Uninvited Ch. 01


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She used "comfort" like it was some alien concept she had never encountered before, and my theory that ADVENT might treat their soldiers harshly was somewhat reinforced.

On to the next problem, there was no towel that would fit her.

My human-sized bath towels would barely wrap around her broad shoulders, and failed completely when I attempted to cover her breasts.

She looked at me suggestively.

Yes, yes, I knew what was next. What had I done to deserve this?

I took the largest towel and began to run it over her tail, soaking up the water, starting at the tip so as to delay having to handle her bombshell torso for as long as possible.

She crooned as I moved up her body, and I realized that this alien squatter had solicited a sauna and a full body massage from me, without even understanding what they were.

Being forced to take in every detail of her body was tough enough, but now I would have to handle it.

She was so smooth, there were no creases or wrinkles and the towel never caught on a scale, and yet under the soft fat layer I could feel those taught, flowing muscles ready at any time to propel her forward or strangle some hapless insurgent to death.

She could probably crush bone, like an anaconda.

More highschool science class memories bubbled up and I remembered that large snakes on Earth were constrictors, large and powerful ambush animals that would crush their prey to death in a vice-grip.

If I ever offended her, I would be helpless against her fury.

I reached where the butt would be on a human, and hesitated.

She wiggled, she fucking wiggled her butt at me, her hips shaking rhythmically, and I pressed on as she demanded, moving the towel over the soft globes of her rear.

As I slid the towel up her back and over her cobra-like hood she shuddered.

What was that?

I traced the edge of her hood and she quaked.

Was her hood sensitive? Was she enjoying the sensation?

Again I traced the lip of the hood and her whole body squirmed, like a worm that had been cut in half by a stray shovel.

It was squishy, it seemed to be almost entirely made of fat propped up perhaps by cartilage.

She swiveled her head and met my gaze, a longing in her eyes that I had never seen before. She had to be part human, it was impossible that an alien could independently evolve identical social cues and expressions.

I pulled back a little, worried that I had gone too far, but she turned fully towards me and gestured that I should continue.

This was what I had dreaded.

My hand was shaking, I moved the towel towards her right breast and put pressure on it. I avoided eye contact as I made a circular motion to dry the massive thing and my face began to heat again.

It was bigger than my goddamn head, and, to my horror and involuntary arousal, there was a hard nipple protruding through the fine scales. As I brushed it she crooned, the firm, meaty breast deforming in my hand.

My heart beating like a jackhammer, my breath catching in my throat and my mind starting to cloud, I moved away from her breasts down to her belly, where my hand was met by firm bunches of abdominal muscle under her baby smooth skin.

No good!

I moved up to the hood, and her gaze met mine again.

No good, no good!

As I tried to dry the inside of her hood she fell upon me.

Her weight was immense, I felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. I was frightened, worried she would crush me or tear me apart with her anaconda strength, but I was also inflamed with arousal, and it was arousal that won the battle.

I had pretended not to notice the genital slit when I was washing her, worried that a glance there might be an advance her alien culture could not tolerate, but now it pressed against my groin, the heat of it radiating through my pants to my skin. My penis twitched involuntarily as it was squashed against my belly and my heart caught in my throat. She was pressing down on me so hard, I was pinned uncomfortably against the wood floor.

She was so much taller than me, her breasts hanging an inch from my face, and she brought them down, smothering me in the soft pillows. I breathed in her scent and I recognized it, this was a human scent, a human smell, an erotic and provocative aroma that spoke the unspeakable in every human sexual encounter.

I felt a thick rope of saliva land in my hair, she was looking down at me drooling, beyond any reason or control. Was she about to eat me or fuck me? I had no way of knowing, and without the tablet she had left in the bathroom I had no way to ask.

I saw her wicked fangs bared, and I feared she would plant them in my neck, but as her mouth opened they retracted, leaving her maw toothless and pink, and she brought it down to meet mine.

Her mouth was larger, it was awkward, but she had lips, and she had a tongue, a long rope of slimy muscle completely different from the delicate forked tongue I had expected.

She used it crudely, exploring my mouth in an impossibly deep kiss that left me gasping and lightheaded when she withdrew.

She was strong, and clumsy, it was like trying to fight a bear. I gasped and wriggled but she would not let me slide out from under her. More highschool classes ran through my muddled brain and I remembered that in reptile species the female was often the larger and more dominant sex. I should have expected this, on some level I had wanted to fuck her ever since she came through my door but I had suppressed the urge and now it was too late to maintain any kind of control over the rapidly spiraling situation.

Did I think I could seduce her? Take her out on a date?

What an idiot I had been.

Her breath was warm and sweet on my face, the metallic taste of her saliva was in my mouth.

I felt like my heart would explode as she examined me, seeming to determine by my ruby-red face and my apparent delirium that the "kiss" had been the correct course of action.

I prayed she would not attempt to grind and crush my pelvis, but she backed off a little, releasing some of the pressure on my torso. Suddenly I was angry, angry that after all my stepping on eggshells and tiptoeing around the issues of alien sexuality she would just knock me down and start going to town on me.

I raised my head to her breast and violently sucked a hard nipple into my mouth, gently chewing it with my teeth. She crooned and writhed, again pressing against my groin and I gasped and let go.

I angrily mashed her other boob with my hand, my fingers sinking into it like it was made of memory foam.

Now she brought her muscular tail around, and began to wrap it around me, starting at my feet and coiling slowly up to my arms, which she pinned to my sides.

Oh I was not into this shit.

I struggled and began to shout but before I could let fly an insult she subjected me to another invasive kiss. This one was slower, more directed. I felt my body go slack as her eel-like tongue moved around inside my mouth, and my breathing became regular and heavy as she drew back.


I gasped.

She didn't understand, and she knew as well as I did that the last thing I wanted was for her to stop, I was too far gone now, she could feel the heat from my groin, she could probably sense the blood flowing to it, she could smell my arousal on me like a bad cologne.

Is this what she had been browsing on her tablet before she asked for a shower? Methods to seduce me? Human sexual practices?

Or was I crazy and she had simply been browsing mission reports or weapons inventory before getting too hot?

Impossible to judge.

I could no longer move, her wiry tail was wrapped around me, exerting almost uncomfortable pressure, and yet the fat layer cushioned it. She began to drag me to the living room, over to her pile of pillows, she raised me into the air like a doll and brought her head down to crotch-level.

I expected her to undo my pants but she didn't seem to know how zippers worked, instead she extended her warm, slick tongue and slipped it into my underwear through the waistband.

I felt it wrap around my penis and slide over my balls, and I jerked and wriggled.

She seemed to be exploring with her tongue, did she even know what a human looked like down there? Had she looked it up?

Was her knowledge researched, or a natural instinct of her now undeniably human DNA?

I moved my hands to undo my belt and zipper, and she released some of the pressure on them so I could drop my pants. They caught painfully on my erection, then she lifted them slightly and dropped them into her pile.

This was her show now, I couldn't do anything suspended in the air like this. I would cooperate, and then do what? Report her to ADVENT for sexual assault?

I felt her breath on the head of my penis, then with no further warning she slammed her head down on it, pushing me to the back of her throat. Her toothless, spongy mouth chewed lightly and her tongue spiraled around it. I could feel her large lips pressing up against my crotch. She swallowed, massaging the head at the back of her mouth. No man could survive such an assault, I came, so hard it hurt. My eyes rolled into my head and my brain turned to pop rocks as I released directly into her beckoning gullet

She drank as I spasmed, every swallow a new wave of intensity. I felt like I was expelling all of the life and energy from my body, as I finally went limp after what seemed like a thousand years to my warped perception. She lowered me, gently now, into her pillow fort.

I felt drunk, the afterglow was so powerful, the cushions so soft, she was gently coiled around me now, propping my head up. Her glowing yellow eyes met mine and I understood then what "COMFORT" was, she knew exactly what it was and she was repaying my hospitality in a way she thought I would appreciate, she knew I wanted her, and this was the way the dominant reptile sex expressed it.

I lay still for a while, barely conscious, just appreciating the waves of pleasure that flowed through my body. I could feel the warmth from her soft tail on the back of my neck, I gripped pillows as if I might fall off the planet into space.

She crooned, and watched me, almost motherly now the action was over. She ran her long fingers through my hair experimentally and the sensation provoked another aftershock that rippled through me.

She seemed please.

As my awareness slowly returned, like climbing out of a bog, I realized that it wasn't enough, not nearly enough. This goddamn squatter had teased me for the better part of a week and I was going to get my fill.

I rolled over to face her and slid my fingers down from her navel to her "thighs". She squirmed and I could hear her breathing becoming ragged. We didn't need a stupid tablet to communicate anymore, now that I understood what she was.

I traced my fingers around the opening to her genital slit, it was moist and almost painfully hot. Were we even compatible? I had to find out before we went any further.

I slipped a finger inside, and was met with warm, wet walls of muscle. I started to feel lightheaded again as I realized there were thousands of soft bristles lining the vagina, like the mouth of a turtle or a camel. What would that feel like? Could I stand it? I pushed more fingers inside as viscous juices leaked around them, and she thrust her hips to force me deeper.

I found what I thought was a clitoris with my thumb, and rubbed it gently.


She spasmed, grinding her hips against my hand.

I brought my mouth close and sucked the fleshy protrusion between my lips, rolling my tongue over it as I drove my fingers deeper inside her. She thrashed and squirmed, crooning in that way she liked to do. Her movements were becoming too violent for me to hang on, and I wrapped my free arm around her waist and grabbed a handful of butt. She seemed to understand what I was trying to do and placed a long-fingered hand on the back of my head, forcing me closer.

As I licked and sucked she caressed my head, seeming to enjoy the texture of my hair, I guessed Vipers didn't have any.

Her juices were metallic and salty, but I was too engaged to care as I drove my fingers up to the knuckle and gave a last, hard suck.

She was a lot larger than me, and yet her walls closed in on me almost painfully, the same firm, toned muscle that was to be found in the rest of her sinewy body. I caught a mouthful of copper-tasting fluid and she released my head. I sputtered and gagged a little, but before I could get my bearings she was on me again, that same hungry look in her eyes.

I was hard again, and she greedily pressed her torso against me, pushing me back down against her tail, which was propping me up in a sitting position. I started to reach for a breast but she struck like a rattlesnake, delivering another disabling kiss with her prehensile tongue. If she tasted her own juices on me it didn't dissuade her, she only seemed to stop when the need to breathe became unbreable. Those kisses turned my legs to jello, they said "let me handle it".

So I let her handle it, what else could I do? While the sex was now consensual, if it ceased to be, what could I do about it? She had already completely overpowered me when I resisted the first time, I had to hope that her desire to express "COMFORT" was stronger than her own greedy lovemaking.

Maybe she saw apprehension in my expression, because she moved her head in close and gently licked my cheek, I could almost hear the saliva bubble away into steam.

There was a sudden, sharp pain, and I realized she had bitten me, gently on the neck, but enough to break the skin. As she drew back I saw her wicked fangs, each as long as a human finger, protruding very slightly from their sheaths in the roof of her mouth.

She could have killed me if she wanted to, was that the message?

"I could kill you, but I won't?"

It was a funny way to say "relax" but it worked, infact I was harder than I had been earlier, I hadn't realized just how much I wanted this.

If I hadn't come once already, I would have then, as she lowered herself down onto my shaft. The fleshy bristles and the pressure she exerted were unbearable, I let out an embarrassing sound and tried to pull back but she weighed as much as a small car, it was hopeless. The combination of sensations blurred together and soon all I could do was writhe. Protest was futile, she wouldn't let me go until it was over, I understood that now. This was how they mated, the females must be larger and stronger than the males, and decide who gets to couple, the inverse of mammals. Perhaps there was no alien DNA in her whatsoever, and she was made up entirely of spliced genes from humans and reptiles.

She pushed those mammoth breasts into my face again and I lost myself in them, she let me play with them, roll them around in my hands and squeeze them as she moved on top of me. God I loved them. Despite their size they were so much firmer and perkier than any human's could be.

I pulled back and looked down, those taught abdominal muscles were pumping away, rippling as her sweat dripped off them onto my belly. It was still fucking hot, but we didn't care, if anything it made the whole ordeal more feverish.

I lifted my hands towards her face and slipped it inside her hood, caressing the soft lining. Her movements became more erratic and her vaginal muscles tensed up, forcing those bristles against the head of my penis.

She came, hard, and so did I.

She wrapped her tail around us both in one lightning-fast climax, forcing me as deep into her as I would reach and clamped down on me. In doing so the stimulation from her soft, gooey walls lined with those unbearable bristles drove me over the edge, my exclamations were muffled by her breasts as she drew me in, a hand on the back of my head. Her contractions created a milking motion and we stayed there, upright in the middle of the room, for what felt like an eternity as she drained every last ounce of strength I had left in me. All I could smell and taste were her sweat and scents as I went limp, and she uncoiled, letting me fall to the pillows. She let out a long, drawn out hissing noise, like steam escaping from a broken pipe, then collapsed unceremoniously next to me.

When I awoke the next morning, and dug myself out of the now stale and damp pillow nest, I found her gear and crates gone.

There was a pamphlet on the kitchen table.

"ADVENT thanks you for hosting our personnel at your residence, you have provided a valuable service to the Elders while the construction of troop barracks was underway, we hope you were not inconvenienced by our intrusion."

Below the text was a phone number, and ten blank boxes.

"Please call our support number if you have any complaints relating to our personnel relocation program, if you have the time, kindly rate the behavior and temperament of your guest on a scale from one to ten."

I put down a 10, and went to make some coffee.

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GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneover 1 year ago

A SCALE of 1-10!

Delightful story. Staggeringly sexy and weirdly romantic. What a cliffhanger too! I Zmust read more!

PS I really want Vi to take his submissive hu-mannish boi-pussy with her tail! Such a pretty candy-assed, little fuck-toy for that powerful, Dominant Lamia Warrior!!

Diamondknight87Diamondknight87over 2 years ago

Finally, someone else who writes characters with non-human faces kissing! It's so rare and I loved it! The description of the ways that Vi is different from a human from Harris' perspective is one of the best parts of the story.

I've also read part 2 and half of part three and I'm looking forward to finished the series when I have the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

That last bit, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Will definitely read again, and read the sequels. ^^

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Up, dude. Love this series. Have read it more than once and will likely read it again. Of course it helps that I've played a sh*tload of XCOM. 5 stars for you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I put down 5 stars and went to get some coffee.

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