Trophies Ch. 06

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Ed uses device to decorate his home with lively trophies.
8.5k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/29/2020
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Alex had always heard the rumors that there were ways to bypass him and access the Kollar Tech storage, but he thought it was just a tactic by senior management to always keep him alert. Little did he know that it was senior management themselves skirting the rules behind his back and off the record.

"Um, this is..." Alex started saying.

"Ted, from marketing," Ted said, likely not using his real name.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked Chloe. If anyone was out of place, it was her.

The senior manager's face went red, like her hand had just been caught in the cookie jar.

"Mr. Ramirez asked me to come grab a few items for his presentation."

"You know there's a very specific protocol to signing items in and out of here. In fact, these items in particular are to never to leave this room," Alex said. "They're strictly for display purposes and to showcase to marketing so they can get started on campaigns."

"Well, I... Look Alex, we both know you have no authority over the senior management team," Chloe said. Her tone turned from innocent to condescending in an instant.

The hypocrisy was palpable. The very same people that had put the rules in place to keep the items safe were circumventing those rules. Not only should Chloe have come through Alex, but she normally also had to pass another checkpoint earlier in the process with the appropriate paperwork. It was all a farce. Alex had been so distracted with Chloe's blatant disregard for the rules that he hadn't notice Ted moving behind her and snapping a collar around her neck.

"What are you..." Chloe said, trying to get the collar off, but after a few buttons on Ted's phone, her hands dropped to her side and her mind went blank.

Alex had no idea that the items in the room even worked, but Ted proved that they were live and operational. After a few more clicks, Chloe started masturbating and giggling. The usually intimidating senior manager was now reduced to nothing but a horny toy. As much as it seemed that Ted wanted to explore her body, his frequent checking of his watch indicated that his time was running out.

In a mad scramble, Alex knew that this was his only shot. He grabbed a large bracelet off the shelf and ran at Ted, who was distracted by Chloe. As soon as the bracelet went on his wrist, Ted went for his pocket and pulled out a small camera. In a few seconds, the dust settled. Ted stood at attention ready for programming and Alex stood frozen ready to program his captor.

Beside them, the cop also stood at attention, waiting for commands while Chloe laughed and screamed in pleasure. It was a stalemate. But time was on Alex's side. Sooner or later, someone was going to come and then his nightmare would be over.



For the first time, Ed felt what it was like to be under control of one of the Kollar Tech items. It was fairly uncomfortable and because he hadn't been reprogrammed yet, he was fully aware. He tried repeatedly to move his arms and legs, but it was like access to his own brain had been cut. Unlike freezing with the Decor camera, there was no continuous pleasure involved. Whoever designed the Kollar Tech items had functionality in mind and it seemed the only way that someone with an item on would derive pleasure was either by being programmed for it or from physical stimulation. Ted had no intentions of finding out.

The settings he had on the cop, Melody, were very limited, so she didn't have the wherewithal to help him out. If she was still aware of the events happening around her, then she was likely rooting for someone to find them and sort out the mess. On the other side, the giggling from the professionally dressed woman, who was now masturbating and squirting all over the floor, was now more of a nuisance given the situation instead of the humorous sight it had originally been.

And of course, there was the frozen IT guy with a big enough pair of balls to challenge Ed. Unlike Roger, Ed couldn't be mad at the guy for defending his turf. There was no malice, just a worker using self-defense. And he had almost gained the upper hand if Ed hadn't whipped out his camera in time.

A door slam drew Ed's attention to the hallway. He prayed that they wouldn't check the display room, but as the footsteps inched closer, he had no idea who was about to walk in.



The buzzing of the dildo machine slowly faded into the background as Ellie moved cautiously down the basement hall. There weren't many rooms, but Ellie checked each one and noted nothing unusual. The last door at the end of the hallway was the logical conclusion for where her sister was. It had to be.

Ellie made sure to be as quiet as possible as she turned the doorknob. When she opened it up, her hand quickly found the light switch and the room illuminated. But there was no Niki. Instead, the man cave featured the most x-rated erotic statue that Ellie had seen so far.

On the side of the room was a naked man on all fours acting as a seat for a nude, busty, older woman. With her arms crossed below her chest, she was leaning forward with puckered lips that were covered with cum and dripping all over her tits. Even more bizarre were the words written on the woman. 'Cunt' was scribed on her forehead. 'Fuck Toy' on her tits. And 'Property of Ed' on her thigh among the many other words.

The woman was a striking older resemblance to the daughter and based on the man below her, this display had divorce written all over it. Ellie couldn't blame the woman. If her husband was the one controlling their daughter and displaying women like action figures all over his house, clearly she should have left long ago.

Not wanting to linger and get caught, Ellie ran upstairs as fast as she could having successfully searched the entire house. But there was still no Niki. Ellie went for the front door but stopped in her tracks. If she could find a phone charger in the house, maybe she could call someone for help. Her aunt and cousin were still inside and if she left now, she risked losing them if the hosts decided to cover their tracks.

Having been in every room, Ellie was sure that the daughter was no longer home. She ran upstairs, hoping to find a charger in the one place there was always one, a girl's room. Opening the door, Ellie was shocked to see Niki standing in a short pink dress with a big smile and her arms bent at the elbow, looking like a life-sized Barbie Doll.

"Niki," Ellie said.

She had checked the room before and there had been no one in there. The door slammed behind Ellie and she turned around in shock. The daughter, Kayla, smiled back with a Decor camera in hand.

"Don't you even think about moving or I will freeze you where you stand," Kayla said.

Ellie stood her ground, debating whether to make an attempt. Could she outrun the camera?

"You know I've always loved Barbies. Now I'm so happy to have two life-sized ones to play with."

"Listen Kayla, your dad is corrupting you with a Kollar Tech item. All you need to do is take it off and you're free. Then we can free everyone and go to the police," Ellie said. "Come on Kayla, you can fight this. It's only technology. You can override it."

Kayla's devious smile suggested the opposite.

"Actually, I quite like being in control like this. Besides, you of all people don't get to tell me what to do. After you bullied me over and over as a kid and then ignored me as a teen, maybe this is karma paying you back."

Fuck. Ellie had completely forgotten about picking on Kayla when she was younger. Both Ellie and Niki were bitches and it had helped them climb to the top of the social ladder. Of course, she didn't think that the bullying was a big deal, but she had never been on the receiving end. Evidently, it sticks with a person.

"Look, I'm sorry Kayla. I was young and stupid. That was wrong for us to do, but this isn't right either. You can't just take away our free will."

Kayla's smile disappeared.

"My name is Karla, asshole. Now enough talking. You are going to take that ring off your sister's finger and put it on yourself, willfully becoming my perfect little doll," Karla said.

"Fuck you."

"I'll make this simple, princess. Either you take the ring and be my doll or I'll just play with Niki while you watch."

Ellie looked at her sister. She deserved it after everything she had done to Ellie. But then again, that had been under the influence of the ring. The real Niki would have never tried to steal her boyfriend or abandon her at a restaurant. They always had each other's back through the good and the bad. Ellie could take the easy way out and let Niki take all the punishment, but what kind of sister would she be? She had always been the guardian sister, after all.

"What's it going to be, Barbie?"

"Fine, I'll put the ring on. Just leave my sister alone," Ellie said.

Internally, Niki was probably screaming, but that wouldn't change Ellie's decision. She turned around to the frozen Niki and touched the gold ring that had been keeping her sister under control. Grabbing her sister's hand, Ellie moved quick and spun around. Using her sister as a shield, she rushed at Karla, who tried to use the camera. The force of Niki knocking into her caused Karla to hit the door and the camera went flying.

Instead of going for her falling sister, Ellie went for the camera. Karla actually dove to protect Niki before she hit the ground and then gently put her down.

"Well well, look how the tables have turned," Ellie said proudly.

"You're not going to thank me for saving your sister?" Karla asked.

"Pfft. You're probably programmed to keep all dolls safe or something," Ellie said. "Now say cheese, bitch."



The door to the lavish display room opened and the youngest executive, Grant, walked in, sporting his charming smile. There were rumors that Grant had only been promoted because of his good lucks and gift of gab, and not because he was good at his job. Based on his performance at the company so far, Alex was inclined to believe the rumors. Grant's frat boy attitude and many flings in the office had gained him a player reputation.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Grant said, while walking through the room and looking at the various people. He stopped at Alex momentarily. "Looks like someone isn't doing their job properly."

A horny scream caught Grant's attention. The one person that Grant had tried and failed to seduce was Chloe. The older woman was giggling as her hand continued to work her clit. Grant pulled out his phone the moment that he saw the device around her neck.

"And here I thought these devices were off limits," Grant said. He walked over to Chloe. "Tsk tsk, Chloe, you should know better than to go through the back channels. Alex warned us that it was against the rules."

The young executive was clearly taunting the uptight Chloe. There had been many times that Alex had witnessed Chloe embarrassing Grant in front of others. She had dug her own grave on this one. After a few seconds on his phone, Grant looked back up at Chloe, who snapped to attention.

"Now tell me honestly. Why you won't fuck me, Chloe?"

"You didn't deserve that promotion and you are completely useless in this company. I think you are an absolute moron and although I have fucked dense men in the past, they at least make up for it with a body that could manhandle me like the slut I am in the bedroom," Chloe said. "You're a joke, Grant and it would be a career embarrassment to sleep with you."

Alex was laughing on the inside and the secondhand embarrassment was palpable in the room. He didn't have to see to know that Grant's charming smile was likely a snarl now. What made matters worse was that Grant would no longer be focused on the entire situation in the room. His narrow mind was now entirely centered on Chloe.

"I guess this moron's going to have some fun with that slutty mouth of yours," Grant said.

Of all the people that had to find them, it had to be Grant. He was probably looking for Beth and then noticed everything wide open. Who knows what he had done to Alex's poor frozen assistant.

"On your knees, slut," Grant said.

"Yes, master Grant," Chloe said, no doubt having been reprogrammed.

"Beg me to fuck your stupid mouth."

"Oh, please fuck my stupid mouth, Grant. Only your cock can cleanse it from these stupid ideas," Chloe said in desperation.

"Stupid ideas, you say," Grant said. He fiddled around on his app and then put his phone back in his pocket. "I know you can hear me, Chloe, and I want you to know that my cock has the power to suck your intelligence. Each time I pump into your slutty mouth, you're going to get dumber and dumber until you can't even compete with the secretaries who blow me just to brag that they've tasted my cock."

Fear returned to Chloe's face as she looked up at Grant. Her body remained kneeling as Grant pulled out his cock.

"Please Grant. I'm sorry that I said those things. Don't do this...pfff...pfmmf."

Grant pumped in her mouth about ten times and then pulled his cock back out.

"Feeling a little lightheaded?" Grant asked.

Chloe suppressed a giggle. "Please Grant, like I need my intelligence."

"I disagree. I think you'll get by just fine on your looks. It works for me," Grant said.

His cock went back in and Grant held her head still as he fucked it aggressively like he was fucking an ex who had cheated on him. Chloe struggled to talk as saliva and precum leaked from her mouth. He pulled out again, giving her a moment to catch her breath and to see the effects of his work.

"I'm curious, what does it feel like to be stupid?"

"Please Grant, like I totally don't want to be a bimbo," Chloe said, while gasping for air.

"Well, you should have thought about that when you were busy judging me. It seems like you're still yourself. I think it's time to turn the juice up on this baby."

"No Grant, I'll do anything."

"But with that collar on, you'll do anything any way," Grant said. He hit a few buttons on his app and then plugged her mouth again.

This time, it was astonishing watching the fear and panic on Chloe's face subside into a happy, bubbly smile, even with her mouth full. She laughed and sucked. Eventually, Grant didn't even have to do any work as Chloe took over milking his cock.

"Now isn't that much better, Chloe?"

"Like oh my gosh, you taste so good. I could totally do this all day. Do you have a secretary?"

"I'm sure I can find you a spot when they eventually demote you. But I will warn you, it involves a lot of time on your knees."

Chloe inhaled his cock and sucked as hard as she could before she released it again.

"Like, that's my favorite place to be," Chloe said and then giggled before shoving his cock back in her mouth.

While all this was happening, Alex was trying his best to resist the freeze. But his body had been completely immobilized by the camera. Grant needed to stop thinking with his dick and start reading the room better. There was a frozen cop in the corner of the room for goodness sakes!

Then the unthinkable happened. The minute Alex felt the vibration, he panicked internally. His phone was about to die. Looking in his peripheral vision, Alex could still see the man standing at attention. When he looked back down at his phone, the screen was black. Alex's eyes darted back to the side, and the silhouette was gone.

Slowly the man came into view, walking carefully and quietly towards Grant with a Kollar Tech collar in hand. Turn around you idiot! Chloe was right, Grant was useless at everything. Within moments, Grant was collared, and he stood blankly at attention. Chloe didn't care as she continued her programming of sucking his cock. The man turned back to Alex with an item in hand and before he knew it, his world went to black.



Mac knocked a second time on the front door with a local police officer by his side. It was a completely unbelievable story, but there had been enough reports about Kollar Tech items that the police had to take any accusations seriously.

"So, your girlfriend just broke in and you haven't seen her since?" The cop asked. "You know you're admitting to a misdemeanor, right?"

"Well, if her sister was in there, then I think kidnapping trumps a B&E," Mac said.

The door swung open, and Karla, Niki and Ellie were laughing together.

"Mac! I thought you went home," Ellie said.

"El," Mac said, confused. He grabbed her hands and looked for a ring, but there wasn't anything.

"What are you doing and why is there a cop here?" Ellie asked.

"Ellie, we came here looking for Niki, remember?" Mac said. He turned to the officer. "She did something to them."

The officer looked at all the girls and then back at Mac.

"Kid, if you're going to waste my time, at least give me something to work with."

"I bet if you go inside, you'll see what I'm talking about."

"And I bet if I did that without a warrant, I wouldn't be a cop anymore."

Mac grabbed Niki's hands and found no ring either.

"Are you like on drugs, Mac?" Niki asked.

"Mac." Karla said. "You seriously need to chill. Just because your girlfriend wants to hang out with me sometimes doesn't give you the right to get pissed. Like calling the cops, seriously?"

"El, come on, help me out," Mac said.

His girlfriend stepped forward and kissed him. "I'm sorry Mac, but it was just a prank. It was Karla's idea to prank you for the whole leaving me at Decor thing. I didn't think you'd call the cops."

Mac stepped closer so it was just the two of them talking. "You didn't even know her name before."

"I had to make it believable. Trust me. Everything is fine," Ellie said.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but everyone was acting normal except for the fact that the twins were hanging out with Karla. They had never mentioned her or goneout with her before, so he couldn't imagine them planning an elaborate prank. But there was no evidence of anything wrong now and anything he tried would only dig the hole deeper.

"I'm sorry officer. I guess it was a prank," Mac said.

"You think? I get another prank call from any of you and there will be consequences."

The officer took off, leaving Mac with the three girls.

"So can I come in?" Mac asked.

Karla shook her head. "No boys allowed."

Ellie kissed Mac, said goodbye, and then rejoined the girls inside. Karla waved as she shut the door. Mac stood for a moment debating whether to barge in. There had been enough misunderstandings between them recently that doing anything else that might upset Ellie could lead to serious problems with their relationship.

Maybe he was overreacting. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He took the ring that had been on Ellie's finger out of his pocket. Maybe it wasn't anything. He put it back and headed home, hoping everything would just return to normal.


Ellie (15 Minutes Earlier)

"Now say cheese, bitch."

Ellie went to push the button, but she couldn't.

"What the hell?" Ellie said. She tried with all her might, but her finger wouldn't click the button. "What did you do to me? Why isn't my entire body frozen?"

She looked down at Niki, who had a Kollar watch on. Karla put her hands up revealing no rings or watches.

"Truth be told Ellie; I was pretty pissed when my father first released me from his control. But he made some good points and, on the condition that he no longer fucked me, I decided that I was happy to help him. Especially when I learned that you two bimbos were under his control," Karla said. "Why don't you reach into your pocket and see what's inside."

Ellie put her hand in her pocket and pulled out Niki's gold ring.

"They are wearable tech, but that doesn't mean you need to be actually wearing them for the tech to work," Karla said. "I slipped that in your pocket when I answered the door and after a few minutes, you were completely under my control. The reason you never left my house is because I wouldn't let you leave."