Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 06

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Dominax Secretly Enjoys The Mate Of A Chief.
6.6k words

Part 6 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


49th of Fonic, 5 BVE.

Lower Human Basin, Domani.

Though skeptical of Lalian's lofty claims, Dominax couldn't help but grin as his guards informed him of the design's completion. Wasting no time, he quickly found his way to Lalian's new prison.

Though only a small hut that was kept constantly guarded, the Lanthian's living conditions had improved dramatically from his former cramped cage of a prison. With a flimsy table planted in the center of the small room, Lalian had spent every waking moment beyond their fateful meeting dutifully reconstructing his lost designs with far more glee than one might expect. For though many may have found the work tedious, Lalian was enraptured as he had carved the intricate lines into the thin wooden slabs.

The reinforced wooden door to the hut squeaked loudly as it opened outwards, allowing Dominax to step inside. It was then resealed, leaving the pair alone.

"I trust my men were not mistaken?" Dominax questioned, his silver eyes falling onto the short stack of chest-wide wooden slabs placed on the desk.

"They were not, you'll find the designs finished as promised." Lalian replied, rising from a small crate that acted as his stool. His eyes momentarily dropped to Dominax's hand, which carried a small fist-sized sack.

Dominax placed the sack on the table and picked up the top slab with caution, as if his grip could somehow cause the slabs to crumble to ash. Yet as he peered down at the complexity of the etchings, an insidious smile began to spread across his face.

Lalian clasped his hands behind his back, somewhat straightening up. "Behold, my masterpiece."

In Dominax's grasp lay the designs for a pyramid shaped fortress, gargantuan in size. Its labyrinthine interior stretched across each slab, containing countless chambers and halls.

"A masterpiece indeed..." Dominax muttered, breaking the short silence when he finally looked up from the designs.

Lalian shifted nervously, meeting the man's gaze. "You are satisfied then, my lord?"

With a firm nod Dominax alleviated Lalian's concerns. "Certainly, you've more than proven your worth. Suffice to say I've never encountered such a structure, as I suspect that even the northern human kingdoms would be hard pressed to produce a building a quarter the size of what you propose. Yet I must know, is such a design even feasible?"

"With the proper materials, I can assure you that my designs will prove to be more solid and long-lasting than any palace or fortification that currently exists on Magnius." Lalian replied with visible pride. "I had originally created these designs for Manith, though it's construction proved to be far too costly at the time. Such a building would take decades to create in any case."

"Granting me your best work outright, Lanthian?"

Lalian shrugged. "I may not get another opportunity. Should you simply have me killed, I only wish that my masterpiece will live on in some form. Yet, I am certain that it shall spare me from your sword, yes?"

With a deep chuckle Dominax moved to Lalian's side of the desk and placed a firm hand on his green shoulder. "In that you are most assuredly correct. You've done well, and thus, I shall uphold my end of the deal."

Lalian bowed his head. "Thank you, my lord."

"You shall be supervised for some time, though you'll be able to move more freely around Domani now. However," He began to explain, removing his hand and picking up the sack once more. Reaching in, he produced a single bar of chimira steel. "For the time being, you shall study this material and deduce if it can be incorporated into any of your designs."

Hesitantly, Lalian took the thick bar into his delicate green hands, instantly comparing it to Dominax's armor. "I've never encountered such a material, my lord. Is a larger quantity available for testing?"

"A small amount, though more shall be created in the coming days. War is on the agenda, Lanthian, and I wish to know if such a material can truly grant my people an edge."

Lalian bowed, unintentionally bending over enough to grant his captor an additional glimpse of the scars where his wings had once been attached. "Of course, my lord."

"Very good, I will instruct a slave to bring you new clothing. Yet keep in mind that everything I grant you can just as easily be stripped away. Serve me loyally, however, and you shall thrive." Dominax said, before his stern expression lightened as he clasped Lalian's forearm firmly. "Welcome to Domani."

1st of Fixuin, 5 BVE.

Lower Human Basin, Domani.

"Getting tired yet?" Clin lightheartedly chuckled, his bicep straining.

"You wish." Briza shot back with a smile, though it was obvious that her efforts to defeat the blonde warrior were fruitless. Seated at an outdoor table with their hands locked together, they had been arm wrestling for the better part of the morning.

Of Ayphieal's eight moons, the moon known as Fixuin had reached its peak the previous midday, marking the beginning of the fifth month. As each month held exactly fifty days both Briza and Xenia's pregnancies were nearing their end, a fact that was prominently displayed as Briza appeared as if she could give birth at any moment.

A crowd had gathered around the table, taking an interest in the two warriors as a warm breeze ran through the small settlement.

Briza strained against his strength, desperately attempting to topple his hand. Yet as she fought, she suddenly let out a pained groan as her free hand rushed to her large baby bump.

Clin's eyes went wide with concern, instinctively halting his straining arm and granting Briza the opportunity she had been searching for. Without warning, she suddenly pushed with all her strength, slamming his hand down onto the table.

The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and laughter as Clin shot up from the table, pointing an accusing finger at his opponent as he broke into a smile. "That was dirty!"

Briza simply smirked in mock arrogance and folded her arms. "Just utilizing all of my advantages in battle."

A rumble of chuckles echoed through the observers, including Clin. Yet as the noise slowly subsided Salduin pushed his way through the crowd, stopping just short of the table.

"High-Chief Dominax requests our presence, Clin." The large man announced after the two men had clasped each other's forearms in a gesture of mutual respect.

Briza rose from her seat, cradling her belly. "Did he mention if I should accompany you?"

"I'm afraid not, miss." He confirmed. "One can assume that he wishes for you to rest."

"Rest." She repeated, shaking her head in dismissal as she sat back down.

The two men offered her apologetic expressions before turning to leave.


"Ah, so they've finally arrived." Hesin muttered as Clin and Salduin entered the hut. Seated on a crate, his typical hooded cloak had been replaced for one of black chimira silk.

Dressed in his full armor, Dominax placed his hands firmly onto the table that stood in the center of the room. "Yes, come. There is much to discuss."

The three men approached the standing table, joining their leader in hesitation.

Dominax's silver eyes passed from each of them, as if assessing them before he spoke. "Each of you have served me well these past months, and thus, you've already been rewarded. Yet on this day, I wish to extend an offer to all three of you. I shall require skilled and competent men if I am to fulfill my ambitions, of which you've shown yourselves to be. Therefore, I'd like to officially mark you as my advisors."

The trio glanced at each other, taking a moment to ponder their decision before all three nodded in turn. It was not uncommon for a Chief to directly select his advisors, especially when none currently existed. Many would have jumped at the opportunity to climb the ranks early at the creation of an entirely new High-Chiefdom, making the decision far from a difficult one.

"We would be honored, my lord." Salduin answered with conviction, inciting agreement from his companions.

"I'm pleased to hear that." Dominax replied, reaching down before tossing a knife onto the table and folding his arms. "However, I require some type of assurance that your loyalties are as solid as you claim."

Clin eyed the knife with uncertainty. "What would you have us do?"

"A good question." Dominax smiled, his gaze focusing on the blonde warrior. "What I offer contains the potential to uplift you from the masses, to forge yourselves into worthy beings. Yet with such benefits a sacrifice must be made. Thus, to prove your commitment and loyalty, simply remove the fifth digit of your left hand."

The unconcerned tone of his voice did little to quell the men's internal reactions, though none put voice to their misgivings. Rather, they each looked to their leader in surprise before gazing at the inert knife.

"I shall force no man to seize an opening to uplift himself, as only those with the will to grasp such an opportunity are worthy of my attention in any case." Dominax continued. "If you wish to leave, do so now, as you shall not be punished."

Within moments of the explanation coming to an end Salduin reached down and took the knife in his large hand, straightening up. "My lord, I was the first to join you in Nitri, and so I shall be the first to join you now. I had believed that you would lead me to...enlightenment. Knowledge of the immaterial, of our purpose in existence. To the gods. That belief remains true even now, and so I shall gladly accept your request."

Concealing a grin at the man's utter devotion, Dominax watched as Salduin placed his hand onto the table. Then, pausing for only an instant, he brought the top-heavy knife down hard onto his own finger.

Salduin gritted his teeth, lifting his now bloody hand while his finger remained motionless on the table. Dominax moved to grant him a small strip of fabric, which the muscled man pressed firmly against his wound to stifle the bleeding.

Dominax placed a compassionate hand on Salduin's shoulder. "Very good my friend, I am pleased to witness your dedication. There is much that I have already learned from the pod, though we shall speak on it later. For now, go. I've instructed Xenia to wait outside of the hut, as she shall cauterize your injury."

With a quick bow, a bead of sweat rolled down his bald head before he swiftly made his exit from the hut.

"Now then, let's continue." Dominax ordered as he gestured to Clin.

Eyeing the now somewhat red knife laying next to the tiny severed limb, the blonde man took his time as he pondered his decision.

"Just give me that!" Hesin exclaimed in disgust as he snatched the weapon from the table. "You can continue to stand there, though I've made up my mind!"

Both Clin and Dominax looked at his hooded face in curiosity.

Hesin eyed them both before he spoke. "Before the slaughter of Nitri, I...wasn't certain of what I wished to achieve with my life. The Elders had denied me of justice far too many times for me to truly care about fighting or hunting for them, and I am not the kind of man to be content with simply settling down."

"An opinion we can both be certain of." Dominax interjected, though Hesin's words only seemed to stir a concealed guilt inside of Clin.

"Indeed." Hesin replied darkly, as if the words greatly saddened him. "Though an utter tragedy, I can truly say that the slaughter has granted me a purpose, a cause. I wish not only to witness this Empire you speak of, but to build it as well." He said beneath his hood, before glaring directly at Clin as he spoke his next words. "To forge a world where such injustices do not occur. Where the killing of innocents is punished severely. A better world."

Dominax could hardly miss the obvious apologetic expression of the blonde warrior, though Hesin brought the blade down on his own finger before he could question the interaction.

Stifling pained breaths, Hesin granted their leader a respectful nod before quickly moving to the door, clutching his hand.

Now alone with Dominax, Clin picked up the knife from where it had been dropped onto the table, holding it as if it would launch into his throat at a moment's notice.

"The man clearly holds disdain for you. Is there something I should know, Clin?" Dominax asked sternly, no longer able to ignore their animosity. "I cannot allow a rivalry to undermine the efficacy of my advisors."

Shaking his head, Clin kept his gaze locked onto the blade as he gently pressed his thumb against its sharp edge. "I can assure you that he will not affect my judgment. We merely had a disagreement long ago, ancient history as far as I'm concerned."

Stroking his pointed beard, Dominax frowned at him. "We shall see about that. Yet, it is time to decide your fate. Make your choice."

For a long moment Clin made no move other than the tapping of his thumb against the blade, though he finally looked up to peer directly at the other man. "Hesin wishes to create a 'better world', yet I fear we may have different ideals in achieving that goal. I must ask, as one man to another, do you truly believe that your proposed empire will better the lives of those under its rule?"

"I do, Clin." He replied with genuine conviction, keeping his voice firm. "If only one certainty on Ayphieal remains in me, it is that I shall bring peace and stability to this chaotic world."

Clin nodded, clearly pondering the validity of his statement. "If what you say is true, then it is my duty to ensure that such a lofty dream becomes reality."

Placing his clenched hand onto the table with only his finger extended, Clin pushed aside any lingering misgivings as he brought the weapon down hard, sealing his fate. Yet as his expression erupted into agony, he knew that no other option had truly been presented. No other path to redemption.

No other way to forge himself into a good man.


10th of Fixuin, 5 BVE.

Lower Human Basin, Luxi.

"All hail High-Chief Dominax!" A nearby guard announced as Dominax passed through the main gates of Luxi, mounted atop a fearsome lixidion. Covered in dark blue scales from snout to tail, the lizard-like creature remained docile under its master's control.

Flanked by a small contingent of guards during the short journey, Dominax's trio of newly appointed advisors rode beside him, each with a lixidion of their own.

The group followed the cramped streets of the settlement, passing dozens of citizens as they made their way towards Luxi's Main Hold. Many bowed in admiration towards their new overlord, while others simply gawked at the strange white armored man. Though somewhat less spacious than Omrin, the layout of Luxi appeared instead to be more dense and vertical. Many of the tallest buildings, standing four levels high at the most, even incorporated stone elements into their structures to reinforce their strength.

"My lord, welcome to Luxi!" Chief Kixanil greeted with a quick bow as they dismounted, handing the reins of their lixidions over to a set of eager slaves. "I trust the journey was peaceful?"

Dominax clasped the Chief's forearm as a gesture of comradery. "Of course, with only the typical dangers impeding our path. I am, however, most eager to begin our discussions."

While Dominax was curious to visit one of the new settlements under his rule, the journey hadn't been intended merely for the purpose of sightseeing. Rather, he had ordered a gathering of his vassals in order to discuss their next actions, utilizing Luxi's Main Hold until Domani possessed a proper throne room of its own.

"As am I. Though come, Chief Ainir has yet to arrive." Kixanil explained as he turned to lead the group through the main entrance of the rectangular building. Similar to the other settlements Dominax had visited, the building appeared to be the only structure aside from the outer wall to be completely made of stone. "Though I've also been informed that Chief Dunith won't be attending, as her pregnancy is nearing its conclusion."

"I'm aware. " Dominax replied with a subtle smile, feeling a twinge of pride at the knowledge that he was the father. "The result of a night with her slave, was it not?"

"So she claims, though whispers tell me otherwise." Kixanil remarked in a hushed tone, granting his High-Chief a sideways glance as they emerged into the throne room. A large circular table had been placed in the center of the chamber in preparation for the gathering, at which Chief Priax currently sat.

Leaning back in his wooden chair the squat man may as well have been invisible, for Dominax's full attention had instead been immediately seized by the figure standing atop the table. A female member of The Arkos species, her exotic appearance practically called to him.

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Hailing from the strange black sand desert known as The Wandering Sea, her skin was a dark gray with sharp black stripes running along her body. Her long hairless tail curled through the air, somewhat thin and ending in a pointed tip. Two iron-colored horns curled back from just above her forehead, while her nearly feline eyes appeared to be the color of amber. Black as night her silky hair fell in short waves, reaching just above her perky breasts. Though as rumors regarding her species had suggested, she possessed an athletically toned and flexible body, slowly rocking her hips as if imitating a dancing serpent. The sensual display was only heightened by her lack of clothing, with only a delicate silver chain connecting each charcoal shaded nipple to her navel.

"Utter perfection, isn't she?" Kixanil chuckled as he viewed Dominax's clear infatuation.

Eyes tracing her sensual gyrating body, Dominax's gaze fell onto her exposed womanhood, tucked between her firm thighs and instantly coaxing desire from his loins. "Quite, I've never encountered one in person before now."

"Nor had I until I acquired her, a feat nearly too difficult to bother with. Yet, I dare say she may be my most prized possession." Kixanil replied, practically beaming with pride.

Rocking her body while slowly rotating to grant all onlooking a complete view of her alluring form, her bright eyes meet Dominax's own, briefly holding his gaze before turning away. "Does she possess a name?"

"I've allowed her to keep her original name, Wros. Perhaps you could consider it a reward for her impressive obedience as my concubine." He chuckled, oblivious to Wros's jaw tightening ever so slightly in response.

"Wros..." Dominax repeated, tasting the word. "I shall remember that."


As it became evident that Chief Ainir's traveling party would not arrive before sundown, Kixanil's guests were shown to their temporary quarters for the night.