Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 24

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The Empire's Future Is Sired, And Schemes Are Carried Out.
5.4k words

Part 24 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


18th of Thriduin, 9 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

A slight hiss escaped the doorway of the Pod as its metal surface slid open, sending a chill creeping down Vixin's back as she peered into its dark depths. Fully settled into the heart of The Grand Pyramid and incorporated into the very structure itself, The Chamber of Deliverance, as the former pod was now officially named, hadn't accepted another being into its depths besides The God Emperor in years.

Taking a single step inside the chamber she released a breath, finally returning to the site of her Vaidimation. Now fourteen, the second born princess of House Vaid was quickly developing into the beauty that many predicted she'd become. Her hair reached just below her elegant chin, loosely fluttering at the gentlest breeze and as dark as her father's. Her silver eyes studied the chamber, its curved walls blanketed in an oppressive darkness that seemed to swallow her as she ventured forth.

" summoned me?"

"Indeed, my child, approach." The powerful voice of The God Emperor echoed from the far side of the room.

She began to take several steps forwards, only to come to a stop in the center as her father emerged from the shadows. Dressed in his full armor stood the man who had protected and provided for her, though ultimately kept his distance throughout her short life. Vixin couldn't help but bite her lip nervously as he studied her, for what could he possibly want from her? Why show interest now, after so many years of cold questioning and distant acknowledgements?

Slowly he circled her, his arms folded in contemplation. "You've grown much these last few years. Matured, I think, as much as a Princess raised in comfort and safety can mature."

"Thank lord." She nearly whispered, keenly aware of his assessing gaze that studied every inch of her.

"Yet it is not your physical being that holds importance. Aside from the advantages that your beauty grants you, as your mother has taught you well, it is what lies beneath that grants you the majority of your value. Beneath the veil of our physical reality."

Vixin felt a slight blush play across her pretty cheeks, though she remained silent.

"You've seen the power that our bloodline possesses...yet you've never truly tasted it for yourself."

"I'd like to, my lord...but Cendra has already surpassed me. I can hardly conjure a trickle of power before my-"

Dominax came to a stop in front of her before he held up his hand." Your sister's power is strong indeed, yet her skill lies more in the material world. She enhances her movements, her strength, her prowess. All are valid uses of our blood's abilities, yet what I sense in you delves deeper."

"Deeper, father?"

An insidious grin spread across his face as his silver eyes narrowed. He clasped his hands behind his back, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial pitch. "What magnificent potential I sense in you. If I can coax forth your power, if you can learn to harness your abilities...what a goddess of order you may become..."

"You'd...teach me?" Vixin asked, a flutter racing through her heart at the prospect.

"Of course, child, you shall serve The Empire well. Show me now, demonstrate that you are worthy of my teachings."

As her eyes slightly widened, she nervously glanced up at him. "Right lord? not accustomed to-"

"Now, Vixin." He commanded with no hint of negotiation. "I must sense your focus, your drive to seize the power of your birthright!"

She took a shaky breath, nodding obediently as she parted her lithe legs to adopt a firmer stance. Then, holding her hands outwards at her sides, she closed her eyes to concentrate.

Dominax watched with curiosity as her expression grew tense, sensing her power gathering throughout the young Princess's ethereal being. Little changed in the material world for several moments, until like a burning web thin trickles of electricity poured from her fingertips and onto the floor.

A strained whine escaped her delicate lips, unable to maintain her concentration for more than a few moments before the energy began to dissipate and die.

Silently, he watched her maturing body attempt to regain her breath, reaching up to stroke his beard in contemplation.

"W..well my lord?"

Dominax nodded in satisfaction. "For your age and lack of proper training, you are more than adequate. Yet now child, you shall feel the power that you may one day strive to achieve."

Vixin watched as he raised his hands, hardly able to release a gasp before arcs of power erupted from her father's fingertips and crashed into her, sending her seizing body sliding backwards across the smooth surface of the chamber floor.

Her world was consumed by pain, convulsing upon the floor as her muscles refused to obey her orders. Fourteen years of life hadn't granted her an agony comparable to The God Emperor's power, leaving her barely conscious as the remnants of the blast of power slowly faded away.

Carefully he approached, towering over her limp form. "Take heed child, for this path both much as it takes away. You may become a being of value, or you may succumb." He said, releasing a weary breath that reduced his harsh tone to a smirk. "What you have felt is but a fraction of the power I may bring to bear, a power that you must crave. In time you shall learn to defend against such attacks, yet for now simply bask in the pain and yearn for its source."

"Yes...ahh...father..." she managed to whisper, fighting to hold back tears of pain that threatened to well in her eyes.

"There shall be no more of that, child. I shall always be your father, yet from this moment onwards, I am your master."

"I...understand..." she groaned, slowly regaining control over her fingers as the lingering sensation of pain gradually wore away. "...master..."

"Then your first lesson begins now, my apprentice. Remain here and savor the sensation of your fall. Let your body memorize the pain, for it is the very agony that you shall one day inflict upon the enemies of The Empire." He said, turning to make his way towards the door. There would be no need to send for a healer, as the small blast would leave nothing more than various bruises.

"Interesting..." Dorian's voice quietly echoed inside Dominax's mind as he pressed his hand against the door sensor. "Hardly an apprentice yourself...yet you feel knowledgeable enough to teach? Be mindful of your boy."

Gritting his teeth, Dominax ignored the remark and sealed the chamber behind him.

34th of Thriduin, 9 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

"I want to sleep..." Nafalya mumbled lightly as her eyes began to flutter. Resting her head against her mother's breast, the eight-year-old princess's breathing was nearly quiet enough to not be heard in the calm darkness of her personal quarters.

Lying in bed with her child, Irith gently ran her fingers through Nafalya's long black hair. "I know, we're almost done. Come, let us practice one more time."

The young girl let out a sigh as Irith once more held up the thin slab of wood with her free hand. Though carefully carved, the engraved image merely depicted a simple albeit stylized version of Ayphieal and its eight moons, each orbiting their world in a perfect unified circle.

"Fine..." Nafalya huffed, sitting up. She pointed from one moon to the next, beginning at the top and moving clockwise. "Onis, Twic, Thriduin, Fonic, Fixuin...uhh..."

"There's no rush, calm your mind and try to remember." Irith said with a patient smile.

"'s Silla! That one is Silla." Nafalya said before continuing her list. "Next is Senin, then Iahta."

Irith laid the slab to her side and wrapped the princess in a tight embrace with both arms. "Fantastic! My little Princess learns quickly."

Nafalya relaxed against Irith once again, rotating in her tight embrace to press her cheek to the soft skin of her mother's chest. "Can I sleep now?"

"If you can tell me why our months are named after our moons." She replied with a chuckle.

"Because they...spin around us?" The princess answered, allowing her eyes to fall shut.

"They orbit, my child, moving in a rotation as consistent as night and day." Irith explained, repeating teachings that were as old as the world itself. "The moon highest in the sky at midday marks the new month, every fifty days like a brilliant universal clock."

The only response came as a light breathing, as it was clear that Nafalya had drifted into an exhausted sleep. Irith simply chuckled, leaning down to grant her a kiss upon the top of her head. "Alright my little Princess, we can continue later. Rest well." For indeed they would continue tomorrow. Dominax desired a capable heir, and Irith was determined to deliver in whatever way she could.

She remained with her daughter for several minutes before carefully sliding out from underneath her and gently tucking her into bed, placing her hand onto the girl's small cheek. The rest of the world mattered little, for her own world lay sleeping calmly before her. It took a long moment before she finally mustered the will to pull away.

A quick glance towards the far end of the room was all she needed to know that Nafalya was safe, for in a corner draped by darkness sat an assassin of The Hesian Order, silently watching and prepared to ambush any who entered the Princess's chamber without permission.

Irith granted a nod of trust towards the concealed woman before finally turning to leave.

She had expected to encounter her own guards standing patiently outside the door, yet instead she was met only by the presence of Dominax. Before she could even react, he quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a deep kiss.

" love!" She said in surprise when they had separated, held firmly against his chest.

He pulled her in for a second kiss, then a third, before pressing his lips to her ear in a low whisper. "I was listening, my love. You are so great with her..."

Irith chuckled as she felt his forceful hands travel down to grope her rump, concealed only beneath the thin fabric of her silky skirt. "Dominax...where are the guards?"

"They're just around the corner." He explained, his breath hot as his other hand slid along her outer thigh. "I wish only for you in this moment."

A deep gasp passed playfully between her lips as his fingers traced beneath her skirt and made contact with the sensitive valley between her legs. "D..Dominax..."

"You're such a good mother to my child..." he nearly moaned, beginning to feel a slight dampness on his fingertips as he prodded. "I want you love. In the truest fashion, no pulling out. I shall fill your womb once more..."

"You're...ahhh...ready for another, my love? You'd grant me a second child?"

A flare of utter desire coursed through him, causing him to nibble at her neck. "My seed shall be buried deeper than in any slave...House Vaid shall have its fifth member..."

Irith groaned with lust, and it took every ounce of her willpower to pull back to face him. " love, though not here. If we are to conceive once shall not be in a corridor..."

For a moment he was taken aback, unaccustomed to having his orders defied. "Then where, my little concubine? Name it and I shall toss you over my shoulder."

Irith shook her head. "Do not rush, not a moment such as this. If you truly love me...wait until tomorrow's nightfall. You will find me in our chambers...where I'll be prepared..."

Dominax considered her request, his fingers nearly digging into her ass. Finally, he relented. "Very well, if that is your wish. It is a request I shall ONLY make for you, for I will use my slaves whenever I desire."

Irith smirked, though leaned in to kiss him a final time. "I am not one of your slaves, my love. The wait will be more than worthwhile."


As the sun began to set below the horizon the following day, Dominax could nearly feel his blood boiling. The squabbling of citizens eager to present their issues at the foot of his throne had been little more than an irritating distraction throughout the day, for his thoughts never drifted far from what awaited him.

The prospect of a second child with Irith was one that came with certain dangers, though ultimately the possibilities were impossible to ignore for much longer. To sire another full member of House Vaid would always come with a risk of endangering the dynasty. To breed a slave? Of course, he could fill as many with his seed as his heart desired. But to sire a child of legitimacy? A Vaidimated individual of true value? There were already three potential heirs to the Throne, three powerful silver eyed children who would require an adequate position within The Empire, or else he risked the possibility of infighting.

His children were at once priceless assets, and dangerous obstacles that he'd have to carefully maneuver. Vaidimate too many of them, and his dream of a strong, unified Empire could burn away in a war of lightning and fire.

Yet...the words of Dorian could not be ignored. A conception between Dominax and Irith held the potential to sire a being of enormous power, one that would be certain to lead The Empire to prosperity long after they were gone. Nafalya...was a disappointment to be sure, though what of her potential siblings?

Dominax was committed to his decision, his body burning with arousal as he marched down the many winding corridors of The Grand Pyramid. He could nearly feel Irith's womb growing closer, her eggs hungering for his sperm.

Reaching the entrance of his temporary royal quarters he ignored the guards as they bowed, brushing past them to wrench open the large doors.

The chamber inside was quiet, illuminated by candles made of Ritalis wax that burned a deep red. The main centerpiece of the room was the bed, where his Concubine Empress patiently waited for his return while various colorful petals littered her bare skin and concealed her most intimate areas. She eyed him as he entered, as if a seductress in search of prey.

"Welcome, my lord...." She said, her gaze drawing him in.

Slowly he began to approach, stripping his armor off piece by indestructible piece. "The wait is more than forgiven for a sight such as this."

Running a finger over her hip, her gaze flared with desire as he stripped away his one-suit. Her eyes dropped to the cock that would soon breed her, fully erect with anticipation. "Come, I need you, my love. I must feel that perfection inside me..."

Dominax smirked in response, for all these years later her ever lingering accent only continued to compliment her unworldly beauty. He mounted the bed near her legs, placing his hand onto her thigh. A quiver ran through her at his touch, her skin tingling with lust.

With a single finger she reached up, pushing aside the petals dotted around her breasts with agonizing slowness. More and more bare skin of her mounds was revealed, before finally she brushed aside the petals concealing her erect nipples.

He followed her lead, sweeping aside petals from her lower half as he made his way closer towards her groin. Each second felt as though it were an eternity, as she carefully parted her legs. With a few final brushes of his finger, her flawless womanhood was completely exposed to him.

With his thumb he lightly stroked her labia as if appraising a magnificent sculpture. It was the vagina that had granted him Nafalya, and would soon grant him a truly worthy heir.

Irith bit her lip, hardly able to contain herself as she rested her trembling hands upon her breasts. "My love...please, take me. I need you...I want your cock to fuck me until I'm pregnant..."

Dominax moved in, holding himself above her as he gazed until her eyes. "Have no doubt of that, my love. Your womb is mine."

Pressing forwards he began to sink his cock into her vagina, savoring each tiny flicker of pleasure in her eyes as her lips parted in a deep moan. Her legs spread further, inviting him in as if begging to give herself to him.

Inch by inch he pushed until he had reached her inner depths, receiving a groan of utter satisfaction from his mate. His cock tingled within her tunnel, nearly dripping with potent desire.

His hips began to move, thrusting with slow, deep movements. Her hand reached up to cup his face, peering into his silver eyes with devotion. Her body craved his touch, hungering to please him.

"Gods you're big..." Irith moaned, pulling him to her lips. She tasted his scent, the musk of a God Emperor.

Their loins burned with the consuming urge to breed, unable to focus on anything other than each other's body. She pressed her forehead against his, basking in the sensation of his thick cock.

Her womanhood gripped his cock with each movement, yearning to coax his seed. The countless nights they had spent together over the years weren't quite comparable to their current entwinement, for there would be no spilling of sperm. Where in the past they had simply satisfied each other's sexual needs, tonight could only end with a new baby in her belly. The raw, intense sensation of conception enraptured their minds, tangled together in a mix of mutual passion.

He had pounded himself into untold numbers of slaves and various women as if he were an animal in heat, yet now he simply retained his composure and pushed in and out of her in a lovingly slow rhythm.

There was no need to rush, to crash into her with a fury that would leave her screaming. His hips rocked her body steadily, sliding against her inner walls and caressing her cervix firmly.

To be filled so completely forced whimpers of aching joy from her lips, surrendering entirely to his use. Emotion churned inside her core, truly understanding the definition of lovemaking as their passions clashed. She was his, both in body and mind.

His hand ventured to her breast, cupping it as if it were a priceless piece of art, for indeed it was. The perfect mixture of size and firmness, the round orb beneath his grip exemplified everything wonderful of the female form. Young, fertile, nurturing, there could be no greater creature on all of Ayphieal than a female ready to breed.

Irith crept her elegant arms around his neck, holding him closely as her vagina begged for his cum. Each steady movement flared the intoxicating sensation of their interlocked loins, fulfilling their biological purpose.

"Grant me my heir..." he groaned, his lips brushing lightly against her ear.

Her embrace tightened in response, wishing to hold him close for eternity. "Of love, our child...shall be as perfect as Nafalya..."

"Better..." Dominax corrected in a firm tone, feeling his tip press hard against her inner limits with each thrust. "He shall legacy..."