Two Girls, One Cupid

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Two neglected and loveless young ladies catch a Cupid.
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Synopsis: Two neglected and loveless young ladies accidentally catch a Cupid and they turn the tables on him

Sex contents: A bit of Sex

Genre: Romantic Humor

Codes: FF, MF, Slow, Humor


A new and original story for LitErotica: VALENTINE'S DAY STORY CONTEST 2010

Thanks to my Editors, especially Dowyd, Dragonsweb and Sue, and other assorted Advance Readers!


It was another miserable Saturday night all alone for Marcie and Rachael. They had gone out to a few clubs the night before in their ever-hopeful quest to find a nice man or two, but like nearly all of their recent attempts to find love and or companionship it had come to naught... as usual. Alone and depressed, the two young ladies decided to stay in tonight and watch movies and chow down on popcorn and Häagen-Dazs ice cream. It was merely Rum Raisin tonight, as Rachael had polished off all of the chocolate late last night, and she was still whining about wanting some more... but not badly enough to put on some street clothes to walk down five blocks to the grocery store. This certainly didn't stop her from whining about her current deprivation seemingly endlessly.

"Damn it Rachael! If you don't quit bitching about your lack of chocolate, I swear I'm going to brain you with this popcorn bowl! Put your jeans and coat on and go down to the damned store and get some chocolate! I'll even come with you to make sure you make it there and to help carry it all back so you don't eat it all, again, on the way back!

Rachael muttered something, but she didn't actually bother to pry herself off of the sofa to get dressed. Both women were dressed in their usual private apartment attire; just bra-less short tank tops and thong panties. The roommates were both well used to seeing each nude or nearly nude on a regular daily basis. In the past they had been roommates together in college and now, a few years later, they were still living together here in the big city in a dumpy and painfully small one bedroom apartment that, between both of their jobs, they could just barely afford. There was little to no privacy here under the best of circumstances and they even had to share the single small bed in their only bedroom. Marcie actually preferred to sleep nude and Rachael was a nearly shameless exhibitionist, but they both tried to keep some minimal clothing on as much as possible. There was an ever growing feeling of sexual tension between the two young ladies, mostly due to the fact that neither of them currently had boyfriends, or even fuck-buddies, and their sexual frustration had lately grown to record levels.

Distracted at this thought, Marcie's mind started to wander back to thoughts of her almost severe sexual need and her eyes, as they had been nearly all afternoon, returned to the moist area centered on Rachael's barely covered crotch. At the moment, one whole baby smooth cunt lip was quite on public display. This particular thong was an old one and had shrunk a great deal in the wash. If Rachael shifted just a tiny bit more onto her side, her shaved gash and clit would be plainly in sight.

Marcie tingled all over at this contemplation and involuntarily licked her lips. She and Rachael had been together for about five years now, since their second year of college, but they had never been lovers. Oh, they hugged and kissed (chastely) a lot and saw each other naked disturbingly often, but they had never quite crossed over the line into a lesbian relationship... until now. Marcie now just couldn't get her mind (and eyes) off of Rachael's vaginal area as she suddenly had wild vivid fantasies of what she would like to do to that rather neglected cunt with her mouth and tongue.

Rachael too was similarly distracted this afternoon. Marcie was wearing one of her oldest and most worn out white tank tops that barely covered her soft and pure white breasts at all. Her nipples poked out about a full inch and the darkness of her areolas around them was plainly visible. Rachael had masturbated herself off in the bathroom about an hour ago and while her fingers were twiddling her clit her eyes were closed but fixated upon the memory of Marcie's flawless breasts. Why she was suddenly now having thoughts of licking and caressing and suckling those large long nipples she wasn't sure, but she knew she needed to do something to relieve these urges. She needed a man! Or two hands and a mouth full of Marcie's breasts... and the sooner the better.

The women slowly arose from their seats and moved toward the other, their need for love and sexual release now too strong to be contained. They would have kissed in passion just another moment when Marcie saw something out of the far corner of her eye; something seen but normally unseeable, just the slightest flicker of awareness from her unconscious mind. The spell of arousal that consumed her suddenly weakened and she didn't waste a moment to grab up the heavy Pyrex popcorn bowl from the coffee table and she suddenly flung it at the ghostly and nearly invisible apparition.

'It's always better to be lucky than to be good', as Marcie's father would always say to her, and her aim was true! In a million to one shot, her thrown bowl hit the small flying object dead on and it crashed against a bookcase and then fluttered weakly to the ground. With a frantic pounce, Marcie all but lept over the sofa to grab the creature before it could catch his senses and disappear again. With a cry of savage triumph, she grabbed and firmly secured her prize, and Cupid, the mighty hunter of love, had been, himself, captured and was now entirely at the mercy of two young nubile and extremely sexually frustrated young ladies!


"Stop! Stop! And let me go you ruffians... you feminine mashators! Let me go at once!" Cupid sputtered, his head still a little dizzy from the impact of the heavy popcorn bowl.

"Oh look! He's so cute!" Rachael squeaked, as she came over to give the tiny foot tall godling a good look. "Hee hee, look at his teeny little willie! It's not even a inch long!"

"Slander!" The small mythological creature sputtered. "Be ashamed you wicked young maiden, oh base and false teller of untruths! On Olympus, my member is among the mightiest and even the divine Priapus bows before my preeminence!"

"On Olympus, well maybe... but right here and now you look a tad shriveled at the moment. It is cold outside here in early February isn't it? So the divine and immortal Cupid has fallen prey to shrinkage? How the mighty have fallen... and shrunk. I wonder if your cute little hairless balls are ticklish?"

"Ewww!" Rachael cringed. "He's just barely a foot tall... that's too much like kiddie-diddling for me. Gross!"

"Yeah, you do have a point there. It would be like robbing the cradle... literally, and it would only be starting something that little junior here isn't up to finishing. I swear, your clit is larger than his little tiny prick!"

"I knew it! You have been looking at my cunt a lot lately and then licking your lips afterward each time. You want to go dyke and eat me out and then we'll never find any men!" With that thought, Rachael burst into an eruption of tears, enough so that even Cupid was moved to gently pat her on her blubbering head.

Actually Marcie really did now want to go full blown dyke upon Rachael's delicious looking snatch... but Marcie had her temper up and wasn't going to let the mischievous godling go quite yet! Cupid just glared at her.

"Look, fun is fun and all that, and yes I did shoot arrows into both of you so that you would be lovers... you're really both in a dreadfully frustrated state! It says so right in my Blackberry Love Scheduler! Accept your fate and let me go! Then the two of you can spend a nice enjoyable evening in the bedroom together tongue lashing each other's clits. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Besides, I'm not a child! I'm over three thousand years old, and well over the age of consent!"

"Alright short stuff! Get your brain away from the thought of the two of us naked in a nasty and wet 69 coupling, loudly licking, sucking and twiddling the other's inflamed and tingling clits and dripping cunts until each of us has had at least a dozen loud wet and explosive orgasms, and instead put your mind to..." Marcie, now aroused to point of desperately needing to masturbate, once again now had irresistible thoughts of Rachael's succulent cunt vividly in glorious Technicolor in her mind, and she now quite lost entirely her train of thought.

Rachael, more than a bit aroused again herself, came out of her own hormone induced stupor enough to sharply slap Marcie's nearly bare ass.

"Snap out of it you big titted lesbo slut! Let's shake this little bastard around until he agrees to bring us some men... some real men! Then, later, after that... if they're good men, we'll let him watch us diddle each other, and I'm going to chew upon your huge perky nipples until they're raw! Oh, and make the little bastard bring us some chocolate too!"

"Men..." Marcie murmured in agreement.

"Rich men..." Rachael added.

"Rich, tall, dark and handsome men..."

"Rich, tall, dark and handsome men bearing chocolate..."

"Ok, rich, tall, dark and handsome men, with chocolate, and also with huge cocks and a willingness to mercilessly use them on us..."

"Oh, and have them bring some more chocolate, just in case!" Rachael added, with an ear-to-ear smile across her face.

"Look!" Cupid snapped in considerable annoyance, looking down at his small Blackberry scheduler. "I'm now way behind schedule! I've got lovers to unite and I'm going to need a full quiver of love arrows alone for the party at the White Swallow bar that starts in another fifteen minutes. If you don't release me now, the only love the two of you will ever know is your own tired and licked-out cunts and I'll make sure that the two of you become disgruntled old lesbians with an apartment full of cats! And if you don't let me go now and at once, I'll command the two of you to later have some very creative fun with a tub full of pudding and neither one of you wants to know what orifice I'll have the pair of you actually eating it from... and enjoying it!"

"Damn-it lover boy! We just want cocks... and preferably big ones! Men! Real lovers and husbands!" Marcie cried out nearly in tears herself.

"And don't forget chocolate!" Rachel added, rather optimistically.

"You'll get cunt! And you'll like it!" Cupid growled and sniffed at them.

"Maybe so, but if you don't promise to bring us later a couple of big real-life rich swinging dicks... and some chocolate for Rachael, I'm going to lick and tickle your little tiny marble sized balls until you lose bladder control!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me!"

Marcie had now had quite enough. Cupid's balls were indeed quite ticklish and she exploited this in every way she could. Soon the little godling was so busy laughing and aroused that he didn't know whether to cum or piss, and soon he was begging for their mercy.

"Oooo, look! A chubby with a little stubby! You promise to bring us some men, some good men, some good rich men with chocolate and cocks that would embarrass a horse, or you're going to be pissing and splooging cum all over yourself! Wouldn't that be embarrassing to explain back home to your other God friends! You promise... and mean it... to bring us the men of our dreams and we'll let you go!"

Trapped, Cupid had no other choice. He swore upon the tits of Venus, his mother... the most holy and binding oath he could make and eventually his happy captors released him and gave him at least a thousand kisses on his cheek. With a smile, he winked his eye and vanished; bow, quiver and Blackberry in hand.


Now that the girls were alone.... and still rather sexually aroused, they briefly kissed, fondled and jiggled a tit or four, and then very reluctantly separated to take very cold showers, separately. Then, their ardor for each temporarily cooled down to a tolerable level, they dressed themselves up as if for a date and when they had dolled themselves out to the max, they sat on the sofa watching the door and waiting for the doorbell to ring.

They didn't have to wait too long.


Geoff and Russell had been frat buddies and roommates together at Yale's MBA School of Management and as close as any two non-biologically related friends could be. They were, indeed, very tall, nicely tanned and as handsome as they were rich and successful. It was only gravy on the goose that Geoff's family owned one of the largest privately held chocolate processing plants in the country, an operation that these two young men would eventually take control over.

With a badly mis-written and incorrect address written on a smudged cocktail napkin in hand, the two lads about town had hoped to renew the casual acquaintance of a pair of different young ladies that they had met a week before. Instead, they found themselves quite lost and they knocked on entirely the wrong apartment door. But when Marcie and Rachael opened the door looking like a glowing and ravishingly beautiful pair of supermodels, the men were quite smitten and any remaining thoughts of the other two misplaced ladies was quite forgotten forever. The crumpled napkin soon dropped to the floor, quite forgotten.

Cupid had been true to his word! They had even brought flowers, and yes, of course, chocolate!


Many hours later, nearly at the crack of dawn, a tired but very happy Geoff and Russell lounged naked on their huge hotel bed and watched their two lovers divert themselves in a rather torrid lesbian embrace. Marcie and Rachael were more than delighted and happy to give their lovers a bit of show while the lads exhausted cocks took a bit of a rest to recover. The two happy couples had spent a delightful evening out on the town and the ladies had been delighted to accompany their dates for some early morning amusement at the men's luxury hotel suite.

Even now, while Marcie was enjoying her long anticipated opportunity to lick and suckle on Rachael's clit, and to lap-up like a cat the copious flow of semen that flowed from her girlfriend's cunt. Soon, from his pleasure at watching her in her passionate 69, Geoff would be rock hard once and she'd ride his nine-inch and monstrously thick cock again and again. Rachael, the shameless little slut, would probably want Russell's thinner but longer eleven-inch back up her ass... and to make her girlfriend lick out the nasty semen load from there once again. Or perhaps they would exchange lovers once more. It was quite clear that Geoff and Russell didn't mind at all sharing their toys.

The things that friends and lovers are willing do for each! Marie giggled with a smile and a mouth full of delicious cunt and a moment later she left a hard cock once again entering her cunt and she could now see the other cock now sliding into Rachael's ass, just above her busy tongue. With a little effort, she could lift up and lick both her girlfriend's clit and her boyfriends cock shaft and balls. What a way to spend the early morning of the best Valentine's Day she could ever remember! Not to mention the boxes of chocolate!

Both women and their very soon-to-be fiancée's, were much too busy in their lovemaking to hear the softly laughing of Cupid, who watched, for a few idle moments before his next appointment, the pair of lovers that he had worked to unite forever, and he smiled.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
granoldadgranoldadabout 1 year ago

Very well written. I really like your writing style, one of the best I have read on literotica.

I have just created my first story. I would love for you to read it and let me know your thoughts and critique.

(A Tale of Two Wives 001)


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story

I really enjoyed you roundabout style of writing about sex

morefunnmorefunnover 14 years ago
Great Read

Enjoyed the story, and very enjoyable. Thankyou

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