Transform or Dare

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New App gives 5 couples a party to remember.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/28/2020
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Ben stared at the chip selection. Why did they have so many flavors now? Deep dish pizza chips, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup chips. Who buys this shit? Best to go with the classics. Salt and Vinegar and Barbecue. The snacks were for an upcoming get-away weekend at a cottage belonging to his girlfriend's friend. Four other couples were going, which meant Ben had to come out of his introverted shell and socialize. Not that he didn't like socializing, but the guest list left little to be desired.

First there was his girlfriend's sister, Stephanie and her meat-head boyfriend, Dalton. She was once the cheerleader and he was once the starting quarterback. They managed to carry their relationship into college, but Ben was waiting for the day it all fell apart. Dalton was a few years younger than Ben and trying to converse with him outside of sports was like talking to a wall. Stephanie was no better. Since high school, guys were pumping her with self-esteem over the slutty photos she posted, turning her into narcissistic monster. The only good thing was that she was too dumb to understand her full influence over men. Although both equally beautiful, Stephanie was nothing like her sweet, intelligent sister, Tiffany.

Trish and Mark, two stoners that Ben didn't mind hanging out with, were also coming. Mark was always good for a laugh, especially after a few hours of smoking. Trish was a female carbon copy which made them perfect for each other. Laurence and Elizabeth were the most successful couple. He was an engineer working on confidential projects and she was a medical doctor. The conversation with them often steered into a technical bore that felt equivalent to reading a research paper.

The last couple coming were Sally and Greta, two lesbians. Tiffany was roommates with Greta in college and kept in touch. When she came out of the closet and introduced Sally, Tiffany wasn't surprised. If they lived together any longer, Greta probably would have turned her too.

Ben and Tiffany set out on their drive with their favorite playlist on. He liked the long ride for thinking and conserved his energy for the socializing. All the parties went the same way. They'd show up, stand around awkwardly, eat, play drinking games and then pass out. That would be fun if it were with his friends. But it wasn't, which made it more work than play.

Ben and Tiffany were second last to arrive. Mark and Trish were always fashionable late because they liked to smoke up before coming. After putting their luggage in their room, Ben and Tiffany joined the party with a beverage in hand. Girls and guys separated, leaving Ben to fend for himself.

"What's up Ben." Dalton said.

He was a douche, but he liked Ben which made him friendly. The way he treated Laurence was the complete opposite, like he was subconsciously fulfilling the bully and nerd stereotype. Laurence took it in stride and never seemed bother. Ben made it a game to think of comebacks on Laurence's behalf since the guy had no creativity whatsoever. Once Mark showed up, Dalton laid off the chirps and talked sports and weed with Mark.

"Now that we're all here, I have a surprise for this party." Laurence said.

Laurence worked on confidential stuff, maybe he was allowed to test something.

"What kind of surprise?" Ben asked.


Tiffany circled her finger around her wine glass. Stephanie joined her with a glass of her own as they watched Elizabeth converse with Sally and Greta.

"Like I didn't think you and Ben would come... well mostly Ben." Stephanie said.

"He knows this is important to me." Tiffany said. "I don't get to see everyone like I used to.

"Who knows how long this will even last, there's like a lot of tension." Stephanie said. Her eyes narrowed on Elizabeth.

"Steph, they only dated for like two months."

"Yah. The two months that we took a break and from what I heard; it was nothing but a fuck fest." Stephanie said clenching her glass. "And now we have to come to her cottage where they probably did most of it."

Tiffany knew her sister detested Elizabeth, but the awkwardness didn't end there. Laurence had also dated Greta around the same time before she switched teams, leading everyone to believe it was his lackluster performance in bed that sealed the deal. This didn't comfort Stephanie because if Laurence couldn't satisfy Greta, then he surely couldn't satisfy Elizabeth, which made her flirty, promiscuous and ready to cheat. A recipe for a potential drama filled night.

Laurence entered the room carrying a fancy looking wooden box with the rest of the guys in tow.

"All right, can I have everyone's attention." Laurence said. "Tonight, we are going to play a new game being developed by the company I work for, Kollar Tech. I need you to download the app and I will give you the pass code to access the game in its full form."

Laurence opened the box and inside it had pairs of rings. Half of the pair were a black wedding band each accented by a different color and the other half were diamond engagement rings with different colors engraved at the bottom of the band. He explained that each ring was synced by color and that each couple would receive a pair of rings. Once they had the App ready, they were to enter their information and take a selfie of themselves to allow the App to connect each person with their ring.

Tiffany found the app called Transform or Dare. An obvious play on the popular game Truth or Dare, but what did Transform mean? Was this a role-playing game like Dungeons and Dragons? She entered her details and took the selfie with her patented duck face lips and bedroom eyes. The kind of pic that would get thousands of likes on social media.

Once everyone was set up, Laurence directed them to grab a seat in the living room.

"Okay, the game is called Transform or Dare and how it works is each couple will have to choose who does what. So for example, if I choose Transform, Elizabeth will choose Dare."

"What does transform mean?" Tiffany asked.

"That's a surprise." Laurence grinned.

"And what if we refuse?" Ben asked.

"I'm just telling you the rules. The App is smart technology, so it will decide what the consequences are." Laurence said. "Now if there are no more questions, once I hit begin, the game is on. Keep in mind anything that happens is permanent, so if nobody wants to play, now is your chance."

Tiffany and Ben looked at each other. Everything is permanent. He was trying his best to oversell the product. What could an App possibly do that would be permanent?

Laurence hit the start button and the App chimed.


Dalton's ring lit up indicating it was his turn. He had no idea what to expect from the game, but it had to be lame coming from Larry's dumb company. He made eyes with Elizabeth, or Lizzy as he liked to call her, and imagined her naked body again. To give that another go would be worth the risk. She stared back with bedroom eyes. None of the other couples seemed to be moving.

"I'm picking Transform, you can have the Dare." Stephanie said.

Dalton looked at his other half. Personality and looks wise, Stephanie had Lizzy beat. But in the bedroom, Lizzy was so unsatisfied with Larry and past relationships, that she turned into a complete submissive slut with Dalton.

"Sure, babe, go for it. What do we do now Larry?" Dalton said.

Larry stared at him but said nothing.

"Larry, what do I do?" Dalton didn't like having to ask twice.

"Just click the button." Steph said.

Dalton hit Dare and Stephanie hit Transform. Their picks locked in. Stephanie's ring chimed and started flashing. Dalton looked at his girlfriend and then couldn't move. He was completely aware, but no longer had control of his body. He watched Stephanie's hair slowly turn from blond to red starting at the scalp and working its way down.

Stephanie switched to the camera on her phone and saw the transformation for herself.

"Oh my God! What the hell is happening!"

No one said a word as the transformation completed, giving Stephanie a full head of red hair. She was a redhead now. Dalton stood speechless. Even if he could talk, he wouldn't know what to say. How was it possible to change hair color like that? What kind of black magic technology was Larry's company creating?

Stephanie's phone chimed. Dalton felt the control return to his body as he moved. His girlfriend stared at her phone with a shocked look on her face, seemingly frozen in place.

"Steph?" Dalton walked over and grabbed her hair to confirm it was real. He had slept with a few redheads, but he preferred blonds.

Dalton waved his hand in front of her face, but there was no reaction. He took her left hand and stuck the long pink acrylic nail and finger up her nose. Still no reaction. He turned his sights onto Larry, who remained in the same position as before.

"What the hell did you do to my girl?"

Larry didn't cower or run. He maintained his seat. Dalton's ring chimed and started flashing. He looked at his phone giving him the Dare.

"Make out with Elizabeth." Dalton read out loud.

Dalton smiled at Larry. For some reason he couldn't hit him, but this would do as retribution.

"Make out with Larry's girl. Sure."


Stephanie tried to pull her finger out of her nose as she stared at the image of herself looking like an idiot on her phone. Her finger wouldn't budge from its new home. In fact, none of her body could move. Her red hair draped down the back of her head. She spent hours dying it and perfecting it to get the perfect blond look and now all that hard work was gone. Her hair looked naturally red without dye. Was that her permanent color now? If she tried to dye it again, would it immediately go back to red? Her thoughts on her hair immediately halted as she heard Dalton's dare. What the hell kind of dare was that?

Dalton moved in and kissed his former lover. Stephanie stood seething in anger. This stupid game not only ruined her look, but it was letting Dalton get away with cheating while she helplessly watched with a finger up her nose. The dare never stipulated how long, so the two lovebirds remain lip locked for several minutes. If Stephanie thought she was the only jealous person, she knew Laurence would be equally as angry, especially given how Dalton treated him.

After three minutes, Dalton's phone chimed, and they released the kiss. Dalton made his way back over and plopped down next to Stephanie. The App chimed on everyone's phone and the sound of the party returned. Stephanie pulled her finger out of her nose and punched Dalton on the arm.

"Oww. That was part of the game." Dalton said.

"You could refuse."

"Like you refused changing your hair color. There's something weird about this App."

"You think?" Stephanie said grabbing a strand of her hair.

"Well we went through it, let's see what happens to everyone else."

Mark and Trish's rings lit up indicating they were next. All the phones chimed again.


Mark adjusted his eyes and looked at Stephanie. Was his weed laced? He could have sworn her hair was blond when he arrived. The light on his ring caught his eye. Everyone stared at him, but no one was moving.

"Oh is it my turn?"

"I think its our turn." Trish said.

Mark laughed. "All right, what do you want to do?"

Trish grabbed a handful of her curly brunette hair. "I think I'd like to keep my hair the way it is. I'll do Dare." She selected Dare on the App.

Mark nodded and hit the Transform button. His ring chimed and flashed. Trish stopped moving next to him. During the first round Mark was lost in deep thought, and he didn't bother moving. Had he been frozen? It seemed everyone wasn't moving anymore. He blinked his eyes several times. He just changed dealers and wondered if there were other drugs at play.

Mark felt a foreign feeling in his legs. His pants stretched and his well define calves filled in the loose clothing. Next his ass tightened, and his pectorals popped out. If Mark thought the hair color change was trippy, his mind was going bananas as he watched his body fill out. His stomach pulled in and a six-pack formed over the once average gut. His arms grew bigger until his biceps were the size of softballs. Despite the changes in body mass, the weirdest feeling of all was the few inches of growth putting him at well over six feet.

Mark's new body settled into place and he took a moment to gather his thoughts. He took his shirt off and stared at his carved-out muscles, trying to decipher hallucinations form reality.

"Holy shit." Mark turned to Trish. "Look honey, I'm more jacked than The Rock."

Trish's ring chimed and started flashing.


Trish couldn't believe the sight before her. She was never into super ripped guys because they were all full of themselves. But seeing Mark's chiseled body got her hot and bothered. She wanted to jump him right then and there, but her ring indicated it was her turn. She read the Dare on her phone.

"Give Ben a nude lap dance." Trish said.

Trish bit her lip. She wished it were Mark. But a dare was a dare. She turned her sights on Ben. Off came her Eminem t-shirt and jeans, revealing her black bra and panties. She walked over to Ben. Tiffany sat beside him with her arms crossed. Like Stephanie with Dalton, she probably wasn't happy having to sit and watch another girl get intimate with her boyfriend. She had nothing to worry about though. Trish's mind was on Mark and being fucked by his new body. She wondered if the effects also modified his cock. It was big now, but a little more girth and length wouldn't hurt.

Her phone started the timer and music played. Trish stepped over Ben's lap and started dancing. She turned around so her ass was in his face, but in reality, she wanted to stare at Mark, who stood frozen pointing to his abs with an amused look on his face. She bent over and twerked right over Ben's crotch then slowly stood back up and stepped off. Slipping her thumbs under the band of her panties, she slid them down her legs giving him a long look at her dangling cleavage. She placed her panties over Tiffany's head, blinding her from seeing the rest of the performance. Next came the bra which landed in Tiffany's lap.

With her full body on display, Trish turned her attention from the shirtless Mark to Ben. He wasn't a bad looking guy. The few conversations they did have were always full of laughter and to his credit, he treated her more like a friend than a piece of meat. Guys always thought she could do better than Mark which made them try hard to impress her. Ben was a breath of fresh air when it came to a one on one conversation. She danced between his leg, grinding her ass up and down his crotch. Dancing was hard for Trish and dancing in the same spot was more difficult with limited moves. Yet somehow her body managed to know what it was doing.

She turned around and placed her hands on the ground in front of her, leaving her ass high in the air. Next came the twerking as she slowly backed her ass up until Ben had a hot potato going wild in his hands. He grabbed both cheeks and she turned her head around with a happy grin, letting him grope her as much as he wanted. The music changed on the phone and she moved into another dance. This time she hopped up on his lap and rode him. Her breasts dangled in his face as she moved back and forth causing a stir below. For the finale, she forced his face into motorboating her perfect tits.

Her phone chimed and the music stopped, Trish got off and walked back over to Mark. All phones chimed and everyone unfroze. Tiffany threw the panties on the floor, glaring at Trish. She half expected the girl to come over and give her a piece of her mind, but for some reason she didn't. Tiffany's ring lit up, indicating it was her turn.


Tiffany couldn't believe Trish would do that to her. Covering her head with her wet panties. She had no idea what they did after she couldn't see. A discussion she would have with Ben after the party. For now, her focus turned to the App which indicated it was their turn. The transformations of her sister's hair and Mark's body, which she couldn't take her eyes off, were enough to show the reality of the situation. Whatever they were doing at Kollar Tech, it was certainly going to innovate the App market. Her phone indicated to pick Transform or Dare. Ben waited like a gentleman for her to decide.

"What do you want to do?" Tiffany asked.

Ben looked around the room.

"Honestly, the transformations haven't been too bad. Maybe I'll get a six pack like Mark."

He was right. Or maybe she'd get bigger breasts and more junk in the trunk. The worse thing so far was a different hair color. She could live with that.

"Actually, I'll do Transformation." Tiffany said.

She touched the button before Ben could object. Ben shrugged his shoulders and touched Dare. Tiffany's phone chimed and her ring flashed as Ben froze in place. She first felt it in her face. Her skin became loose and then immediately tightened. The weird feeling traveled down her neck and spread out through her arms and chest. There wasn't much of a difference besides a few wrinkles, most notably on her hands. Her tits sagged before tightening into a firm, unmoving position. With the new shape and size, somehow there were implants in her chest. The feeling continued down her stomach, ass and legs. Her body felt weaker, but her mind was still sharp. She took out her phone and looked in the camera.

"Oh my God!"

Tiffany's face was older and had it not been for Botox, it would have been full of wrinkles. It was like 20 years had been added to her body.

"I'm a MILF!"

She was speechless as she stared at her new body. There were wrinkles in her hands and feet where she couldn't help the affects of aging. With Botox and breast implants, her face and tits had the appearance of a younger body. But she still looked like someone old trying to look young. The beauty of youth was hard to fully replicate. Tiffany could feel the physical difference between her new body and old body. How could the App do that to her? She looked at Ben for help, but her ring chimed, and she froze in place.


Ben unfroze and stared at his girlfriend. She was still extremely attractive but looked like a completely different person. Ben had a MILF fetish, so it was turning him on, but the long-term affects were strange to think about. He'd be dating someone 20 years older than him. How could he explain that she used to be his age?

His phone chimed and he read out the dare. "Give Greta Oral and bring her to orgasm."

Ben took one last look at his girlfriend. She looked exactly like the MILFs he'd watch in porn videos with her artificially tight face and bolted on tits. Sex was going to be wild the first few times. He turned back towards the target and knelt in front of her. It was nerve-wracking knowing that she was a lesbian. Greta and Sally probably regularly ate each other out. How could he be better than her lover when he barely went down on Tiffany? He hoped oral from a stranger was just enough of a taboo scenario to help get her off as he slid her panties down. Sally was looking straight in his direction giving her a show for the whole thing. At this point, everyone must have come to terms with the cheating. Every dare had been a sexual act and it was likely to continue that way.

Ben moved his fingers to start stimulating her, but he couldn't touch her pussy. The dare said oral, leaving him only one option to use: his mouth. He pulled her forward so she slid down the chair and then used her arms to hold her legs up high and wide, making her exposed pussy more accessible. Greta remained frozen in her pose with only her eyes moving. Ben made courteous eye contact before diving in. He hoped she enjoyed the performance.