Wanna Bet?

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My wife was naked on the deck of a cruise ship.
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Part I of the Cruise Series

I looked up from the table and saw my wife approaching me. She looked every bit as hot as she did when we got married 15 years ago.

I couldn't help but notice a lot of male eyes admiring her as she walked towards me, along with a few female one's too. Who can blame them? Am I jealous? No. It is as a compliment and proof of how lucky I am to find myself married to such sweet, intelligent, gorgeous woman.

She slipped into her seat opposite me and she asked if I was hungry. I said, 'Yes, for you.' She smiled and seemed to blush, making me feel appreciated.

So many hungry eyes were feasting upon her as returned to the booth and it sort of turned me on. After she got back to the table I proposed to her that we ditch this place. 'Let's go back to our cabin and put some mileage on that cozy little bed.'

Her eyes got quite big. 'Slow down hot shot, we'll get to that later. I'd like to stay a little while so we can see the band and have a few drinks first.'

I smiled. 'OK, as long as we're thinking about the same thing for later on, I guess I can wait.'

It was then that a sweet, perky waitress finally wandered by for our order. 'Hi, my name is Jenn, I'll be your server this evening. I'm so sorry it took so long to get over to you, but there's a bunch of our regular staff serving dinner for a big wedding. Do you guys have anything special going on tonight?'

I smiled, reached out and took my wife's hands. 'Actually yes, this is my wife Deb, and it's our 15th anniversary.'

She seemed surprised. 'Wow, fifteen years! I'm can't imagine being with the same guy for 15 months. Sorry. You guys must have a very special relationship. You look so happy together. Anyway, you couldn't have picked a better cruise ship than this one to have it on. Well happy anniversary. What can I get for you tonight?'

She took our order and as she was walking away, turned and gave me a wicked little smile. 'I'll get your order rushed out extra quick, so you can get back to you cabin.' I guess she could tell what I had on my mind.

I peeled my gaze off of the lovely young waitress and found my wife staring at me with a raised eyebrow. 'See something you like?'

I guess I deserved a reaction from her for looking a bit to hard at the waitress, but I defended myself anyway. 'Hey, I'm I guy, give me a break! I can appreciate beautiful views. It doesn't mean I want to touch them or play with them. Why would I? I've got the most wonderful woman in the world sitting across from me. Come on, let's go back to the cabin right now and I'll prove it to you.'

She grinned. '...just giving you a hard time mister. But it's OK, I was actually looking too.' That sent a tantalizing image through my mind.

'Like I said, let's go back to the cabin and I'll give you a hard time too.' She rolled her eyes at that comment.

She looked down at her empty glass. 'Ooops, I meant to order another drink.'

I slid out of the booth and stood up. 'I've gotta go to the bathroom, I'll get you another one on the way back.'

She got up too and gave me a kiss. 'Thanks sweetie, that's OK, I'll get it.'

When I came out of the bathroom I saw my wife sitting at the bar waiting for her drink. Some young kid walked up to her and saw her shake her head no, likely indicating the seat next to her wasn't taken. Was this young punk about to hit on my wife?

I was curious to see what happened, so instead of going back to our seat, I retreated into the shadows to watch. I called him a kid, but the sign to the club said 21 or older to enter, so he must have been at least 21.

While they waited for their drinks I could see them engaged in conversation. He even got her to laugh a couple of times. Whatever he ordered must have been something simple because he got his drink before she did. As he stood up to leave, he put his hand on her bare shoulder. I saw her move her hand up and I thought she was going to push him off of her, but instead, she patted his hand.

I couldn't help but wonder what he said to her to get her to react that way. 'This guy was bold and smooth.'

I started to walk back towards our booth, but changed my mind and decided to stay in the shadows. I wanted to see if anyone else was going to try and hit on her. Sure enough, some guy plopped down beside her, ordered a drink, and started talking to her. He was in a tux and looked he'd come from a wedding. She answered, but didn't turn to face him like she had with the younger guy. She finally got her drink, looked over at our table and saw I wasn't back. To my surprise she didn't get up to leave and kept talking with him.

I figured I'd better get back to the table, otherwise someone else might end up spending the night with my wife. I got back to the booth, slid into my seat, and continued to watch them. When she looked over and saw me, she put her hand on his shoulder and I could tell she was saying good night to him.

As she approached me, she mouthed the words, 'OH MY GOD!'

She sat down and I asked, 'What happened?

She started to tell me, but I interrupted her. 'Was he hitting on you? How can you not expect that to happen, you're a hottie in a tight dress sitting at a bar all alone. That's like chum in shark infested waters. It's a foregone conclusion something like that's gonna happen, so don't take offence.'

She looked puzzled. 'No Mr. Jealous, he got married about an hour ago. He's waiting for his wife and the rest of the wedding party. He was so excited and blurted out the story of how he and his wife met. It was so sweet.'

Oh, didn't see that coming. '...sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. What about the other guy?'

She looked perplexed. 'What other guy? Wait, how long were you were watching me?'

Busted! I looked down at the table, a bit embarrassed. 'You looked so hot siting there, I wanted to watch you for a little bit.'

'Did you like what saw?'

'As a matter of fact I did. I got to stare at and fantasize about having sex with a hot woman at the bar that happens to be my wife. I also got to see proof of how lucky I am to be with you.'

She nodded and smiled. 'Thank you. And nice recovery slick, but he must have been twenty years younger than me. Why would he want someone my age? He's got the looks to have anything in a bikini wandering around this ship that he wants, so why would he want me?

I couldn't believe I was defending another guy that had been hitting on my wife. 'OK, first of all, there's a sign on the door that says 21 or older to enter. He got served alcohol, so he's got to be at least 21, right? That means at the most you're 15 years older than him. Second of all, he would so wanted you.'

She sighed. 'No guy that young and athletic would find an old woman like me interesting.'

I frowned. 'Hey, stop with the age thing. You're not old. You're 36. In another 15 years, someone his age might call you old, but he'll still want you you then too. 50 years from now when you might actually look old, you're still going to be hot. And I'll be in love with you as much then as I am today.'

She took my hand in hers. 'Thank you. That was so sweet. I love you too.' And then with her other hand, she tapped her finger on the table. 'But you're still very much incorrect on the age thing. He wasn't into me, he didn't want me, and he definitely wasn't hitting on me.' She smiled. 'He was being sweet and nice to a little old lady.'

'So what what was your conversation?

'He complimented me on my outfit and said that I must be out on some special occasion dressed like this. I told him it was my anniversary and he congratulated me. I asked him if he was celebrating anything this evening. He told me he and his teammates were on the cruise to celebrate winning a national swim tournament. We talked about the band, he got his drink, and wished me a wonderful evening. I thanked him and congratulated him on his teams victory. And then he left. That's it. See, he wasn't hitting on me.'

I was still very confident the guy was at least feeling her out and would try hitting on her again if he got the chance. 'He was hitting on you, but without making it obvious.'

She seemed as confident as me. 'Again, he wasn't hitting on me.'

I chuckled. 'Wanna bet?'

She's a bit of a competitor who is always up for a challenge. 'You're on sucker. So what's the bet?'

To this day I don't know why the thought popped into my head. 'Looser has to do a lap around the track on the upper deck'

She blew it off. 'That's only like 400 meters. I could do that backwards in under two minutes.'

I had a devilish grin on my face. 'How fast could you do it naked?'

Her eyes got big, but she cut me right back. 'Faster than you could with you cock flapping all over the place.'

I pictured her tits doing the something similar while she ran.

She slid out of the booth and stood up. 'I've gotta go to the bathroom, be right back.'

After she was gone I lost myself in thought. 'She thinks this bet is a sure thing. She actually believes that she's going to win the bet and watch me do a naked lap. Otherwise she'd never have made the bet. How come she thinks this guy wouldn't hit on her?'

A light bulb went off in my head. 'Is this a self-esteemed thing? How does she see herself? A poor self-image? How did I never see that?'

I found myself stunned. 'I'd never realized it before, I guess because I've always found myself enthralled by how beautiful she is to me. But I knew then that she might not see herself the way I do. She'd never referred to herself as ugly. But as I thought about it, I realized how self-deprecating she always is when I give her compliment.'

I had to do something. 'How can she not see how hot she is? We've got three kids, but I can tell you from years of staring at her naked body she is drop dead gorgeous. And when my cock has her pussy wrapped around it, that box is every bit as hot and tight as when we first met.'

Tonight was becoming something more than a sexy game. There was now a higher purpose.

I contemplated. 'What can I do to help her? I can set it up so this guy gets a chance to hit on her again. Then she'll realize that she's a very attractive person. Plus I'd get the bonus of winning the bet and watching her run around the upper deck completely naked. I'm thinking a large audience cheering her on might slam the point home. Nah, that might be a bit over the top and too much for her.'

I was still lost in thought when she got back from the bathroom and asked me, 'So how do we do this?'

I smiled and replied, 'Easy, follow my lead.'

I tossed back my drink and to her credit, she mirrored me and downed hers in one gulp too. I slid out of the booth, stood up, and offered her my hand. She took my hand, got up and we walked towards the exit.

Before we got there I stopped and faced her. 'Don't look behind you. The young kid that was hitting on is sitting at a table with a bunch of his friends and is staring at you. We're going to kiss and you're going to go back and sit at the bar where he can see you.'

She had a puzzled expression on her face. 'What are you going to do?'

'I'm going to go to the bathroom and then go back to our cabin because I'm not feeling well.'

She looked concerned. 'What's wrong?'

I gave her an exasperated look. 'Nothing is wrong. I'm going to the bathroom and when I come out, I'm going stand over there in the shadows. I'll be able to see you, but you guys won't be able to see me. When he asks, you tell him I wasn't feeling well and went back to our cabin. After that, tell him you wanted to stay and watch the band play a couple of songs.'

She leaned in and kissed me. 'Remember, don't go too fast on your naked run. I don't want your penis getting bruised up from all that bouncing around. It needs to be functional for later on tonight.'

What a competitor, smack talking me like that. I covered my mouth to hide my laugh and headed for the bathroom without replying.

I came out a few minutes later and slipped into the shadows next to the wall. It wasn't the least bit surprising at to see the young 'kid' sitting next to my wife again. I texted her, 'Told you so.'

I saw her react to the text message notification and look at her phone. She texted back, 'Told him were sick, so he offered to sit with me and keep other guys from hitting on me. He's being nice.'

Hmm, yea, right.

For the next half hour I watched as he became bolder and bolder. He began touching her hand, forearm, and even her knee as they conversed. He never let his hand linger too long and she seemed very amiable and comfortable with his advances. I also noticed that she was guzzling down her drinks much faster than she usually did. Had she realized she'd lost the bet at this point and was trying to build up some 'liquid courage' for her naked run?

I texted her, 'Can't wait to see those titties bouncing around on your nude run. But don't run too fast, I don't want them to be sore or bruised. I want to be able to play with them.'

She looked down at her phone, read the message, and I could tell she was making an excuse to go to the bathroom. She walked right past me without seeing me in the shadows. When she came out, she stopped a couple of feet past the doorway and started typing a text. 'Where are you?'

By this time the band had started playing, so there was no way I could say, 'I'm five feet away from you.' and expect her to hear me, so I texted her back. 'Don't turn! I'm about five feet to your left.'

She texted back, 'OK, you win. Looks like I'm going on a naked run 2nite.'

I loved her so much in that moment. It is so cool of her offering to make good on the bet and be willing run around naked in public. But I'd let her wiggle out of the bet if she asked me to. The thought of her running naked outside with other people watching got me hard. I had never thought about it before, but I suppose I'm a bit of a voyeur for my wife.

I texted her back. 'Can't wait to see you running.'

She nodded her head and texted back. 'I'm going to need a couple more drinks before I'm up for it though.'

I would too, so I texted back my support. 'I get it, that's cool.'

True to her word, she went back to the bar, sat down next to the guy and ordered another drink.

As I stood in the shadows watching her, I began to think. 'OK, she's acknowledged that the young 'kid' is hitting on her. Sure, it's exciting, but I don't want to take a backwards step here and make her think that she has to undress in public. It could help her too. Exposing herself outside will take a lot of courage, so that might help her progress.'

Meanwhile, 'the kid' was getting busy with his hands. He had his hand on her exposed leg. But her hand was on his, keeping him in check and preventing his hand from roaming any further up her dress.

Wait a minute. 'Why am I not jealous? Some young stud has his hand on my drunk wife's leg, feeling her up, and is trying to get her to go back to his cabin.'

Then it hit me. 'I'm not jealous because I have nothing to fear from this guy.'

I tested my theory by by thinking about something extreme. 'What if the two of them had sex? I'm not bothered by that and it doesn't make me jealous. Was I broken? Is there something wrong with me? No. She loves me, and even if this dude wanted to fuck her that's all he wants. Sex. Not a relationship.'

Then I thought about the married guy in the tux. 'There's no other way to say it, he was big, tall, and handsome. What if he fucked her? Would I be jealous then? Yes. Why? Because even though she loves me, 'tux guy' was our age, and I could see him wanting more than sex with my wife. Now that makes me feel threatened and jealous. But this 'kid'? Nope.'

Wow! That's a lot to think about. 'My wife doesn't think she's pretty, something I've never realized until now. And I wouldn't feel jealous if she had sex with another man. Well, I wouldn't feel jealous if it was the 21ish year old 'kid' that was sitting next to my wife with his hand up her dress.' Wait, what?!?

My wife had removed her hand from his and allowed him to slide it up her leg, under her dress. And it wasn't a very long dress. She was also leaning in much closer to him now than she had been before in a very intimate way.

I paused and took a deep look inside myself. 'Nope, still not jealous. In fact it looks kind of hot.'

It was like watching the the opening scene of a live porno and knowing that I was going to get to fuck the lead actress.

The next thing she did actually surprised me. It didn't upset me, but only served to make things hotter. She leaned in very close to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as she got up for another bathroom break.

Again, she walked right past me into the bathroom, albeit a bit more wobbly. And like the previous time, she stopped a few feet past the door and texted me back. 'OK, lets do this. I'm about as right as I can get. Any more and I'll have to crawl around the track.'

Something amazing occurred to me in that instant. I could hammer home how gorgeous she was and get her past her lack of a good self-image forever. I texted her back. 'Go back and have one more drink and make sure you're ready.'

She swayed a bit as she squinted at her phone, nodded, and then walked back to the bar. I then formulated how I could make my idea a reality.

She sat there for a few more minutes and downed another drink as he chatted her up. When she finished the drink, she got up to leave. He stood up too and I could tell by his gestures he was pleading for her to stay. He relented but not before pulling her in for a hug. She didn't resist and this time gave him a lingering kiss on the lips. No tongue. Still hot.

As she walked to the door, there was a noticeable wobble in her stride. 'She might very well be crawling around that track instead of running.'

That's when I put my plan into motion. I grabbed a napkin from a table and wrote, 'Meet me on the top deck. Deb.' I looked up and in a stroke of good luck a waitress was walking past. I asked her to deliver a scotch and whisky to the guy at the corner of the bar along with the note I had written. I pressed a hundred dollar bill into her hand and told her to not to tell him who it was from.

She looked at the 'T-Note' and winked. 'Thanks! No problem.'

By this time my wife was gone and the young 'kid' had his attention focused on the band, so I was able to slip out unnoticed. I checked my phone and my wife had texted me where to meet her on the top deck. I texted her back. 'On my way...'

I got on the elevator, but instead of stopping on the deck where she was, I continued up to the observation lounge. It was several decks higher and afforded a complete view of the ship. I was also happy to see there were a couple of 'binocular telescopes' so I could see her up close too.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from her. 'Hurry up before I chicken out.'

I replied. 'Go ahead, I'm watching.'

She looked around for me, didn't see me, and threw her arms up in the air. She texted me back. 'You want me to do this by myself?!?'

I smiled and texted back. 'Yes.'

I watched her through the telescope and saw her take a deep breath and type another message. 'I'm scared.'

I felt my stomach drop. 'This was a mistake. I shouldn't have let it go this far.'

I texted her back. 'You don't have to do this. I'll be there in a sec.'

She still didn't know where I was, but I saw her hold her hand up in a stop gesture. She texted. 'No, stop. You're right, I don't have to do this. I want to do this and for some reason I need to do this. Trying to work up the courage. Good thing I'm buzzing hard right now.'

I sighed and thought, 'How lucky am I to have a woman like that?'

It was late at night, so no one was on the section of the ship where she was. But I could see several groups of people at the bow of the ship. I knew there was a very slight chance they might walk this way and witness my naked wife running a lap around the deck. There was also a good chance someone might get a thrill watching her on the surveillance system. There was also a young 'kid' who was going to be the first person in over fifteen years to see my wife's naked body in person.