Valerie Ch. 08


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A dark expression crossed Charles' face. He knew of Painmaster. In fact, he had been trying to get him expelled from the club for some time. Until he crossed the line and took a submissive too far, the management refused. Charles remembered seeing Francine in a wheel chair, her feet heavily bandaged. "When we have more time, you'll have to tell me how you come to be beaten and wheelchair bound," he had said to her two weeks ago. He'd never found the time. Then he remembered giving Valerie permission to submit to Francine. Francine had to be considered dangerous. He called Valerie's house and got an answering machine. He called Sally's cell.

"Hello, you've got Sally."

"Sally, this is Charles. Do you know where Valerie is?"

Sally knew something was wrong. Master had identified himself as Charles, not Master. "She's probably submitting to Francine right now."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Castle with Surmi. We're getting some new toys."

"Find Valerie and Francine, stop their scene."

"Charles, what's wrong?"

"Francine went with a sadist last night, willingly. One with a reputation for no safe words and inflicting true torture."

"Oh my God! You think Francine may have cracked from the strain of her boyfriend beating her up."

"Her boyfriend beat her up?"

"Yes, Val told me. Francine told him about the lifestyle and he freaked. I thought you knew."

"No, I was meaning to ask, but time got away from me. Start with Francine's place. Hurry. I'm sending Steven to Valerie's apartment. I'm checking Mephisto's. Call me when you know something."

At Sally's end, she explained to Surmi what was wrong, and they left. They were half an hour from Francine's place. She prayed they were not too late. It was now 7:15.

At Francine's, Valerie was still being whipped, her safe word ignored. She pleaded, through the screams of agony and anguish, "Red Light. Please Francine, red light. I need to stop. It's too much." The strokes continued to fall. Individual marks were now indistinguishable on her back, ass and legs, a solid mass of red. Welts abounded. Still, Valerie begged for a halt. "Please Francine, I can't take it. As you love me, please stop."

"No! No love. Love hurts you. I won't love, I won't. I won't let you love me. I won't. You'll get hurt." Francine was screaming herself, denying the feelings that she didn't want, ignoring that it was love for Valerie that was driving her, to protect her friend from the pain and anguish she was feeling. Her love was twisted, but still there, gnawing at her, trying to get out.

While Valerie's mind was unable to cope with the pain and terror she was under and respond to her friend's outburst, her heart heard and broke, understanding the depths to which Harv's betrayal had driven Francine. Valerie's love for her friend rose up, and poured out the only thing she could give Francine in her pain and agony. Sally's words resonated in her heart, "My forgiving Josh did nothing for him, but it freed me to become the woman holding you right now." This time, Valerie's heart knew, it would free Francine.

"Francine, I forgive you, I forgive you. I love you and I forgive you."

Francine was in tears, the words, those dreaded words haunting her. It would hurt, she couldn't take the hurt. She lashed harder and harder, desperate to stop those dreaded words. "No, you can't forgive me, you can't love me. I'm evil. Hate me! Say you hate me."

"No, I love you and forgive you, Francine."

It was this that Surmi and Sally witnessed as they entered the house. Blood was dripping slowly down both their backs, when the whip was not spraying Valerie's around the room. They couldn't tell how many open wounds were on Valerie's back. Surmi reacted first, moving up and grabbing the whip on a back stroke, ending it. Francine swung around and looked uncomprehending at her, her eyes unfocused. Surmi said, softly, "Red light." The familiar words in a new voice penetrated. She looked over her shoulder and saw the results of two unending hours of brutal whipping.

As soon as Surmi had the whip end in her hand, Sally rushed past the two and tried to untie the ropes. The knots, fortunately, were good ones in a good rope, and were still amendable to fingers. She barely noticed Francine rushing past them, crying in agony, her heart tortured by the realization of what she had done. Sally tried to drag Valerie to the couch in the living room, but Val fought her.

"Valerie, it's all right. It's Sally. You're safe now."

In between sobs, Valerie pleaded, "No. Francine. Kill. Must. Stop." Drawing on reserves she didn't know she had, Valerie broke free of Sally's grasp and literally crawled to the kitchen, where Francine lay on the floor, the knife that had cut her wrists open lying beside her. Sally and Surmi stood dumbfounded at the sight, as Valerie crawled to Francine, covering the flowing wounds with her hands, leaning with all her weight.

"Call 911!" she yelled, breaking the two out of their shocked inaction.

Unaware of what was happening around her, if her demand was being followed, Valerie pleaded with Francine. "No! Don't you die on me! You promised you would talk before you killed yourself. Talk to me, please, talk to me. Don't leave me. I can't take you leaving."

Groggy from loss of blood, much already lost before she had gotten the knife, the wounds in her back having been reopened, Francine tried to explain, "Got to go. Betrayed you. Didn't stop. Don't deserve love."

"No! You are loved. Love is not deserved, it's given. I love you, Francine, please don't leave me."

"I betrayed you. Must leave you, never hurt you. Care too much. It hurts so much."

"Francine, I forgive you. I forgive you. Please don't go. I need you so much."

"How? How you forgive? I'm evil."

"You're not evil, you're hurt. You didn't mean it. I forgive you. I love you."

Sally and Surmi watched the tableau, knowing that events were out of their hands. Valerie was doing everything that could be done, pressure on the wrists and love, the only things that had any chance to keep Francine in the world of the living. Each prayed, Sally to Jesus, Surmi to Allah, praying for the life of the broken woman who truly believed that she deserved to die. Surmi called Charles and let him know what was happening.

The paramedics found them like this, staring at the two friends, one desperately trying to keep the other from death's door. Their professional eye quickly determined that Valerie's wounds, while serious, were not life threatening. Moving Val to the side, they worked with dispatch, doing their best to bring the naked, tortured woman from the brink of death. The kitchen was soon littered with the waste generated by lifesaving measures. The bleeding from the wrists had stopped finally and they were pumping fluids into her as fast at they could. When they had her ready for transport, Surmi went with Francine, leaving Sally to stay with Valerie, whom she was now holding in her arms, not caring about the blood on her clothes.

Valerie's wounds, while more extensive in number, were easier to treat. It was while Valerie was being treated that the deputies showed up. They asked Sally questions, but she feigned upset at Val's condition to avoid giving answers, answers she was not sure could be kept from them indefinitely. Charles showed up shortly afterwards. As he talked to Sally, the sheriff's deputies looked on suspiciously.

"Sally, what happened?"

"I'm not sure, but it looks like Francine lost it and ignored safe words. Valerie was crying and screaming and saying how much she loved Francine. Surmi stopped the beating and Francine ran into the kitchen and slit her wrists while I was letting Valerie down. The police want to know what happened and I don't think I can put them off much longer."

"How are they?"

"Francine may die; she cut herself in the right way to actually kill herself. Valerie's cut up, but isn't in any immediate danger."

"Tell the police the truth. There's no way to keep what happened a secret. Trying will only make things worse. Report only what you saw. That's all they can expect from you. I'm going to check on Francine. Let Valerie know I was here."

"Yes, sir."

Sally returned to the house and talked to the police, telling them exactly what she saw when she arrived. She could tell from their reaction that they felt a crime had been committed. With one woman bound and one wielding a whip, they had no doubts as to who was the criminal. When asked why she had shown up, she said she was just dropping in on some friends, a surprise. While they looked dubious, they didn't press her.

The second ambulance arrived and Sally followed it to the hospital. Valerie had passed out during her treatment, her body demanding the rest, now that Francine was no longer on the front burner. Charles, Surmi, and Sally were waiting together at the hospital. Francine was in intensive care, receiving massive transfusions of blood. She had lost almost half her blood volume and the doctors considered it a miracle that she made it to the ER alive. The attending physician, a Dr. Bloom, had questions.

"I understand that the patient is Francine Traline?"

"Yes," Charles answered.

"Are you a relative?"

"No, a friend. She has no relatives living nearby and no close relatives at all. Her closest friend is Valerie Burbon, the other woman brought in."

"I understand that Ms. Burbon's injuries are the result of being whipped for an extensive period of time with an actual whip. Do you have any idea how the wounds on Ms. Traline's legs, back and breasts were inflicted?"

"I don't know for sure, but I have reason to believe that they were consensual." Charles was trying to be very careful, treading a fine line between openly revealing Francine's and Valerie's involvement in BDSM and actually lying.

"I find that hard to believe. No sane person would allow such wounds to be inflicted on themselves."

"It may be that Francine is suffering form some sort of post traumatic stress. I understand that she was beaten by her boyfriend a few weeks back."

"I see. That could explain things. Has she been suffering from nightmares or flashbacks?"

"I don't know. She had been staying with Valerie while her feet healed. They'd been severely injured. She would be the best person to ask."

"Can you tell me how Ms. Burbon came to be tied and beaten by Ms, Traline?"

"I'm sure I couldn't say."

He walked away. Sally started to say, "Master…"

"No," he warned, "names only for now."

"Charles, this can't end well. The only way that Francine won't be arrested is if Valerie admits to being a willing participant. Professionally, this could destroy both of them. Neither of their employers are known for being liberal."

"There's nothing we can do about that. If they examine Valerie close enough, they'll find evidence of past scenes on her. For now, we can only make sure that they survive, both physically and mentally. Francine is going to be viewed as either a criminal or someone who is insane. She's going to need a lawyer and a good psychologist, both who will at least understand the lifestyle. I'm going to make some calls, call in some favors. Can you two keep an eye on the girls?"

"Yes," "Of course," came the answers.

Sally was able to sit in Valerie's room, dozing in a chair while her lover rested. Surmi hovered near the ICU, watching Francine, hooked up to more machines than a rock star's sound system, and the cop keeping an eye on her. It seemed she was under arrest on suspicion of assault, battery, kidnapping, and enslavement. "This was not good," Surmi thought. She called Charles' cell phone and let him know that lawyer was the first priority.

Sally dozed off and on through the night, waking with every movement from Valerie's bed. Nurses checked in on both of them, making sure they were all right. They had seen too many loved ones put themselves in the hospital by not taking care of themselves as well. It was obvious to anyone that Sally loved Val deeply. Sally did call Valerie's office, leaving June a message that Valerie was injured and would not be in this week. Valerie woke shortly after 8:00 in the morning. She felt the pain in her back before she saw anything, a groan escaping from her lips.

Sally jerked awake and saw that her lover had woken up. "Val, I'm right here. You're going to be okay."

Tears filled Valerie's eyes. "Francine, is she…?"

"She was alive last night. Surmi's with her. If there'd been any change, she would've let us know. It's real bad, Val. They don't know if she'll make it."

Valerie could hear that something was left unsaid. "What else? There's something else you're not telling me."

"There's a cop outside her door. She's under arrest for assault, battery, kidnapping, and slavery."

Valerie tried to sit up, saying, "No. I've got to tell…" before the cry of agony interrupted her.

The nurse was in instantly. "Lay your butt back down, young lady. You're in no condition to go anywhere. Your back is a mess and we don't need those gashes opened back up. You can stay there on your own, or I will restrain you."

"My friend. How is she? Can you tell me?"

"I don't know, but I'll find out. Do you have a personal physician?"

"Yes. Dr. Helen Waston."

"We'll call her and let her know you're here. And you, if you're going to stay here, take care of yourself. Your friend needs a healthy loved one, not a sick one. Go get some breakfast. I won't let the police know she's awake until you're back."


"They want to ask her what happened, determine what additional charges to file."

"She's right. I'm starved. I'll get something quick and be right back. Don't go anywhere."

Sally met Surmi in the cafeteria as they both got breakfast. Surmi had slept better, being allowed to sleep on a couch outside the ICU ward.

"They've got a cop outside, guarding her," she said. "So far, she's sedated and they've been giving her fluids and antibiotics. She's got some wicked cuts on her breasts, legs and all over her backside. I can't imagine the mental anguish she must have been going through to subject herself to that level of torment."

"Any idea whether she's going to make it?"

"No, they let me stay as a friend, but I'm not related, so they won't tell me anything about her condition. I did hear the nurses talking. She did a good job on trying to kill herself. If Valerie had not knelt on her wrists as fast as she did, Francine would not be here, she'd be in the morgue. Apparently, she was already suffering from some blood loss when she sliced herself."

"Do you have any idea why Valerie was telling Francine that she loved her and forgave her when we arrived?"

"No. But I'll bet that Francine is dealing with some sort of guilt over something. I just don't know what. I've got to get to work; I just can't take the day off right now. Francine will be out for at least the rest of the day, based on what I've overheard. I'll come back this evening."

"I understand. Call Charles and let him know. I called in and am not expected for at least two days."

They finished their meals and went their separate ways. Sally returned to Val's room, her friend eating her own breakfast. There was a cop talking to one of the nurses. Sally sat next to Valerie and was just there for her.

When Val pushed her tray to one side, the cop entered. "Ms. Burbon. I'm detective Powell. I was hoping you could answer a few questions about the attack last night. Alone," he added, looking at Sally

"No. Sally stays. We're partners."

"Very well. About the attack."

"It wasn't an attack. I was an active participant."

"You want to run that by me again?"

Valerie grasped Sally's hand, steeling herself for the hardest, yet easiest thing she would ever do in the lifestyle. "I came to Francine's house willingly, allowed myself to be tied up, willingly, told Francine she could whip me as much as she wished, that I wanted her to."

"Do you expect me to believe such a tale, Ms. Burbon? No one allows themselves to be whipped to a bloody mess."

"I do. So do many others. It's a form of sexual play called domination and submission. I enjoy letting certain people have control over what happens to me, such as Francine."

"So you put yourself in her hands, trusted her, and she betrayed that trust."

Valerie squeezed tight on Sally's hand. Sally could see what was coming and was fearful for her friend. "No. I didn't use my safe word to stop her. She did exactly what I wanted her to do. I wanted to experience that level of pain."

"Wait. You said you let her do what she wanted. Now you're saying she did what you wanted. Which is it?"

"Both. Understand detective Powell, domination and submission is about control and consent. Safe words are how the submissive person tells the dominant one that it's gone too far. Until that's done, the dominant is in total control. My not taking control back was my way of saying that I wanted more from her, for her to go farther and harder. So I gave her the control to do whatever she wanted and I had the control to say stop."

"Just so you know, Ms. Burbon, I think you're nuts. But if you're insistent that you went willingly and that the whipping was part of a consensual activity, I'll be forced to tell the DA to drop all charges. Once he does that, it'll be almost impossible to prosecute Ms. Traline with your statement on record. How about you, Ms. Thatcher? Are you a part of this domination and submission thing?"

Valerie spoke up before Sally could answer. "No, she isn't. That's why I went to Francine. Sally can't give me what I need in domination, so I get that somewhere else." Sally kept her face calm while inside she was in turmoil. She wanted to stand by Valerie, share everything that happened, but was also grateful that she wasn't going to be exposed as well. She squeezed Val's hand in silent thanks for the lie.

"And you're all right with your lover going to another woman to be beaten half to death?"

"Yes. I supported her activities last night. I wish it hadn't gone as far as it did, but I understand what need she had to go there." Sally was a little proud of being able to tell the truth and not let him know what the truth really was.

"Ms. Burbon. I'll have a statement typed up and sent for you to sign. You're sure you want to stick with this story?"

"It's the truth, detective."

"Very well. Good day ladies. My best wishes on a speedy recovery. Do me a favor, though. Use that safe word thing earlier next time. There are some things I would rather not investigate a second time."

"I'll try to do that."

After he left, Sally looked at Valerie. "I would've stood with you, taken the hits you're going to take with you. You didn't have to lie for me."

"Yes, I did. You being exposed won't stop the damage to my life, whatever it is. No. You don't have to go there as well. Just knowing you were willing, and I knew already, is enough. I still have you in my life. With that, I can get through whatever happens."

"Francine did ignore your safe word, didn't she?"

"Yes. She's hurting so bad. I thought she might be getting better. She had some good, healthy crying sessions, but I guess it wasn't enough. Her nightmares kept getting worse and worse. The last one she told me about had me giving her to Harv to be tortured. It's not real clear, but I think she's afraid to let herself feel anymore. She was telling me to not love her, to hate her, so I couldn't be hurt."

"So you think she might've been trying to beat you into hating her, for your own sake?"

"I don't know. I'm not a shrink, and that's who Francine needs, a psychologist who'll not have her put away for being in the lifestyle."

They sat silently, Valerie passing in and out of sleep, her body drained and trying to heal itself. Sally called Marcia and asked if she could bring some things from Valerie's apartment when she got out of school. The nurses let Sally order lunch like a patient so she could stay by Valerie's side. They also brought word that Francine had passed the turning point and was expected to live, though still in critical condition. She would be until the cuts on her wrists had healed significantly. Charles stopped by while Val was asleep to let the girls know that Francine had a lawyer and that he would be by soon to get a statement. Sally briefed him on what Valerie had told the detective.