Valentine's Day Cuckold: Pet Play

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Wife gets used in a pet play scene while hubby watches.
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"I don't want to stop," I said flaty, waiting for his response.

"I'm not sure I want you to stop," Billy said slowly.

We had spent several minutes just staring at each other in the master bedroom, completely unsure of what to say.

"What is this for you then?" I asked. "Is this some sort of porn thing?"

He looked at his toes.

"You can tell me.." I said quietly. "I'm not going to judge. Maybe this is for the best..."

I reached out, holding his hand in mine.

"Let's just get things out in the open... tell me."

"I've been really into cuckold porn," He said, still not looking at me. "I didn't want to show you. I thought you wouldn't be into it..."

"Tell me about it," I said. "Because it certainly seemed like you enjoyed at least some of what Samuel and I... did..."

He didn't say anything.

"Well... I mean, fuck aren't you mad?"

"Mad?" He said it almost in disbelief. "I mean, I'm surprised. I kind of thought you hated Samuel."

"I never uh... hated him."


"So what is it then," I asked. "What about... this?"

"I guess...I mean you're beautiful and everything,"

"Uh... thanks."

"No but it's like that saying, for every beautiful woman there's-"

"A man tired of fucking her.."

"Yeah.. and it's not that I'm tired of fucking you, but I can't... I mean there's only so much I can ever come up with in the bedroom. Saying some of the things, acting some of those ways..."

He looked down.

"I mean I want it, but when push comes to shove, when I'm in that moment, I can never find the right words."

"You are doing alright now," I said.

He blushed.

"I know we were both so young. It's just, I mean seeing you with him, that another man wants what I have... especially a guy like Samuel. Well it makes me appreciate you all the more."

I squeezed his wrist.

"I hope that's okay," Billy said, meeting my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I got so carried away with everything. I guess I just wanted to feel sexy. To try new things, new positions, and God the way he talks..."

"You like him, huh?" Billy said eagerly.

"Of course I like him. Everybody likes him, but I never dared show it," I stated the obvious. "It's like he's the cute girl, and I'm pulling his pig tails."

"What did you like about him?"

"He was so strong..."

"What else..."

I cocked my head to look at my husband.

"He had a big dick."

"Yeah, it's so much bigger than mine."

"Does that bother you?"

"No... I want you to take bigger dicks. Tell me how it felt."

"I felt so full. I could barely take it."

"It was bigger than mine. I knew he was."

"He is so much bigger."

He had his hands in his pants again, fondling himself as I talked through how big Samuel felt. I told him about how many orgasms he had given me as he fucked me against the side of the house. My husband seemed particularly hard as I detailed how he pumped every ounce of cum inside of his wife's pussy, giving out a large sigh as he played with himself.

For my part, something seemed almost natural erotic about having Billy in this position, listening to me detail the sordid sexual acts I had performed while I absentmindedly watched him play with his penis.

"It's still there you know..." I said. "He came inside of your wife's pussy."

Inside of my still tingling pussy, I could still feel Samuel. His cum leaked out of the lips of my pussy, clinging to the small tuft of pubic hair above my vagina.

"I know..."

"You know all this talk has gotten me really excited."


"Do you want to fuck me?"

"God yes..."

"You don't mind his cum..."

"Judith... I want it..."

"But you have to cum quickly. I'm so sore."

Something about the thought of his cock rubbing against his friend's semen sent me over the edge. We were at each other in an instance. His dick found my hole already gaping open, his penis entering me so easily.

"You can feel it can't you, honey? Do you feel his cum on your cock?"

"Oh god yes... you're so wet..."

"His cock was sooo big. He filled your wife with so much cum..."

Billy's eyes seemed to roll back in his head. He held me in missionary position, kissing me gently as he worked himself into a familiar pattern. There was something so satisfying about seeing him so submissive, as though he was fulfilling some natural need he was meant to perform. He wanted this as such a basic need of his sexuality. He needed to feel subservient. And after the main attraction earlier, meeting this need seemed so satisfying, like a dessert after a fabulous main course.

"Finish in me, Billy. It will be the second time I've had a man cum in me tonight"

"Oh fuck, oh fuck."

His whole body shook as he dribbled out his second load into me. He pumped a few more times, mixing both of their loads together and then slowed. But he had just gotten me turned on, so close to the edge that I needed more. The idea of not knowing which man's cum was leaking out of me drove me crazy.

As he pulled out, I needed another orgasm.

"Make me cum," I said, reaching up to grab his head.

I don't know whether I pulled him down, or he found his way out of a deep, internal longing, but we synched up perfectly in our desires. He started licking greedily up and down my pussy, tasting every inch, slurping up with his tongue as much of the semen as he could. I didn't dare say anything, it was too shocking at first, but something about it, the act of servile sexuality made my whole body shake.

I knew I was so close to cumming and I screamed out.

"Oh fuck, yes! Taste your best friend's cum, baby. Swallow all of it."

I heard him muffle his assent.

With that my thighs clenched around his head, my body in the throes of another world stopping orgasm. I gave a few shudders as I finished. My pussy barely able to convulse for one last round of pleasure. He came up, and I tasted the salty cum as he kissed my lips before laying his head down on my shoulder.

We held each other in bed, falling into a thoughtless sleep.


We stumbled into the kitchen hearing the sounds of dishes clanging against each other, wearing little more than our underwear. Samuel was singing loudly to himself, wearing his boxer-briefs underneath a very feminine apron.

"Breakfast..." He said confidently. "Then you both can never talk to me again. But please, I've been working on these pancakes for years in the lab."

"What is so special about them?" I said, a little coldly.

"According to the ancient texts, first one must take some bacon... then put it inside the pancakes, macon bacon pancakes"

"Samuel, please..." Billy said.

"Bill, look you know I am sorry. It was entirely my fault. I was drunk, stoned, sad, I can't excuse anything, it won't-"

"Just stop it."

"Billy, I mean it, whatever you want. Take a swing at me, challenge me to pistols at dawn-"


Samuel stopped screwing around with the dishes, suddenly alert.

"Whatever you want, Bill," He said softly. "You're my best friend. All these years, and I fucked it up."

"You didn't, ugh... you didn't fuck it up." Billy rubbed his nose, unable to look at his friend. "Look, we just, we all need to have a talk."

"Sure..." Samuel said.

"Look, boundaries..."

"Right, don't fuck your wife..."

"I didn't say that," Billy said.

Samuel looked completely perplexed.

"Fuck the breakfast, man. Let's talk about this."

"Okay," Samuel said, and we again were all seated on the couch.

"Look, I've always, I guess I've always been a bit jealous of you," Billy said. "I mean, the things you can do, the writing, the songs..."

"All that stuff, it's just being lucky."

"It's not- " Billy said sharply. "You've always been the better man."

"That's bullshit, Bill, and you know it."

"Honey, no one thinks that about you," I said, squeezing his hand.

"I think that about me," Billy said. "I'm just a fucking high school teacher at the same school I graduated from. I just went around full circle, landing exactly where I was."

"It's not like that, dude, those kids..."

"They would be the same with any other teacher...." Billy said. "It's just an excuse, dumping all of my dreams onto the next generation. It's a way of living through them, just like I live through you."

"What are you saying, Billy?" I asked.

"Last night..." He started slowly. "Watching you two together... it made me feel like I really had something. I have you..."

His eyes met mine.

"You do have me," I said.

"But I won't for long, not if things stay the same..."

"What- "

"We're both bored, Judy," He kept going, the words falling out his mouth as if they had been perched there for years, waiting for the opportunity to drop. "We never dated anyone else. We never sewed our wild oats. When we make love... I can't even ask you about anything else you've done, because there is no one else. That's why, when we first slowed down, I started looking at a lot of different cuckolding fantasies. I want you to feel really fulfilled."

"Billy, it's not that I haven't enjoyed sex with you..."

"I know, I know," He said, waving it off. "But it's not like you have fantasized about it a lot lately, have you?"

I stared at the ground.

"I want to be a part of your fantasy, even if I am just masturbating in the corner while a bunch of guys take advantage of you."

"That... that would really turn you on?"

"So much," he said. "There's something about a more dominant man, with a larger dick, I don't know, I thought maybe I was bi or something at first. But now I think it's more than just about being gay or something. It's more about submitting to another man. Knowing that everything I have is his. That he can do whatever he wants with my woman and make me like it."

"So what do you want us to do?" I asked.

"Whatever you want," Billy said.

"I'm really confused here," Samuel said. "If it helps Bill, I've always been more than a little jealous of you and Judy. Rachel and I - I mean we have so many problems, so many fights-"

"But you have incredible sex," Billy shot back. "Come on, you've told me enough details, girls, orgies, dungeons..."

"Empty experiences without the right person," Sam said.

"I have the right person," Billy said. "I just need someone more experienced to show her."

"Wait a second..." I said firmly. "I haven't just signed up to be thrown into a dungeon. How exactly do you expect this to work?"

For a second no one spoke until Billy found his nerve.

"You want to make this up to me? Make it all better for fucking my wife?"

Samuel nodded.

"Then talk to her," He said. "Figure out whatever fantasy she really wants and make it happen tonight."

"Are you sure?" I said.

"I've never wanted to see anything more...."


"You don't have to get naked right away," Samuel said.

We had ventured down past the scant and worn wooden steps, climbing down the beaten white rocks. I was wearing nothing more than a bra and panties, with a towel wrapped around that made it look as though I had nothing else on.

At certain points, I had needed his help to reach another rock as we scaled our way down into the public park. I guess unsurprisingly, we only passed a few people as we walked-- a somewhat pudgy gay couple, unabashedly holding hands as they walked naked through Hippie Hollow's paved path. The way they were so nonchalant about their nudity almost inspired me to strip down right there. But something seemed to hold me back even as we made our way within feet of the water.

Everyone seemed spaced out, some hiding on top of the hill, nestled between the trees. Very few were out in the water though. Even at 75 degrees the lake was too cold to set more than a toe in. A few people were blasting music. I looked around, seeing a naked twenty something girl bouncing around, her small, perky boobs only flashing me for a second before she turned, her ass jiggling up and down as she waded into the water to meet her overeager boyfriend.

"You don't have to do this, you know," Samuel said.

The decision to leave Billy behind had been self-enforced. Despite Samuel's instance, my husband refused on the grounds that he felt unable to control himself nude in public. Looking around, there were certainly a few girls topless that I could see him desiring, but I didn't experience the sort of sexual desire from earlier. Something about this type of exhitionism seemed almost wholesome or innocent compared to the acts of the previous night.

I took off my bra with an absent-minded effort, going through the motions, not thinking about all of the eyes that suddenly could be turned my direction. And as I put the bra down, no one looked, no one gaped, no one did as much as turn their head. It was as if taking off my c-cup bra was of no more interest than drawing breath.

In spite of what I knew intellectually, the lack of attention got to me.

Samuel kept picking up on it.

"Start telling me what's going on in your head," Samuel said.


"Stop pouting," He said sternly. "This isn't what you want."

"It's what I asked to do," I said flatly.

"But it's not what you want," He said. "It's not a big deal... a lot of people don't try anything because they are afraid they won't like it. At least you know you aren't missing out..."


"Let's think of it this way. What excited you about a nude beach?"

"I guess I thought everyone would look at me. I guess I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Stop that," Samuel said. "It took you forty-three years to become so unbelievably drop dead, beyond beautiful to make me break the most sacred bonds of friendship just to fuck you. You are sexier today, trying something new, than ever before...."

Something more than his words convinced me he was right. Yes, I had children, maybe a few extra pounds, but I maintained that tight hourglass figure. Big, beautiful breasts that jutted out evenly, large, puffy perfect circles for nipples. A bouncing, ample ass, and legs that drew the eyes up to where I needed to be seen the most.

I still had it.

I smiled in spite of myself.

"Thanks, Samuel..."

"But it sounds like you expected more attention..." Samuel said. "I know enough about these things from my... travels to say that maybe a nudist place isn't what you really wanted."

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I guess what's the point in being naked if no one's going to notice," I whined.

"No one is going to notice if you don't open your mouth," Samuel said. "Here, come out with me."

A second later he had me shaking my panties down off my legs while he pulled off his blue jeans letting that massive cock dangle out in front of me. I understood in that second why my husband wanted to avoid Hippie Hollow. The urge to simply bend down and start serving him was almost overwhelming.

He laughed, and used his index finger to focus my chin.

"I'm up here baby,"

"Sorry..." I murmured.

"Neither of us are," He said, smiling.

"Hey!" He called out to another couple and started walking towards them.

"Sam!" I hissed. "I can't, I can't possibly talk to anyone like this."

"You're talking to me," He said undeterred.

"That's different..."


"We aren't.. Well we've already been... you know..."

"We've fucked."

"Uh... yeah..."

He sat back down on our rock, patting the towel. I joined him, our naked butts pressed together as he held me in his strong arms.

"So... you want to experience more adventurous sex, but you are still having trouble summoning the courage..." Samuel said. "Well... there's no use wondering about the problem. Just tell me what it is you want to do."

I couldn't believe what I was about to say, so I spun it out so slowly it seemed to annoy him.

"I... want to have sex..." I said.


"With more than just my husband."


"Oh God I'm going to sound like such a slut," I put my hands over my mouth.

"We are past that," Samuel said. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've seen your O face..."


"And it should be used as a tutorial for aspiring adult actresses," Samuel said.


"Tell me," He said.

"Why don't you tell me something?" I tried. " Tell me the sluttiest thing you've ever seen. The sexiest."

"That I've done or seen?" Samuel said.


"Okay, but it'll turn your hair white."

"I'm not that innocent..."


"Don't you already know that?" I said, making light of the obvious.

"I meant before yesterday," He said.

"Even then, Judie Prudie has seen her fair share of porn."

"Tell me your favorite then..."

I hesitated.

"How can I make it happen if you don't tell me?"

"Okay... it was these videos on pornhub, it was really extreme..."

"I dig extreme. Extreme sports, extreme doritos..."

` "They led a girl around the street on a collar. I can't remember if she was naked or wearing something really revealing. I remember people being shocked, staring, then they led her into a bar with a collar. She had to say all sorts of really horrible things..."

"Do tell," Samuel perked up.

"Like I'm a worthless slut, fuck all my holes, cum all over me. Only she had I guess a handler. A woman controlling things who told her to suck this cock or that cock. I'm sure it was staged. But it really gave the illusion that she had absolutely no control over her body."

"It sounds like you enjoyed yourself... thoroughly."

Something about talking so openly about me masturbating made me blush again.

"I did, but once I came, I felt so bad..."

"But you didn't want to stop watching..."

"I did, for a few weeks. Then I watched again. I found another clip. It showed her at the start talking about how she had this fantasy all along. I didn't um.. Make it to the end, not at least without... you know, but I did skip to see what happened at the end."

"Why did you skip to the end?"

Now I was really embarrassed.

"I like to see the cum shots..."

"Why is that?"

He asked so gently, it just made me spill everything out, forgetting that I was nude on a rock in the middle of a public park talking openly about my most perverted sexual desires.

"I don't know, there's just something about knowing that she has pleased the guy. It's not like a woman's body. It's just so easy to see the evidence. But this time, I skipped and again saw her talking about how exciting it was, being spanked, slapped around, used in the most brutal way..."

"And you want that?"

"Sort of, not exactly."

"What didn't you like about it," Samuel asked.

"It just seemed too much..." I said. "I wish... I wish I could have sex like that, being a piece of public property almost, but not treated...

"Like a whore?"

I laughed.

"No, I definitely want to be treated like a whore," I said. "But also with some tenderness. I guess that's what I loved about us being together. You were rough, but gentle at the same time. It was like you encouraged me to explore something new... and God this is so new."

He grabbed my hand.

"I loved it too."

I cocked my head at him, seeing the wheels turning behind those big, beautiful eyes.

"So now that you've looked through my internet history, what are you planning? A public disgrace video?"

"Not quite like that..."

"Don't be a tease."

He took a deep breath, for the first time seeming less than completely confident in what he was about to say.

"Rachel went through a big BDSM fetish for a while," He started.

"Whips, chains, dungeons?" I offered.

"All of the above, now bear with me because this next one begs an explanation, but she, well we, got really into pet play."

"Oh Samuel... you are not literally dicking the dog are you?"

"Nothing like that," He smiled. "More like I'm the dog."

"Explain yourself, young man."