Virgin Sacrifice Ch. 01

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Can James love save Charlie before she's sacrificed?
16.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/23/2022
Created 05/09/2013
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James knew that the sacrificial virgin was a regular at a popular gym and that she was a fitness fanatic that worked out virtually every day. The information also stated that she worked at a high end bookstore called Readable Delights, one of the few independent bookstores still around. He had staked out both the bookstore and and the gym, having gone so far as to join the gym to keep an eye on the woman. He would alternate stake out times between the gym and the bookstore. After a few days, he thought he spotted her and was surprised at what a stunner she was.

Her face was gorgeous yet innocent, while her tiny body looked sinfully delicious. For James, she was the epitome of what a beautiful woman should be. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, leaving it to seductively caress her neck and shoulders. The color of her hair seemed to create a contrast between it and her eyes, drawing his gaze to soft but intense light blue eyes. It made her eyes the focus of her face. She looked to be very petite, with a hard chiseled body honed through multiple intense workout sessions and from what he could see, her arms and legs were muscular and well-defined and the glimpses he got of her abs showed a tiny waist with a flat, yet well defined belly. Overall, she seemed to have a small percentage of body fat, which contrasted with a very nice set of breasts.

While physically in James mind she was virtually the perfect woman, there was something else about her that captured him and he felt it in his heart. It skipped a beat and ached when he saw her. James had dozens of girlfriends and no one ever affected him like this, even after bedding them multiple times, not one had gotten to his heart. Now just looking at this spectacular woman caused his heart to do back flips. He spent the rest of the day in the gym trying to banish her from his mind and heart but it didn't work. He knew if he was going to save her from the horrible fate that awaited the virgin sacrifice, he had to get his head and heart straightened out.

James' father had come in possession of valuable information that a beautiful virgin from their area was going to be kidnapped and taken to the Kimball Castle to be sacrificed on June 20th, during a satanic holy day ritual. His father never explained where the data came from or how they knew this was really going to happen, but he'd been convinced that this was real and they needed to do something. As the arch-druid and head of their Clan, he felt strongly that the Clan needed to confront this evil. James' mother, the priestess of their clan agreed.

That was the big and intense discussion amongst the clan for an entire week. One half of the clan believed in "live and let live", that everyone walked their own path and had their own destiny. While the other half of the clan believed in the "Motto of the Fianna" which runs "Strength in our Hands; Truth in our Hearts; Fulfillment on our Lips."

James father's interpretation for "Strength in our Hands", was to face one's fears, live honorably and use one's strength to help those weaker around you, while living life passionately. For "Truth in our Hearts", he believed you should be true to yourself and shun self-delusion. For "Fulfillment on our Lips", he believed it meant to speak with eloquence, speak praise of that which is honorable and condemn the wicked, evil and false.

James' father felt they needed to confront this evil and save this woman ,while not impeding on her freedom. As the son off the arch-druid it fell to James to fulfill his father's wishes, as his father was determined to confront evil and use their strength to help those that evil would sacrifice. He firmly believed that you must do it without forcing yourself on others, or impeding the life, liberty or self-determination of the innocent. James knew he had his work cut out for him and now he thought he had found her, but the impact on his heart was going to make this very difficult.

James didn't know anything about her, but he vowed to remedy that situation very quickly. So, he began to follow her and find out everything he could about this captivating woman. Everything about her seemed to suggest she was the one, but it was the main criteria she must fit. She must be a virgin. The only way he knew how to find that out was to get very close to her.

For the next two weeks James discretely followed Charlie to find out where she worked, lived, ate, and who her friends were. During this time, he discovered she did not have any boyfriends. That appeared to be by choice, because James witnessed literally dozens of men making passes at this admiringly beautiful woman. Everything he found out about Charlie would make her a most spectacular sacrifice, a sacrifice he was now in charge of stopping. James knew that to stop the sacrifice he needed to be close to this bewitching woman at all times, so he gathered his wits and set out to capture her heart and mind. He headed to the gym hoping to determine if she was the sacrificial virgin and if she was, it was his mission to keep her safe and out of the hands of those that would harm her.

Charlie was in the gym, in the midst of some body sculpting moves and had dumbbells in each hand when she first saw James heading towards her. She felt quivers of desire flash through her just gazing upon him, but when his eyes met hers, she felt a sensuous tug in her heart and sexual core. Her concentration faltered, one weight kept swinging while the other stopped. Charlie was thrown off balance, starting to fall, when suddenly James caught her and stopped her fall. She looked at her savior and their eyes locked. Everyone else in the gym faded into the background and time seemed to stand still.

With their eyes locked, Charlie felt James reach in with his eyes and pull on her heart strings. She felt his hands that were holding her, burning into her with erotic fire and everywhere his body pressed against hers, heat seemed to seep into her and go straight heart. The minute Charlie looked into his eyes, she knew this was the man she had waited patiently for, she knew that they were destined for each other and her virginity was his. The longer he held her, the more the heat also traveled to her suddenly wet pussy, her legs trembling, feeling very weak as the weights fell from her hands.

When James saw her start to fall, he immediately jumped, reacting attempting to steady her. From the moment he felt her in his arms he knew he had to have her. Holding her tiny body in his arms, felt like he was holding the world's most precious gift in his hands. His heart and mind were suddenly overwhelmed with feelings he never felt before. He looked into her eyes and became lost. Instantly the whole gym faded into the background and it was just them. Her eyes tugged at him, empting her heart into his fiery filled gaze. It felt as if his whole life had been building towards this moment. The weights slamming into the floor jarred him out of his adoring stupor.

James raised her to a standing position, with their eyes never leaving each other and then reluctantly, he let go, standing back, suddenly feeling shy and tongue tied. Usually for him women were a disposable pleasure, one that he enjoyed, but never feeling attached. Now in this moment forever etched in his memory, he joyfully understood what it could feel like to be connected to someone else.

James stuttered his introduction. "Um...I...ugh...I'm James. I hope you aren't hurt."

Verbally Charlie wasn't doing any better. "'m ugh...okay. Oh, I'm Charlie."

James stuttered an apology for intruding on her workout and started to back away. Charlie had never had anyone grab her heart immediately the way he was doing. When he started backing away she panicked and said something she has never said to any other human being. "You could stay and we can workout together."

Charlie was a very beautiful woman and not a day went by where some guy didn't hit on her. For the most part, she was so focused on her job or workouts that it didn't register that men were hitting on her. When it did register she just completely ignored them. She knew the man of her dreams would someday come along and she would know without even saying a word. She had been waiting for the perfect man, and now she was convinced that she had found him.

James smiled broadly and said. "I would like that. I would like that very much."

Charlie's face positively beamed as a smile lit up her face; and James swore he had never seen anything so incredibly beautiful. They both smiled and fell into a rhythm like they have been working out together forever. In the end, both were sweating profusely but neither felt tired. They were both invigorated by the presence of each other and at the end of the workout neither wanted to really leave.

James suggested they have a light meal down at the health food restaurant around the corner and Charlie readily agreed, with an innocent, joyful, radiance lighting up her eyes, smile and face. James gasp at the sparkle in her eyes and the jubilant glow that radiated from her face. He found his heart pounding in his chest at the sight of her overjoyed look. He thought to himself that, armies would go to war to see that strikingly beautiful face joyously smiling at them.

Their lunch was fairly simple, yet tasty, but it was the company that made the meal spectacular. They sat together with their arms almost touching, close enough to feel the magnetism that seemed to pull them together. When the meal was over James stood up and offered his hand to Charlie. It was the most natural thing in the world to weave her fingers in with his and for her to grasp his hand as they walked off.

James walked her to her car and when they got there, Charlie stopped and turned into his arms, wrapping herself around his chest. James tilted her head back and gently kissed her lips, but that first tiny little kiss sent sparks flying between them neither could resist as their mouths crashed together in a hungry and passionate, yet loving kiss. When their lips parted, Charlie was frozen in time, with her head back, her eyes closed and mouth open as she gasped for breath.

James looked at that face frozen in a loving pose and he couldn't resist lowering his mouth to reclaim her trembling lips. In a softer more loving kiss filled with passion, James tongue lovingly caressed the inside of her mouth, fanning the flames with his tongue gently touching and caressing her tongue. This time during the kiss, Charlie opened her luminous blue eyes and looked at James with desire in her eyes. James knew he had to end this kiss before he lost what little control he had left. They made plans to start coming in and working out together four times a week.

James went and sat in his car trying to get a handle on what just happened. He wanted to get close to her, but the minute he saw her and touched her, he felt things he never felt before. He knew it was going to be difficult to keep his father's rule of self-determination, because he had never met anyone he had wanted to make love to as badly as he had Charlie.

From the very beginning Charlie was drawn to James like no other man she'd ever met. She knew from the moment his eyes lit a fire in her loins that he was the man she had waited for, but that night when he showed up at the bookstore working on his laptop, she felt her heart lurch in her chest. It took all of her self-control to be professional and not run and jump into his arms. Instead, she casually walked over to him, sat on the arm of the chair he was in and asked if he needed any help finding anything.

As she sat down next to James the smell of her hair and skin, along with the warmth of her body created an intoxicating scent. James sat his laptop on the side table, snaked an arm around Charlie's tiny waist and pulled her into his lap. Charlie gasped out in protest, because as the manager of Readable Delights, she couldn't be seen like this, but then James mouth descended on hers and she forgot about everything except those lips and the passionate fire he lit inside her.

For several seconds after the kiss Charlie sat in his lap basking in the euphoria of that unbelievable kiss, and then realizing her she was she scrambled off of his lap quickly smoothing her skirt and blouse, trying to look professional and hoping nobody noticed. To have the Ice Queen that turned down every suitor's request, get suddenly and thoroughly kissed in the middle of their reading area created a huge stir, not only with the staff, but with all the patrons that had been vying for shots at Charlie's affections.

Charlie blushed and started quickly walking way back to her office in embarrassment, but James caught her and pulled her into his arms. She hid her face against his chest as she wrapped her arms around him and whispered. "James please you can't do that here." Then she raised her eyes to his and with love glistening in her eyes she added. "Don't stop, but just not here."

James leaned down and kissed her on the nose and said. "Yes ma'am."

Charlie disengaged herself from James and went back to the information booth where all of her employees gathered around, wanting to know who this guy was and how long they had been dating. Was it serious, etc.. Everybody there was ecstatic to see her finally dating. As Charlie went back to her office, she looked over to see James was staring at her with an intense hungry look that made her pussy weep and body shiver.

They had settled into the routine where James and Charlie would meet at the gym for this week and in the evenings, almost every night James would come by the bookstore and work on his laptop. Of course, Charlie saved all of her breaks for when James came in so they could spend most of their time together. They talked about everything and found common interests in almost everything they did. James loved books just as much as Charlie did and he would come into the bookstore with his sexy baritone voice, asking questions about different books, but the whole time his eyes were making love to her.

Charlie knew that he wasn't interested in the books but in her and to her that was great because she was very interested in him. The books he would always ask about were a mixture of occult, romance, medieval history and BSDM. All of these books touching on those topics were very erotic and ironically enough, were books she had also read. It seemed that they had very similar tastes in literature.

James would go over the most sensual passages, wanting her opinions as he read them to her. Most nights when he left she was trembling with the unresolved passion he had ignited in her. She would have to excuse herself to masturbate while fantasizing about James in the bathroom. Then at nights she would have vivid dreams of him ravishing her. The more she got to know him, the more intense her dreams became.

In her dreams his chiseled 6 foot 4 inch frame would make her body quiver with desire every time she saw him. Her soft romantic loving dreams turned into erotic sexual dreams, in which she was ravished repeatedly and would orgasm almost continuously. A while after meeting James her dreams would not just be erotic, but have lots of bondage included, and she found she was very turned on at the thought of having James take her while she was bound.

Her dreams usually involved her being bound to a bed, a wall or table, but in every case she craved giving her body to him. James was always the man in her dreams that repeatedly took her to an erotic bliss that she had never even imagined before. After a visit from James, Charlie would almost always wake up several times during the night with her hands frantically rubbing her pussy and her body bathed in erotic perspiration.

In addition to being a hard-core romantic, Charlie was a very sensual woman despite being a virgin. From the age of 16 she had fantasies of being a princess in a castle and being saved by a Prince. She knew some day her prince would come for her and she kept herself chaste but ready for him. As part of staying ready for him Charlie religiously worked out in the gym two hours a day. Her tightly toned body spectacularly reflected the results. She was 5' 2"and she barely weighed a 100 pounds and her body was sculpted to show an incredibly spectacular figure. With her tiny waist, small hips and ass, her entire body was sculpted into tightly defined muscles, softened with her lustrous silky skin.

However, all that work left her with very little body fat and tiny 32A breasts. She hated her tiny small breasts, felt like she was kind of pretty, but not beautiful, so for her 21st birthday she treated herself to a new set of breasts. She did her research and found the best surgeon in the country and made sure she got exactly the type of breasts she wanted with minimal scarring. The result was that her tiny body was now capped off with the perfect pair of 32D breasts. She didn't want them sticking way out but she wanted them to be wide and full, covering her entire chest with nice cleavage and capped off with her succulent half dollar sized aureoles and sensitive pointed nipples.

Charlie had always been in complete control of her mind, heart and body, but now she didn't seem to have control of anything and she didn't know what to do. Now everything she did seem to give her an erotic thrill and all she could think about was being taken by James. Before she met James she would masturbate maybe every other month while reading an erotic romance. Now she couldn't seem to control the passion coursing through her and would masturbate anywhere from 2 or 3 times a day trying to relieve the erotic tension, but nothing seemed to help and with every visit from James, her desires only seemed to escalate.

Charlie was also a budding romance writer and had written one book, but had yet to find anyone interested in publishing it. Now she was on her second book, but now she was having problems writing the book. Every time she started writing any scene it suddenly turned into a blazing hot sex scene and that seemed to be all she could write anymore and she James was the reason.

Several times each day Charlie would suddenly awake from her daydream, her nipples agonizingly throbbing against her bra with her pussy wet and pulsing with desire. Usually her finger was already inside her pussy or frantically rubbing her clit. In her daydreams she would be bound to a wall or to the bed but unable to escape as James used his lips, tongue or fingers to build the passionate yearning in her body. She could almost feel his touch on her skin. It felt so real that her fingers couldn't stop until she felt a climax shatter her reality.

Unknown to Charlie, James was having the same problem. He was supposed to be in control and he was supposed to be the one creating the sexual tension in Charlie, but James was finding himself enamored and unable to stop thinking of her. He was having almost identical dreams where he would find Charlie bound to a bed or a table and he would ravish her repeatedly with both of them achieving sexual heights together. James was also unable to keep her out of his mind and found himself masturbating multiple times a day to relieve the sexual tension he felt for Charlie.

Trying to keep focus and his hands off of Charlie was one of the hardest things James had ever had to do. The more he was around her, the more he desperately wanted to forget about the ceremony and make love to her, claiming her as his. However, his father had cautioned him that she was to determine who took her virginity. That would have been the easiest fix; if she was no longer a virgin there could be no sacrifice, but she had the right of self-determination and according to his father, he must not take her virginity.

After about ten days of watching and being around Charlie, James started to notice a group of four faces that always seemed to be hanging around in the background. They all looked like they were waiting or maybe biding their time, but none of them looked like they belonged there. James made note of their locations and vehicles and decided to bide his time as well.