True Meaning Of Sacrifice Ch. 01


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Everyone shared a laugh because it was widely known how overprotective Jim was of his only daughter.

"With my parents being gone, I have really come to appreciate them and the example they set with their love and devotion, both to each other and to Michelle. With that in mind, I spoke to them earlier and they gave me permission to make this speech on their special day." He breathed deeply and hoped he could get it all out.

"Mikki, I want to thank you for the last eight months. I never dreamed of meeting anyone like you. You have made a bigger difference in my life than I thought was possible."

The room began to murmur as her friends could see what was going to happen.

"A few months ago I asked you an important question and you said no."

She began to blush terribly.

"But more than that" he continued, "You showed me what I didn't understand about you and about love. I've stopped trying to prove to you that I was the right man, and started making sure that I am."

This did it for Michelle, as tears began rolling down her cheeks.

"I've known since the night I met you, but I took the last few months to confirm it because you asked me to. You are the only person I want to spend my life with, and if you'll let me, I will spend all of it trying to make you happy. Mikki, will you please marry me?"

The applause drowned out her response, but everyone could see the reaction. She jumped into his arms and nodded wildly. In front of her friends and family, just as she always dreamed, she was able to share her happiest moment.

Not long after the party, Michelle started a new job. She was hired as a manager in the R&D division of a large telecommunications company. It had branches all over the US. After three years on the job, she was doing well but hadn't advanced since her original hire. Some of her coworkers were jerks (putting it mildly) and didn't want to see a woman getting ahead. Chief among these was Ryan, head of her department. She didn't think he acted appropriately towards her and was intentionally blocking her advancement. She tried dealing with it like a good employee but it was frustrating.

At the company Christmas Party (on a Friday after work), she was hoping to convince Ryan to let her transfer to another department where she might have a clean start. Mike hadn't been feeling well, so had already left. He didn't have a problem with Michelle staying late at the party without him since he had driven separately. She stayed to spend time with her friends and hoped to have a chance to talk with her boss.

Unlike many marriages, Mike and Michelle trusted each other completely. There was no jealousy because neither gave any reason for the other to feel it. They both felt completely fulfilled, so there had never been any time either was tempted to do anything that could be harmful to their marriage. It wasn't even a consideration.

Still, Mike didn't like Ryan and had expressed it to his wife numerous times. While never jealous, he felt it was his job to protect her. He was always concerned about how kind and trusting she could be. Mike rarely talked about his past to Michelle for good reason. He had been in trouble a lot and used to hang with a very bad crowd. There were many things he had done that he wasn't proud of now that he was older, so he knew from experience how men could be.

Michelle stayed at the party with several friends and employees dancing and drinking. She was careful not to drink too much because she had to drive home, but after a couple hours, she was definitely tipsy. She had been trying to talk to Ryan, but couldn't catch a second with him until late in the party. He was already pretty hammered when she caught him on his way to the bathroom. He told her he'd be back in a moment and they could talk.

As Ryan entered the bathroom, his imagination went wild. He had always wanted a perfect opportunity to make a pass at her, but she was annoyingly proper. She wouldn't go out for drinks with the staff without her husband. At work, she was unapproachable. This party seemed like just the right opening. He had been watching her husband earlier in the night because he looked sick. Ryan kept an eye on the couple, hoping Michael was going to leave early.

When Michael left without his wife, Ryan began trying to get other managers to bring her drinks. He had an overblown sense of his seduction skills and hoped to get her a little drunk to see how far he could get. When she approached him in the hall and asked to speak privately, he thought his chance was finally here.

When he finished in the bathroom, they headed to his office at the end of the hall.

As they entered, Michelle tried to be diplomatic. "Ryan, I really like working here but I don't feel like I'm going to be able to advance. I'd like to request a transfer to Jason's department to see if I might fit in there better."

Ryan's mood immediately darkened. He was a jerk at good times and a bastard at the worst ones. Instead of his fantasy scenario playing out, here she was telling him she wanted to go work for Jason, who was his main competition for the promotion he'd been working towards for two years.

Ryan seethed. Although he lusted after her, he never really liked her. She was too pretty and he thought she used it to get where she was. He knew she was good at her job, but had achieved her success far faster than he had at her age. It made him jealous and contributed to his desire to take her down a peg. Now when his best chance to seduce her was at hand, she surprises him with this.

"Well," he thought, "if the bitch wants to leave..."

He was far too drunk to adequately consider his next move. "Fine, if you want me to approve a transfer, I guess you'll have to do something for me." With that, he grabbed her and kissed her hard, forcing his hand over her breast.

For a second, Michelle's shock kept her from responding. By the time she could react, he also had one hand grabbing her ass. She brought her knee up hard into his groin and he fell to the ground. He groaned as the pain hit him. At almost exactly the same time, he realized just how much trouble he was in.

"You son of a bitch. I'm going to have your ass fired for this."

As she stormed out, he boiled, feeling both fear and humiliation. "We'll see, bitch."

She left the office and went back to the party. When Stacy saw Michelle's expression, she asked if everything was alright. Michelle almost told her what happened, but was embarrassed to have put herself in a situation alone with Ryan when he was obviously drunk. She knew he was a jerk and it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that it wasn't appropriate for her to go back to his office alone after hours, especially during a party. Now she was going to have to deal with a mess on Monday or she'd have to pretend it didn't happen. She decided to talk to Mike about it first, so she excused herself and headed home.

When she got there, her husband was already asleep. He hadn't been feeling well for a few days and she knew he needed the rest. While she was laying down next to him trying to fall asleep, the events of the party ran through head. At first she was angry, then embarrassed about what happened. Once she had time to think about it, she thought about what could happen around work. If it got out that she went to Ryan's office alone during the party, it might permanently derail her career, especially if he was fired for it.

It was hard enough earning promotions as a woman without being thought of as some kind of tease who turned around and pressed charges against her boss. She thought about what Mike's reaction would be. He would be so furious that he'd probably march down and challenge Ryan to a fight. That would do wonders for her future. She wondered if part of him might even blame her for putting herself in that position. She had never given him a reason to doubt her before, but it was such a ridiculous thing to have done.

After thinking about it long into the night, Michelle decided not to tell Mike. She'd go to Human Resources first thing Monday morning and ask for a transfer. She'd try to keep things quiet, but use the confrontation to insist that she could no longer work for Ryan. That's what she wanted in the first place and the firestorm surrounding a sexual harassment complaint could be far more trouble than it was worth. Part of her felt terrible for keeping it from Mike, but a part was relieved that he wouldn't have to find out how stupid she had been.

When Monday came around, she steadied herself for the difficult and awkward confrontation. She got to her office and asked her secretary to contact the HR department. Stacy said she would, adding Ryan had left an urgent message for her to come in to his office the minute she arrived.

"I'll just bet he did" Michelle thought.

She went to his office prepared for apologies and groveling, but was completely unprepared for what she found. Ryan was there with two other managers who were her level and a third man she didn't know.

"Welcome back dear, did you have a nice weekend?" he said coldly.

She was instantly on guard. Something felt very wrong. "What's this about, Ryan?" she asked suspiciously.

"Well, after our little encounter, I had my guys in accounting go through the records for your department. I was disturbed by your overreaction and decided to see if you were hiding something. They went through the annual budget and I was amazed that they found over $50,000 missing."

"What does it have to do with me?" she asked nervously.

"It seems they have tracked it to an account opened in your name. Young lady, you have some big questions to answer."

"This is a set up" she said, suddenly being very afraid. "No one is going to believe it after what happened Friday night."

"Why my dear, what happened Friday? I recall you asking me back here and offering yourself to me as a bribe to not blow the whistle on you. After giving it some thought, I decided to take you up on your offer but you'll have to work with James and Paul here as well."

Both managers smiled evilly. They had always thought she was amazing and would do anything to get into her pants as long as it wouldn't get them in trouble. Ryan didn't mention the third man.

"There is no way you can pin this on me. Do you think I'm stupid or something? If I agreed to do anything with you, I would be opening myself up to be blackmailed forever. I haven't done anything and I'll take my chances!" She said it with more conviction than she felt. She would never do what he had suggested, but now she was really scared. She never thought he would actually escalate their conflict.

"Well," he started "I was afraid you might take that stance."

He picked up his cell phone and hit the speed dial. He just said, "Take care of it," and then hung up. "All right Michelle, you can go back to your office. However, before you do anything stupid, trust me, I know something that you don't. I'll be calling you within the hour to tell you something important and then I'll give you one more chance before this gets out of control."

She left with a horrible knot in her stomach. He had already invented some evidence linking her to embezzlement, what else would he do?

She was nervously sitting at her desk when Stacy told her Jeff from HR was on the phone. "I'm going to have to call them back later. I'm expecting another call and need to be free."

Michelle's heart felt like it was going to explode as the minutes ticked by. She tried thinking of some method of defending herself and turning this on Ryan, but it happened so fast she was lost. She tried to call Mike, but it went through to his voicemail. She left him a tense message to please call back as soon as he could. Her decision not to tell him what happened at the party was obviously a bad mistake.

Finally, Stacy let Michelle know Ryan was on the phone requesting that she come right to his office. "Thank you," she replied as she silently prayed.

When she entered Ryan's office, she saw him with the same three men as before plus Tony from security. She had always been nervous around him, he gave her the creeps. A very large man with a dark sort of nature, none of the girls in the office liked him. It was whispered that there had been problems with a couple of girls who then left the company, but nobody knew for sure.

"Well Michelle, what's your answer?" Ryan demanded.

"You can go to hell!" she said contemptuously.

Ryan flashed a sneer, "I thought that would be the case. I'm sorry to tell you, but I just received a phone call from the police. It seems that there has been an accident and Mike is on his way to the hospital." Michelle felt her knees go out and the only thing keeping her from hitting the floor was Tony's strong grip.

"Wh...Wh...What happened?"

"Well you see," Ryan said with a wicked gleam in his eye, "The world is a very dangerous place, especially for cock-teasing embezzlers."

She had to struggle to hear over the pounding in her head. "You did this?"

"Why my dear, I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just saying that it will be sad to see you go to jail and not be there to protect your husband, because accidents happen all the time." The truth was there had been no call, but Ryan felt this was the best way to intimidate her. It seemed more menacing to deny any direct involvement while leaving no doubt he was responsible.

Michelle completely lost all reason. "Please, don't do this to me. I'll stay here and be your best employee. I'll do anything you say."

Ryan looked at the other men in the room "Anything?"

Michelle felt sick. She had to get to the hospital, but it was clear that Tony wasn't letting go.

"Please," she begged again, more quietly.

"Anything?" Ryan repeated more forcefully.

She didn't know what to do, how to confront this kind of evil. She felt her head spinning as she nodded almost imperceptibly.

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't quite catch that."

"Yes," she whispered quietly, never looking him in the eye.

"Tony, please take Michelle to the hospital. It wouldn't due to have her husband wake up without his loving wife there."

Michelle didn't even remember leaving Ryan's office....

As Mike began coming out of it, he looked around the hospital room. The first thing he saw was Mikki sitting beside him looking ashen.

"Oh baby, are you alright?" she cried with tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

"My head hurts but otherwise I'm OK. What about you, you look terrible?"

"I'm just worried about you, that's all," she said. He was a little groggy, but could swear something wasn't right. "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." She dropped her head to his chest and sobbed loudly.

He really began to get concerned. "Mikki, what's going on?" he demanded.

She pulled herself together the best she could and said, "I was just afraid I was going to lose you."

He would have kept after her, but the sudden stress caused him to get dizzy and he felt himself going out again.

"...Well Miss, your husband's injuries are serious but nothing that he won't recover from," the doctor explained. "He'll need some rehab for broken arm and leg, but most patients recover fully in just a couple of months. He'll need to stay for three or four weeks depending on how quickly his body heals and how he reacts to the rehab program. After that, we'll just have to see."

Michelle didn't know if this could get any worse. She was being forced to decide on becoming some kind of whore for her boss, or going to jail. She would have faced anything that threatened her, but she couldn't live if Mike was hurt because of her choice.

Ryan was obviously serious, because of the accident on top of the blackmail. She certainly couldn't tell Michael what was going on when he couldn't do anything about it. There was no one to turn to. How could she escape? The answer was obvious, she couldn't. She came to the decision that changed her life irrevocably. "I can sacrifice to protect him," she thought. The next day, Ryan called her into his office. When he asked her if she was willing to cooperate, she couldn't look at him as she nodded her head. "Glad to hear it my dear."

Michelle cringed every time he called her that.

"Well, I guess we should start right now." He leaned over the intercom "Miss Walters, please hold my calls for the next 15 minutes. I have an important meeting."

He leered at Michelle and she wanted to die.

"Time to start earning that transfer my little whore. Come over here."

She obediently walked to his desk. He pushed himself away and stood up. "Now where were we when you decided to be such a bitch?" He kissed her roughly, grabbing her breast. Then he worked his tongue into her mouth. He removed his lips from her and began pushing down on her shoulders. She didn't want to think about what came next, but there was no escaping it. She sank to her knees in front of him.

"I've been waiting for this for so long, it better be good."

She felt numb like in a bizarre dream as she unzipped him, unbuckled his belt, and pulled out his cock. It was average sized, (not that much different from Mike's she thought idly) and was already hard. She didn't lick him, kiss him, or anything else that she would associate with making love to her husband. She drove him as far into her mouth as she could and began sucking hard while grabbing the rest of his shaft with her hand. She twisted slightly to make it feel better for him, hoping he would come quickly and this would be over for now. Unfortunately, her luck continued to be bad.

"That's enough for now baby," he cackled. "I've got another itch to scratch."

He stood her up, spun her around and pushed her chest down hard onto the desk. Ryan flipped up her skirt and roughly yanked her panties down. He lined up with her pretty little slit and began pushing in. She was completely dry and there was only some of her spit on him, so it took several pushes to get all the way in.

He began crashing against her hard, not caring if it hurt. It was all about his power over her and she felt ashamed knowing that she had let her husband down by not finding a way out of this. There wasn't any going back, there was another man inside her and this was just the start.

Strangely, Michelle found she wasn't crying. It felt so surreal that she couldn't be sure this wasn't just a nightmare. His penis felt odd, pushing through her lips, not at all like her husband. Without the emotional connection she shared with Mike, she didn't feel anything but a dull pounding. She just tried to block it out somehow, until it was over.

Ryan however, couldn't have been more excited. First, she gave him a terrifically aggressive blowjob, and then he finally got his prick into her pussy, which he had fantasized about ever since he met her. He had many other surprises in store for her...later. Right now, he was going to enjoy the incredible feeling of this remarkably beautiful woman taking his cock, whether she liked it or not.

The sadistic nature of the whole thing was starting to get to him. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He grabbed her breasts with both hands and squeezed hard while he pushed all the way in, feeling her shake underneath him. He held there as he felt blast after blast erupt into her.

It suddenly occurred to him that he didn't know if she was on the pill. Just the thought of getting the prissy little wife pregnant caused him to shake uncontrollably. His chest dropped down on her back, forcing her down hard onto the desk hard, knocking the wind out of her. Finished for now, he pulled his shrinking cock out of her used cunt. Ryan only wished that he had hours to spend breaking her in properly. That would have to wait for later. She was his now and he could use her whenever he wanted.