Transcontinental Swap Ch. 01


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Russ said, "One way to deal with this is to know -- just know -- that I am screwing around all the time, and I know you are too. Then, at least, we aren't wondering 'whether' itmight be happening; we should know it's a sure thing. Second, we both need to develop a feeling that over time things will even out. So, if I have three nights of wild sex in a row and you don't, just know that your new stud of a boyfriend might take you down to Cape Cod for a long weekend and never let you out of bed ... and that same weekend, I'm in the office from dawn to late working on a proposal for some Chinese company we hope to have as a client. Over time, it'll even out. We need a sense of karma."

I said, "I can live with that, at least for now. I do see how it'll become more real when we actually have a relationship with another couple and are doing things with them. You know I'm the academic -- everything looks great on paper, but human emotions and unpredictable situations arise to throw all those theoretical speculations out the window."

We moved on down Russ' list. When he mentioned STDs, we agreed that we'd all get tested and then stay loyal to the foursome. If any of us ventured outside that, they would restrict their activities to use of condoms or go for a dry spell until they could get retested with a clean bill of health.

I asked, "Russ, do you think one of us will have yet a further relationship outside of engaging another couple somehow?"

He nodded, "Well, if we really have an open marriage, then the possibility is there. Maybe you go to some conference -- or I do -- or we just happen to run into an old friend, or who knows what. I can think of a million ways we might find someone we'd like to have a fling with. I've constantly had that switch turned off, and I know you have too, but now we've turned on the 'other options are available' switch. We're open to other people, and we invite them to be open with us."

"I see what you mean. It's nothing planned, it just might happen."

"Yeah, and I think that means both of us should start to carry some condoms in our travels -- like the boy scouts, 'always prepared.' We laughed, but both knew the recommendation had teeth to it. I'd pick up some the next day at the local pharmacy and split the box with Russ.

The idea of living with the partners of our second couple seemed the best alternative, although that would signal to the neighbors some new situation between us. Nonetheless, being with each other at night would resolve our 'horniness' issue as well as the time of night problem which Russ and I had run into several times -- he had a late meeting, and I was long in bed asleep before he could talk. As for frequency, we both laughed, and said 'as much as possible, as often as possible.'

The idea of making comparisons between each other and our mystery partner struck us as funny. I saw that the only thing that might upset us is if those comparisons were thrown in the other's face in a malicious way. They would be inevitable, but we could bask in the differences and enjoy them too. We laughed at all the possible comparisons: X's cock and Russ' cock; my tits and Y's tits; the feel and taste of different pussies; the amount of cum left behind; the amount of pussy juice squirted; and on and on. We were worked up, but laughing.

The anticipation exercise was a good one because it put us on guard about how to handle them. Russ and I both agreed that in any situation, we should avoid putting each other on the spot by asking 'Is she or he better than I am' in some quality. We acknowledged there would be differences, some good and some less good, but we shouldn't dwell on them.

I suggested that we frame an advertisement and put it in the 'right' newspapers or websites in each geographic area and see what materializes. We had fun making the ad, and in the end had about 175 words that seemed to get the message across.

Personals: Transcontinental Couple Seeking Similar Couple for Unusual Relationship.

Professional dual-career couple has become bi-coastal for the indefinite future -- him in Palo Alto, and her in Cambridge for work and Dillon, MA for home. We are early-thirties, college educated (MBA, Ph.D.), bright, go-getters, handsome, pretty, athletic, trim, shapely, sculptured, and very lusty. We seek a couple that has opposite geographic problem to ours: she's in Bay Area, and he's in the Boston area -- perhaps even living/working in or near Dillon, MA. We have opened our marriage because of our expected significant time apart. We aren't into pick-up bars, clubs, or even internet dating (except for this ad), so this ad is our search for another couple also looking for a unique solution to being apart for a long time. We have only a hazy vision of what this two-couple bi-coastal relationship might become; if you're the ones, help us build this vision and become our intimate friends. All serious replies will be answered. Send pix to speed things along. Couples only please -- married preferred.

Once back in Boston, I placed our ad in the Boston classifieds in the personals section of a couple of newspapers including a few alternative media papers and one online site. Russ did likewise with several papers and one classified ad on an internet site in the Bay Area. The first week Russ got four email replies and I got six, all from single guys; we didn't respond to any of them. The pictures were on the gross side.

We both reposted or edited the ads two weeks later. I'd learned we should use MW4MW as code for couple looking for couple. This time I also posted to Craigslist and so did Russ.

We got three genuine replies this time, each with a photograph. We sent them back and forth to each other as Russ was again marooned on the west coast for a weekend. One we ruled out immediately because the man and woman were seriously overweight, and we just didn't want to contend with that. A second we ruled out because the couple looked to be eighteen years old, and we didn't want to be robbing the cradle.

The third couple, Jo and Dirk, looked about our age in the photo they sent. They were standing in casual attire at some waterfront restaurant and obviously having fun. The accompanying email said:

Saw your ad but couldn't believe someone would have the same problem that we do. Jo is in Mountain View, CA -- living and working in a good job we don't want to compromise. Dirk has had to take over his father's business in just north of Boston due to illness, and get it orderly to sell -- a process we expect to take one to three years for many reasons. Except for one visit, we've been apart two months now, and don't like it. We've given each other the freedom to experiment with others, but never thought of a longer-term relationship such as you suggest. We wonder about the chemistry, and suggest that we meet. The problem is that Dirk is east, and I'm west, so we don't think it would meet simultaneously. Anyway, we are interested in your proposition. Warm regards, Jo and Dirk

I suggested to Russ that he respond and set up a meeting with Jo somewhere public. If he did it on the right day and time, I could even Skype in on his iPad to say hello. Moreover, if Jo looked 'legit' I could then repeat the process in the Boston area with Dirk.

Russ called the phone number Jo had given and got a pleasant young woman on the other end of the line. After introductions and some embarrassed laughter, the two decided to meet for lunch four days later at Vive Sol, a Mexican restaurant on the Camino Real in Mountain View.

I agreed to keep my iPad at the ready from about three-thirty on that day, understanding that if Russ didn't call before four o'clock, he didn't like what he'd discovered.

The Skype app on my iPad triggered off exactly at three-thirty. I opened the link, and there was Russ wobbling around on the screen as he set up the iPad on the restaurant table. In the lower part of the screen I could see two half-eaten lunches.

Next to Russ sat a very pretty brunette (like me), looking a little uncomfortable and embarrassed, but resigned to the situation of being 'on the air.'

Russ said, "Julie, I'd like to introduce Jo, and Jo meet my wife Julie. Julie, just so you know, we are in a back booth in this restaurant and we'll keep the volume low so no one else can hear us."

We both said, "Hi." I wondered if our conversation would get beyond those short words. I was speechless.

I ventured, "Jo, you are so pretty. Can you tell me about yourself and then, if you want, I will too."

Jo shifted in her seat; "Well, I'm thirty-two, grew up in Denver, and was a pretty good student. I graduated from the University of Denver with a degree in physics and got a job for a company in Silicon Valley called Innovative Technology Initiatives or ITI, and I've been with them since graduation. If all goes well in the next year or so, I'll become their head of R&D. Everyone in the company's management is young." She paused, "Let's see, Dirk and I met on my first day at ITI. He was a grad student at Stanford doing an internship with them. Up until five months ago he was working for Google on their robotic car, but his dad had a heart attack so Dirk got a leave of absence and went back to Massachusetts to hold the business together and care for his parents as his father recuperated. He and his Dad decided to sell it, but the economy hit the business so Dirk is nursing it back to health so it'll be attractive to a buyer. They've turned the corner, but the company's accountants think it may take as long as three years before the business would be attractive enough for a sale to take place."

Jo hesitated again and added, "We live in a nice town house here in Mountain View. I have a small Bichon named Charlie, and he has quite a personality. He adores me and won't let me out of his sight. I can take him to work with me and usually do. Dirk and I have been postponing children, but this geographic gap in our marriage has thrown a monkey wrench into our planning. Dirk is now planning on flying home every three or four weeks so we keep things together." After another pause, Jo smiled and said, "You say something now, or ask me questions. I'm getting embarrassed talking about myself."

I started, "OK, and I am loaded with questions. First off, I teach at Harvard in the obtuse area of transpersonal psychology, although I do teach one undergrad section in general psych. I have a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from there too, and just got tenured and a full professorship before I turned thirty -- so pretty young by most standards. I have several grants I'm working on too, so I keep busy during the day. My parents live near Portland, Maine. I met Russ in high school. We married on my eighteenth birthday when we finished college, so have been married twelve years. He can tell you about himself. We have a nice house in a town called Dillon, Massachusetts, and we've been working on one room at a time fixing it up since we bought it two years ago, but it's a slow process for us because we're so busy with work. Oh, we've been postponing kids too."

After my pause, I thought I should add something about the arrangement we were seeking. "Jo, I hope Russ has told you that we are not swingers or swappers or whatever you call them these days. The idea doesn't turn us off, we just never pursued anything like that until now, sort of. This may be a crazy idea, but Russ and I have ... well, high sex drives. Since being freshmen in high school it's been a rare day that we haven't made love. This separation is doing a number on both of us. When we get together we're like horny rabbits."

Jo laughed. "Dirk and I are the same way. We can never get enough of each other. I think we pull the national average up." She added, "I want you to know we are very much in love, apparently just like you two. We don't want to lose each other, but we are willing to add people like you to our relationship if we connect on multiple levels -- in other words, have good chemistry with them." She whispered, "We don't want just fuck buddies. If there is someone else for either of us, they have to share a deep interconnection with both of us."

I said, "Neither Russ nor I are bisexual, at least to our knowledge. I want to add that I like the way you think about this pending relationship. It's what we were thinking too."

"Oh, we aren't bisexual either ... at least to our knowledge." Jo laughed.

Russ stepped in and repeated to me some of the insights into Jo and Dirk's life he'd learned since they met less than an hour earlier. We chatted another couple of minutes, but then I had to end the call to see a student who had been patiently waiting in the hall outside my office. We agreed that the logical next step was for me to meet Dirk. We swapped telephone numbers, and gave each other an open invitation to talk further. I promised that I'd call after meeting Dirk, and they'd had a chance to talk about next steps and us.

I saw my student, and then started a six o'clock evening class in advanced psychology for grad students. In the middle of class my phone buzzed on vibrator. I snuck a peek at the screen. Russ had texted, "Lunch ended. Back at work. I like Jo a lot. Expect call from Dirk soon." Without missing a beat, I continued my lecture, talking about Carl Jung's outlook on spirituality.

Dirk called the next day while I was having a sandwich in my office. While he sounded all business, I suspected it was because he'd been wheeling and dealing all morning in his business efforts. I agreed to meet him at Joe's American Bar & Grill in Woburn at six that evening for dinner since it was on my way home and near his work.

The photograph of Jo and Dirk did not do him justice. Dirk turned out to be a hunk, a dreamboat, heartthrob, looker, hottie, and chick magnet all rolled into one very nice man with low ego needs. I could see why Jo had been attracted to him instantly, and I thought I shared the same attraction.

My connection with Dirk came at multiple levels from the start of our conversation and our touching as we shook hands. I felt a bolt of electricity shoot through my body to his and back again. He felt it too, because he looked surprised and then actually looked at his hand.

We talked for three hours, long after our meals had been cleared away. We couldn't get enough of each other. The more we talked the stronger the connection I felt to him, and he admitted feeling the same way.

We spent a long time talking about 'The Arrangement,' as Russ and I had started to call it. I told Dirk about the various discussion questions we'd posed to each other and how we'd answered them. Each of those triggered an even deeper discussion between the two of us, particularly about how Dirk -- and most likely Jo -- would feel.

We talked about love, and how important that was to us. Like us, Dirk told me he and Jo believed it was possible to love more than one person -- and we made sure we were talking about love that included spiritual sexuality and bonding.

We finally felt we should end our first meeting about nine. Dirk paid for my dinner, despite my trying to add my share. As we walked out, he remarked, "I loved having this first date with you. I hope we can do it again -- soon." He walked me to my car, and I turned and pulled him to me for a goodbye kiss.

I put a lot of psychic and sexual energy into that kiss, and I got the same back from him. Dirk's warm soft lips caressed mine; we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves for sixty seconds or so. We parted after that, but I knew we'd given each other something serious to think about.

Russ and I talked for an hour after I got home. Half of that was phone sex invoking the memory of our two new friends. The other half was talking about next steps. We agreed that we should each invite our 'dates' to a more intimate setting, and see what develops.

I asked with some degree of concern, "So, if Dirk wants to make love to me, should I let him?"

Russ was silent while he thought. Even before we got married I'd learned to allow him these periods for thought; I knew I would always get some high degree of wisdom after he'd engaged his inner-self in the response. He answered, "I think that'd be all right so long as Jo knows about it and approves ahead of time. I don't think the east coast should get ahead of the west coast, or the other way around. For this next round, I'd be content if we just made out a little -- maybe petted but didn't go much further. Let's go slow and be sure the spiritual connections and chemistry are there -- for us and for them. If either of us wants to pick up the pace, there's always our cell phones."

I agreed. I also told Russ I'd invite Dirk to the house for dinner on Friday night. Russ told me he'd arrange something like that with Jo.

I slept that night with the vision of both Russ and Dirk making love to me simultaneously. When I woke up my crotch was flooded with sexual juices resulting from my dreams. The Arrangement felt like a step in a good direction, one where we'd all expand our love and learn from each other.

I texted Dirk the next morning,'Can you join me for dinner chez moi on Friday evening, say 7 p.m? If so, I'll email you directions to our home. Signed, Hopeful.'

Only a minute later I got a reply,'Dear Hopeful. I accept with great delight. What may I bring to help? Signed, Eager.'

I shifted to email, send directions to the house and suggested a bottle of nice wine. I also emphasized casual clothes, and suggested he bring a swimsuit to enjoy our pool and spa. I got a reply soon after I hit the send button,"I wish today were Friday. Can't wait to see you again. XOXO Dirk." Just to keep Russ in the loop I forwarded to him my email exchange with Dirk.

I chortled at the kisses and hugs signature. I guess we were each testing the other. Russ told me by email the next day that he was going to Jo and Dirk's home on Friday instead of preparing something for Jo in his new bachelor pad accommodations. She'd turned the tables on him with a better and more convincing invitation.

I also told Russ about my dream the night before where he and Dirk had made love to me. Russ relished hearing about it, and commented on how many men, including him, had the fantasy of seeing their pretty wives make love with another man.

I speculated about how that probability was growing by the minute, and that we might actually have a foursome sometime if all of this worked out with the four of us. I got a rise out of him by suggesting that after the guys had tired themselves out with Jo and me, that Jo and I might keep ourselves occupied by putting on a little sapphic entertainment for the men. I could almost feel Russ harden across the electrical miles.

* * * * *

I flowed into Dirk's arms after setting aside the two bottles of wine he'd brought. We kissed and hugged for much longer than casual friends would do. He felt delicious, and I again marveled at how nicely he kissed. Eventually, I pulled him into the kitchen while I did a few last minute cooking things to demonstrate my domestication.

Our conversation flowed so naturally. Dirk talked about the shift from being a knowledge worker on the west coast, plugged into a computer all day working on electric car algorithms, to now running a manufacturing company with raw materials stock, hands on production, and outgoing inventory. He got me talking about transpersonal psychology, and that led to a much deeper discussion of the spiritual foundations of our lives.

Like Russ and me, Dirk and Jo were spiritual but not religious. More than that, they had read many of the great masters and integrated their teachings into their own philosophy of love and life, the most fundamental part being we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and we are always connected to and integrated with The One Mind of the Universe. We started to glow when we found we shared the same basic philosophy.