attractive to the opposite sex by wearing clothing, jewelry, and makeup that highlighted her understated beauty and what curves she did possess.

Zoey dated extensively but enjoyed playing the field and engaging in casual sex so much that she remained an unmarried and unashamed bachelorette through her early thirties. There would be plenty of time left for her to settle down. Zoey simply hadn't found the right one yet and frankly had no idea where to begin looking. She firmly believed she would know instantly when she met the one. Zoey would just have to keep searching until she found him.

Zoey had led a pampered existence up to now. She never knew discomfort, never lacked for money or any luxury. None of that mattered now. That was a different life; the old Zoey was dead and best left forgotten. Nothing she did back then held any more relevance. In the last few months as she was relocated from prison to prison Zoey shared cells with celebrities and women even wealthier than she just as often as with prostitutes and drug addicts on the lower end of the social ladder. Titles and status no longer counted for anything in this dangerous new world.

"Ughhh, fuck me good, bitch," Leslie intoned as she rocked her cunthole against Zoey's pointed fingers. "Just like that, I love it."

Two of Zoey's fingers were deep inside another woman's vagina and moving in and out of the wet squelching opening at a rapidly increasing pace. Leslie's fat thighs were spread wide apart and lifted in the air to unblock Zoey's access to Leslie's private parts.

Zoey wasn't exactly opposed to sex with others females but the whole notion was something the old Zoey honestly never considered as a legitimate possibility. The new Zoey was surprised at how much she didn't mind it. It was almost pleasant in its way. She never felt like she was being taken advantage of. Zoey needed something, Leslie needed something. They came to a mutual agreement. Everyone was leaving here feeling satisfied.

Leslie's prodigious bosom felt soft and massive over Zoey's face as she rubbed her head between the deep valley of Leslie's large brown breasts. Kissing and sucking on Leslie's black nipples had an oddly soothing quality as well. The gentle way Leslie cradled Zoey's head to her chest was an act so motherly it made Zoey want to cry in remembrance of her own dearly departed mom. Leslie's pussy felt hot and squishy wet surrounding Zoey's fingers as she used her digits on Leslie like she imagined a man would use his cock with a woman. Zoey welcomed the warmth growing in temperature both within and outside Leslie's body. She noticed the woman starting to breathe heavier and a slick sheen of sweat covered her body even though the temperature inside their cell was below freezing.

The guards seldomly allowed their prisoners to bathe and the rank odor of Leslie's unwashed pussy made Zoey crinkle her nose. She decided her fingers would do the talking so her mouth wouldn't have to. Zoey fucked Leslie harder and faster with her fingers, making the larger woman squeal and squirm so hard that Leslie had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from crying loud enough to alert one of the guards on patrol.

When Zoey first made her overture, Leslie made Zoey kneel next to her cot with her knees pressed to the freezing floor. Zoey shivered uncontrollably beneath her threadbare blanket and what barely passed for clothing. Only after Zoey offered herself without reservation to the large, black lesbian and got her off for the first time would Leslie allow Zoey to join her.

The gruff, mean-looking butch with short black hair and a surly disposition had been eyeing the pretty little white girl since the day Zoey first arrived here. Her ribald comments about Zoey's body and her constant inappropriate touches whenever they were near did not go unnoticed but Zoey simply ignored Leslie's attentions as pleasantly as she could manage to without pissing off the large, imposing woman. Leslie propositioned her at the end of Zoey's first week in detention but she politely declined. Zoey figured that would be the end of it.

But as their days imprisoned weared on into weeks and then months Zoey thought more and more on it until she gradually found the idea of sharing the strong woman's bed more appealing. When Zoey endured too much cold and hunger to keep going it was ultimately the irresistible thought of kind, loving arms wrapped around her that did the most to change her mind. But after rejecting Leslie's original offer Zoey would have to work to earn her partnership this time.

After spending a good long while becoming used to fingerfucking Leslie, Zoey upgraded to first three and then eventually four fingers inserted inside of Leslie's pussy. Zoey's hand became slick with heavenly warmth as she shoved her digits in and out of the dripping hole of Leslie's black, gaping cunt.

Leslie produced copious quantities of ejaculate so when she finally came it was with a gush of heated fluid that drenched Zoey from her wrist to her forearm and even dripped down past her elbow. Zoey ceased her arm's movements and looked down with amazement at her hand stuck all the way inside of Leslie. She fit her entire fist inside of Leslie without realizing it! Going out proved more difficult than going in and Zoey had to work her wrist around and around to pry her hand from the clench of Leslie's surprisingly tight pussy. Her hand made a loud, wet sucking noise when Zoey successfully removed it from Leslie's cunt and a trickle of remaining fluid spurted out of Leslie's pussy following the evacuation. The final gush trickled down to stain the bedsheet beneath Leslie.

Leslie caught her breath for but a few seconds before grabbing Zoey by her midsection and using her impressive bulk to pull Zoey up into bed with her. She threw Zoey's spare blanket over the top of them so they could double up in more ways than one. Leslie laid Zoey down on her stomach and made the woman squirm with resistance when Leslie began removing Zoey's pants and underwear. Zoey didn't oppose Leslie divesting her of clothing because she wanted this to stop; Zoey simply worried about being naked in this frigid cold. But after Leslie's persistence proved unwavering, Zoey caved and allowed Leslie to strip her completely naked.

Goosebump prickles formed little dots of protruding skin all over Zoey's bottom as the sudden freezing chill made her shiver uncontrollably. She only had to endure for a few seconds before the shaking cold was replaced with the softest, warmest flesh that ever covered Zoey's back. So warm. Zoey relaxed and her shivering ceased as she allowed the heat of another woman's body to envelop her. Leslie was so much larger than Zoey but the size differential actually felt comforting. Zoey felt so safe and warm while wrapped tightly in Leslie's muscled arms.

Leslie's huge udder-like breasts pressed against Zoey's back until they had flattened enough that Zoey felt the twin pokes of Leslie's hardened nipples on her upper torso. Leslie's thighs and crotch fit perfectly against her backside and between her legs so that Zoey experienced the slick, lingering wetness from Leslie's pussy when Leslie bumped her pubic bone against the cleft at the top of Zoey's buttocks.

Zoey presumed this contact to be incidental as they adjusted their positions beneath the covers until Leslie deliberately humped her again and this time even more forcefully. During Leslie's third approach she slowly ran her still-leaking pussy up Zoey's buttocks until the slight girl's backside became smeared with Leslie's leftover come. The hair of Leslie's mound made Zoey squirm as it tickled Zoey's backside. The next of Leslie's thrusts resulted in their pussies touching for the first time which elicited a sharp gasp of excited sensation from Zoey.

Leslie humped Zoey with a constant rhythm now, sometimes directing her pelvic attention toward Zoey's slim but supple asscheeks but usually aiming to hit that sweet spot where their labia would interweave and pass their clinging seepage between each other's bodies. Zoey groaned whenever she felt Leslie's pussy lips sticking to hers for just a millisecond before their grinding genitals broke the adherence of the fluids glueing them together.

Zoey liked it best when Leslie pressed all her substantial weight down on top of Zoey and wiggled her bottom back and forth while her crotch grinded slowly and roughly on top of Zoey's body. It made Zoey feel owned like she was truly being fucked good while at the same time the slow, sensual way Leslie rubbed her body against Zoey's felt like they were making sweet love.

The wet slap of Leslie's juicy cunt hitting Zoey's ass and crotch echoed throughout their tiny cell. Their heavy motions also strained the springs lifting their mattress so the cot squeaked and squealed with their movements. The other women had to know what they were doing but Leslie's body felt so warm and good against Zoey that she longer cared if they had a captive audience.

Despite the ridiculous and awful circumstances that created this unforgettable moment, Zoey had never experienced anything more erotic. Leslie growled like a beast humping her back there and behaved even less civilized with her insatiable demands for Zoey's body. Her cunt leaked so much hot discharge all over Zoey's bottom that the the fluid seeped down Zoey's asscrack and into her pussy where it mixed with her own gathering juices. Zoey more than matched her partner's leakage with her own growing puddle that gradually formed beneath her over the next several minutes.

Leslie reached up and held both of Zoey's hands down to the mattress while her heavy body flattened against Zoey's so that her wide mass encompassed all of Zoey's lithe form. Zoey's small body was consumed within Leslie's which turned out to actually be a strangely comforting feeling. Even though Leslie humped her hard from behind while holding Zoey's hands down so she couldn't move or escape, Leslie's touch felt intimate and loving.

"I'm going to make you my little white bitch," Leslie whispered into Zoey's ear.

Zoey didn't say anything, just moaned as Leslie mashed her pussy against Zoey's and grinded her hairy crotch against the slight swell of Zoey's buttocks.

"You will do anything and everything I say, whether we're in bed or outside of it."

Zoey nodded quickly in acquiescence and whimpered as Leslie bit her on the neck. Leslie stopped humping her for a second to scoot back and then lick Zoey all the way from the saggy flesh at the bottom of her asscheek to up her back and over her neck before finally curling her tongue behind Zoey's ear. Zoey shivered at the cold lingering trail Leslie's saliva left on her skin. The act held an ancient primal quality, like a dominant beast marking its mate before it took her.

When Leslie arrived back at her natural and rightful position on top and behind Zoey she started fucking her again but this time using the slow and rough movements that drove Zoey wild. Her gyrations rocked Zoey's body forward in the cot with every thrust and Zoey couldn't stop herself from grunting and groaning at being used like a dog might use some surface to rub itself against until it managed to get off.

"I will use you however I see fit and you'll give it to me any time I want it. Your body exists for the sole purpose of getting me off until I come. Do you understand?"

A tear shed its way down Zoey's cheek but she nodded in assent as Leslie's thrusting turned aggressive again.

"But I'm gonna take care of you too," Leslie promised in a kinder voice. "I'll protect you from the other inmates and help you out with the guards, keep you from having to do any favors for them and I'll make sure nobody fucks with you."

Zoey wept with ugly, heaving sobs.

"Because you are a beautiful, amazing lady, Zoey," Leslie said with a kiss on Zoey's shoulder. "Because you deserve someone who will cherish you and keep you safe. And because you're my girl now."

Zoey cried from sadness, joy, anguish, pleasure, pain, ecstasy and a thousand more feelings besides. She couldn't accurately describe her emotions, she just let them pour out of her. Zoey's body sweated with the exertion of a woman who had succumbed to her lustful urges. She hadn't felt this warm since before she arrived at the internment camp. For the first time since Leslie started fucking her, Zoey pushed her bottom back against Leslie's thrusts every time their bodies met. Leslie grunted with pleasure at the pressure Zoey's ass applied to her groin.