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Mother and daughter as sex slave
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This is a mind control story covering a variety of hetero and lesbian sexual activities, and female submission. If this offends you, please read no further. All characters are over the age of 18, and all characters and events in this story are fictitious; any resemblance to any real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.

Once again, I would like to express my appreciation for Hatsuda, my editor for his support and expertise so willingly given.


I am a slave.

I am a sex slave and Glenn is my master. He took me six months ago. He has instructed me to tell my story so that others could share my experiences.

I haven't always been like this. But let me start at the beginning. My name is Melissa Caxton; I am a thirty seven year old divorcee with an eighteen year old daughter. I own my own business as a financial planner, and although it doesn't provide for extensive luxuries, I make a comfortable income.

I divorced my husband ten years ago. He had always had rather disturbing ideas about sexual activity, but as time went on, he became more extreme. I had a conservative upbringing, and my parents had emphasized that sex had to do with making babies, not for pleasure. I believed this, but I found the birth of my daughter to be a traumatic experience, so I had my tubes tied to prevent the possibility of further children.

My husband didn't agree with this as he had wanted more children. When he realised that this would not be possible, he changed and wanted me to do things that I thought at the time were dirty and depraved and our marriage became strained. He went further and wanted me to engage in unnatural sexual activity associated with my bottom and putting his thing in my mouth.

The end came when he started to call me stupid, frigid and repressed, and one evening, he put me over his knee and spanked me; I wasn't prepared to tolerate this indignity and I told him to move out or I would take legal action against him for assault. He left, the divorce went through and I got a not unreasonable settlement. I never saw him again, nor did I ever want to.

Respectability and decency became my watchwords. I placed a lot of importance on respectability and was quite open about the need for decency and good behaviour. I wore clothes that were conservative and never revealing, blouses buttoned to the neck and skirts and dresses below the knee. And black rimmed spectacles. I didn't appreciate even slightly smutty jokes and comments, and attended church regularly every Sunday where a hat was mandatory. I was a "pillar of local society" and had even been encouraged to stand for the local council.

My long dark hair was caught up in a bun on top of my head and makeup was light and seemed almost non-existent. My underwear and foundation garments were designed to limit any exposure of my figure; my husband had told me that I had "beautiful boobs" (a degrading expression) and a "gorgeously curvy arse" (a similarly disgusting description) and I had attempted to minimise any emphasis on my figure. Nevertheless, I was tall and, I think, elegant and always remained immaculately, if conservatively, groomed

After the divorce, I had no time for men, although I did attract some attention. This was easily rejected, and I devoted my time jointly to my daughter Amanda and my business. I emphasized the importance of Amanda keeping her virginity until marriage and she seemed to agree with me, although many of her peers were sexually active and I worried about the licentious behaviour of these young people.

This is how I was until six months ago, and I believed that I was happy and contented with my life.

Then Glenn came into my life and everything changed. Now I obey him in everything he tells me to do, and I cannot find any way of resisting him. The truth is that now I have no desire to resist him for I am his slave and the whole focus of my being is to make my master happy. This is mainly by giving him all the sexual pleasure that he desires, anyway, any time, any place at his instruction. My former focus on respectability and decency has disappeared and I became his slut, sexually available in whatever way pleases him.

I still don't fully understand how this happened, but it was wholly unexpected and not a little scary. It was a Saturday afternoon, Amanda was out with her friends and I was catching up with housework when the doorbell rang. On the doorstep was a tall young man with curly black hair and bright blue eyes. Quite handsome, I supposed in a young and rather obvious way.

"Good afternoon, Ms Caxton, isn't it? I'm Glenn Hudson."

"Yes, I'm Melissa Caxton, what can I do for you?"

"Would you mind if I came in, please, Ms Caxton, there is something important I need to discuss with you."

"I'm afraid you will have to stay here, Mr Hudson, until you tell me the nature of your business," I replied coolly.

"Mmm, I was afraid of something like this," he said, and pulled a gun from his coat pocket, pointing it at me. "The nature of my business is simple. I am going to make you my sex slave. Now, please don't scream or shout, or I shall have to use this gun in a quite unpleasant way."

He made this bizarre statement quite calmly, as if he was discussing the weather.

I was terrified and backed away from the door as he forced himself in.

"Now then, Ms Caxton, I don't want to hurt you, and won't do so as long as you do what I tell you." He was cool and composed but clear in his intentions. "Just go and sit on that kitchen chair and I will make the necessary arrangements for your enslavement."

To say that I was panicking would be a gross understatement; not so much over his intention to make me his slave, I just didn't believe that, but by the way he continued to point the gun at me. " ca...can't this me. I'm a de...decent woman and I w...will have arr...arrested," I stammered.

He laughed. "I don't think so, Ms Caxton—let's just see what happens, shall we?"

Keeping the gun pointed at me, he opened a holdall he was carrying and pulled out two handcuffs, locking my wrists behind me to the back of the chair. A similar pair of cuffs was used on my ankles, and he looked at me with a smile that, in other circumstances might have seemed warm and genuine.

I pleaded with him. "Oh god, please don't do this to me; I'll give you all my money, I won't say anything to anybody, just please leave me alone. Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this?" I continued to beg him to let me go, but he ignored my cries.

"Now I don't want to risk you attracting unwanted attention, Ms Caxton, so I'm going to have to gag you. But it shouldn't have to be there for too long." So saying, he pulled out a light perforated plastic ball attached to a strap. He forced the ball into my mouth and pulled the strap over the back of my head.

"Don't go anywhere, Ms Caxton," he laughed and stepped back outside, bringing in a case that he'd evidently hidden there. He returned and set up a laptop computer on the table next to him, plugging the power lead into a power point.

"Good, now let's get to work." He was now all business, but I was terrified, tears were flooding down my face and I fought against the cuffs, but to no effect. "Don't struggle like that, Ms Caxton; you might fall and hurt yourself, and we don't want that, do we?" and he picked up his gun and laid it conspicuously on the nearby table.

"Now, Ms Caxton, let's dry your eyes; all this begging and pleading and all your questions will seem unimportant in a few minutes."

I sobbed, but realised that nothing I said would cause him to stop his evil plan.

"Now, Ms Caxton, I shall put this headset on you and start up the process. You will feel no pain, although there will be a deep buzzing sensation that will grow stronger and it is possible you may pass out." My fear must have shown in my eyes because he stroked my arm with unexpected gentleness and said, "Ms Caxton, you have nothing to fear. You will be perfectly safe, and if you do pass out, you will recover rapidly."

He returned to his chair and also put on a headset, and then pressed some keys on the laptop. As he had predicted, I felt a buzzing sensation deep in my head. It became more intense until I did pass out. When I recovered consciousness, Glenn had removed the headset, the gag and the cuffs on my wrists and ankles, and he was sitting silently watching me.

"Welcome back, Ms Caxton. Now tell me how you are feeling."

"I don't know. I don't really feel any different," I replied

"Sounds good. Now, after that experience, how do you feel about me? Angry? Bitter? Resentful? Hatred?"

"Oh god, I ought to be, but somehow I'm not." It was true. I ought to have felt mad about what he had done, I ought to have grabbed the gun and shot him. I ought to have called the police. I did none of these things, but instead sat and watched him, responding to his questions as he asked them.

"So you're not feeling any of those negative emotions, or any other harmful feelings, are you?"

"No, no I'm not."

He walked over, and stood in front of me, then stroked his hand across my breast, gently pinching a nipple through my blouse and bra. This felt unexpectedly exciting, but I should have objected strongly. I didn't, and simply accepted that Glenn was entitled to do this.

"Excellent," he said. "Now this is what will happen in the future." I shivered, waiting to discover my new destiny. "You are now my slave and will do exactly what I tell you. However, I'm not going to interrupt your business or family lives, they can go on exactly as they have in the past. So far as we are concerned, your role is to provide me with sex however, whenever and wherever I choose. Do you understand?"

I thought about what he had said and try as I might, I could find no way out of this emotional bondage. "Yes, I suppose so."

"You suppose what?"

"That I will do whatever you say."


I tried very hard to find something that I wouldn't do but I could find no point of resistance. "Yes, anything."

"Good, but I don't just want a robot. I have changed the way you think about sex, and you are unable to tell anyone else about it without my permission. However, your rational mind can still rebel against what I tell you to do, and you may try to struggle against me—I hope you will, because a certain amount of resistance adds spice to sex. But I can promise you that you will also experience erotic highs that you never even dreamed could exist."

I didn't know what to think. Part of me rebelled against any suggestion that I would have sex with this man, but another part felt secretly excited, wondering what he was going to do with me, to me and whether I really would enjoy it.

"Now, Melissa, tell me about all your sexual experiences; you have been married, I think?"

I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but I realised that I had to obey this young man who had so suddenly become my master. "My husband was the first and only man I ever had sex with. After Amanda was born, I couldn't accept the idea of further children and had my tubes tied. My husband got very angry about this and his attitude towards me changed. He wanted to do disgusting sexual things with me like putting his thing in my mouth and into my backside."

"Hmm. What makes you think they're disgusting, Melissa?"

"They're unnatural; decent people don't do that sort of thing."

"But you've changed, Melissa. You no longer care about all that 'decency' nonsense and you crave sexual satisfaction."

I had never thought like that before, but suddenly, visions of what I once thought of as highly immoral encounters flooded through my brain.

"And you will need to forget all those prudish terms, Melissa. It is your bottom or your arse, and what you called a 'thing' is my cock. You no longer have a vagina but a 'pussy' or a 'cunt' and you have two quite enchanting 'tits'."

These new ideas flooded through my mind, embedding themselves as I looked at Glenn and wondered what he would do to me. In the silence that followed, Glenn looked around the room and saw the photo of my daughter, Amanda.

"A lovely young lady, Melissa, you must be very proud of her."

"Oh yes. We have a close relationship and she is very precious to me."

"Excellent. Now, let's get back to you and how you see yourself. Now we have freed some of your inhibitions, Melissa, tell me what is your deepest, darkest secret. Your most forbidden desire. Something you can barely admit to yourself, let alone ever have confessed to your husband."

I desperately wanted to stay silent and not reveal what I had formerly considered disgusting and depraved. But I couldn't stop myself. "I have this deep desire to feel a man's tongue stroking my ... my ... pussy. And finding the little button thing at the top."

"Your clit, Melissa."

"Yes, finding my clit and working me into a climax."

"I see. I think I can arrange that, but, of course, I shall want equivalent satisfaction. If I eat out your pussy, I shall expect you to suck my cock. How does that sound?"

It sounded so degrading that I wanted to run away and hide from these wholly indecent images. But Glenn had taken control of me and I nodded to him, saying, "Make me climax with your tongue and I'll suck your cock until you ... you ..."

"Until I cum in your mouth and you swallow my spunk?"

"Oh god, yes, that's what I want." I suddenly realised that there was nothing I wanted more right at that moment.

"I think we're going to have a really exciting relationship, Melissa. Now, take me to your bedroom and do a slow, sultry strip for me."

I led the way to my room, but I was filled with foreboding. I had never done anything like this, and while I knew I had to satisfy Glenn, I hadn't the faintest idea of how to do so. I was afraid he would be angry with me and hurt me.

"Glenn, I know I need to obey you, but I've never taken my clothes off in front of a man before, not even my husband. I don't know how to do it so I can please you."

"I see," he commented. "Then let's do it the other way round. Come here and I will undress you—then you can do the same to me."

I trembled, partly with fear and partly with anticipation. I stood in front of him and he slowly unbuttoned my blouse, allowing it to fall apart and revealing my plain white cotton bra. Pulling the blouse out from my skirt, he slipped it off and dropped it to the floor.

A red flush grew from my chest and up my throat as I was exposed like this, but this was only the start. He unclipped my bra and slowly drew it off, revealing my rounded, creamy white breasts—I now needed to think of them as tits. I could feel the flush deepening, the areolas crinkling and the nipples starting to firm up under his intent gaze.

"Such beautiful tits," he murmured and the flush across my chest, my hardening nipples and my shallow breathing told him what he wanted to know. Reaching out, he pinched each one, making me squeal. I had never had an experience like that and I could feel it starting to generate heat in other parts of my body. He went further and taking a nipple in his mouth, licked it and sucked on it before he bit down on it to make me scream. He repeated the dose on the other side. This intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure took me further into a frenzy of hot excitement, a forbidden land of new enchantment and submissive delights.

"What are you doing to me? Please ... I don't ... I've never ..."

"I'm just showing you the first steps to real sexual pleasure, somewhere you've never been before. But somewhere you will never want to leave. I'm going to make you beg and plead with me to take you higher and further into desire, lust and depravity because you won't be able to resist."

I moaned, deep in my throat at the changes flooding through my body, even with these first simple steps.

Then he reached down and unzipped my skirt, pushing it to the floor, and then peeling the half-slip over my trembling hips. I stepped out of both garments, standing in front of him dressed only in panty hose and sensible shoes.

"Hmm, some changes will be needed here," he commented. "No more panty hose; when you're with me I expect to see you in lingerie with seamed stockings and no less than three inch heels. Plus a bra that emphasizes those gorgeous tits and doesn't try to hide them."

I was shocked at his suggestions and had to make a stand. "That will make me look like a ... a slut."

"But Melissa, that's exactly what you are, but you are my slut, my own personal property. And to add to that impression, when I am with you, you will wear heavy makeup, bright red lipstick and lip gloss plus bright red nail varnish. In your everyday life you will still be the same repressed Melissa Caxton you've always been, but with me you will be an uninhibited slut wanting nothing more than to please your master."

I was horrified, and every instinct in me rebelled at presenting myself to him in this way. I fought with myself, but something inside me, some released inhibition generated an overwhelming need and I simply answered, "Yes, master."

"Good, now lose the panty hose and those repulsive shoes and present your naked body to me for inspection."

I stood in front of Glenn, trembling as he told me to link my hands behind my head and then turn slowly so that he could inspect my body. I knew that this would push my ... my tits out; I felt his gaze linger on my bottom and I could almost feel his eyes penetrate my vag ... no, my pussy, as I must now call it.

"Very nice, Melissa. Your husband was quite right—you do have a gorgeously curvy arse. Sweet soft curves leading to long, smooth, beautifully shaped legs. The sort a man dreams of wrapping round him as he fucks you until you scream. Now, come here and undress me."

My trembling intensified, but I managed to lift his T shirt over his head and saw his smooth, toned chest. To my amazement and disgust, I felt a quiver of excitement deep in my sexual core. He sat as I removed his shoes and socks, then stood again while I undid his jeans, my nervousness making it difficult to lower the zip. But I managed eventually and could see his ... his cock tenting his boxer shorts.

My courage deserted me, and I cried, "Please don't make me take off your shorts; I don't know how I will cope with this. I've never ..."

"I was tempted to make you pull them down with your teeth, Melissa, but at this stage, I'll go easy on you. Put your thumbs in the waist band, then you may close your eyes before you pull them down."

Still timid and fearful, I did as I had been told, now on my hands and knees, with my eyes tight shut.

"Open your eyes, Melissa," and as I hesitated, he demanded, "NOW".

Oh god, I had never imagined anything like this. As I opened my eyes, I saw this rigid cock only a few inches away, pointing at my face. It was a human weapon, red and veiny and with a little drop of liquid at the tip. It looked as if it had a mind of its own, its only objective to bury itself deep inside me.

I looked up at Glenn whose smile was forceful and possessive. "Feel free to touch it, to stroke it, Melissa."

Even exerting all my willpower, I couldn't stop my hand reaching out to wrap itself round Glenn's cock. It felt warm and smooth, but underneath, hard and intimidating. I could feel it pulse as the blood throbbed through this frightening, menacing weapon, and I shuddered at the thought of it penetrating me and how it would feel, buried deep inside me, in my ... in my ... cunt."

But something was happening to me. I couldn't escape the flood of lewd thoughts driving through my mind; they generated a physical response, and I could feel an internal heat begin, causing dampness between my legs and my nipples to firm up and start to ache. And it came to me with startling clarity that the only way to relieve these feelings was for Glenn to take me. That's what I needed, and I was absolutely certain that that was what he wanted.