To Love a Stray Ch. 10


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"Come on, we're going to have a little chat," he tells me as he takes me by the upper arm and leads me out the kitchen door, past the rubbish bin and away from the quarters.

"What," I ask uneasily as he turns to face me.

"Do you remember what happened between us last night," Micah asks gently.

"Yeah," I admit tightly.

"That's all that was going to happen even before your brothers dragged me out of the room. I had no intention of taking advantage of you being drunk any more than I had. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to hold you while you fell asleep," Micah informs me quietly.

"Sam and Mitchell dragged you out of the room?" I gasp with surprise.

"You screamed when you came and I guess they thought I was hurting you or forcing you to do something you didn't want to do," he explains.

"I don't remember screaming I just remember wanting you to stop for a ... it happened too fast," I mutter and feel my face burn with embarrassment as I try to turn away.

"Rosy! You okay," Sam's voice reaches us and I hear Micah growl under his breath but he lets go of my arm.

"I'm here Sam and everything's fine," I say as I walk towards the sound of his voice and am surprised to find Mitchell with him.

"Come back inside with us," Sam says firmly. I allow my brothers to take me inside and I sit between them on the lounge. It is a while before Micah comes back in and by then I am stretched out on my stomach beside Mitchell playing against him in an x-box game.

"You spoke to her," I hear Steven ask quietly. There is no such thing as privacy in a house of werecats. Our sensitive hearing allows us to hear much more than humans can and we can only give privacy by not paying attention to the conversations of others.

"I tried to but her brothers got there before I could really talk to her," Micah answers faintly.

"Well maybe after they get back from the meeting, if she doesn't decide to stay here by herself," Steven offers.

I miss a point on the game and Mitchell teases me. By the time he has stopped laughing Micah and Steven have moved out of hearing and I am left to wonder what they were talking about while I play the game against Mitchell. By the time I am ready to go to bed they haven't returned and I go to my room by myself. I know if I have nightmares either Chris will come in to me or I can go and climb in bed with any of them.

* * * * *

I get out of the four-wheel drive and look around nervously. Chris and Timny are with me while Sam and Mitchell have travelled with Wade in his car. I look across the top of the car at my brothers where Wade is talking to another Alpha. I wait patiently with Chris and Timny knowing that they will soon be free to do their own socialising for a while. I watch as Wade and his companion walk away heading for the main building while Sam and Mitchell head towards where I wait.

"Looks like we get the rest of the day to ourselves," Sam tells us as he approaches.

"Where are we staying," Chris asks.

"We've been given one of the biggest rooms in the guest house and Rosy has been invited to stay in the cabin with three other she-kitts who are here," Sam tells us.

"I want to stay with you," I protest instantly.

"No one is going to make you stay with the other she-kitts," Mitchell tells me soothingly. "Besides the other warriors are going to want to meet you."

"I don't want to be left with cats I don't know," I protest softly as a group of toms head towards us.

"You won't be," Sam promises. "At least one of us will be with you at all times."

"Hey Sam! Now I know that's not Jasmine, so it must be this sister of yours we've all been hearing about from Edwin," a large tom says as he walks towards us boldly.

"Edwin's here is he," Sam asks evenly.

"Yeah, he's here with his new partner Jacob Dorrington," the large tom answers as he

comes to a halt in front of Sam.

"Rosy, this is Conner Stephan one of Timny's brothers. That tall fellow there is Kell Lancaster, the one that looks like Pete and Steven is Andy Willoughby, their brother, and these other two are David Francis and Loci Francis," Sam introduces each tom to me. I nod uneasily and glance from face to face as I take a step backwards. There are too many warriors I don't know for me to feel comfortable.

"We were just about to take our gear to our room," Mitchell says shouldering his bedroll and stepping to my side as if he was just about to walk by.

"You are in the big guest house aren't you? Well come on. Do you need a hand with anything or have you got everything under control," Conner asks.

"We got everything under control," Sam assures him as he picks up his own bedroll and pack of clothes. I take my bedroll and backpack when Timny hands them to me and I follow Sam and Mitchell when they head towards a building. I glance behind me to make sure it is Chris and Timny directly behind me as I walk.

"Who's Edwin working for these days," Sam asks.

"Mal Inness," Conner supplies. "So what actually happened with Edwin?"

"He made a play against Micah by going after Steven first, and Mitchell put him in his place," Sam says evenly.

"That's not quite the story he's telling," Kell states with a quick glance my way.

"Ray's here by the way," Conner tells Sam.

"That's to be expected," Sam answers as he disappears into the guesthouse. I follow Mitchell inside and to the large bedroom where he drops his belongings before turning around to check on me. I drop my bedroll and backpack beside his and glance back through the door where the strange toms are waiting.

"The fridge is well stocked if you're hungry," Kell offers.

Sam grins. "Come on, feed time," he tells us and I hang back to follow Chris to the kitchen.

We all make sandwiches and head outside to settle on benches in the shade of some big trees to eat. I keep track of the general conversation as I eat and I notice which of the toms Sam talks to most. I am nearly finished my food when I hear a familiar step and turn to look behind me.

"Hey Rosy! It's good to see you again! Guys," Edwin greets us in a friendly tone.

"Edwin," Sam says with a nod.

"Hey Edwin," I say with a grin. Despite the trouble when he left, I am still glad to see

him again.

"I'm going to change and go for a run later. You want to come with me Rosy," Edwin asks.

"I'm not sure. We might have something planned already," I tell him with a shrug.

"Well I'm sure we will get to take a run before you leave," Edwin grins at me but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"Rosy, I've been told you're quite fast on your feet when you're a cat," Conner says to me catching me by surprise. I glance at Mitchell then Sam uneasily.

"She has out run both Mitchell and Edwin on several different occasions," Sam tells him.

Conner gives a whistle, "I'm impressed."

"Who's here and who's expected," Mitchell asks.

"As I said Ray's here, Stephan." Conner looks at me and explains for my benefit, "Stephan Willoughby, Mal Inness, Wade, Bud Lancaster, Bert Stephan, Martin Francis. Kurt Black and Maurice Dean are here. Stan Baxter, Alan Cummings, Lex Norton and Marcus Farlow have said they're coming but Danny Doctrill can't make it as Kaytee is due to have her baby any day. Hank Webster and Tim Darnel have business to take care of and if they finish in time they will try to get here."

"Who is Tim Darnel," I ask tightly.

"You might have heard the surname. Most of the Alphas have had trouble with Tim's cousins Vaygar and Kendal," Conner says with a glance in my direction. "Tim ousted Vaygar years ago; claims he caught him trying to instigate a take-over of another clan."

"Rosy has come across the outlaw rouges," Sam keeps the information at a minimum.

"Don't worry, Tim is nothing like them. So tell us, we know you have the same Sire as Sam and Mitchell but who is your Dam or should I say mother? I heard you were a human," Conner comes straight out with the question.

"Yeah, who is your mother? There's a rumour going around that Jeddah is but no werecat worth their fur would leave their child to be raised by humans especially not a She-kitt," Kell interjects.

"What's it to you," I ask uncomfortably.

"Ahhh, she speaks when spoken to, occasionally," someone mutters.

"We're just curious," Conner tells me with a smile.

I glance his way. I'm already starting to like him and he clearly is a good friend of Sam and Mitchell. I smile back at him before answering, "Jeddah was killed in a car accident just days after I was born."

"So you're full sister and brothers," Conner muses quietly as he nods as if to himself.

"I'm surprised Micah isn't here," Edwin comments with a glance at me.

"Jazzy is coming into heat," Chris tells him.

"So little Jazzy is doing that well? Good for her. Next you know Ed, Wade will be sending out invitations for toms to visit every six months," Conner says with a wide grin.

"There's a good chance Jazzy won't come into full heat and not again for several years," Timny remarks.

"You're not saying Jazzy has mated are you? And don't say he's been around her in the last week," Edwin snaps angrily with a glance at Mitchell.

I glance between Sam and Mitchell and notice Mitchell clenching his jaw tightly.

"What good are warriors when they don't watch out for the clan's she-kitt," Edwin demands angrily. "Who the hell has let you go creeping around my little sister? Has Micah been asleep all day everyday?"

"I bet Wade and Marissa will be over the moon if Jazzy is pregnant. No one expected her to live this long did they," one of the other toms asks.

Edwin isn't the only one who growls as Sam, Mitchell, Chris and Timny get to their feet as well. I scramble to my feet along with everyone else and start fearfully as Conner pulls me out of harms way as Sam and Mitchell close in on the tom.

"Come over here out of the way Rosy," Conner tells me quietly and I try to twist my wrist out of his grip but he tightens his hold. "No stay here. Your brothers will just teach Loci to be respectful when he talks about the she-kitt of the clan they belong to."

"Can you let me go? I don't like being touched," I warn between gritted teeth.

"Sorry, no offence meant," Conner says as he lets me go. I move uncomfortably but stay by his side as I watch Sam and Mitchell backed by Chris and Timny warning the unlucky tom who upset them. Mitchell comes over to give me a quick cuddle when they turn away from the troublemaker and I allow the comfort before moving away.

"Here comes the ponytail brigade," Kell remarks with a laugh and I glance around curiously. There is a group of five girls walking away from the main house and I watch as two of them break away to head towards a different group of toms while three continue towards the group I stand with.

"Hi Chris," a shapely brunette gives him a cuddle and kiss making my temper rise. "Where's Malcolm? I'm surprised he isn't here with you."

I can't control the low growl that escapes me and all three girls turn to look at me. "Get your hands off Chris or I'll remove them for you," I hiss.

"It's alright Rosy! This is Carlotta, Chris's sister," Sam says grabbing me by the arm. "Hi Lotty. I'm afraid this is my very rude little sister, Rosy. She thinks she has a bit of a claim on Chris."

Lotty folds her arms across her chest as she regards me, "Nice, as civilized as a stray."

"That is exactly what Malcolm says as well," Chris tells her with a laugh.

Lotty glances at Sam longingly but makes no attempt to go near him, "Hi Mitchell, Timny. How are they hanging boys?"

"Rosy, Lotty is a special friend of mine and these two with her are Larnie, Kell's sister and Donna, Timny and Conner's sister. This is Tawny Rosalind but she prefers to be called Rosy," Sam introduces us.

I give a brief nod and glance quickly between the three girls. Lotty is very pretty with sable coloured hair and sparkling hazel eyes. Larnie has black hair and alabaster skin with clear blue eyes while Donna has deep auburn hair and grey eyes like her brother. Donna gives me a guarded look before moving to give Timny a cuddle.

"Hi Rosy, it's great to meet a new she-kitt. There aren't that many of us around," Larnie says with a friendly smile.

"Yeah I type of am noticing that," I admit in a friendly tone. "You can let me go now Sam, I promise I'll behave."

"Ooooo, a stray with manners," Lotty says sarcastically with a glance Donna's way before turning to Sam. "Edwin was telling Daddy that he doesn't have to worry about that horrid stray that was always running around in our clan territory. Edwin said your team caught it. I hope you broke all of its legs. It just about drove Daddy crazy the time it was chased along the boundary of our home compound."

"Don't forget to tell Sam how fast you can change. After all it was his mother who could change in under thirty seconds," Conner tells her.

"I changed in thirty seconds flat earlier this week," Lotty is telling Sam when I interrupt.

"Was that with clothing on or off," I ask.

"Off of course! Everyone knows not to change with clothing on. It slows the process up," Lotty tells me disgustedly.

"Lord loves a duck," I mutter to myself as I shake my head. "What's so fast about

thirty seconds? Mitchell can change in thirty-five seconds, a couple of the other toms at Williamson compound can change nearly as quick and I think there is a tom slightly faster."

"I heard you were ignorant as a stray but I couldn't believe it. Obviously I was wrong," Lotty tells me loftily.

"Sounds like you've been talking to Trickster the coyote or smoking wacky tabaccy," I tell her with a smile.

"You're not making any sense," Lotty dismisses me with a wave of her hand. "How about we change and go for a run," she turns her attention to the toms.

"Yeah that's a great idea," Edwin grins at Lotty.

I glance at Mitchell and Sam and both of them nod at me. Even Timny and Chris have tight little smiles.

"If you like I can use the stop watch feature on my watch to time anyone who wants me to," Chris offers with a glance at me.

"Oh the stray imagines she's fast does she," Lotty says with a roll of her eyes.

"I am really getting tired of your shit Princess," I tell her and Lotty turns to face me with a cold look on her face.

"I am not even going to buy into this one," Sam mutters and moves away.

"What did you call me," Lotty demands angrily.

"Princess," I say and the tone of my voice tells her that I mean anything but that.

"Look stray," Lotty says stressing the term, "you have to learn to respect your betters and that means all of us. Especially us she-kitts – we are purebred and what are you? Some little blow-by your father got on some human with the werecat gene? Add to that the fact you were raised by some dirty human."

"You're a purebred," I say in disbelief. "And by the way, Miss Carlotta, never ever disrespect either of my parents. You are not worthy of them wiping their feet on you," I tell her coldly. "The man who raised me was..." Lotty's slap to my face cuts my words off and I hiss angrily as I clench and unclench my hands.

"Just as I thought! Like all strays - a coward," Lotty says.

"That is it!" I say as I pull my favourite jumper off and toss it out of the way before turning to face her. Her second slap jerks my head to the side and tears of pain well in my eyes. I deliver two fast slaps that have her gasping and backing up hurriedly. I launch another slap but she ducks away from it only to duck straight into my other hand as I swing it. She gives a cry of pain and lifts a hand to her nose and it comes away bloody. She rushes me but I am no longer where I was a moment before and I

trip her as she rushes past. In a split second I am on her with my knees in the small of her back and one hand gripping the back of her neck tightly. I press her face down hard against the ground as I grab one arm and twist it up behind her back.

"You had enough or do you want me slap you stupid," I demand angrily.

"Stop it," Chris cries as he grabs me from behind and I come around kicking out with one leg to knock his legs out from under him. He lands on his butt with a startled gasp and I scramble away and back off warily.

"You made your point. You don't have to humiliate Lotty," Chris snaps as he gets to his feet and helps his sister to her feet. Lotty has the imprint of grass on one cheek and a thin line of blood coming from her nose. She eyes me warily but pushes Chris away.

"I don't need your help," she snaps at her brother then looks back at me as if expecting another attack from me. "I'm going for a run. Anyone who wants to come is welcome."

I watch as Lotty turns her back on me and begins to take her clothes off. I glance at Sam and see he is starting to strip. I swallow hard then pull my shirt off over my head. Mitchell gives me an encouraging smile and I notice Lotty keeps glancing my way nervously.

I quickly shed the rest of my clothes, take a deep breath and let myself drop to all four and change. I refuse to scream with the explosion of pain. I hear started gasps and several screams but I stretch lazily and sit down to groom myself ignoring everyone else as they continue their change.

Mitchell is the first to walk forward and greet me and I sniff him with interest before watching Conner greet Lotty. Conner walks over to me and sniffs at my nose before rubbing his head on my shoulder. I glance across at Lotty but she is standing back and as I advance towards her, she hisses nervously at me. Sam butts between us and greets Lotty before I sneak around his other side to sniff her. She hisses defensively and I extend my nose with a purr. She takes a quick sniff then backs away to greet Chris who is stretching. Edwin comes alongside me and tries to rub his head along my side but I hiss at him and lay my ears back refusing to let him leave his scent anywhere on me.

Conner trots away from the rest of us and Sam quickly follows. Not willing to be left behind I trot after them. As we go along I notice other toms from different cabins joining us as well as the two other she-kitts. One of them moves to my side to sniff me before melting away and the other one takes her place. I catch a rabbit on the way and when Conner pauses for a drink I eat it swiftly letting Chris take several bites. When we head off I pause to take several laps of water before bolting past the others and racing halfway up a tree trunk.

Sam trots by with a faint huff and I drop down with pricked ears before following Sam and Conner sedately. When Mitchell, Edwin and two others speed past, Sam glances back at me and I bolt after them. I draw close as they begin a large circle around a large clearing and soon the two other toms start to drop back. I edge closer to

Edwin and Mitchell and wait until we are heading back towards the others before I flatten out closer to the ground and speed up. I quickly pass Edwin, and Mitchell fights to keep pace with me for several strides then slowly falls behind as I speed towards the rest of the cats. Leaves and sticks fly as I skid to a halt side ways. Conner steps forward and sniffs me before racing off and I follow him closely as he races to the far side of the clearing.

Everyone spreads out and finds a spot in the shade to either sit or lay down. I notice Sam edges away by himself with Lotty and I trot after them. Conner nudges my hip and I turn around with my ears laid back before continuing to follow Sam and Lotty. Lotty spots me and lies down with her ears back hissing and spitting defensively but I merely sniff her and Sam with interest before trotting away. I find Chris to stretch out beside him and Conner follows me to lie down on the other side and watch me with interest.