Using Beth Ch. 02


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Beth giggled at that; then she turned serious:

"I have so much to thank James for," she said softly directly into Deedee's face, since they were lying in bed face to face.

"We have so much to thank James for," Deedee said, "It just seems to seldom that plans or desires like this work out and here we are; I mean, girlfriends, lovers and enjoying a talk, while both of us are in bed and naked.

"Mistress and slave also!" Beth said.

"Yes, my love," Deedee said, then she added:

"Okay, houses first."

They talked for a while about parts of the city or suburbs where they might like to live. Beth told her that she already had an inquiry about her house from a young couple that heard that she was willing to sell.

"Good," Deedee said, "Half way there."

They went on to how much money, where exactly, what kind of facilities. It was girl talk and exciting for them both.

"Money," Beth said.

"Yes, money," Deedee said. They compared their new salaries and found that they'd be making a total of $25,000 more than they were at the present.

"Good for us," Deedee said. "Let's contact someone but both look, shall we?"

Beth said a soft 'yes' to that.

"What's wrong, love?" Deedee asked, when she realized how quiet Beth had gotten.

"I can't just believe that I'm this lucky to have you with me this way; it's just never happened, it seemed; I was always overlooked."

"More, I think because of the way you dressed than anything else," Deedee said. _"You kept that gorgeous body secret and never let anyone see you."

"I think you're right but it was the way that I was raised," Beth said.

"Well, that was then and this is now," Deedee said, "And one thing is true: you can believe it!"

"Oh, Deedee," Beth said then, it makes me so happy that think that I'm going to cry."

"You cry, honey," Deedee said, cuddling Beth to herself, "You just cry your joy!"

Beth put her head against Deedee's shoulder and began to cry then; Deedee just held her until she was finished with her cry.

"I'm sorry for being so emotional," Beth said.

"You never have to apologize for being emotional with me!" Deedee said then.

Then it was Beth's turn to move the conversation:

"Maybe, do you think, we should do something for James and Cleo?"

"Great idea!" Deedee said, "And I think that I have just the right idea."

"Yes?" Beth asked softly.

"I'd like to see them do a pain session with you!"

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Beth said.

"How do you feel about that?" Deedee wanted to know.

"Frightened and really, really excited, especially since it's your idea and what you want."

"We don't have to," Deedee said earnestly.

"If you want it, my love, my mistress, then we do have to!" Beth said, kissing Deedee'a hand.

"Bethie, Bethie, you are the best of the best!" Deedee said kissing her lightly on the lips. Then Deedee asked, looking intently at Beth's face:

"Tired, honey?"

"Very, do you mind?" Beth asked.

"You mean, if we don't make love?" Deedee asked smiling and brushing Beth's lips with hers.

"Yes," Beth said.

"I have you," Deedee said, "I have you in bed; I have you in bed naked; I have you in bed naked all night! What's to mind?"

With that she grabbed Beth and pulled her close. They hugged for a bit, and then kissed and then Deedee turned Beth around so that she could spoon her during the night.

At one point, during the night, Beth woke, and was disoriented, confused and not a little frightened. Deedee tightened her hold on Beth, stroking Beth's naked hip and thigh and said softly:

"Only us, Bethie, my Bethie, only us, and no one else. No bad guys here tonight."

"Oh, thank God for you!" Beth sighed and slid back into sleep.

Beth slept soundly and woke only to a strange sound, and a sharp and pleasant feeling. It was only after she emerged from her sleepiness that she realized that Deedee was busy eating at, licking her pussy.

"Ohhhh!" Beth sighed. "Mistress!"

"Mistress is busy right now, slave!" Deedee said.

Beth grinned down at Deedee and just sighed.

"Please, give me you!" Beth asked and Deedee, with a chuckle, scooted up an into a position where she could also present Beth with her pussy, and keep on eating Beth at the same time.

After just a bit, Beth asked Deedee to move just a little, to allow her to get her tongue into the crack of Deedee'a ass. Deedee complied and Beth licked at her lover's ass crack and asshole for a while.

Then Deedee pulled on Beth's hips and began to do the same for her.

"No," Beth protested, "My mistress shouldn't do that!"

"But your love should!" Deedee said back to her softly,

"Ohhhhh," Beth sighed, "How wonderful is this and are you!"

They had to get up early the next morning, since they both had work to do. In the course of their morning Beth had an opportunity to run into Marjorie,who was really pleased to see her, and greeted her effusively, with a hug.

"Beth," Marjorie said, grinning at her in a friendly manner. "How are you?"

"Fine, Marjorie," Beth said, returning the hug and the greeting.

While Beth was hugging Marjorie, Marjorie took the opportunity to whisper to Beth:

"I liked you better with fewer clothes on!"

Beth blushed, and Marjorie laughed:

"I was hoping that you'd react that way."

That made Beth laugh also.

"Tell me," Marjorie asked conspiratorially, "Have you done something yet to declare yourself physically to belong to Deedee?"

It took Beth by surprise, and she said "No! It hadn't crossed my mind."

"Well, think of it!" Marjorie said.

"But what?" Beth asked, at a loss.

"Oh, maybe a tattoo, or something like that a piece of jewelry to declare it," Marjorie said to her.

Beth got a huge grin on her face and hugged Marjorie again:

"Wonderful idea!" she said to her and left Marjorie grinning.

She knew that Deedee was going to be busy that lunch time, and so, she took the opportunity to go shopping to a favorite jewelry store. She found exactly what she wanted, and purchased the items.

Next she had to make a call to Cleo. She had her number.

Cleo was surprised to hear from Beth but also pleased.

"Hey, friend!" Cleo said. "You certainly did us a favor with Deedee, talking nice and all. We never meant to hurt you too bad. We appreciate it, girl."

"You're welcome, Cleo," Beth said and then:

"I have a favor to ask, Cleo."

"Whatever you want," Cleo said.

"I want to have a nipple pierced," Beth said softly. "I bought a nipple ring with Deedee's initials on it and I want to surprise her with it."

"Cool, girl!" Cleo said.

"Do you know anyone that I can go to?" Beth asked.

"Sure do!" Cleo said, "I do piercings myself!"

"Oh, would you?" Beth asked enthusiastically.

"For you, of course," Cleo said, "And no charge."

"Oh, I'd want to pay you!" Beth said.

"Maybe gonna be enough for me, if you sit for the process naked, white girl!" Cleo said.

"This white pussy can do that," Beth said back into the phone.

Cleo chuckled at that: "You sure know how to get to someone, girl!"

Beth chuckled too and said she'd call back.

It was, by coincidence, that she had a call on her cell shortly after that from Deedee, who was calling to say that she had to cover for a nurse who was sick and would need to work the night.

"Oh, dear!" Beth said, "You'll be so tired."

"Well, I get tomorrow off," Deedee said in return.

"Would you please promise me to come to my house, when you're done, so that I can take care of you?" Beth asked then.

"With pleasure, sweet angel," Deedee said.

Directly after that, Beth called Chloe again, and made arrangements with her come over that night and do the piercing.

Beth was excited for the rest of the day about it.

Cleo showed up exactly when she'd promised, and was greeted at the door by Beth with a hug. Beth was wearing a robe, and, once Cleo hugged her she realized that Beth was wearing nothing other than the robe.

"My, my you feel good, girl!" Cleo said, running a hand down Beth's spine to her ass cheeks, which Beth couldn't resist wiggling for her.

"Bad girl!" Cleo said then with a laugh, slapping Beth's ass. "You're bad and Deedee will spank you! And I'll tell her."

"Oh, goodie!" Beth said.

Cleo laughed then: "James did a right good job on you, bringing you out, girl!"

"I guess he did," Beth said and to demonstrate her wantonness, she shrugged off the robe and gave a loud "Ta Da!" with her arms in the air and her legs spread wide, totally, completely naked.

Cleo laughed! "Don't you tempt me, girl; don't you do it! Not gonna mess with Deedee's woman, not at all."

Beth pouted visibly and Cleo laughed and kissed her quickly. Then Cleo said:

"We've got work to do."

"Yes," Beth agreed and led her to the kitchen for the piercing.

Beth walked ahead of her, swinging her ass.

"Stop that,girl!" Cleo said,"I already acknowledged that I won't touch Deedee's woman, so you stop being so slutty!"

Beth turned, contrite, and put her arms around Cleo's neck, her forehead against Cleo's and said:

"I'm sorry; you make me horny!"

"Tell that to the divine Deedee!" Cleo said, then she was all business and said:

"Okay let's do this."

Cleo was all business and got the piercing done quickly. She tended to the injured nipple carefully and waited until she was sure that it was going to be okay, giving Beth careful instructions about tending to it.

Beth gave her a hug and kiss at the door, still naked.

"You tell Deedee," Cleo said,"When you spring this surprise that this is a gift from me."

She turned back Beth before leaving and said:

"And the nipple ring is really lovely."

"Thank you, thank you," Beth said sincerely. "I'll tell Deedee."

Then Cleo was gone.

Beth took time to admire the new nipple ring, with its engraved initials:

"DDM" for "Deedee McWilliams."

"I hope she likes it," Beth said, and then went for a shower before bed.

She had a call from Deedee, as she was getting into bed.

"What are you doing, angel?" Deedee asked.

"Getting into bed, Mistress," Beth said, "I'm so sorry you're not here with me."

"What are you wearing?" Deedee asked next.

"Nothing, ma'am," Beth said. Then, concerned she asked:

"Please tell me what I can do in the morning for you."

"Take care of me, love, just take care of me!" Deedee said.

"Oh, I can do that," Beth said softly but with a happy inflection in her voice.

"And, ma'am," she continued, "I have two gifts for you, to kind of celebrate our new jobs and our new home to be and our new life and my having you!"

Deedee said to her softly: "You're gonna make this nurse cry, taking such good care of her that way, girl!"

"Oh, no," Beth said, distressed, "I don't ever mean to do that; not ever, my Deedee, my world!"

"I'm only tired, honey," Deedee said. "You just take care of me in the morning and thank you already for the kindness of gifts."

"I love you, Deedee," Beth said.

"Well, I'll tell you," Deedee replied, "That will get this nurse through the night."

"Please call me, if you need to," Beth said.

"You are kindness itself," Deedee answered, "Sleep tight, sweet angel!"

Beth sighed at her own good fortune, as she hung up the phone.

In the morning early, with Beth already up and showered, the phone rang and it was Cassie, who was just coming to begin her shift on the third floor.

"Hey sweet Beth," Cassie said, "The big boss, the divine one has just shuffled off of the floor to go to her car."

"Oh, thank you, Cassie," Beth said with true gratitude in her voice, "I owe you for this one."

Cassie laughed: "I'll take it out in trade."

Beth giggled.

"You know, girl," Cassie went on, "I can feel you blushing over the phone."

"Well, you talk to the boss and you get to take it out in whatever trade you want," was Beth's answer.

"Beth, Beth," Cassie went on, "You've changed, girl!"

"Yes, and ain't it wonderful!" Beth quipped.

"Is indeed," Cassie said, "But you take care of her nibs and we're square."

"She's gonna be my morning project," Beth said.

"Good enough," Cassie answered and hung up with a kiss.

Beth went into her closet and got out some things that she hadn't used in many long years. She put on some heated oil to make the bedroom fragrant. She put clean sheets on the bed, and then she ran a hot bath.

Her preparations were all ready by the time that she heard Deedee's car in the driveway.

She had the door open and was waiting for Deedee at the door.

"There she is," Deedee said wearily, "There's my Bethie. Hi, love! I'm so tired."

"Come to me," Beth said, enfolding the tall, lovely afro american woman in her arms.

"Gonna take care of you now," Beth said. "You just let me!"

"Let you do anything you want," Deedee said in a weary voice. "Even dirty things!"

"No, this morning just love, only love," Beth replied, taking Deedee by the arm and leading her upstairs.

"Hungry?" Beth asked, in a concerned voice.

"Not so much," Deedee replied, "Mainly just bone weary."

"We'll take care of that right away," Beth said, as they got to the bedroom.

"Smells so nice," Deedee said, "Relaxing, nice."

Beth was humming a soft tune as she turned her attention to Deedee's uniform. She unzipped and took off the white smock, and set it aside.

Deedee giggled: "Being stripped here by Bethie, my love."

Beth giggled too and knelt to take Deedee's white pants off.

"What you gonna do down there?" Deedee asked suspiciously.

"Only this!" Beth said, planting a kiss on Deedee's exposed stomach, just above the line of her white, nylon panties.

"Oh, nice!" Deedee said, and let Beth take off her bra and then skin her panties down and off.

"You be careful down there, girl," Deedee said said with a smile, "This Deedee smells; been working a long time."

"She smells like my Deedee," Beth said, and led the naked woman to the bathroom.

"Oh, look at this," Deedee said with a smile, as she saw the tub of water all ready for her.

Beth settled her into the tub and was pleased at the major sigh of pleasure that Deedee let out, as she sunk into the pleasant smelling, hot water.

"Oh, this is lovely! Beth, you're worth your weight in gold," Deedee said, and then remembered:

"You said gifts! And I forgot! How bad is that?"

"Gifts later," Beth said, "First we mother our Deedee a bit."

"Oh, good, mother Deedee a bit!" she said, sinking down into the tub.

Then Beth carried out the first of her plans. She took the dove soap and began to wash Deedee, and Deedee just lay there and allowed it, smiling all the while. Beth was humming all the while, as she washed the tired woman. At one point she asked Deedee to stand and washed her pussy and her ass.

"Thorough job!" Deedee crooned.

"Nothing but the best for my Mistress!" Beth said.

"OH, you are a love!" Deedee said.

When she was finished with the washing, Beth had Deedee get out of the tub and produced a huge towel. She surrounded Deedee with it and softly began to dry her off.

"Next phase," Beth said, as she led Deedee into the bedroom.

She turned down the sheet and had her tired lover stretch out on the bed.

"Oh, clean sheets also," Deedee remarked as she lay down.

Beth got Deedee over on her stomach and got some of the oil that she had on the night stand, and began to give Deedee a massage.

"Ohhhhhh, you do that well!" Deedee sighed.

"It's how I got through college!" Beth said. "My secret."

"Gee, my own personal masseuse!" Deedee almost moaned, as Beth continued with her wonder working fingers.

Beth worked her way down Deedee's back and paid some attention to her ass muscles, which Deedee flexed for her and giggled.

Beth leaned down and planted a huge kiss on Deedee's ass, when she finished working that area.

"That's the Bethie we know and love!" Deedee said, but it was obvious that she was sinking into a slumber.

Beth turned Deedee over and worked her way down the front of Deedee's body then, pausing for kisses at her nipples and then at her pubic mound.

"Hmm, sexy massage!" Deedee mumbled not even sure of what she was saying.

Beth was then working on Deedee's thighs and finally used a finishing oil that was designed to complete the relaxation.

"Oh, that was divine,"Deedee said, "And so are you."

"Gifts?" Deedee mumbled.

"Gifts later; breakfast later," Beth said, "Right now it's sleep time for Deedee."

"Yep, sleep time for Deedee," Deedee mentioned.

Then Deedee raised her head and said: "Work? You?"

"Taking the day to take care of my Mistress!" Beth replied.

"And you're doing it so well," was Deedee's response, as she tumbled into sleep.

Beth sat with her a while in the room, merely looking at her, and simply thinking of the strange series of events that had brought her to this time, and this woman, and was pleased with all of it.

She got up, after a bit, to put some peroxide on her pierced nipple, which was a little sore but not really feeling too bad. She looked in the mirror and it looked fine also.

She put the tee shirt that she'd been wearing back on, and went to do some chores that she'd been planning to do, to help her get ready for the proposed merger of their households.

She had a cup of tea and got a pile of sorting done. It was mid afternoon, when she finally went up to look in on Deedee, and found her smiling, beaming at Beth over the top cover on the bed.

"You are the greatest gift possible," Deedee said, yawning and stretching, letting the sheet tumble off of her upper body.

"Whoohoo!" Beth whooped, "Tits!"

"Tits!" crowed Deedee in reply, "Yes, you dirty girl, you took all my clothes off!"

"I did!" Beth admitted with a grin.

By then Deedee was holding her arms out for Beth to join her.

"Hugs first and then coffee!" Deedee said.

"Yes, hugs!" Beth agreed. She grabbed her tee shirt by its hem and pulled it over her head.

Deedee notice right away:

"What is that?" she asked.

"First gift!" Beth said, and got closer.

"Oh, look at that!" Deedee said with a smile.

She looked up then at Beth with tears in her eyes, and held her arms out to receive her.

"I want to show that I'm yours!" Beth said.

"What a wonderful thing, a Deedee nipple ring!" Deedee said as she hugged Beth.

"Is it still sore?" Deedee wanted to know.

"Only a little!" Beth answered. "Cleo did it; she asked me to say 'hi' to you."

"She's good people."

Beth blushed then and said:

"I promised her that as payment I'd be naked, when she pierced my nipple."

"Were you?" Deedee asked with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm so sorry for being that way," Beth said simply.

"No, no, love!" Deedee answered, "I'm not possessive in that way; I'd just like us to talk about those things; it would have turned me on to hear about it."

"Really?" Beth asked quietly.

"Really!" Deedee said, kissing Beth with the answer.

"Coffee now?" Beth asked.

"Oh, yes, coffee now!" Deedee answered.

"And then the next gift?" Beth questioned.

"Lovely idea," Deedee said to her, and Beth went to the kitchen to get the coffee.

As she was leaving the bedroom, Deedee, who was propped up on her hand said, in a commanding voice:

"Shake that ass, woman! Your Mistress is watching!"

At the door, Beth let out an 'eep' and put her hand to her mouth.

"What?" Deedee asked.

"It's Cassie," Beth said. "She called to say that you were coming home this morning, and I told her that I owed her one. She said that she'd take it out in trade!"

Deedee laughed and said: "Slut!"

At which remark, Beth curtseyed to her.

Deedee laughed again and said: "You're gonna be a busy girl! And I'm gonna watch!"

"Oh, goodie!" Beth said, leaning against the door frame.

"Hey," Deedee barked, "Coffee!"

"Going!" Beth rang out, "Ass swinging! Tits bouncing! Going!"

Just as she disappeared through the door, Deedee shouted after her: