Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 15

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To Become A King, A Chief Offers Dominax His Mate.
4.9k words

Part 15 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


25th of Onis, 1 BVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

A slight breeze tugged gently at Irith's skirt as she walked beside Dominax, strolling along the outside of The Grand Pyramid. The colossal structure's angled walls towered over them despite being less than a quarter of the way completed.

Having allowed Irith to wear clothing that recreated her original outfit in white chimira silk, the thin fabric complimented her flawless form as they walked together, surrounded by guards in a circular formation. Such outings from her spacious cell had become more consistent, granting her brief periods of partial freedom.

"Have you considered my offer?" Dominax asked, gazing up at the distant Chimira starship of The Creator, its form remaining utterly still as its surface was pummeled by fragile clouds. Over a year had passed since his enlightenment of the fact of his father's death yet he could not help but feel unsettled each time he gazed upon the unreachable vessel, aware that his citizens did not suspect that their true God lay rotting aboard.

"Of course, you do not grant me a day where you do not ask." Irith replied, clasping her hands behind her back as she moved. Though her voice continued to drip with the accent of Northern Human Nobility, her skill in the language of Vaidrin had increased considerably.

"Oh? Then I suppose it annoys you to be brought out here, bombarded with questions as you are granted fresh air?" Dominax asked with a chuckle, cradling his helmet crown in his left arm.

"Those were not my words. thankful for the freedom, limited as it is." Irith replied begrudgingly, and Dominax remarked to himself how he could never have expected such words from her two years ago. "You've explained the potential of our...offspring...yet many questions remain."

Dominax nearly pounced onto her at the mention of offspring, nearly tore away her revealing clothing with the intent to ravish her. Instead, he simply refocused his attention to a nearby passing palm tree, banishing the thought from his mind. "Do you doubt that I speak the truth?"

Irith shook her head. "Not quite. I have no doubt that you may lie to me when it suits you, yet my..." she began, searching for the correct word in her new language. "...misgivings fall elsewhere. This...southern tradition, these har..harims? The concept is foreign to me."

"Ah, harems." Dominax corrected. "Your people pair each other as bondmates, yet we are not nearly as exclusive as to only possess a single mate."

"My point exactly, a bondmate is for life, while you southerners hold multiple women. You cannot ask me a slave! A mere tool for breeding."

"A slave? Oh, you shall be MUCH more than that, Irith. You shall be my concubine, a primary mate." Dominax explained with a hint of pride.

"Your foreign titles..." she muttered, each stride flexing her long feminine legs. "A slave is a slave, regardless of their name."

Dominax shook his head with a chuckle. "Would you truly expect me to waste my time speaking to you if I desired a simple slave? No, a concubine is worth FAR more than you believe. Though a man's harem may possess any number of slaves and concubines, only the children of concubines may be considered legitimate, inheritors of their father's legacy."

The effect of his words seemed to ease her resistance a small amount, comforted by the fact that her children would not be as disposable as she previously believed. "Oh? Why such callousness towards the offspring of slaves?"

"An individual who allows themselves to be enslaved displays their weakness, and thus, offspring of their blood are lesser." Dominax explained in a firm voice as the sounds of construction continued to echo from the pyramid.

Unwilling to argue the point she merely shook her head. "Such an utterly bizarre land."

"Yet it is a land your descendants may one day rule." Dominax replied, redirecting the discussion to his original question. "You know the consequences of what I offer, the power that you would possess at my side."

Irith picked at her fingernail with her thumb, an unconscious tick that tended to occur as she receded deeper into contemplation. "Power? You should know by now that such a thing is irrelevant to me." She said, weighing his words. The subtle awareness that the guards behind her would undoubtedly be gazing at her rear meant nothing to her as she walked with a fortitude that hinted little at her inner turmoil.

"For now, yet power comes in many forms. For example, stability. Do you believe that you shall find a single existence on Ayphieal more secure than a life as my concubine?" Dominax asked, turning his head to her as they walked. His eyes narrowed, gambling with his next words. "Surely Enil would have wished for you to be safe, would he not?"

Her lips tightened, slowing her pace slightly.

When she didn't respond, Dominax concealed a grin. "Ah, but such thoughts can be saved for another day. Take your time, as I shall grant you one year to decide your fate. At the end, if you should make the error of wishing to leave, I shall allow you to return to Harin. Such is my word."

12th of Twic, 1 BVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Tarin.

"What could possibly be taking that infernal woman so long?" High-Chief Girnax asked as he paced about the small meeting room nestled inside The Main Keep of Tarin.

"Aye, she's The God King's woman. Such words should be kept inside, lest you risk bringing his wrath down upon us all." High-Chief Foin protested with visible caution. He had placed himself in one of the intricately carved chairs neatly tucked into the moderately sized table seated in the center of the room. Beside him rested High-Chief Voris, a man far older than either of his younger 'companions'. The old man let out a snort of agreement, leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed.

The door shot open, allowing Xenia to stroll into the room wearing her typical smirk. Salduin stood directly behind her, his large frame towering over her as he sealed the door behind them.

"Ah, are we to finally be free of our anticipation?" Girnax asked slyly, granting the pair a sarcastic bow. "One can hardly contain themselves when waiting to meet The God King's woman."

"Careful of your tone." Salduin stated bluntly, folding his muscular arms.

Xenia's seductive hips swayed as she approached the table, claiming a seat of her own. "Apologies, our inspection of Tarin could not be rushed."

High Chief Voris bowed his head as he jostled himself fully awake, displaying the respect he would have granted any of his guests, regardless of the hostile circumstances that had brought them all together. "Lady Xenia, the people of Tarin are honored to host this..." He began, attempting to recall the word The God King's messenger had used. "...diplomatic summit."

Xenia turned her head to Salduin. "You see? Some beings still possess the capacity to be cordial after a defeat." She chuckled, ignoring a lustful glance from Foin as she turned to address the gathered rulers. "Well gentlemen, you are in quite a unique position."

Salduin remained standing beside Xenia's chair, glancing at the High-Chiefs with little interest. He would not have come if Dominax hadn't ordered him to, evidently uncertain of sending regular guards to protect his beloved concubine in the presence of conquered vassals.

Girnax continued to pace, scowling. "And what position might that be?"

"Your God King brings an offer." Xenia replied, eyeing the defiant man like a female Avidion hunting her prey. "It is no secret that nearly all High-Chiefdoms bordering The Northern Human Kingdoms now lay under the rule of Vaidrin."

Voris held up a withered finger. "With the exception of Pir and Niria. They continue to resist you." The old man commented, as if testing Xenia.

"They resist US. Do not forget where your loyalties now lay." She responded, pursing her lips seductively. "They resist our inevitable conquest, just as you three once did less than a year ago. Yet it is not their inevitable defeat that we must discuss, but rather, the consequences of their defeat."

"Such as?" Foin asked.

A smirk spread across her face. "We are on the verge of a metamorphosis, of a human empire..."

A range of reactions overtook their faces, culminating in Voris waving his hand in dismissal. "There has never been such a thing in all of our history."

Xenia nodded knowingly. "You speak the truth, yet its creation nears. As plans to invade Pir and Niria are being formed, God King Dominax has expressed his intentions to finally crown himself Emperor of his lands."

Girnax chuckled without humor. "It appears that gruesome conquests truly pay off in the end. I wonder if he'll think of the innocents that were murdered for such a crown."

"Some might take those words as treason." Salduin remarked, placing his hand on the hilt of his hammer.

Xenia laid a calming hand on the large man's forearm. "Come now Salduin, Girnax knows his place. He knows that he shall not overstep."

Girnax glared at her smile, though his mouth remained closed.

"Now, one of you stands to gain heavily in this matter." Xenia began to explain. "The management of these lands has nearly doubled in the past year, and thus, Vaidrin shall be separated into two distinct kingdoms the moment the Empire officially forms. Due to this decision, God King Dominax is in need of a new king to serve under his rule. As leaders of the largest High-Chiefdoms in this region, YOU three are his primary candidates."

Amused, the three men broke into discussion, only for Xenia to gesture for them to quiet themselves.

"Such an offer comes with a price, however, and the individual who can withstand this 'price' shall be granted the title of king." She continued, soaking in their anticipation.

Salduin turned his head to her in curiosity, as there had been no mention of a price prior to their departure from Domani.

"God King Dominax shall not allow...oh how did he put it?" She paused, playfully placing her finger to her bottom lip in contemplation. "He shall not allow 'lesser men' to rule a kingdom they did not earn, nor forge a legacy they did not create. Therefore, the man who accepts shall be castrated."

The collective men instinctively recoiled, while Voris threw out his hands in disbelief. "For what possible purpose? Simple cruelty?!"

"It's very simple, if you accept the crown, you shall be granted an heir of his holy blood, a child conceived with whichever of your concubines you wish. The pregnancy shall be portrayed to the public and to history as though you were the father, cementing the child's legitimacy as the inheritor of your kingdom. A fair price for such generosity, is it not?" She asked, her eyes running over them with barely concealed sadism.

Girnax placed his hands on the table, leaning in towards her. "If this is what your king considers to be a joke, I DON'T appreciate the gesture."

Salduin stepped closer, placing his own hand on the table to meet the man's furious gaze. He would defend her in an instant, even while his own mind wrestled with the callousness of Dominax's offer.

"Your God King now, Girnax. Should I inform him that you refuse his gracious offer of kingship?" She replied smugly.

"Of course! No man would allow such a thing!"

"A Shame, it seems even a kingdom could not tempt you to part with your balls." She said, turning to address the remaining two men. "And what of you? Shall you consider his offer? You may already have children, Voris, though you must disinherit every last one of them as well. There can be no challengers to 'your' newborn."

The old man appeared perplexed, glancing at his fellow High-Chiefs with concern. "What you unacceptable! We have ruled these lands for generations! Now we must disgrace ourselves for...a demented God King?" He exclaimed, dropping any hint of his previous cordiality.

"But of course, you have all ruled separately. Divided. You've slaughtered each other, destroyed each other, fighting your petty wars while the Northern Humans watch and laugh. Dominax has brought an end to such conflicts, and in return you shall warm the throne of this newly united kingdom until his secret child is prepared to rule." Xenia explained, taking great enjoyment in their anger. "He has mercifully allowed you the opportunity to rule the entirety of the lands you have mistreated for so long, yet your seed shall not inherit them."

Girnax paced away from the table stroking his chin with rage. "The...audacity to call us all here, to waste our time with unreasonable is beyond me why so many Chiefs have willingly knelt before him..."

Finally, Salduin opened his mouth, brushing aside his concealed misgivings. "They join us because they see the benefits of worshiping a true God. You yourself have witnessed his power, and now you shall witness his peace."

Girnax released a humorless chuckle. "Peace? Perhaps for the moment, until he calls upon us to fight in his meaningless conquests."

" not why we are here." Xenia replied, unable to contain a flare of anger. She had invested everything into the possibility of Dominax's success, her life, her daughter, her future. To have this man, this High-Chief question took several seconds to regain her mask of seduction. "Gentlemen...what you must appreciate is the fact that such an offer only ensures the removal of future glory. YOU shall be a king, with all the benefits that are befitting of the title. You as an individual shall reap the prestige, rather than extending it through a potential bloodline."

Foin tapped his fingers against the hard wood, clearly considering the idea far more than his counterparts. "An extraordinary life that produces no legacy? You ask for a difficult exchange, Lady Xenia."

Xenia watched the man's eyes take subtle glances at her alluring chest, more than happy to entice him as she smirked at him. She arched her back nearly imperceptibly, pushing her breasts out to appear just the faintest amount larger. "You are the youngest of these three, are you not, Foin? You've yet to produce any children. may be the easiest for you to accept the potential child as your own..."

Girnax let out a breath of disgust. "You tempt the man with his own cuckolding? So be it, leave it to a lesser man to accept the God King's child as his own!"

"Careful, this man may one day be your new king." Xenia smiled at Foin, her eyes narrowing like a temptress while knowing she'd never allow a man lesser than Dominax to taste her. She then turned her attention to Voris. "Or...shall it be you?"

The old man closed his eyes in contemplation, shaking his head. "I am sorry, but God King Dominax requests too much for too little. Every man is entitled to his own bloodline, to the success of his own family. To attempt to usurp our legacies with his own an insult."

"That is most unfortunate, though I am sure he shall accept your decision." Xenia replied with no hint of concern as her attention returned to Foin. "Well? It falls to you, boy. A kingdom, or a bloodline?"

All beings in the room turned to gaze at the young man, uncertain of his answer as curiosity remained plainly displayed on his face. Salduin cleared his throat, knowing that no rational man could possibly accept such an arrangement.

"I...understand the hesitation you all show...though it is an offer I must accept." Foin finally replied, interweaving his fingers as they rested on the table. "There is much to be achieved as king, and I can assure you that these lands will flourish under my rule!"

"Ah, perfect...a man willing to step up and claim his reward!" Xenia exclaimed with a seductive smirk.

Girnax threw up his hands in disgust, turning away from the gathering. "I shall never be surprised at just how low someone would degrade themselves for a sliver of power..."

Xenia chuckled, ignoring the defiant man as she reached across the table to gently clasp Foin's hands. "Congratulations, King Foin...may you always be remembered throughout history. I shall bring this fantastic news to The God King, as well as whichever of your concubines you choose to be the mother of 'your' future heir."

"I...shall await the day that our great Empire finally rises..." the young man replied, displaying just a hint of nervousness.

"Soon, boy. Very soon." Xenia stated. "No more than one year shall pass before God King Dominax plans to enact his designs. Until then rest easy, as it'll take quite a while to recover from tonight's gelding. I do have experience in such matters..."

"Tonight?" Foin asked, his worries spreading further across his face.

Xenia smiled, tightening her grip on his hands ever so slightly. "Of wouldn't want to delay your new reality, would you?"

15th of Twic, 1 BVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Near Falexia.

The beautifully vibrant trees and vines, the gentle calls of faraway creatures throughout the tropical forest, it was all starting to make Xenia sick to her stomach.

They had departed from Tarin by ship, yet the vast river of the Port settlement could only take them so far. Their group of three dozen white cloaked guards and Foin's chosen concubine would have to travel by foot to the nearest port, lest they be forced to encircle the entirety of Vaidrin by ship to reach Domani.

Life as a concubine, each day surrounded by the sound of progress as workers struggled to construct the stone buildings of the steadily growing capital, surrounded by servants and slaves. Such was the rightful existence of Xenia. She had spent the majority of her life in her simple hut, nestled deep inside the humid rainforest with only occasional visitors. The thought of returning to such a life revolted her, with each tiny rustle of leaves reminding her of her past life as a lonely healer. She had tasted the fruits of luxury, unwilling to, UNABLE to step away. With such thoughts, she couldn't help but long for a swift end to her diplomatic mission.

She had bit her lip in frustration when the captain of the guards suggested they stop and erect their camp for the steadily approaching night, even while knowing that the decision was the correct one to make. Home called to her, yet traveling through the night was a sure method of running into horrific nocturnal creatures. Thus, less than an hour after the man's suggestion, she found herself laying nude inside her large and ostentatious tent.

"I shall see you soon, my princess." She muttered to herself while clutching her dagger in both hands near her breasts, the white blade holding the inscription of Vixin's name.