Up in the Big House - Alt Ending

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Up in the Big House chp #2


By the gracious permission of Mr 56543434 to write an alternate ending or a chapter to his very interesting story. Please read original story before reading this story for better understanding. link below.


Strange happenings have gone on up at the big house for several years now. Things you don't want to know about. I had heard things, but I had no idea if any of it were true. And we for the most part really didn't need to or want to know...

The time up on the hill passed quickly and I can not tell you how glad I was to see my wife walking back down that hill coming home.


Now chapter 2...

Well, now I knew the truth, unfortunately, to my regret.

Marcia and I have been very happily married almost 20 years. Marcia is 35 and has 3 younger sisters all very beautiful blue eyed blondes. I have never had any reason to suspect Marcia of cheating, so I am confident Marcia has always been faithful. Of course that also means my wife's pussy is still as wonderfully tight as when we first were married and I took her virginity.

Turns out that the big house on the hill is a whore house. The man who owns and operates it is Clayton Sanderson. Knowing now what he likes to do to some of the women, and what he did to my beautiful wife is my biggest regret of my life.

Let me backup a little to explain. Most of our local young women seem to fantasize and wonder about what it would be like to go up to the big house on the hill to be a whore for a while. The popularity with going up there eventually promoted an atmosphere of acceptance of prostitution in our small town.

The fact that we live in a very small town means that for the young people here there is not many fun activities. Between boredom, curiosity, hormones and needing some income, almost all of the town's young women go up there to work as whores at least once. Young women that are virgin get an bonus for giving up their virginity as a whore.

Most of the customers are black men that come down from Philly, 22 miles to our north. They seem to really like the beautiful young innocent farm girls and bored young housewives we have here in our small town. In turn our young women seem to really enjoy all the black men that come down from Philly. That is probably why we have so many mixed race children in our small town.

The bastard that runs the house is named Clayton Sanderson. Sanderson's not-so-secret fetish is he likes to stretch a woman's vagina with his unusually large cock. Each season he selects a woman for this special treatment. More recently he has become even sicker in this fetish of by inflating a football inside the vagina to really stretch it out of shape.

This last season it was my wife Marcia that offered herself to him to fuck all he wanted to. Now Marcia is stretched out so much that I can't feel her anymore, breaking my heart completely.

It seems my wife's three younger sisters have been going up to the big house for years to enjoy getting some black cock and earn money at the same time. While up there all three have been taunting and teasing Sanderson with how beautiful and untouchable their oldest sister Marcia, my wife, is. This must have driven him crazy with desire for my Marcia.

Many times I had overheard her three jealous sisters talking to Marcia about how wonderful and amazing Sanderson's big cock is, even beyond all the other patrons. I realized that it was just a matter of time before Marcia decided to join her sisters being a whore. I admit now that the thought of her taking some black cock secretly excited me. So I didn't raise the issue with my wife, early on, when I should have.

Marcia and I had actually talked about it before she was selected. It was quickly obvious that my stubborn wife could not be dissuaded from going. She seemed so aroused by the idea and was going to go regardless of my feelings. I was afraid it would damage our marriage for her to become a black cock whore. Unfortunately she was determined to go regardless of how I felt about it, thanks to her sisters.

Naturally, all three of Marcia's beautiful younger sisters, are divorced because none of their husbands wanted to be married to whore. Overhearing these evil sisters talking to Marcia, It was obvious to me they were trying to destroy our happy marriage as well. Jealous bitches.

I tried to be think positively about her having sexual experiences with a black man. I am ashamed to say It was kind of exciting and arousing to me like a fantasy. Of course I couldn't tell Marcia that. I would never admit to Marcia that was my fantasy, she would probably leave me if I told her. Actually, I really hoped Marcia's pussy would still be nice and tight for me when she returned. But I was not very optimistic.

I had never been apart from my wife since we've been married, and especially not 4-1/2 months that she had agreed to. But I finally gave my permission just to make my wife happy. I realized I couldn't stop her anyway as she is so stubborn. I would never mention to her my secret sexual fantasy. That secret was that I often fantasized about her being with black men or being black bred.

I realize now, that there is a big difference between fantasy and reality. I really didn't want my wife to go, I was afraid that she wouldn't want me anymore after she fucked so many black men with much bigger cocks. I was hoping, at least, that she would be a better lover when she returns.

The day Marcia left for the big house up on the hill we held each other tightly hoping not to lose each other over this big adventure of hers. After she left I felt like I had lost everything. Day by day I missed my wife so badly, why did she have to go? We didn't need the money. I have a very successful hardware store.

By now, my wife has probably fucked a lot of men, especially black men with very large black cocks from Philly. I was afraid that I would lose the love of my life, Marcia. What if she liked these big black cocks more than my smaller white one? I was so afraid, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat while she was gone. I was so lonely without my Marcia.

Marcia's next younger sister, Monica, went up to check on Marcia for me occasionally. Monica informed me that less than 10 minutes after Marcia had arrived there, Saunderson had his big cock up in my wife's tight pussy. Then he fucked her repeatedly and vigorously for close to a week, purposely attempting to stretch her pussy out. After that Sanderson began selling her to all the other well endowed black men.


I was shocked after listening to Monica's report. She told me what to expect about my wife's perfect tight pussy. I was filled with regret realizing that I was now probably facing the permanent loss of it after being stretched so much. That most likely we would never be able to enjoy sex together again. Because now, I would always be too small for her and she would be too big for me.

Monica also informed me of the many black men that my wife had sex with. Monica revealed that there were over 30 that would come down every weekend from Philly, mainly for Marcia's beauty and enthusiasm for sex with the black men. Knowing this filled me with so many mixed emotions. I felt so helpless and now I am afraid I've lost her completely.

Deep down there was also tremendous excitement and arousal thinking about all the black cock my beautiful wife was getting. Big black cocks thrusting deep into my wife's tight pussy everyday and night. It used to only be mine since we married. I was afraid that I had lost the love of my life now, because of my wife's jealous sisters. I prayed and prayed that she came back to me and our life together. But would she ever be satisfied with me again?

Eventually Marcia came home to me. Almost reluctantly walking slowly down the hill to our home. Her figure seemed different than before. Thank God, she remained a beautiful vision of loveliness. Does she still love me?

I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again, so I ran to meet her. We held each other and both cried so hard. I was so glad to have my beautiful wife back home with me. A reprieve from the loneliness of 4-1/2 months of my wife being gone, to come back a well used black cock whore. For some reason her belly seemed slightly swollen, but I soon forgot about it.

We quickly got back home and went to our bedroom. I couldn't wait to be inside her to reclaim my lovely wife's pussy, that she had been selling. I was so full of joy and happiness to have my love of my life back in my arms and in my bed. I was so afraid of what she was going to tell me. Was she going to stay with me? Was she going to ever be happy with me gain? Does she still love me and our life together?

We kissed deeply and frantically. Tongues probing, kissing her neck, her ears, her cheeks, her eyelids, her shoulder and more. I couldn't wait to be inside her again, I was aching for her body since I've had no release for so long. I couldn't wait to be inside her wonderful pussy again.

Marcia quickly spread her legs and I entered her wet pussy but she was so loose and so different. Her pussy was so extremely stretched that I could hardly feel her, and she obviously wasn't feeling me. I pumped and pumped inside of her but I could barely feel anything. There was no way that I could get a nut, even though it had been 4-1/2 months.

"Marcia" I cried hysterically "I can't feel you! You are too stretched out for me! What can I do now? I can't feel anything in your pussy, your pussy is ruined for me!" I screamed and cried as I freaked out!

Then I realized, we would never be able to make love again. I ran to the bathroom to cry, then fell to floor in despair. I curled up almost into a fetal position. Crying in agony, sobbing and wailing in more pain in my heart than I've ever known. How could this be? How this ever be? I was so crushed! I felt like I had lost everything!

My sweet wife Marcia followed me into the bathroom. She lovingly took a wet washcloth to clean the tears from my face, as I laid on the floor. She sat beside me and slowly stroked my forehead and quietly cried and said she was so sorry for what she had let happen to her. Marcia was filled with regret. Just as, I was, for letting her go on her adventure. Oh how I loved this sweet woman.

"Why Marcia? Why? Why have you let him so severely damage your pussy? This is the only pussy that I've ever known. The only pussy that I have ever had to love. Now it is ruined for me, we can't ever make love again!" I cried sobbing in agony.

Marcia tried to explain "I am so sorry Sweetheart. Please don't be mad at me. I never intended to let him stretch me so much. It was just so exciting to know he was going to put that monster cock into me and stretch me so much when he entered me. I knew it would hurt. But my pussy just gushed and I knew I wanted to feel it, I had to feel it, at least one time."

"Then when he finally began it hurt so badly but it turned me on even more. I soon realized that the more it hurt the more it aroused me. I could quickly feel a powerful orgasm building" she whispered to me. "I loved each thrust of his big cock as he penetrated me. That even though the pain was intense so was the pleasure and arousal. My orgasms were the most powerful that I've ever had in my entire life."

Then I cried as I tried to explain to Marcia. "Now that he has damaged and stretched your once perfectly tight pussy, how can we make love ever again? What were you thinking Marcia?" I said, crying pitifully. "Can you ever be satisfied by me ever again?"

I was just sick with this revelation. I couldn't believe my wife would do such a perverted thing and love it. My beautiful wife of almost 20 years had let that sick fuck Sanderson nearly destroy her sweet tight pussy with his giant cock. I just wanted to die I was so crushed. How could I live with this? What could I do?

"It will shrink back again for you Honey, it alway does after a woman has a baby." Marcia purred lovingly.

I was so upset there was no getting hard for her again tonight. So then I slipped a finger in her, to try to please her. But she couldn't feel anything until my whole fist went into her.

Marcia purred so sweetly and lovingly as she reassured me "Don't worry Sweetheart, just let me take you into my mouth to please you."

"Is that what you did up at the big house? You never did that for me before." I inquired.

"Yes, Sanderson would always require me put their black cocks in my mouth to make sure they were completely hard. But before I did that I was also to inspect their cocks for any sign of disease. Then I would always gladly take their black cocks deeply inside me." Marcia purred.

Marcia took me in her mouth so gently and lovingly. Her sweet mouth enveloped me in warmth and wonderful sensations. I quickly exploded into her warm mouth with a giant load that I have saved up for Marcia. I loved that sweet woman so much.

Marcia then admitted that Sanderson had purposely stretched her pussy. Now her pussy was nothing like it was before. That was in addition to her having a lot of sex with many much bigger cocks than mine.

We both fell asleep crying, broken hearted and disappointed. Our life, our world, our marriage and her body had been so destroyed by her jealous sisters and that sadistic fuck Sanderson.

The next morning we talked some more, before resuming our normal activities and going to church. Marcia confessed to me that going up to the big house on the hill was more exciting and thrilling than anything she ever imagined. She was sorry that she let her pussy get so stretched. But there was nothing she could do about it now. Marcia vowed that she still loved me, would never leave me and was willing to do anything that she could to make up for what she had done.

I knew in my heart that her slut sisters were the cause of all this heartache for us. If her sisters had not taunted Sanderson with the knowledge that there was one more sister, a beautiful sister that was as yet unattainable, my wife Marcia. Maybe, Sanderson wouldn't have put so much pressure on them to bring Marcia up to the big house up on the hill.

Maybe if the three sisters were not so jealous of our wonderful marriage, they wouldn't have worked so hard to get Marcia to go up to the big house. In turn enabling Sanderson to stretch out Marcia's tight pussy, and damage our perfect marriage. I decided that they all had to pay.

The next morning I said to Marcia after breakfast "Get dressed Honey, we were going to town to see your sisters."

Marcia replied, "Is there anything special you want me to wear Honey?"

I replied "Probably a top like a t-shirt and those skin tight jeans that show off your lovely ass, Sweetheart".

"No problem Honey. It will just take a moment to change". Marcia purred.

We get into the car and chat on the way to her sisters. "I am sorry to say this Honey, if this hurts you. But I have to tell you. He felt so good when he put his big cock in me. It was better than I could ever imagine. It was just like my sisters promised me. His big cock thrilled me so much and it made me feel so wonderful. I was determined to repay him by totally submitting to him in every way. I didn't care about anything else at the moment, just the wonderful feelings his cock was giving me, regardless of the consequences."

Marcia continued and explained. "Please don't be mad Honey, but I've never been so sexually aroused, so sexually thrilled or sexually satisfied. I am sorry to have to tell you, I know this hurts you. But I have to explain. His cock amazed me like nothing else ever before in my life. I really loved how he made me feel so full, I wanted to give everything to him that I could in return."

She apologized to me again before going on, and said "I am sorry for what all the hurt I caused you, Sweetheart. I love you with all my heart and will do anything I can to prove my love for you. I will never stop loving you, I will never leave you for another man. This was a one time thing, I want to come back to our life together like it was before. Our perfect life together. Please Sweetheart forgive me for cheating you by going up to the big house."

"Oh, my darling Marcia, I love you with all my heart. I forgive you for all you have done. I understand that your jealous sisters caused all of this to happen. I forgive you, I am not going to divorce you or leave you. I just want to know how to solve our problems your sisters have caused."

Then we drove on over to see her three sisters. I wanted them to see the destruction they had caused to their sister and our marriage. Since Marcia went up to the big house, thanks to their evil conniving ways.

The three sisters all lived together in a nice medium size ranch style home on South side of town. We got there early, so the three women, obviously proud of their "C" cups as they bounced, still scantily dressed in their night clothes, provided an unexpected pleasant surprise!

When Marcia knocked we were quickly invited in and offered coffee. As we sat at the kitchen table Mona asked why we had stopped by.

Marcia calmly explained that our marriage is suffering because her pussy is so stretched we can't make love anymore. That we can not feel each other. That now I am too small for her and she is way too big for me. That we may end up divorced like them, because of their taunts to Sanderson.

Putting their arms around Marcia, holding their older sister and crying. I don't know how I managed to hold my rage in as I quietly explained "I would not expect you ladies to know this, but we have always been faithful to each other. I have always worked hard to support her. I've never even thought about being with another woman. But thanks to you three sisters, that doesn't look like that is good enough anymore."

"But now, thanks to you evil jealous bitches, Marcia's beautiful tight pussy has been destroyed for me. The first time we tried to make love, after she came home, I couldn't even feel her, she was so stretched out. Now, I can't even become erect for her anymore. How do you suppose our marriage is going to survive now? Is that what you wanted for us to get divorced like you? Because it sure looks like it to me." I was speaking slowly, desperately trying to control my rage.

I further explained "if you ladies had not been so jealous of our happy marriage, and if you had not convinced Marcia to go up to the house on the hill, Marcia would still have her tight pussy and we would still have a happy marriage. But now it is impossible, especially with her pussy stretched, possibly permanently, to be too large for me. I actually had to fist fuck Marcia last night, trying to please her." I explained.

I asked them "Can you do anything to fix this situation? How could this ever be rectified? I am going to leave Marcia with you ladies for the week. I want you ladies to think and talk about what you have done. I would like you to try to come up with a solution to help with this situation. I will return Friday after I close the store for the weekend to pick-up my wife."

"Since it is Monday morning I have get going to open the store. By the way, I totally blame all three of you for this situation." I left Marcia with her sisters and assured Marcia that I would return to pick her up and return home after work Friday. Giving my wife a kiss, I left for work.

All week long I was torn about what I could do. I was so glad that Marcia was home. But I was so broken hearted that her once perfect pussy is now, completely too stretched out for me. I have half a mind to return with my pistol and shoot them all, frankly.


Arriving at the sisters' home Friday evening after work, I am invited in and handed a glass of wine. All the sisters relax in their own recliners and turn off the TV. Marcia and I sit on the sofa so we can all chat. It amazes me that they have agreed with my point of view. That they all admit that this whole situation was their fault.