Valerie Ch. 05


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This time, Val responded with greater passion. Her tongue entering into a dance with Sally's. Over and over they kissed, each seemingly unable to get enough of the other to survive. In between, Sally would ask, "Do you want more? Are you ready for more?" to which Val would answer, "Yes, please. Make love to me, make me your lover."

Sally descended again, this time taking Val's left breast into her mouth, letting her hands roam close to, but not at her pussy. Val responded by bringing her own hands up to Sally's back, caressing it in encouragement. Sally playfully nibbled at the nipple, drawing a cry from Val, "Yes, oh God, yes. Don't stop, please don't stop." Sally didn't, pausing only long enough to switch to the other breast, worshipping it with equal reverence.

Sally went back and forth between Valerie's breasts, caressing her belly and legs, but avoiding the cunt. Val was soaking now, her pussy aching for attention. Her musk filled the air with a heady aroma that Sally would breathe in deeply. In spite of her own desire to start there in earnest, she waited for what she knew was coming.

"Oh, Sally. My pussy, please make love to my pussy. It's so lonely."

As the request came, Sally's hand brushed lightly over the slick lips, coating her hand with Val's juices. Leaning up on one elbow beside her, Sally sensuously licked the juices from her hand. As she went for more, she asked, "Would you like to taste yourself?"

"Yes, let me clean your hand, let me make love to it."

Sally shoved her fingers deep into Val's cunt, drenching herself and causing a cry and an arch from the aroused woman. She brought the hand shaped lollipop up to Val's mouth, letting her suck in a single finger at a time. Three times, the hand returned to the nectar pot to be cleaned each time by a lovingly greedy mouth. On the forth trip, Sally swiped at her own locked cunt, bringing back her own juices for Val to suck on.

As she licked, she whispered, "Oh, this is you isn't it?"

"Yes, love, how do I taste?"

"Oh God, it's so wonderful. Can I have more?"

"No, there's time for that later. I want more of you. Can I have more of you?"

"Yes! Yes! Please, take me."

Sally bent down and licked the outer areas of Valerie's pussy, not even on the lips, cleaning up every bit of fluid she could find. Val was moaning and begging, "Please eat me, I have to have it." Not one to keep a lover waiting, she gave Val's outer lips light swabs with her tongue, causing the intensely aroused woman to writhe and beg for more. Slowly, driving Val mad with lust, she moved closer to the center of Valerie's need. When Sally finally penetrated Val's lips, she cried out incoherently with joy.

Val's hands came down, not wanting to let this glorious woman stop, holding her in place. Sally loved the feeling of hands holding her in a pussy and responded with abandon; sticking her tongue in as far as she could, smearing her face with the lady's juice. Val couldn't hold still, writhing in ecstasy as Sally licked her like she was a source of life itself. She could tell that her victim/lover was on the verge of cumming and brought her tongue out and flicked Val's clit. She shrieked and thrashed, on the verge of an orgasm. The feeling of Sally's fingers simultaneously penetrating her pussy and ass sent her over the edge. Her legs clenched Sally's head and her body stiffened for an instant before convulsing in a climax.

As Valerie came down, Sally gently licked at her outer pussy lips as they slowly ceased to quiver. Once things had settled, she crawled back up to where Valerie's head was and kissed her on the lips again. Val responded almost dreamily, licking her own taste off her lovers face. She found her hands wandering down to Sally's crotch and the soaked pussy that was filling the room with a similar, though different aroma. Val caressed Sally's pussy, feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world. She whispered, "Can I make love to your pussy?"

"Dear, if you think you're ready, I'd love to have you down there."

Val rolled Sally onto her back and turned towards the fragrant cunt waiting for her. What Val lacked in experience, she made up for in enthusiasm. Not used to anything but what she had experienced in scenes, she went at the pussy with gusto; with none of the loving teasing that Sally had shown her. Sally was aroused enough, that she didn't care about the subtleties. Val stuck her entire face into Sally's cunt, licking for all she was worth, probing as deeply into the delicious pussy before her as the locked rings allowed. Sally moaned with abandon, reveling in the attention she had not expected to get tonight. She kept her hands away from Val's head, not wanting to scare her and let the woman find her own way in her first voluntary sexual experience with a woman.

They say that enthusiasm can make up for a lack of skill, and in this case it was true. Whether it was deep probes into the depths of her cunt or long swipes of tongue from ass to clit, the straight woman brought her lover to an incredible orgasm, riding her pussy until Sally's legs unclenched, freeing Val's head. She crawled back up, and kissed Sally, smearing both their faces with Sally herself. Then they lay in one another's arms, lightly brushing faces and hair, basking in feelings that one of them was familiar with and the other was just learning of.

"Oh my, God! Is it always like that?"

"No, actually, sometimes it's even better. No matter how good the oral sex is, sometimes you miss that filled up feeling of a cock. Imagine being fucked by a cock that never goes limp and that can ride you through orgasm after orgasm."

"Oh, that does sound wonderful. Maybe you can introduce me to this miracle worker sometime."

"I think that can be arranged," Sally said with a smile. "I'm afraid we're going to have to get to sleep. We have to be at breakfast in eight hours."

Val looked over and saw that it was 1:00 am. "Do you have to go?"

"I'm afraid so. I'm locked up because I slept the night with Surmi without permission."

"Why wasn't Surmi punished?"

"She was, just not in the same way. Her contract allows for incredibly severe whippings as punishment. If Master allowed it, I think she would take a bull whipping as a punishment."

Val cringed at the thought, then kissed Sally good night and then rolled over in the bed to sleep.


A voice, together with a gentle pressure on her shoulder woke her up, "Lady Valerie. Wake up, Lady Valerie."

Valerie opened her eyes to see Lilly standing over her with a nervous expression on her face. "Good morning. Is it time to get up?"

The young lady blushed a little, "No, not really. I was hoping you'd be willing to talk with me for a little bit."

Imagining all sorts of things Lilly might want to say and ask, Val smiled, "Of course I can talk. I suspect that you're bursting with questions. I have a couple first though. Is it all right when I call you Mistress, or would you prefer I did not?"

Lilly's eyes filled with tears, "Please, not Mistress. It makes me feel dirty, like I'm one of the people who hurt you all the time."

Smiling, "Lilly it is then. Does my nakedness bother you?"

"No Lady, you're very pretty, though seeing you like this scares me."

"Scares you? What are you frightened of?"

Unable to hold back, Lilly started crying, "That they'll hurt you really bad or even kill you. I'm so afraid that I wouldn't help you because I'm so afraid, so cowardly."

Val reached out and embraced the frightened girl, shocked that anyone would think such things. But as she held Lilly, it dawned on her just how things must look from the viewpoint of a 20-year-old girl with no real experience in the world. "Lilly. I promise you. No one's going to kill me or even truly hurt me. I'm here because I want to be here. The things that are done to me are done because I want to allow them to happen."

"But…but…My grans, she always told us about the Stasi, evil men who pleasured themselves by hurting others. She warned us to never let ourselves fall into their hands, that they existed everywhere, even here in America. They just weren't in power here."

Your grandmother was from East Germany?" A nod. "She was right you know. Cruel people like the secret police do exist everywhere. But Charles isn't one of those people. He's a caring person who just has blind spots, things he doesn't see. Every mark you see on me, every thing you've seen done to me, I made a choice to let it happen. In fact, some things I asked to have happen."

The girl looked up, confusion, and a little disgust, evident on her face. Valerie was a little hurt by the disgust, but understood where it came from. She gave Lilly enough time to ask the question she knew was there. "Why? Why would you let someone treat you like dirt and beat you with whips?"

Valerie took a deep breath, knowing that explaining to Lilly would be different and more important than explaining to Charles and the others. The others had a similar frame of reference. She imagined that Christian missionaries had a similarly hard job explaining the idea of one God to a polytheistic tribe who only thought how poor we must be to have so few Gods. She started with an honest admission.

"Sometimes I don't really understand it myself. I don't like being whipped or being forced to eat my dinner through a straw. It is, however, incredibly powerful to be able to trust someone so much that I can put myself in their hands, totally at their mercy, and not fear that they'll abuse that trust. I think we all, from the time we are born, have that level of trust. Little babies trust their parents to provide and protect them 100 percent. It's only as we grow older that we learn that some people, sometimes even those we love, can be unreliable, that we can't trust them. So we develop ways to decide who to trust and how much. And we can function that way quite healthily."

As Val talked, she realized that things she knew without knowing she knew were gelling in her mind. Like a teacher learning her material better by having to explain it, she was coming to terms with the why in her own mind. "But imagine being able to trust someone so much, that you'd do anything they ask, because you know that they'll not ask anything of you that's too much. Ideally, that's what happens when two people marry, they commit to one another that they'll be that trustworthy, that they would die rather than see the other hurt by their own actions. That's why I'm here this weekend, letting Charles, Sally and the others tie me up, beat me with whips, drive me crazy with orgasms I can't have, and force me to do humiliating things. I've found someone I can trust that much, and the feelings when I give in and let whatever happens occur, is incredible, powerful, and erotic."

"But, what if they make a mistake? I saw Victor go downstairs. He only does that when someone is really hurt and needs medical attention."

"Sometimes mistakes and accidents happen. I pulled my shoulder when I had a really powerful orgasm. Charles didn't hurt me on purpose, and he wishes it hadn't happened. He's given me special words and actions I can use to let him know that something is wrong and I need to stop. That's part of the trust. He lets me decide when to stop if I need to. I've used those words and he's never failed to stop right away. I can even use the words to stop things that I let happen at another time. My ability to let things happen changes from day to day and we all respect that."

"What about other people? Will you let them hurt you as well?"

"No. Not just anyone. It has to be someone I have reason to trust. Even then, I might very well have firmer limits to what I allow. But someone off the street, they don't get that trust, not on a whim. Don't get me wrong, mistakes can happen. I did research on this lifestyle before I came here this weekend. There have been horrible cases of people who chose to trust the wrong people, because they were careless or deceived by evil men. They ended up severely hurt or worse. What I allow here in this house, with Charles and his friends, is no small thing. I trust Charles because he insisted I research him. I found someone I know whose judgment I trust, who let me know that I could trust him. Because I trust Charles, I will trust those he includes in our games. "

She reached out and lifted Lilly's chin up so she was looking into her eyes. "And Lilly, I trust you. If you were interested, I'd let you tie me up and have your way with me. I also know that that makes you uncomfortable. So I'd never ask you to do anything like that. Just like I'll never call you Mistress, because it makes you feel dirty, I'll never ask you to dominate me in the slightest. You see, dominants have to trust us submissives as much as the other way around. Charles trusts me to stop him before he goes too far. He trusts me to not ask him for more than he is willing to give out. And you can trust me to not draw you into a lifestyle that disgusts you."

"Why? Why do you trust me? I'm not worthy of that trust."

"Yes you are. You're a young girl who showed me compassion when I was forced to do something extremely humiliating. You were sorry. You would've said no if you had thought you could've. That's why I trust you. Because you don't want to hurt me."

Tears were running down Lilly's face. "It's likely, she has never had that level of trust bestowed on her before," Val thought to herself. She gave the girl time to absorb such a large shock. After a few minutes, the tears stopped. Lilly looked up, a question in her eyes, but also a reluctance to ask.

"You can ask me anything. The worst that'll happen is that I'll decline to answer."

"Can I touch…them?" she asked timidly, pointing at the red marks covering Val's body.

"Of course you can." Valerie spread her arms out, giving Lilly access to as many of the stripes as she could.

Lilly gingerly reached out and touched a red mark on Valerie's belly. It felt no different from the rest of her flesh, aside from being a little warmer. She started to move her hands upward and hesitated. Val nodded encouragingly and she touched the stripes across her breasts. Did they hurt much when it happened?"

"Oh yes, I was screaming in pain."

"And you still let it happen?"

"Yes. I trusted Sally to not truly injure me. I knew she wanted to whip me and I chose to let her."

"Lady Sally did this?"

"Oh yes. She can be quite effective with a whip. She took me to the edge of my limits Friday night. You know we ended up in each other's arms laughing?"

"You laughed at being whipped?" Lilly asked incredulously.

"No, not at the whipping. I was bawling my head off at the pain. Later, I made a joke about using my safe word and we both broke up laughing."

"What… what…"

"What made me use my safe word?"


Val smiled. "I'm straight. In fact, lesbian sex bothers me a lot. I also enjoy being forced to do things, or submit to things that bother me. Sally was giving me oral sex, driving me crazy with lust and disgust at the same time and it got to be too much. I said, 'red light,' and she stopped, just like that. Even though she desperately wanted to continue, she stopped for my sake."

"You didn't stop her when she was whipping you so hard you cried, but you did stop her when she was giving you really great head. I don't get it."

"To be honest, I'm not sure I get it either," Val said with a smile. "I assume that wouldn't bother you."

"Oh no, Lady Valerie. I love sex, especially when someone, anyone is eating my pussy."

"You see, we all have different limits. I have issues with sexuality with women, you have issues with BDSM. Those issues should be respected. I guess the most important word in this lifestyle I have chosen is consent. Nothing happens without consent from all those involved. In fact, I got quite mad at Charles over his forcing you to participate last night. I could tell that you hadn't consented."

"I know. Thank you for that. Last night he talked to me and told me that I would never have to do anything in the games and that if I wanted to leave, he would give me a good letter of recommendation."

"Do you want to leave?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

"If you did, would you quit?"

"Yes, Lady Valerie, I would. Sometimes I cry just knowing what's going on downstairs. I don't think it'll help much knowing you're okay with it. It just seems so wrong somehow. Does that make me bad, that I just can't handle it?"

"Oh, Lilly, of course not. It just makes you different. If working here makes you that uncomfortable, then we'll just have to find you an alternative. What is it you want to do with your life? You're currently in domestic service. Is that what you want long-term? Some people do."

"I've always dreamed of being a stylist, making people look pretty or handsome. But styling school is expensive. I can't afford it, neither can my folks. But they make too much for me to qualify for financial aid. I'm here because it pays enough that I can save money. But it'll take a couple more years to save up enough to go to school."

"Tell you what I'll do. I'll check with the personnel department at my company. We're usually hiring entry-level staff all the time. It's really hard work. You'll put in twelve hour days sometimes and some of the managers are true slave drivers, if you know what I mean. With a good letter from Charles, and me as a reference, you should have no trouble getting on. The pay is good too. Everything over eight hours a day is overtime, and we pay double for overtime. It's high-stress work, and fast paced, but it can have you set up for school in a year or two tops."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. I can tell you're a hard worker, and that you need to get out of this house. I suspect you had no idea what you were agreeing to when you said that nudity and sexuality didn't bother you."

"No. I though he meant that he had orgies regularly and that we would have to serve the guests in them. I didn't know that people had sex by whipping each other."

Val looked over and saw that it was 8:00. "I've enjoyed talking with you, but I have to be ready for breakfast in an hour."

"Oh my. I have to wake the others. Bye, Lady Valerie, thank you so much for talking to me and for standing up for me." The young girl ran off breathlessly.

Valerie went in to take a shower prior to breakfast. It was easy to prepare afterwards, seeing as how she had not been given permission to wear clothes. She added her leash to her collar, looping it over her shoulder. She wanted to do something special for Charles after yesterday. What she had told Lilly was true, she trusted her Master, enough to stay with him even after the confrontation over his treatment of Lilly. That he had talked to Lilly last night and reassured her that she could leave with a good recommendation simply confirmed that trust.

She waited until just a couple minutes before nine and headed down to the dining room. As the clock struck nine, she entered the room, seeing all seven others sitting down, with Lilly serving plates of Belgian waffles. She was, again, the only undressed person in the room. Charles started to say something, but held his tongue as Valerie ignored her chair and walked over to his chair. She kneeled down beside him and, holding up the end of the leash up to him over her bowed head, said, "Master. Please accept this humble slave's service anew. I do not wish to leave you or yours. If I have displeased you, I beg that you punish me."

Charles leaned back, raising his eyebrows. He stared at her, wondering what led her to do this. In spite of her anger last night, she was telling him that she still trusted him and would put herself under him again. Leaning forward, he took the leash, saying, "Your continued service is accepted. I have no desire to see you leave either. For what do you believe you need to be punished?"