Trophies Ch. 05

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Ed uses device to decorate his home with lively trophies.
5.3k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/29/2020
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Ed took a few breaths to calm himself down. Despite being locked in the basement, he was still in control of the situation. Whoever had trapped him in there just didn't know it yet. After ten minutes, the door finally opened, and Ed was happy to see the blank face of the pretty female cop staring back. With one Kollar watch on Roger while he enjoyed himself with his family, Ed only had one Kollar watch left. He had figured it was better to use it on the cop to keep her under his control in case anyone tried to check in on her. His instinctshad been correct.

Knocked out on the floor in the kitchen was his wife Kendra's pesky lawyer, Mr. Collins, no doubt doing his own investigation. He had probably broken in and tried to free the cop who had played along until it was an appropriate moment to strike. And now Ed had yet another problem to deal with. The lawyer knew too much, and Ed didn't want to waste another watch on him. The problem had escalated to a point where there was only one solution. The only way everyone was going to stay quiet about everything was to have everyone under his control. And the sexy cop was going to help make that happen.

Ultimately, it was Ed's goal to let his trophies go back to their lives, albeit with some control still held by him to use when he desired. Whenever he wanted a blowjob at work, he could schedule a meeting with his boss, and she'd be on her knees beside her desk giving him head. If he wanted a quick threesome, he could go over to his boss's house and Olivia and her daughter Megan would be at his beck and call. What a life that would be.

But for now, Ed wasn't going to be sour about the situation he was in. In fact, he was going to make the most of it. Thanks to the Decor camera, he didn't need control devices to keep everyone frozen. What was a man to do with a bunch of frozen beauties?


The cop stood at attention, unable to move but fully aware of everything that was going on. After she had been forced to subdue Mr. Collins, the man controlling her, Ed, had placed her in a girl's bedroom and left her for quite some time. She couldn't do anything about it because of whatever device he had placed on her. Sadly, Mr. Collins had been right. The Kollar devices were extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. She regretted not taking him seriously enough.

After what felt like forever, the man and his fake wife joined her in the room. Judging by the photos around the house, his fake wife had to be his daughter. The thought was unsettling to Melody and further proved the dangerous nature of the devices. When she got free, it would be her mission to take down the corporation.

"Well, I guess I should thank you for not letting the lawyer get away. That would have been an unfortunate complication." Ed said. He hit a button on his phone and Melody's mouth loosened while her body remained rigid at attention.

"You need to let me go right now." Melody said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I do apologize that you got roped into this, but we're all going to have to deal with the consequences of that."

"You won't get away with this. I will get free and I will arrest you, you sick..."

With a tap on his phone, Melody's mouth stopped talking and formed a smile. Ed smiled back.

"Now that's more like it. Since I do have you in my possession, I might as well take advantage of your own influence." Ed said and pointed at her badge. "That kind of power is hard to muster with technology. But then again, if you have enough technology, maybe not so much."

Melody wondered what his plan was. Steal more devices? Then he could continue to capture people or control them, including herself. She had to think of a plan to escape, or she'd be stuck as his slave forever, doing whatever he wanted inside and outside of the law.

"Once I get ready, we shall make our first move. Then I will have everything I need." Ed said.

Ed and his daughter left Melody standing and waiting like a doll. Whatever his plan was, she'd have no choice but to carry it out for now. But if she got a chance to escape, then she'd do everything in her power to take it.


Ellie sat up from the floor and looked around.

"What happened?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know, I pulled the ring off of your finger and then you passed out. So, then I unfroze Nikki. Her face went blank and she wandered off." Mac said, sounding overwhelmed.

"What do you mean 'wandered off'?" Ellie said. She stood up.

"I don't know, she just walked out of the house. I was concerned about you so I couldn't really go after her."

Ellie calmed herself down. She had forgotten that she had been collapsed on the floor at that point. Mac had done what any boyfriend would do by staying with her.

"Where the heck would she go?" Mac asked.

Ellie noted the ring on the counter.

"Niki was wearing a ring like that too. Maybe whoever put them on us called us back or something."

"Well, it would be great if we knew who that was." Mac said.

Ellie thought about her past few days, trying to narrow down where the ring came from.

"Oh my gosh. The weed guy." Ellie said, excited that she had a lead. "Roger brought us to this weird guy, I think his daughter goes to our school, but anyway, he was really weird, and I swear something was off that day. And it wasn't the weed."

"Well, if that's all we've got, then let's go check it out." Mac said.

Ellie nodded and the two headed off to investigate the source of the rings and to look for her missing twin.


Wearing a slick suit and looking like a million bucks, Ed opened the truck of his car and let Melody out. Her smile never faded as she followed his instructions.

"Sorry about that. Couldn't have you drawing suspicion by sitting up front." Ed said.

Not that Melody could do anything about it. Ed pulled out his phone and started his programing, giving the cop back some of her faculties, but limiting what she could do and how she would handle situations. When it was all said and done, the program was set so that Melody was basically Ed's personal cop.

"All right, this should be fun." Ed said.



"Where the hell is my phone charger?" Alex said out loud, frustrated that the one bad habit he had was routinely misplacing his phone charger.

Between looking for his phone charger and the knocking on the main IT door, it was looking like one of those days where everything was programmed to get on his nerves. Beyond the problems that Alex dealt with over the phone, it was rare that he had any visitors. But the excessive knocking disrupted his concentration and he remembered why he hated dealing with people in person.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming." Alex said as he stroked his long beard.

He opened the door and one of the IT assistants, Beth, looked discomforted.

"What can I do for you, Beth?"

"Umm, there's two cops here to talk to someone in charge." Beth said.

"Two cops?"

A man in a suit and an officer in uniform moved into view from the side. The man with the suit looked extremely important and full of confidence. Alex hated dealing with law enforcement, especially at a place like Kollar Tech where he wasn't sure if half of the stuff that they worked on was legal.

"Umm, what can I do for you officers?" Alex said.

"Do you mind if we come in?" the man asked.

"Sure." Alex said. But he stopped in his tracks. "But I'm going to have to see your ID to verify your identity. We are a very private company with lots of tech in the works. Can't have that getting out to the competition."

"Or you can't have that getting out to the police." the man said. "Look we know what you do here, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't waste my time. You think I want to come here and harass you? How the hell do you think I got up here without clearance?"

"I get that, sir, but it is company policy and what you're doing right now is social engineering 101. So again, ID or I'll have to call the station to verify you."

The man turned to his officer.

"Arrest him."

Before Alex could react, the female officer had him pinned against the wall inside. He saw Beth make a run for it, but the man with the suit ran after her. Whoever these people were, they were definitely not cops and now they had access to a lot of secrets and worst of all, to a lot of dangerous tech. Alex stopped fighting the deceptively strong cop and decided to wait until he heard their demands. Maybe there was a chance to get out of the situation unscathed.



"This is the house." Ellie said.

Mac and Ellie stared at the cookie-cutter exterior from the sidewalk. There wasn't anything that looked off and there was no sign of Niki.

"So, I guess we go knock?" Mac suggested.

Ellie took the lead and marched up the front steps with Mac in tow. After knocking, the pair waited, but there was no answer.

"Maybe no one is home." Mac said.

"Well then, let's snoop around."

The door opened, catching Ellie and Mac by surprise. A girl Ellie's age smiled sweetly at them.

"Can I help you?" the girl asked.

"Umm..." Ellie's tongue was tied as she tried to remember the girl's name. She had been in a few classes with the girl and had seen her with Roger at parties, but Ellie had never really spoken to her.

"We're looking for...well... she looks like her." Mac said awkwardly. "They're twins."

The girl leaned forward, getting uncomfortably close to Ellie, studying her for a moment, and then shook her head. Her smile never wavered.

"Can't say that I've seen anyone like you. And trust me, I'd remember." The girl said. She winked at Ellie, which made her even more uncomfortable.

Ellie couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something seemed off about the girl.

"Well, that's all then, thanks for your time." Ellie said.

Grabbing Mac's arm, Ellie led him down the steps and away from the house. The girl waited a moment and then returned inside. Despite the door being shut, the feeling of being watched never left.

"She's watching us." Ellie said.

Mac looked back at the door, but Ellie pulled his head back around.

"Don't look!" Ellie said in a loud whisper.

"Ellie, what the hell is going on?"

"That girl. I've seen her before, not like talked to her, but at parties. She's normally a slut and a stoner and nothing like the happy, creepy person we just saw."

"So... an alien took over her body?"

Ellie was not amused. "Whatever was controlling me might be doing the same to her and probably Niki too."

Mac pulled the ring out of his pocket, careful not to put it on. He examined all areas of the gold surface, but there was no indication of who had made the ring.

"I mean, there's no clear marking as to who made this, but if I were a betting man, I'd say Kollar Tech." Mac said.

"What is Kollar Tech?" Ellie asked.

"Probably the most controversial tech company ever. And that's from the stuff that has been made public." Mac said. He looked at the ring again. "And if this little thing has the ability to control someone then it's right up their alley."

"So, if that girl is being controlled, then all we'd have to do is slip off whatever was controlling her?" Ellie asked.

"I mean, if our theory is correct, then yes. If it worked for you then it should work for her."

"Well then, it looks like we have a house to break into." Ellie said.



With his hands cuffed behind him to the back of a chair, Alex had no way of escaping. Whether or not the woman was a real cop, she knew how to handle herself and he had stood little chance at resisting. The mysterious man in the suit returned dragging the fleeing assistant, Beth, who was frozen in a running position. Evidently, this man also had a Decor camera.

Alex had launched many warnings to Lawson Corporation's chairman, Mr. Lawson as well as the board and anyone who would listen that the cameras were dangerous and would eventually get out. But no one had taken him seriously. They had told him that there were practices in place to keep them secure, but Alex knew it would be the morons they hired to follow those practices that would eventually lead to a scenario like the one he now found himself in.

The cop stood blankly off to the side at attention while the man set up Beth in front of Alex. Her mouth and eyes were wide open, having been frozen while trying to scream for help.

"I'm going to warn you right now, man. This is not the right place to rob." Alex said.

"And why is that?" The man asked.

"It's technology. Everything is trackable." Alex said. "You think you're just going to walk out of here Scot free with millions of dollars in tech?"

The man leaned on the desk and stroked his chin. Obviously, he wasn't the smartest ape in the forest if part of his plan didn't include risk mitigation. The longer Alex could stall the man, the more likely it was that security would come to the rescue.

"Look, if you leave now, I'll pretend I didn't see the camera and whatever the hell you're using to control that cop." Alex said.

Instead of backing down, the man walked over to Beth and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Do you think Beth is attractive?" The man asked.

Alex was a married man, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't have at least one sexual thought a day about Beth. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also very intelligent and funny. When she wanted to be, she was also extremely flirty. How could he not fantasize about her?

"She's okay, I guess." Alex said.

The man could see through his lie. He pointed the camera at the cop and froze her in place. He grabbed the watch off of the cop and put it on Beth. After a few moments on his phone and then using the camera, Beth came to life. Her eyes immediately darted to Alex.

"Hey Alex, did you want some company?" Beth said in a sexy tone that Alex had never heard before. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him before straddling him and taking a seat on his lap.Her tits were now inches from his face and her smile was warm and inviting. If he didn't know she was being controlled, he would have easily fallen under her spell.

"Not cool, man." Alex said, trying to resist the temptation. "I know this isn't her doing it."

"I can make it so that she doesn't remember, if that's what you're worried about." The man said.

Without consent, Beth moved in and began kissing Alex, grinding on him like a dog in heat. Being handcuffed to the chair, there was nothing he could do but let it happen and hope that the man eventually stopped her. But after a few moments of rubbing and kissing, his cock saluted Beth's effort.

"You sure you don't want this? Because your body's telling me a different story." the man taunted.

"What do you want from me, man?" Alex said, as Beth continued to grind against him. He was slowly succumbing to the very enjoyable sexual assault.

"I take the tech I need, and you get to keep Beth under your control for yourself. I mean, just picture wanting a blowjob at lunch and having this hot little thing under your desk in no time."

After a few touches on the man's phone, Beth stood up and stripped entirely, revealing her perfectly round and heavy tits as well as her toned, tight ass. She twirled a few times to give Alex a show, enticing him further with the offer. He considered accepting the deal, but the plan was so complex and risky. Even if he did help, there was no way they would get away with it.

"I get what you're trying to do, but I can't actually help you. I'm just the IT guy. You think they give us access to that kind of stuff?"

"If there's one person who has access to everything, it's the IT guy." The man said. "Now either you help me, or I freeze your ass to that chair and take what I want anyway."

Alex looked at Beth and then back at the man with his frozen cop. Being frozen was the easy way out for Alex. However, if he really wanted to stay in the loop, it was in his best interest to play along. When he had the chance to get the upper hand, then he would take it. But for now, he had to give his best impersonation of a naive virgin.

"Fine, I'll do it." Alex said. "But I want a blowjob first."

He didn't like the idea, but he had to sell that he was being selfish.

"That can be arranged." the man said.

"Not from Beth." Alex said, wanting to spare her as much as he could. He nodded towards the cop. "From her."

"You drive a hard bargain, but I think we have ourselves a deal."


Ellie and Mac split up to surround the house. If it was only the girl in the house, then it would be hard for her to track two people and hopefully they would be able to take her by surprise. Ellie volunteered to take the back of the house while Mac remained at the front, more as a distraction than anything.

At the back of the house, most of the blinds were shut, but to Ellie's surprise, there was an open window on the second story. The back yard had a covered patio that provided the perfect platform to access the window. That's if Ellie wanted to risk an injury making the climb. Maybe Mac was better suited for getting into the house this way.

Even after Niki had taunted her sister and tried to make her boyfriend unknowingly cheat on her, Ellie still loved her. They had been through so much together and now that Ellie knew how much the rings affected them, she wasn't even sure if Niki was acting autonomously. There was no mistake that Niki would do annoying things to Ellie for fun, but she hadn't done anything this mean since they were young.

As Ellie worked through her feelings, she recalled how desperately she had wanted to taste Niki's pussy. Now that she was free from the ring's influence, the taboo nature of the action sent a shiver of pleasure through her body. Niki had always been the dominate of the two and, rings' power aside, if she demanded Ellie to eat her out, Ellie wasn't sure if she'd resist.

The phone vibration in her pocket broke her trance. She took out the phone and realized she had only grabbed Niki's phone when she left the house. The caller ID said Mac and Ellie answered.

"It's Ellie. I must have forgot my phone. You find anything?" Ellie asked.

"Ya, I think I can get in a small window to the basement. Might have to grab my crowbar from the car though." Mac said. "How about you? You need any help?"

Ellie stared up at the open window. Was she always going to rely on Mac to get out of trouble? At some point she needed to be the one coming to the rescue.

"I found an open window, so I'm going in now."

"Great, I'll come join you."

"No, you need to keep her distracted at the front, I got this."

"Ellie, I'm coming now. Wait for me."

The phone call ended. Ellie wasn't happy, but she understood the rationale for not rushing into a dangerous situation without backup. Not that a girl her own age could do much against her. Whatever was in that house, Ellie was sure that she would be able to handle it.

After several minutes, Mac never came. Ellie pulled out her phone again and was ready to call him, but a sense of bravado took over. Maybe he had already gotten in and she was the one screwing up the plan. It was time to take charge.

After setting up a chair, Ellie used it to jump up and grab the edge of the patio's roof. With all her strength, she pulled herself up and onto the roof. Once there, she stopped a moment to catch her breath and let her muscles rest. When Ellie was ready, she stood up and saw that the window was directly across from the patio roof. With a bit of a run, she'd be able to clear the gap between them with ease.

Even though the gap between the house and the patio roof was narrow, it was still nerve wracking to attempt the leap. Ellie took a few deep breaths. It was ludicrous that she was about to break into someone else's home, but with her sister's disappearance, and her own black out, and her inability to control herself; stuff just wasn't adding up. It all started at this house. She needed answers and she needed her sister.