Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 25

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The God Emperor Senses His Heir Within His Mate's Womb.
4.5k words

Part 25 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


1st of Fonic, 9 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

Lalian could feel the beating of his heart as he raced down the corridor at a brisk pace. Having been summoned to the training hall of The Hesian Order, the urgency of the message had been clear enough. Something important had occurred. Something BIG.

He could hardly conceal the twitching of his fingers as he approached the doors, nodding to the guards as they allowed him through. His own contingency of warriors would have to remain outside, though there would be very little danger for an advisor of The God Emperor in the very heart of The Empire's elite order of assassins.

"Welcome, Lord Lalian. The Grand Master has been expecting you for some time." One of the masked women greeted him as he entered, clearly positioned to wait for his arrival inside the otherwise empty chamber.

"I apologize, there is much to be done on the upper levels of The Grand Pyramid. Please, lead the way." He responded, burying his nervous hands beneath his dark green cloak.

The woman merely nodded in response, turning to depart towards the entrance of the lower levels of The Order's domain. Together they slowly descended the stairs, plunging into one of the many corridors that ran beneath the ground of Domani.

Only by passing the many offshoots leading to personal quarters did they finally reach the end of the long corridor, the passage abruptly ending at a door carved of solid black wood.

Rather than knocking, Lalian was perplexed to see his guide tap her finger quite loudly upon the door in several places, as if communicating some unknown code. It took hardly more than a few seconds before the lock on the door unhinged, revealing Hesin himself as he pulled open the door.

"Aww, my good friend Lalian..." He said from behind his unnerving mask, granting his voice a barely noticeable metallic twinge. His single remaining eye then shifted to the guide with a slight glare. "Leave us."

The woman obeyed, bowing her hooded head respectfully before her long elegant legs carried her away. Hesin simply retreated into the room, leaving the door open as an invitation.

Lalian mustered his courage and stepped inside, realizing that the chamber contained a small office. A desk of carved stone sat in the center, while shelves of various weapons lined the walls. Though the room was hardly adorned by anything other than items roughly related to The Order, the desk held a single tiny pedestal in one of its four corners, displaying what appeared to be a small piece of bone that presumably originated from a finger or toe.

He nearly gasped when, out of the corner of his eye, one of the female assassins began to stride away from her position besides the door. She had been so utterly still, blanketed only by the dim light of candles that he hadn't noticed her presence.

Hesin took his seat while the woman casually sat down on the desk, moving as if she were a deadly predator.

"I believe I have some pleasing news for you, Lanthian." The Grand Master said as he placed his hand onto the woman's thigh. "It regards our fair Xenia."

Lalian's heart fluttered at the name, bringing a quick scowl to his green lips. "What of her? Have you discovered anything solid?"

"Solid indeed." Hesin replied, and Lalian could almost hear his smile beneath his mask. "After all this time...she has allowed herself to slip."


Hesin patted the woman's leg. "What you see here is the downfall of a devious concubine who should have known her place. In all honesty, I had begun to wonder if you had misplaced your judgment in requesting my assistance, yet now I can hardly complain of the effort I had believed to be wasted while keeping an eye on her."

The nervous fidgeting of his hands remained hidden beneath his cloak, yet nothing could quiet his uneasy eagerness until he knew exactly what had been observed. "Hurry to the point...shall we have our victory?"

The single eye squinted. "Undoubtedly. She has observed Xenia plotting to assassinate her fellow Concubine Empress." He said with a nod towards the assassin.

The words had barely left Hesin's lips before Lalian's stress began to ease, opening a satisfied grin across his face. "Thank The Creator...the whore shall fall!" He said, though his expression quickly faded once more. "Though, hold a moment, what proof do we possess besides the word of an assassin?"

"She is a trusted member of this Order." Hesin replied, perhaps more defensively than he had intended. "Her word is truth enough, and coming from my lips the claim will be undeniable. There is a reason The God Emperor initiated the creation of our Order, little Lanthian."

"Maybe so, yet turning his holiness against one of his closest lovers will require quite a substantial amount of evidence, regardless of your word or not." Lalian said as his calculating mind ran through the possible scenarios. "Hypothetically if we are unable to convince him of her guilt, we may be discrediting ourselves in the process. That will NOT do."

The assassin chuckled lightly, her form on brilliant display beneath her revealing robe. "And if Princess Vixin herself supports our claims?"

Lalian met her eyes beneath her mask. "Her...own daughter? Why on Ayphieal would-"

"Because she was there." Hesin explained. "In person, standing beside her mother as she admitted to the murder of Briza."

Taken aback, Lalian met his gaze. "Briza? Are you...certain?"

"Do you believe I'd discredit my own assassins by delivering you false information? Yes, it appears that our little healer has been quite busy. What's more, her personal slave is a prime candidate for interrogation, as she is just as involved as her mistress. The other...well, we won't see much of her again."

Lalian's eyes drifted to the floor as he pondered the words. "Briza...what a shame."

"You have led us to an enemy of The Empire, Lord Lalian. Come now, you should celebrate your service to The God Emperor." Hesin said with a harsh chuckle. "The whore will be exposed, and this Order will once again prove our value. I suppose a thank you is in order, as you did lead us in the correct direction."

"Yes...I suppose." Lalian said. "Shall we inform his Holiness?"

"Momentarily. I shall prepare an official statement of our discoveries. In the meantime, rest easy. This matter will be over before the next moon."

Lalian slowly nodded, entirely hoping that he was correct.

19th of Fonic, 9 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

The warmth of the day meant little to Dominax, seated beneath a large canopy atop The Grand Pyramid. Settled near the edge of the construction site, he remained seated upon a curved cushion that held both himself and Irith. They remained together, watching the loyal followers tirelessly work on the pointed fortress. Though only two thirds completed, they sat high above the rooftops of Domani. The surrounding area stretched on for miles and miles beneath them, leaving nothing hidden at such a height.

The true scope of the massive structure already lay FAR beyond what any human had seen, nearly a city in its own right. The complex techniques and tools required to move such colossal blocks of pure stone to the top of the pyramid could only be possible in this era, each one having sprung from Lalian's unmatched mind.

Two slaves stood beside the cushion, both waving large fans to cool the royal couple. Dominax would of course remain at an optimal temperature beneath his one-suit, though Irith's thin skirt left her fair skin little protection from the heat.

The guards remained, of course, separating their ruler from the very followers who had devoted their lives to him. His Arkos would-be assassins had themselves claimed loyalty to him, and thus a single thought back to his near brush with death was more than justification for such overbearing protection.

Dominax closed his eyes, gently laying his hand onto Irith's bare stomach. Though only a fifth of the way through her pregnancy, a tiny bump had already begun to form in her normally toned midriff.

"My love, is it not too early to tell?" She asked with a hint of concern, placing her own hands atop his.

"Hush." Was his only response, focusing to delve deeper into the ethereal realm. He had waited long enough, eager to assess his potential heir.

His senses retreated into his mind, seeping beneath reality to feel the unborn child's spirit. The paternal lines linking his soul to theirs was unsurprisingly present, confirming what he had never bothered to question. Yet...there was something else within his awareness, as if...

Dominax chuckled with satisfaction.

"What?" Irith asked, unable to hide the subtle concern in her voice. "Is the baby alright? It's cruel to keep a mother waiting, you know that?"

"Babies, my love." He explained with a deep grin, sensing the second closely linked paternal line. "You're carrying twins."

"Twins?" She gasped, unconsciously squeezing his hand. The immediate rush of joy quickly damped as a bittersweet memory of Enil flowed through her mind, unable to forget her twin. "By The Creator...I should have suspected..."

His mind delved deeper, penetrating the consciousness of the two infants in her womb. "A boy...and a girl."

The realization couldn't have been better, yet the most important factor remained deeper still. Clenching his eyes, he felt their power, tasting it for himself.

"Yes...very good..." he chuckled, touching the minds of both future Prince and Princess. He could feel the utter power radiating through them, pushing back against his own. "They are quite powerful, my love, even surpassing my expectations. You've done well..."

Before she could respond he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. She could nearly taste his satisfaction, breathing in his royal scent.

"You've produced truly worthy children for my throne, my love." He said as their lips parted. Any worry of yet another disappointment washed away, replied only by bubbling desire towards a mate whose womb was entirely his.

"They are ours, my lo- oohhh..." she moaned as his hand began to slide down from her belly, easily sliding beneath her skirt. She felt his strong hand slither between her womanly thighs, his fingers more than familiar with their target.

"If you could only sense their power yourself..." he breathed as his digits slowly teased her. "Your body is capable of wonders..."

With a light chuckle she pulled him closer, pressing her tongue against his own as her motherly urges boiled with each gentle stroke of his probing fingers. One slipped inside, feeling her wetness.

Upon seeing the quickly unfolding desires before them, the two slaves quickly and silently deemed which of them would receive the honor of serving their master on this night, as the other continued to fan the couple with the knowledge that her own time wouldn't be far off.

Irith moaned, pressing her lips to his neck as the slave sat down besides the couple. "I am love, in all ways..."

"Then let us enjoy our union...for we have created Gods in their own right." He replied, already pulling her onto his lap. She let out a playful giggle, her accent only complimenting her beauty.

The slave girl kneeled beside them on the cushion, obediently waiting after removing her top. Irith settled in, her back pressed against Dominax's capable chest. He grabbed her legs, parting then for all onlookers to see.

The countless workers watched in awe, enjoying the divine honor of observing his Holiness's pleasure. They slowly ceased their work, gathering around the couple while remaining an obedient distance from the guards.

Irith blushed at their devoted gazes, her skirt covering nothing as Dominax pulled it aside. The vagina that would birth the next God Emperor or Empress remained on full display, a true gift for them to see.

Eager to preform her duty, the slave carefully reached under and unfastened the groin slit of Dominax's one-suit, her gentle hand easing his hardening cock from its den.

Slowly, the young woman lined up his manhood with Irith's snug tunnel, wishing every passing second that she were in her place. He slid himself inside, feeling the warm embrace of her young body.

A groan escaped Irith's lips as he entered, her womanhood craving his length. The followers dropped to their knees, bowing at the privilege of being allowed to witness their God mate.

Pushing in and out, he slowly began to thrust up into her with aching satisfaction. Fertilizing such a perfect female as Irith had finally produced the results he sought.

She whimpered on his cock, sliding up and down. His sperm had granted her the family she had always desired, sending her feminine instincts into overload.

The slave gently ran her hands over his body, as if worshiping his form. In return he reached over, taking her breast lightly in his grip. As his hips moved, he rubbed her sensitive nipple, causing her to clench her legs shut in arousal.

His free hand was placed firmly on Irith's midriff, sensing the children inside. They were heirs to his bloodline, to all he had created. A grunt of pure lust pushed past his lips, his seed eager to sire further offspring. Only time would tell which would be worthy to inherit his throne, yet the choices were MORE than adequate.

Irith's nurturing breasts juggled lightly with each movement of her body, her pretty cheeks blushing hard at such a public display. Dominax may be quite experienced with open displays of lust, though their mutual sessions had for the most part been private.

His hand upon the slave began to move, sliding downwards until it found her lower lips. The girl moaned loudly, her passion to please her master consuming her being.

Slowly he snuck inside her vagina, a single finger exploring her insides. Relying on countless hours of pure experience he quickly located her most sensitive area, tapping lightly and forcing her hips to unconsciously buck against his hand as if she were an animal in heat.

It took little more than a few minutes before Irith achieved her climax, clenching down hard as her strong legs quivered. To appear so submissive to her mate, to have her womb and body claimed by him in every proved to be too much.

Dominax endured her orgasm, his hand remaining on her belly. He had made their young mother cum on his cock, the thought only fueling his passions.

Gasping from her heightened pleasure, Irith increased her pace as she rode his manhood with intensity. Up and down she bounced, her vagina eagerly accepting his size with each thrust.

Dominax nodded to the slave, allowing her to press in closer. Turning his head, their lips pressed together, enjoying the sweet sensation of another female even as he made love to his Concubine Empress. The young woman trapped his hand between her somewhat tanned thighs, begging him to never cease his finger's attention.

The silky walls of the slave's vagina were heavenly, and he couldn't wait for the day when he'd finally choose her to breed. There were many women to choose from each day, though he held absolutely no doubt that this particular female would soon fall pregnant with his child in the days to come.

Her savory juices leaked over his hand as she achieved her peak, all while Irith furiously moved up and down. The world was slipping away, and she no longer gave any mind towards the onlookers as she simply basked in the bliss of their sex.

Out of the corner of his eye Dominax watched as a member of The Hesian Order emerged from within the pyramid, only to be stopped by the guards. In respect she made no move to interrupt, instead handing a single message cylinder to the nearest guard before departing.

"F...finish inside..." Irith nearly begged, her blue eyes closed to push all distraction from her mind. "Grant my womb your love...for it bears your legacy..."

The crowd began a low chant of worship, remaining on their knees as their voices gradually increased in volume.

Dominax was keenly aware that he was approaching his limit, his cock begging to cum. His hand remained unmoving upon her pregnant belly, shifting nearly all of his focus onto the new life beneath his fingers. The thought that he had knocked up such a gorgeous female shot shivers of satisfaction throughout his entire being, his primal urges proving to be too much.

His hips began to buck as he finished, an intense orgasm ripping through his body. Spurt after spurt of his holy seed gushed into her vagina, causing her to laugh with joy as her desire was fulfilled.

Their loins remained locked together for a long moment, until a thunderous cheer erupted from the crowd as his spent cock finally slipped out from her grip. They watched the seed of their God Emperor drip in thick, potent drops from her pregnant vagina.

The slave shuttered, hardly able to pull herself away from him as her body screamed in protest.

As the royal couple remained still to catch their breaths, Dominax lazily waved for the guard to approach. She obeyed, presenting him the message cylinder as his cock continued to ache in bliss.

"You may your duties...!" He commanded, watching as the crowd slowly began to disperse to resume their work. He savored each of Irith's deep breaths, holding her close to him as he held up the cylinder.

Atop the cylinder sat the engraving of The Hesian Order, while a secondary symbol indicated only one order: "For The God Emperor's Eyes Only."

24th of Fonic, 9 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

"Quite beautiful indeed." Xenia said with a satisfied smirk, studying the coin she held.

Both she and Dominax walked along the coastline, surrounded by a contingency of royal guards that formed a protective barrier around the couple. Though the evening was temperate as the sun began its long descent towards the horizon, a fairly cool humidity hung in the air, a lingering remnant of a recent tropical storm that had swept through the lower areas of The Human Basin. In response, Xenia wore a thin black shroud that fluttered nearly weightless around her enchanting curves.

"Our first imperial standard, or simply a new iteration by the metalworkers?" She asked as she flipped over the coin. Made of white chimira-steel, the face of the metal disk presented a simplified portrait of Dominax himself. Now turned over, she learned that its backside held the crescent moon symbol of House Vaid.

"The design is adequate to be implemented as our official currency." Dominax answered as they slowly walked along the beach of the river. His white cloak flowed over the reddish sand, the soft surface still somewhat damp. "There will be no further iterations, only a single design across the entirety of The Empire."

"That may be quite an adjustment for some." Xenia said, almost absent minded as she gently rubbed the surface of the coin with her thumb. A deep ache of ambition crept through her core, satisfied by the small depiction of her mate. "Yet it's only right that they hold the image of their savior wherever they go, to see your face and crest when they purchase the goods that our stability provides them."