Trained to Submit

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Deep in the woods, a young man is taught to serve his Master.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/10/2022
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Around my eighteenth birthday, the distant relatives with whom I lived, in a tiny town in British Columbia, informed me that I was to be sent to live with a still more distant relative, in the northern corner of Saskatchewan.

My life before this point had been uneventful. I am a slender, blond male, with gray eyes and a fair complexion. My looks are -- well, delicate describes them well. Or, less kindly, feminine. My skin is soft and smooth, my limbs well proportioned, my bottom rounded; I have very little body hair, and what I have is very fine in texture. I'm 5' 6" and weigh around 115 pounds.

Life in my remote village had gone by with little to remark on. The population was very small and heavily weighted to the old. My one sexual experience was with a fellow student: a handsome, confident person with whom I would go on long rambles in the vast expanses of the countryside.

On one expedition into the country, he and I were chatting about sex. There were few girls in our town, so that our opportunities were very limited, and we both became excited by our discussion. Suddenly he gripped me by the neck and smilingly said he was going to ravish me. As said, he was an attractive, personable young person.

Our discussion had so inflamed my desires that I was unable to bring myself to resist. We soon close together with our dicks out and fondled the other's erect shaft. The sensation was, frankly, exquisite as he stroked and caressed me while I returned the favor. His cock was large, smooth, uncircumcised and very warm to the touch.

I found myself imagining kneeling before him and kissing him there. The thought of his impressive member in my submissive mouth was incredibly exciting. However, youth quickly prevailed and we both came together explosively, with him ejaculating quite impressively.

I'm a basically very shy and retiring individual, and was quite embarrassed by this first experience. But I secretly cherished the memory and thought often about repeating it. However, very soon afterward I was obliged to take the long train journey to my new home.

I was met at the station by an older woman who introduced herself as my relative's housekeeper. She was a wiry countrywoman who was not particularly friendly or welcoming. She told me that they lived quite far out in the woods, without any neighbors nearby. My relative was away and would return in two days. In the meantime, I would make myself useful with the chores.

After a long, cold drive, we arrived at a large, well constructed two story house in the middle of the woods. My heart sank as I realized I would be far from any new young people. The house however was warm and well furnished. But the housekeeper, after showing me to a small room, told me to come immediately to the kitchen to begin my chores. I asked if I could have something to eat, but she said that work must be done first.

Straightaway I was put to cleaning, dusting and organizing. She was very brusque and cold, quick to deliver a hard slap when I was slow to understand directions, or completed a task inadequately. Occasionally she would grasp my hair or ear tightly and give me a painful shaking. It was clear that she was much stronger than me.

After a break for a meal -- which was at least ample and of good quality -- I was put back to work, scrubbing floor and carrying firewood. The house was large and there seemed an unending supply of tasks.

Finally I was dismissed to crawl, exhausted by my journey and labors, into my small bed. The room was warm and the bed comfortable; I slept like the dead.

After bathing in the morning I was returned to my chores. Again the housekeeper -- her name was Mrs. Nichols -- was very stern and reprimanding, and I received a number of hard slaps for being "slow and stupid.". Though I tried to please her, being of a naturally obedient and submissive nature, it seemed impossible to do so. Only the natural energy of youth sustained me through the hard and intimidating work.

After the midday meal -- again, somewhat to my surprise, tasty and sustaining -- Mrs. Nichols informed me that the master would be returning that evening. Somewhat ominously, she remarked that she would be giving him a report on my "progress." After more tasks were completed, I was told to prepare myself for the master by bathing.

Having scrubbed myself thoroughly -- I didn't really need to shave -- I was standing naked and toweling myself when, to my astonishment, Mrs. Nicols strode into the room. Without speaking, she entwined her strong bony fingers in my hair and pulled me, completely nude, down the hallways to a room with a heavy wooden door.

Pushing me inside -- the room was poorly lit and painted in dark tones -- she thrust me towards a corner. Gripping my slender wrists behind me, she shockingly closed cold metal bands around them. She had handcuffed me; I was naked and helpless, trembling with fear and shock.

She spoke curtly. "You'll stand facing the corner until the Master arrives, and you'll not move an inch if you know what's good for you." With that she slapped me hard on both sides of my face, so that my cheeks burned. Then, with an odd expression on her face, she reached down and grasped my penis, proceeding to give it a subtle caress, so that it sprang to attention.

She fondled it carefully, providing an exquisite sensation. Then she sneered and gave it a painful pinch. Admonishing me again not to stir from my position facing the corner, she left the room, locking the door behind her.

I stood there naked and frightened, my hands securely fastened behind my back. Not daring to move from my post in the corner, I nonetheless looked over my shoulder around the room. It was large and high ceilinged but windowless, containing a stately wooden four poster bed and a number of closed cabinets.

A peculiar piece of furniture stood in the center, resembling the horse we jumped over in school gym. By it, a pair of chains dangled from the ceiling. And, to my alarm, there was an umbrella stand that contained several thin rattan canes. I was fearful and apprehensive about what was to come. Yet deep inside there was a small kernel of excitement.

As said, I'm of a submissive nature. My nakedness and helplessness were somehow stimulating, with my genitals and nicely shaped bottom on full, helpless display. I felt a subtle thrill in both places, though I shivered in embarrassment at the unusual, glowing sensation gathering around my secret, rear entrance. Occasionally in my bath I had touched myself there, gingerly inserting a finger and feeling a shudder of pleasure.

Added to that was my youthful sexual energy, which had so far had few outlets. The caress delivered by Mrs. Nichols to my smallish, but well shaped cock seemed to promise...something? But then there was the painful pinch; and the canes in the stand. I shivered, in spite of the warmth of the room. Nevertheless, my cock stubbornly refused to subside completely, while my ball sac was tight and tense.

It seemed I waited an age before I heard footsteps, and the door unlocking. Mrs. Nichols entered, with her customary severe expression on her hatchet face, followed by a tall, broad shouldered man in early middle age, strongly built with large hands and feet. He wore black rimmed spectacles which made it hard to read his expression. This, then, was my distant relative: the Master.

He addressed me in a stern, educated tone. "You are newly arrived, so I suppose I should issue a welcome. But Mrs. Nichols -- whom I trust implicitly -- reports that you have been lazy and obstinate in your responsibilities. This will not stand, and must be corrected. It's true you are a relative. But you are also lower than a servant, and must be taught to be utterly obedient and eager to please your guardians."

He nodded to Mrs. Nichols, who immediately seized one wrist, unlocked the handcuff, then refastened it in front of me. Drawing a chain down from the ceiling, she hooked it on to the handdcuff chain. My buttocks were now entirely unprotected, and I shivered as I felt their vulnerability. My arms were then suddenly pulled up above my head; Mrs. Nichols easily hauled on them until I was standing on tiptoe.

"It will be made plain to you what is required of you. You've made a bad beginning, and you must learn the consequences of future intransigence. You are here to obey, serve, please your guardians. Mrs. Nichols, kindly apply the gag and the blindfold. I think thirty, to begin with."

Startled and nervous, I was trying to comprehend my circumstances when a rubber ball attached to a buckled strap was thrust into my mouth, the Master obligingly holding my nostrils closed while his assistant buckled it tightly in back. A hood with only a hole for my nose was pulled over my head. Irresistibly bound, blind and mute, striving to support my weight on my extended toes, I was as helpless as a baby.

A whistle, a sharp crack, and a stinging pain erupted on my button. The surprise and shock knocked the breath out of my lungs. No sooner had I caught my breath than it was followed by a second, and third stroke. I cried out into the gag as the burning pain on my tender flesh escalated. No sooner had the sting from one blow begun to recede, when it was replaced by another, fiercer agony.

Very shortly my bottom was on fire; I would have shrieked had the gag not muffled my cries. The blindfold increased the sensation of pain; the instrument (I learned later that it was a thick, wide leather strap, with which I would become extremely familiar) travelled across my buttocks, up to my lower back, down to my soft thighs, till the whole area was a stinging, burning mass of sensation.

Even with my arms drawn up so high, I still contrived to writhe and hurl my body from side to side in an attempt to escape the inexorable strokes. But my cock and balls were grasped and held firmly enough to reduce my movements to a minimum. After that the strokes fell where they were directed.

By the fifth stroke I was trying to pleas with my tormentors; by the tenth begging for mercy; by the fifteenth squealing and weeping hysterically, though all the sounds I made were largely silenced by the efficient gag. I danced wildly within my restraints; tears, sweat and spit poured down my chin.

The blows came like clockwork, often landing on the same place several times in a row, which created a crescendo of agony. I was certain that my bottom was gushing with blood; though later I saw that the skin was in fact unbroken, though colored a bright red.

Finally there came a pause. I hung limply from my chains; gradually as the intense smarting subsided, so did my tears. The chain was suddenly released, and I fell onto my knees as the hood and gag were removed. Wiping my eyes, I looked up and saw the Master sitting sideways on the bed. He had unbuttoned his trousers, and was gently stroking his large, thickening, heavily veined phallus as he regarded me.

"Come closer." I shuffled forward on my knees obediently until I kneeled directly in front of him, unable to take my eyes off his rapidly enlarging shaft. "Do you know how to suck cock? It's not difficult, though like most things doing it well requires skill and practice. Some rules: don't ever touch it with your teeth, or you may lose one. When I come, you swallow every drop. After I've finished, you'll lick it clean."

I was completely subdued and defeated. Wanting only to avoid further chastisement, I obediently opened my mouth and took the head inside. For the first time in my life, a man's cock was in my mouth, and it was my obligation to serve it. Gently fondling the shaft with my still handcuffed hands, I carefully licked the head, then ran my tongue from base to tip.

I seemed to draw my knowledge from some instinctive source; lifting up his heavy balls, I popped one in my mouth and delicately sucked it. The Master grunted with pleasure and leaned back. Cupping my palms around his firm testicular sac, I returned the shaft to my mouth, and used my lips and tongue in tandem to take it as deep as I could.

Some liquid dribbled from the tip and mingled with my spit. His cock seemed to grow even thicker in my mouth, which excited me considerably. For the moment I was able to be in charge, dispensing pleasure with my soft mouth. Without realizing it, I was making small muffled sounds of satisfaction as I sucked. Up, down, in deep, almost out: my tongue caressed his swollen phallus as I submissively sought his approval between my lips.

I looked up wide eyed; the sight of my mouth stretched to the maximum around him seemed to please, since he gave me a rough pat, then pushed my head down so that my throat was assaulted. I was surprised to find that I was able to suppress my natural gag instinct, and I could swallow him to the hilt, then let him withdraw briefly before I took him back in.

I could tell by the almost inaudible sounds he made that he was approaching his climax, and this deeply aroused me. I wanted him to empty himself into me, so I could drink his warm, salty, slippery essence gratefully and obediently. Speeding up the pace of my fellatio, I redoubled the caresses by my tongue. As his orgasm approached, both of us began to moan. I stole one hand down to my groin to fondle my own member.

A jet of semen spurted suddenly from his cock into my throat, followed by another, even fiercer fountain. I squealed and gasped as I frantically swallowed, while continuing my lingual caresses. It seemed like I would drown or choke, but the fierce flow slackened and ceased as I gulped it down. I continued to kneel before him attentively; he made a gesture and, taking the softening shaft from my mouth, I delicately licked every trace of liquid from its surfaces.

Mrs. Nichols took me by the shoulder -- she had left the room during the loss of my oral virginity -- and led me from the room. I was subdued and silent. My mouth had been thoroughly ravaged, and now my instinct was to hope that I had performed at least adequately. My buttocks still burned, and I could not comfortably sit down. The taste of the Master's come was in my mouth.

Taken to my room, Mrs. Nichols allowed me a rest. I fell asleep immediately, dreamless and deep. When I awoke, shaken relatively gently by the housekeeper, the dusk had fallen. Gathering my senses, I saw that she was holding out some wispy garments.

" You will serve at dinner tonight. The Master brought these for you to wear; they should fit well enough. Go and shower." I was still naked, and she pointed to my groin. "Shave yourself there, as well as your underarms. From now on you will do so regularly. And your legs too, though they look bare enough already."

Clean and dry, I emerged from the hot, cleansing shower, having smoothed every area of my skin. As mentioned, I have very little body hair, so it was quickly accomplished. I was relaxed and rejuvenated; the trials of the last two days had passed.

Yet I was unable to dismiss my new awareness; through my chastisement and the loss of my mouth's virginity, I had become in effect a slave, at the whim of my keepers. But I shivered as it occurred to me that there was another virginity to lose, one I'd only heard about vaguely; to have it put in my ass.

I looked with confusion at the garments Mrs. Nichols had brought. There was a short, black, transparent baby doll nightdress; and a pair of panties that were so insubstantial as to be almost non-existent; black lace g string front and a mere thread of fabric in the back.

"Put them on."

Naked, I stepped into the panties and pulled them up. My cock and balls are small in size, and they fit under the front pouch. The thong back was exciting in the way it seemed to caress my untouched anal bud, while the black lace formed an erotic contrast to my pale, silky skin.

Mrs. Nichols helped me put on the top; it was incredibly light. The lower hem reached only past the top couple of inches of my buttocks, leaving their fullness and dividing cleft exposed to the world.

"Sit here in front of the mirror." Obediently I complied. Opening a small leather case on the dressing table, she removed several containers of makeup, with which she proceeded to outline my eyes and shadow my eyelids. She painted my lips red and lightly rouged my cheeks. "Stand up and step back." We looked at the reflection in the long mirror.

I was surprised -- maybe even pleasantly surprised -- by how much I resembled a young woman. My eyes are large, I have feminine facial features, narrow shoulders, a small waist and a round bottom. My limbs are slender and smooth, and my hands and feet small. The sexy nightdress accented my legs and revealed an erotic picture of a behind, split deeply and curving invitingly.

"We'll put a little perfume behind each ear; the Master likes this scent." Her tone became harsher. "Did you like the paddle? Yes, you were definite that you did not. But the cane hurts much more. Today's whipping was just a foreshadow of what punishments you may receive. Your duty is to work hard for me, and pleasure your master. If you don't succeed in the second thing...."

"You're going to serve at dinner tonight. The Master often requires a formal meal. You will serve him in the dining room first, then in his bedroom. Now, bend over and grasp your ankles."

I quickly complied. My bottom still burned from the paddle, and I greatly feared receiving any more attention there. I would not be able to bear it.

"Now, spread your cheeks for me."

I gripped the flesh of each cheek and spread them apart. I could feel the cool air at my anal entrance. Nobody since childhood had caught even a glimpse of it. Now I had to stand while my guardian inspected.

She touched my small bud suddenly, with a wet fingertip. Then I felt her spreading some kind of oil down the divide, and was startled when part of a slender digit was slipped into the narrow passage, The oil kept it from being painful, but it certainly startled me. I felt even more vulnerable and enslaved. What were they going to do to me, or have me do?

I flinched as the strong finger penetrated deeply in my oiled ass. Although I had an initial urge to go to the bathroom, it passed as the finger stroked and penetrated me. A glow seemed to kindle deep in my ass, that was sexual more than anything.

The fondling -- for that is what it had become -- continued and I began inadvertently to move my hips and press back to enable the probing finger to penetrate to the depths.

It made me think about wanting to be taken by a cock there (not that I knew much about that), to be used to please and pleasure the Master. A sudden desire to perform any action that was demanded by my guardians. To be pleased when the Master was pleased.

I remained bent over obediently. Now Mrs. Nichols had taken more oil and was spreading it into my rectum with two fingers.

"You've met the Master's cock." she stated. Although fierce and intimidating, Mrs. Nichols was turning out to be rather different than she had seemed.

"He's big. Tonight he will want to put it in your little backside." I winced fearfully. "Now, it can hurt the first time. But the Master says he enjoys being pleasured more if the servant -- which you are -- is not being hurt and can sincerely enjoy sucking and being fucked."

"But you know, perhaps the cane or whip may teach you to be pleasured as you pleasure him. You need to do well tonight. The first time you're being broken in is uncomfortable. The Master is wide, and you are narrow. I'm going to put a plug back here which you can wear now. It will make it easier when he enters you."

(Eventually I would learn that Mrs. Nichols, as a young woman, had performed the same role for the Master's father. Middle aged now, she had been promoted to trainer as well as housekeeper. She had learned to groom me through her personal experience.)