To Marjorie's Infinite Satisfaction


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"What is it?" she pried eagerly.

Smiling at her little sister, she remembered well being in Marjorie's position, how she felt like one of the world's great secrets was being shared with her by her mentor, Claudia.

"There are generally two groups: men and boys. Men grow up but boys never grow up. Boys need to be guided. That's what we are here to do. Nothing could be more fitting than having me as his babysitter." Smugly, "You know I'm seventeen years younger than him."

No she didn't. And Marjorie admired her all the more and Allison deserved to be smug. Some people earned the right to be smug. She was above him.

Why wouldn't she let it show?

Again, Allison went into Johnny's room only to emerge almost an hour later looking calm and blissed out.


After the third night's spanking, they talked again.

"The erection is what gives you the upper hand. When boys get them, you can control them. And it's easy.

"Not so with men. Totally different animal.

"But boys are remarkably easy to control and it all starts with their erections. And while it makes them so easy to control, it's also part of the reason they deserve the spanking." Eyes and smile going large, "I mean, how dare them, am I right?"

Marjorie had come to the exact same conclusion on her own. "Oh, my god, totally! I remember the first time and I saw his erection and I'm like, 'What are you doing!' but he just stayed hard like that. And I'm all like 'He deserves everything Allison's doing to him.' I'm glad you made him cry."

"I know! Aren't the tears the best?"

"Oh my god, totally! Totally love them with all my heart!"


"Allison, I hope this does not sound mean, but when he's crying, or like after you've made him cry, do you like him more?"

"Absolutely! Yes, of course! Gosh, I love how emotional it all gets with him all teary-faced over me and how emotionally vulnerable he gets. Love it! My stars, the drama is the best! I love how the more dramatic and emotionally out of control he gets, the calmer and more in control I feel over my own emotions. Being in control feels good."

"And then I loved that he was hard."

"Because it shows that he needs it. And some part of him knows he needs it. Some part of him deep inside, knows he needs and deserves this. It's how his body begs for it."

"Totally," said as though hypnotized.

"So like, even when he's begging me not to and I've made him one of my favorite parts of it all... even then, it's the right thing to do, even on the occasions when maybe his words say 'no' but his little penis begs for it. Pretty clear sign.

"He gets an erection from all this because he's a boy, not a man. And when a boy gets that way, when he gets all excited for you, it's so amazingly easy to make him do whatever you want.

"And it's fun, too. Lots. I LOVE spanking a cute boy. I love controlling boys. Then all I have to do is imagine what I'd like him to do." She smiled with the pure joy of it.

"I can only imagine!"

"It's an incredible feeling when you can take his pants down and there is not a single thing he can do about it.

"Probably nobody had come out and said it, but on some level, we have been taught that a man's cock is part of what makes him powerful. It's like an association thing. He's so much bigger than me with all his strong muscles and his hard penis but since he's really just a love sick, little boy, he can't lift a finger to defend himself against little ol' me."

"Oh my god, totally imagining how he must feel! And actually, I can't. It's too much."

"And then in the prettiest, most delicate way, I can bend him over my knee for a spanking and I can feel him shaking with fear. I am putting on a display with this. I'm showing him his place in MY world. Right now, Marjorie, he's living in my world.

"There he is, bent and vulnerable over my pretty knee. Like I might be stern but I might be all smiles and sing-song voice and he's trying to steady his voice and I know he is trying not to cry. And sometimes he starts crying right then. Like I've not even started yet and he starts crying. It's...magic

"And his Shame! Like his fear is electrifying but I think his shame is beyond, Marjorie. His shame, mmmmm. I love, love, LOVE playing with his shame. Once you taste his shame...well, it's kinda addictive. It's because now I get to control how he sees himself. Nothing like it. It's so pure and pretty.

"You know how girls seem like they're always admiring themselves in the mirror? Especially the pretty ones?"

Marjorie just nodded, too awestruck to speak.

"I'm just like them. I'm pretty and if that makes me conceited, I don't even care. I like that I'm pretty. Pretty can be a super power. You just have to own it. You have to use it. I don't spend all day in front of a mirror or anything, but I'm just like them. But you want to know when I most like to look in the mirror? When I think I look my prettiest?"

So captivated, she could only shake her head.

"When I'm spanking a boy. There is way more to this than being pretty, I know that, but it's part of my power and it's part of how I got here. Do you know what I mean?"


"By the way, you are pretty too, Marjorie. It's one of the reasons I picked you to teach about all this stuff.

"So I'm my cute, pretty little self with this big, strong, handsome boy standing right in front of me and I can undress him like he is a little boy and I can feel his fear. Oh my! Amazing.

"And the thing that gets me every time is his shame. Unlike anything. It's like his fear and his shame almost have a smell that brings something to life within me. When he's bent over my knee and I can feel his boy thing poking my leg and I can feel him actually shaking with fear and shame...and need, I feel like I can almost drink it in. Like I just want to consume his fear and shame and I swear it makes me prettier too."

"Totally! Totally does!"

"I like to do it in front of a mirror because I like to see how pretty I am when I do this, because I never feel prettier than right in that moment. And then when I make him look too and he sees himself and he sees me and he just wants to die of shame... Oh my god, Marjorie!"

"Rejection, emotional rejection I mean, it's critical. If you laugh down his love, it does two things. First it shames him terribly. Love it! And second, it will make him always need you. I love rejecting him."

"But could you love him?"

"Maybe, but he'll never know. I'm telling you right now that even if I married Johnny, I'll never, ever tell him that I love him. He'll need it from me for the rest of his life."

Breaking from the reverie, "And age has nothing to do with it. I've only been doing this on my own for a short period of time. I've only done it to like three guys. I did it to a younger boy and he was my first time on my own.

"Johnny is the first one who was my age and that's special because he's in echelon 18 and I'm still only in 17. If people at school found out... He will do anything I say no matter what, but he would anyway just to keep me from telling people. I mean, can you imagine? What would it be like for Johnny-boy if people at school knew he was regularity bent over the knee of Allison Montgomery, a girl in a lower class who was actually so much younger than him? Talk about tears! But Johnny's not even close to the oldest guy I've done it to.

Three weeks ago, I did it to someone everybody in the world thinks is a grown man. Like for real, grown up. Much, much older. In his 600s. Everyone thinks he's a man, but me...well, and him too. He used to think he was a man before I showed him who was boss." She smiled broadly.

Allison was as smirky and self satisfied as could be. She was reminded that Allison was just a girl, after all. She'd always carried herself like a grown up and as a lady and had never hinted that there was a happy, braggadocios, mean-girl hidden inside.

That's not fair, she's not mean. Actually, she's helping these boys. Why Johnny's lucky Allison does not tell on him and his big, hard penis to his mother! For sure, it's best for him that Allison takes care of this herself.

Marjorie felt a shiver run from scalp to heel.

In just about any other situation, Marjorie might have assumed one so mature and self possessed as Allison Montgomery would never share this less than admirable facet of her personality.

Yet never in her life had she imagined one more admirable than Allison. She was the girl who had it all, and she was realizing that the idea of "having it all" went so much further than young Marjorie ever imagined. Allison was the all-Porschian girl, role model. She was a teen, girl version of Captain Porsche. She was the cover model of Seventeen. She led the youth group at the most popular church in the whole town. Visualizing Allison spanking a grown man, she felt short of breath. Always, it came back to one word: perfect.

She's perfect!

Another thing dawned on young Marjorie. While Allison was super smirky and totally showing off, she was not doing it in a condescending way, nor was she taunting Marjorie with what Allison had but Marjorie could never have. She was fantastically smirky and showoffy in an encouraging way. It was like, "Look at this cute cell phone I got, would you like one too? Let's get you one; you'd love it!"

It occurred to Marjorie that one of the things that made one a Continuant was to have self control. Marjorie would never have guessed this part of Allison even existed, but that was because Allison was so in control of herself that she only shared what she wanted when she wanted and to whom she wanted. She did not need to impress the whole world. Marjorie was taking notes.

"And one more thing. Well, probably lots more things, but I am reeeeeeeally looking forward to my intimate time with my boy. Once you do this to a boy, he's yours. Like for as long as you want him. I don't think they can like leave you. They become like, dependent on you. It's like you have given them something they've always needed. I swear, it's like I'm their life support or something. That's sort of like another reason why you know this is all okay.

"The younger boy I sit, cries when his mother can't book me to babysit. And though he's younger than me, he's not that young. Actually, he's in your echelon at school. She actually gets all nervous when she calls me, hoping I'm available. They have a lot of money so I think my rates are going up. Like way up." She smiled proudly.

"I make my grown up boy call me twice a day so I can keep tabs on him. For now, it's fun to keep him in line, like under my heel. The funny thing is that while it stresses him, I know that if I stopped and like, you know, cut him off, he'd be on his knees begging for me to be in his life.

"Eventually, you know, like when I move on, these boys are going to be crying their eyes out, not from the spanking, but from not getting their spanking. And from not getting to be near me. And this is the kicker: from not being able to please me anymore.

"I spank their bottoms and make them cry, I put them beneath me and hurt their little feelings and all they want to do is to know they've pleased me. Oh my god, right?" She looked exquisitely smug.

"Once you do this, Ms. Marjorie, you kinda own them. Once you spank a boy, he will obey you. That's a powerful word. Obedience. Once you start spanking a boy, it's completely natural for a girl to expect it from her boy. And if for some reason he resists...well, spanking works wonders." She smiled brightly.

"So far, I like owning a boy. I'm going to go spend a few minutes with one of my boys right now.

"Oh and this is the last, last thing...for tonight. Once you spank a boy, he can't deny you. You'll always be able to spank him because he can not say no to you anymore. It becomes, like your right. Anytime you want. He can't say no! It's a psychological thing.

"This sounds gross, but it's not so don't be grossed out by it, but I think it's a parent child or mother son thing. Little boys can't say no when Mommy decides little boy's gonna get it.

"It goes back to the obedience thing. He might hate his spankings but he'll be confused because some part of him loves it and definitely needs it. His hard penis will tell you all you need to know about that. But even if he's like super in touch with how much he does not want a spanking, once you tell him he's getting it and he knows you mean it, he'll just break right in front of you. That's neat."

"Marjorie, I used to want to be Claudia. She was...she is, perfect. I wanted to be her so badly and I love her so much. But now I love being me. I rock. Little Miss Marjorie, you can do this too." She offered Marjorie a dazzling smile. You want to, right?"

With solemnity and purity of heart, "More than anything in the world."

"You will."

Again she joined Johnny in his room and stayed there for the longest time.

When she returned, Marjorie could not help herself and had to ask, "Are you guys...are you guys like intercoursing?"

Allison laughed but Marjorie ignored it. The answer was too important to allow her hurt feelings to get in the way. Besides, she knew Allison was not really laughing at her.

"It's called 'intercourse' and no, we did not do that. I've taught him some things that a lady appreciates and deserves from her boy. After all, I do give him what he needs. I let him give me a message and then afterward... Let's just say there are other ways a boy can please a woman that feels reeeeeeeally good." She smiled knowingly

Marjorie's eyes went large when she visualized the unthinkable.

Oh my god!

"You are a little young for that, right now. But don't worry, we'll get you there. That's like, the cherry on top. When you're ready. It won't be long. Obviously we're not supposed to do this stuff until we are 200 but there's no law against it. If we keep it from our parents, it's no problem."

And the more she thought about her conjured imagining, the more obsessed she became with it. She was profoundly anxious because it was so grown up and...wrong? What really scared her was how much she wanted it for herself, something she'd never even thought about until just now.

Oh my god, how would that feel?

It was not too hard to imagine that it might feel pretty good for a girl.

He has a pretty lips.


Allison came out of Johnny's room looking most pleased with herself.

"Just tucked in little Johnny." It was only 8:30. "Wanna kiss?" She looked down at Marjorie who was sitting on the couch and Allison wore nothing but smirky, confidence. This was not a conservative inquiry but it was mindful. Allison did not want to give Marjorie time to think about it. They held each other's eye contact and in this, there was a tacit, telepathic communication: I know you do.

Marjorie was pinned down by the unspoken truth.

She was not supposed to want to do this but there was nothing on earth she wanted more...though maybe to spank Johnny.

While Marjorie turned beet red, could hardly breath and was terrified by the implication, she communicated her own silent response: Oh my god, yes!

Allison reached down and cupped the side of Marjorie's face as she dropped a knee down next to Marjorie's thigh. She leaned in and gave Marjorie her first ever kiss.

Marjorie knew she was in love. They'd never be a couple and Marjorie knew she wanted to own her own boy, but Allison would forever be her first kiss and her first love.


On their fourth get together, Marjorie was going to get to spank Johnny. It turned into a very traumatic event so it was remembered, presently, in detail.

Allison began the ritual with all the beautiful and exciting talking, teasing and shaming. She stripped him and put him over her knee. SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK "What do you want to say to me, Johnny?"

"Th...thank you, Ms. Allison."

"Whatever for, little boy?"

"For sp...spank...spanking me, Ms. Allison." Ms. Allison was pleased and gave Marjorie an easy, yet dazzling smile.

"You are welcome, little boy."


"Who's my little boy, Johnny?"


"I am!" An immediate response was always in order. It was unwise to test Allison's patience.


"Marjorie, it's important for the boy show appreciation even when...or especially when he's being completely humiliated. This is his place now, beneath us. And I expect a boy to show me gratitude for helping him to understand his place in the world."


"Johnny, I want you to know I'm pretty sad.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Allison."

In her sad voice, "Johnny, I'm afraid I'll not be babysitting you anymore." She winked at Marjorie.

"But...but..." His stuttering disbelief conveyed only shock.

"The Vincent's little boy, Joey is simply in love with me. They want me everyday and are willing to pay me more than your Mommy and Daddy. Oh well. This is going to be sad for you. Can't be helped."

Marjorie settled in for the theatre. Allison was a brilliant performer.

" You can't... I mean, please...please don't. Please, Ms. Allison, please, please don't. What can I do?"

"Why I don't know."

"Please, Ms. Allison..." He began to cry and it was hard to discern what he said next.

"Oh, Johnny, you really do have the prettiest tears. Take a deep breath, calm down and give me a pretty little cry. Okay?"

"Yes, Ms. Allison."

He did as he was told then tried again. "Ms. Allison, I'm...I'm so deeply in love with you. I'll do anything! I'll do anything you need me to do."

"Anything, huh? I suppose anything is pretty good. Anything is kind of a lot for a girl like me. Just so we are clear, I will own you. You will do anything I say, whatever I say, wherever I say. You will be my thing. It will be hard for you. I want you to know that: I'm going to be hard on you. I'm a very particular girl. I have a lot of needs. Are you ready for that?"

"Anything, anything for you!"

Allison smiled her joy at Marjorie.

Allison grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled his head back. Leaning down a bit, "Now you are my bitch."

Instantly, Johnny arched his back and curled his toes. His orgasm came on suddenly with his new understanding of the world he lived in.

As Allison came to understand what was happening, she pushed the boy off her lap. Even has he tumbled to the floor, he continued to spurt, thick jet after thick jet on her skirt then onto the floor and as he came to a rest, he continued to ejaculate all over himself.

Allison's hands came to her mouth as her eyes went wide and she began laughing at the boy. While Marjorie knew something funny was happening, she was not quite picking up on what Johnny was doing and had no idea what a premature ejaculation was.

Being branded as my bitch made him cum!

Allison was most pleased.

Now it was Marjorie's turn. Marjorie's heart was racing a mile a minute and delight, excitement and disbelief threatened to make a mess of her. It was the highpoint of her life and she was nearly levitating with exuberance at what Allison had just done and what Allison was about to bestow upon her.

She really did not want to mess up because she simply could not wait another second to spank the boy. She'd been obsessing over this since the first night and then when Allison told her what was to come, she was a nervous and very eager mess.

This bothered her only because she wanted to do it like Allison. She wanted to make Allison proud of her and just as importantly, she wanted Johnny to see her the exact same way as he viewed Allison. Allison had made it clear how important it was that the boy view her as an authority figure.

She'd been told in private, "First impression is very important, Little Ms. Marjorie."

Before any of them realized what was happening, Johnny's parents were there.