Tinkerbell Loses a Bet!

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Tinkerbell explores Halloween, in Madison WI.
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My best friend Mandy, Manders or M, but never Amanda and I had a bet. We were both a little shy, and a whole lot nerdy, so we bet on who had the highest GPA the last term. The bet was whoever lost, had to go to the Halloween party on State Street, in a Tinkerbell costume with nothing underneath.

I lost, due to a stupid B+, on an exam in a stupid Political Science class, when my stupid professor disagreed with my logic, on an essay question which argued "No, ketchup is not a vegetable, and yes President Reagan is wrong about this."

State Street on Halloween, for those of you who don't know, is a complete madhouse. It's packed with young people, all out to have a great time, and drunken debauchery is par for the course.

I was mortified, and I was like, no way she will make me do this, but as the weeks passed and Halloween drew closer, I started to get a little turned on. The week prior to Halloween I masturbated several times, thinking about what it would be like.

I thought about how guys would be looking at me, wondering if I was wearing anything? How I would always have to worry about sitting down, how I couldn't even bend over without worrying if my breasts were going to spill out.

How often guys would be hitting on me. Did I want to have sex, with a stranger? Should I bring protection? Where would I carry protection? What if I saw someone I knew? My orgasms were wonderful and wet those weeks.

Mandy, bless her heart, refused to let me back out. We were both Juniors, who had made Dean's list several times. Neither of us had serious boyfriends, and we rarely went out.

Mandy, in fact, was so supportive that she even bought my costume for me. My jaw dropped when I first saw it. It was green and made of fake leaves. It had nothing to hold the top part up, so I would need to attach it with two sided tape.

The back was cut high enough that you could see the curve of my ass, when I was standing. It was high on the sides, so that my hips were completely bare. In the front it was slashed down to my belly button, but at least I could tighten it with ties. There was a piece of leave that looked almost like a loin cloth in the front, that protected my modesty.

I'm athletic and in good shape, but my breasts had blossomed, and were now big enough to impact my golf game, and make running a painful chore. So, I was delighted when the costume fit!

I twirled in it, to show Mandy. She smiled. The skirt portion had swung up, showing her everything from my stomach down! The other issue was that the costume was made of a lighter fabric. It wouldn't keep me warm and I worried what would happen if it got wet.

Fortunately for me, Halloween day was clear and crisp. Mandy came over and we agreed to start our evening at the Student Union before heading to State Street. I had a small brown clutch with long leather straps. I had money, my ID, and several condoms. Just in case.

Mandy had a sexy Cinderella costume, that bared most of her breasts and showed enough leg to be exciting. She looked uber hot.

As soon as we got outside, my nipples were immediately hard in the cold air. It was almost painful as they rubbed against the fabric of the dress. I tried to warm them with my arms, but Mandy wouldn't let me do that. She claimed I was cheating.

We passed a shop and I looked at my reflection in the window. My nipples were clearly visible, there was no doubt that I was either cold or excited. I was a little turned on, by the thought of other people checking me out.

The skirt was fluttering in the wind, and I was worried I would flash someone. I could feel a cold breeze on my ass, as I tried rather futilely to hold the skirt down, and walk.

Mandy, just walked and smirked at me, mocking me for how ridiculous I looked. Finally, she stopped by the library, and called me out on my behavior.

She informed me that she was going to double my time in the costume if I didn't walk normally. I was a little outraged, in that I don't recall putting her in charge, but I sort of liked her being bossy.

So, I stamped my slipper clad feet, and did a pouty face like Tinkerbell, and said " Okay, okay, okay."

I dropped my hands to my side and walked normally the rest of the way. I could feel my feminine core getting damp. It was a delicious sensation, with the cool air, blowing up on my warm wet center.

Mandy took my hand, and that gave me courage to go in the union. There were a couple of boys sitting on the steps, who were watched me go up. They looked away when they noticed me watching. I turned when we went in the doors, and they were looking again.

I immediately blushed hard, at the thought of what they had seen, as I climbed the stairs above them. I am sure everything was on display.

I had passed from moist to wet, and in a sudden burst of enthusiasm, I grabbed Mandy's face with both of my hands and started kissing her. I pushed her back against the wall, so our bodies were rubbing against each other. We were tonguing each other in no time. I had my hands on either side of her head, while she had dropped a hand to my ass, and was toying with my skirt. She laughed when we came up for air,

"What was that for?"

"Just wanted to say, 'Thank you!'" I said excitedly. "I am so pumped."

We held hands again as we walked into the Union, and I dare say we were both a little aroused. The Union was packed with wall to wall students in costumes, so it took a bit for us to get beers. There was a band playing, and it was raucous.

I thought there was no way we would find a place to sit, but we saw some guy friends in a booth along the wall.

We tried to squeeze our way through the bodies to the booth, but my costume caught on the back of a werewolf, the tape failed and one of my breasts popped up. Just at that moment the crowd shifted and pressed me into the guys back.

He turned and I blushed red, as my nipples hardened even more. He was tall, with chestnut hair, and blue eyes and gorgeous.

"Oops!" I giggled as I tried to pull my costume up, with one hand, while holding a pint with the other.

He smiled, and said "Here, let me help."

As he pulled the top of the costume up for me, he paused and ran his fingers all over my nipple. He looked me in the eyes, the entire time, and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I took a shaky breath.

"Watch it Buster!" I said in a breathy little voice, as Mandy laughed at me, and pushed me forward. We made it to the table with no further incident.

"Hey guys, mind if we join you? " Mandy asked, as she bent over to set her beer on the table, flashing everyone.

Dave and John on a normal day were fun to hang out with. Now they were falling all over themselves to have us join them.

As we sat down, I could feel a warm breeze blowing on my shaved mound. What had been moist before was now positively wet. I was squirming in my seat, as I kept trying to arrange the skirt so that my bare ass was not sitting on the bench.

This created another problem, as the tugging on the skirt once again pulled the top off, and both of my breasts came out. I was embarrassed as I quickly pulled the dress back up.

Being somewhat nervous I started to fidget with the tape, which looked exactly as if I was playing with my breasts.

The boys appeared to have given up on conversation, before it had even started, and were openly staring at my gyrations, not even pretending to glance in my eyes. Mandy decided to make things worse.

She turned in her seat so she could talk reach my ear. In doing so she also blocked me from the sight of most of the people in the Union, but not the boys and certainly not all the people there.

She started to kiss and lick my ear. Her tongue darting in and out, making moist circles, that soon had me a little shaky. I peeked at the boys, who had leaned back in the booth and were openly watching the show.

My nerves were not helped at all, when she leaned over and started to French kiss me. It was more like an invasion of mouth and the only thing I could do was sit back and enjoy it. She didn't seem interested in me frenching back.

Somewhere, in all that, her other hand, found my mound, and she had started making slow lazy circles. Over and around my clit, up and down my slit. I was wet and horny and I slumped in my seat, moaned and uncrossed my legs. She was driving me crazy, I just wanted to come.

She didn't miss a beat, her long slim finger entered me, as soon as I opened my legs. She found my g-spot, so I was now hooked like a fish. She started to rub my clit with her thumb. I was moaning and making cooing sounds.

I could feel that I was beet red. I had my eyes closed. So I was surprised when I felt one of my breasts pop free, and Mandy sucked it into her mouth. The rough sensation of her tongue on my nipple was heavenly.

Mandy entered me with another finger, and I came almost immediately! The orgasm was so strong that I was holding my breath as the tremors ran over me! Mandy stayed in me for just a second, then pulled up my dress, and started to suck on the fingers that were in me. She grinned at me, like a Cheshire cat.

I covered my eyes with my hands, needing a private moment. I peeked at the boys, who were both blushing a furious shade of red, and still staring. Feeling better, I stuck my tongue out at them, and said,

"What? I know you guys watch porn. You're acting like you have never seen a girl have an orgasm before."

They both smiled and laughed a little nervously. We were all out of beer, so Mandy and Dave decided to go and get the next round. Not much happened when they were gone, like I said the place was packed, the music was pumping and it was hard to talk.

When they came back, Dave immediately leaned over and whispered in John's ear. I looked over at Mandy and arched an eyebrow, mouthing,

"What did you tell them?"

She smirked and leaned in, " Just that you were not wearing any underwear, and that you had several condoms in your bag."

I thought I should be mad at her, but the idea made me even more horny.

I looked over at the boys, and John smiled, " Want to dance?"

"Sure," I said in delight as I stood up.

I loved dancing. We made our way through the press of bodies to the dance floor. No disasters this time but I had to rub against people all the way to the floor, and the that little contact turned me on.

There was no room on the dance floor for anything but dancing as a couple. John loosely locked his arms around me, as the next song came on. It was a fast song, and I started to dance in his arms, waving my hands up and in the air, and swaying my hips.

My top almost immediately fell down, and my nipples peaked again. I was enjoying myself too much, and continued dancing! The floor was dark and nobody was paying us any attention. John was rock hard. The sensation of my nipples rubbing against his chest felt heavenly, and I was now dripping wet.

The next song was slower, and I took advantage of the break to pull my top back up. John moved around me, so he was now dancing behind me.

His cock was turning me on, as it felt like a steel pole, rubbing against my ass. I loved it! I danced, but never broke that connection with him. I felt so powerful, in how I was turning him on. I was laughing with delight.

As the song continued John's hands started to wander. Both went down my shirt for a moment, and he played with my nipples. Rubbing and twisting them between his fingers. A frisson of pleasure shot through me.

He didn't linger long though, before he reached under my skirt. His hand caressing all along my wet mound. I leaned back against him, so he could kiss me, as he continued to play.

So, he felt the orgasm ripple through me, as my body shook against his. His next words left me breathless.

"My turn."

I reached into my purse and pull out a rubber.

"Put your money, where your mouth is, big guy!"

He pulled me back into him, with one hand, as he undid his pants with the other. I stayed touching him, as he slid the rubber on.

He didn't even need to lift the dress. I gasped, as he impaled himself in me, and started to move. Oh, was he hard, and it felt so heavenly! I was so full of him, and the sensations were wonderful as he completely filled me to the core.

I had to stand on my tippy toes and I leaned back against him for support, arching my back, so my breasts were again thrust out of the dress.

He was plunging in and out of me, and it was all I could do to hold my balance. I dropped to my feet at one point, so he was bent at a rather awkward angle.

He moaned, but I sort of liked being stuck there, on that long hard pole.

Taking pity, I stood up again on my toes, allowing him to move. I knew he was close, as I could feel the tenseness in his body. I was like liquid, from my orgasms. I was still wet, and was close to coming again.

The werewolf showed up at that very moment.. Tall, dark and handsome started kissing my nipples. He was tonguing and twisting my nipples, and the sensations drove me over the edge. I came hard, with a spurt, as John continued to move in me.

The next thing I knew he had started to orgasm, and I could feel the hot come spurting in the condom. He withdrew leaving a gaping void, in my center, and quickly took the condom off. His last few squirts went directly on my ass!

"You're sassy!" I told him with a grin, as I turned and mock punched his arm.

I then stood on my toes, so I could kiss him full on the mouth, exposing my ass once again. I felt the warm air on the come, as we locked lips. I was well satisfied.

I then turned and kissed the Werewolf deeply. He took full advantage of my condition running his hands up and down my ass.

" I get the next dance." He informed me. I winked, as I turned back to John.

"Thanks for the dance." I mouthed at him, as I walked him back towards our table.

Mandy and Dave were leaning over, avidly talking and gesturing. I slid into the booth and tucked my feet underneath me. I pulled Mandy back and hugged her arm, and rested my head on her shoulder. I was tired, and happy.

I was fairly sure, with the way I was sitting that everyone could see my ass. I could no longer muster the energy to care. Needless to say, we never made it to State Street.

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bottovarnisbottovarnisover 2 years ago

pretty good. I always enjoy wardrobe malfunctions! Enjoyed the narrative style. The climax seemed a little forced though. Generally great story. thank you.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 5 years ago
I want more!!

I want to hear more about her and the werewolf!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

I worked at the Union many years ago and would have loved to see action like this! Keep writing !

TarnishedPennyTarnishedPennyover 5 years ago

Hilarious and erotic!

XpoeroticaXpoeroticaover 5 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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