Tina Carson Ch. 10


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That evening, Tina and Jim dined in the hotel's sumptuous dining room. Tina was dressed to kill in a short cocktail dress and 5" heels.

Jasim, although off duty, lived in the hotel in staff accommodation. He had noticed Tina when she and Jim had arrived downstairs and he made sure that Tina saw him staring at her.

Tina for her part had felt an uncomfortable shiver run down her spine when she realised that she was the subject of Jasim's look but quickly forced any thoughts of him from her mind. She was determined that this break would be one she and Jim would remember and talk about for years to come.

After an excellent meal they retired to their luxurious bedroom where they made love.

After the foreplay the actual sex didn't take too long; it never did. Jim was excellent at foreplay being extremely considerate. Tina supposed that for him this made up for his inadequacies in the actual fucking part but for her now, unfortunately it didn't.

Over the last couple of years she'd experienced sex that she hadn't thought possible. Most of it was either as a result of being drunk or semi forced due to blackmail. Although deeply ashamed off her brief dalliances, which she knew went against all that she held dear, she couldn't deny that the sex had been spectacular with each one of her male lovers and also, but in a different way, with her one female lover.

But it horrified her to think that she had been so easily seduced, giving free access to her married pussy and she was determined now to stay faithful, even more so now that they were a family.

* * * * *

The next day, Tina and Jim breakfasted together before he left on his golf day promising to be back to take her out to dinner to a restaurant that came highly recommended in the travel guides. All inclusive or not, they hadn't been at all enamoured with the fare offered in the hotel dining room the night before. Tina gathered up her travel leaflets and headed off to view some of the numerous attractions the city had to offer.

After a tiring but fulfilling day wandering around taking in the general sights and sounds of the city she arrived back at the hotel with plenty of time to have a long soak in the bath before dressing.

She'd just got out the bath when the room phone rang. It was Jim.

"Hi sweetheart, it's me, I'm sorry but I've been delayed and I don't think I'm going to get back to the hotel in time to pick you up. Do you think you could meet me at the restaurant and I'll get the limo driver to drop me off there?"

"You've got to be kidding me Jim, how can you be late, we've got a reservation for eight o'clock," Tina replied, somewhat irritated.

"Yeah, yeah I know, it can't be helped. Look I've got to go, I'll explain everything when I see you. Love you."

The phone clicked as Jim terminated the call. Tina was fuming. Bloody typical she thought, here I am all dressed up and he's stood me up again.

Slipping on her high heels and grabbing her purse she stalked out of the room and went down and into the hotel bar. Maybe a drink would calm her down.

"Good evening Mrs Carson, are you dining with us tonight?" said the barman as he appraised Tina, liking what he saw. He could understand why Jasim lusted over her!

"Oh, thank you ... erm ... no we're dining out thank you; well we are if my husband turns up!" Tina said before explaining to the barman of their reservations at the restaurant and Jim's recent telephone call.

After finishing her drink she left the hotel to walk to the restaurant. From his place behind the reception desk, Jasim caught a brief glance as she left. Leaving his post, he strolled casually over to the barman.

"Was that Mrs Carson?" he enquired.

"You know very well it was, Jasim," laughed the barman.

"I wasn't sure ... did she say where she was going, I thought she was dining out with her husband tonight but I didn't see him?" queried Jasim.

"Apparently he has been delayed so she has gone to meet him at the restaurant. She did not seem pleased!"

"I see," Jasim mused, "did she say which restaurant?"

"Indeed she did," smiled the barman.

Armed with that information Jasim returned to the reception desk and resumed his duties.

And he was still there when the phone rang. He answered to find the caller was Jim Carson.

"Hello Mr Carson, this is Jasim, how may I help you?" he asked politely.

"Yeah, hello Jasim, can you put me through to my wife please," replied Jim.

"I'm sorry Mr Carson but Mrs Carson has already left the hotel. She did say that you had asked her to meet you at the restaurant rather than waiting here," said Jasim.

"Yes I know I did. Oh dear, I've got a real problem then," Jim said with a hint of desperation in his voice. He continued. "I'm going to be really late. There's been a traffic accident and we're caught up in it."

"Are you hurt Mr Carson?" Jasim asked, "Is there anything I can do to assist you?"

"No, no, we're not hurt, just stuck in this almighty traffic jam. Nothing's moving at all. I've tried to ring her but her phone must be switched off. Look, I know it's a lot to ask but do you think you could find my wife for me and tell her what's happening and that I'm sorry," asked Jim.

"That is not a problem Mr Carson, it will be my pleasure," smirked Jasim feeling his cock twitch at the prospect of finding Tina. "I'm off duty shortly so I will take care of her for you."

Smiling to himself he hung up the phone and turned to his colleague.

"My shift is nearly over but I have to leave now to locate Mrs Carson for her husband. You can cover for me?"

His colleague nodded and taking this as his acceptance Jasim hurried to his room at the hotel and changed out of his official hotel attire.

Leaving the hotel it was but a casual fifteen minute walk from the hotel to the restaurant. It took Jasim less than ten minutes to arrive there. As he approached he saw her waiting outside, self consciously looking around. It was fairly obvious she was drawing some considerable attention from the single males as they passed her by and this was clearly making her nervous.

As he closed the gap, slowing his pace to catch his breath, he could see more clearly that she was wearing a rather short, tight fitting skirt that showed off her tanned, bare legs to their best. These were accentuated all the more by her 4" stiletto heel sandals. Her large 38DD breasts were wonderfully displayed by her tight fitting blouse that was only buttoned to the bottom of her bra thus revealing a lot of her now outstanding cleavage.

No wonder she was drawing attention. It was not something she should be doing here especially as she was unaccompanied by a man. Jasim's stomach lurched as he took in the view and anticipated what he hoped was to come.

"Mrs Carson," Jasim said as he reached her.

Tina spun around suddenly, shocked to hear someone call out her name.

"Oh ... Jasim, it's you!" she exclaimed, a hand coming up to her chest, surprised to see him.

"Yes ... hello Mrs Carson. I have a message for you but first I must tell you, a woman as beautiful as you should not be out here alone, it is not safe for you..." He half turned to indicate the men who were circling her like sharks.

"Oh ..." Tina felt herself blushing from the compliment. "I ... I didn't realise that it wasn't ..."

"You should not have come out unescorted," Jasim interrupted her, "but everything will be alright now, now that I am here to protect you."

He moved closer to her. "The message is from your husband. He is sorry but he is unable to join you just yet."

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand you. What do you mean he can't join me, is there something wrong?" Tina asked with a slightly worried look on her face.

"Yes, he is alright but he is in a traffic accident ..."

"An accident, oh my God ... is he hurt!" Tina interrupted, a look of abject panic on her face.

"No, no, he is fine, his car was not involved in the accident, they merely got caught up in the mayhem of the traffic jam afterwards," Jasim explained patiently. "The traffic here is very bad, accidents are frequent, long delays inevitable."

"Oh, I see, well thank goodness he's alright." Tina breathed a sigh of relief. "Well I might as well go back to the hotel then."

"No, no," Jasim said hurriedly, "he said he will still come to you although he may be a little late but he asked me to look after you, perhaps take you for a drink while you wait for him to arrive..."

Tina hesitated. "Well. I'm ... I'm not sure ..."

"It will be alright Mrs Carson, I know a small bar not far from here where you could relax, have a couple of drinks while you wait for Mr Carson to come to you. It is safe but of course, I will be with you to protect you."

Tina looked at Jasim. He is big and muscular she thought, I'm sure he would protect me from any unwelcome attention. She'd already had to fend off the unwanted attention of a couple of men whilst waiting.

"Well okay then, if you're certain ..." Tina said.

"Indeed I am," Jasim replied and taking her arm led her away from the restaurant.

As he led her down the narrow streets of the old quarter of the city he pointed out some of the famous landmarks and buildings of interest. Whilst Tina looked at the sights, Jasim looked at her attributes.

Her legs look sensational he thought as he watched her strutting along in her 4" heels and that ass ... oh what a splendid curvy ass that is ... and those huge breasts ... how I'd like to bury my face in those great big mounds of white flesh and suck on her juicy nipples.

He shook his head to clear his mind. "All in good time Jasim," he muttered to himself, "all in good time."

"Sorry," said Tina, "did you say something?"

"Oh ... erm ... no, only that we are here now," Jasim said as he steered her into a bar.

As Tina's eyes adjusted to the gloomy interior she was overwhelmed by the smoky atmosphere. She looked tentatively around the bar. She could make out that there were a few people sat around at various tables. They were all males and at first glance all seemed to be quite unsavoury looking characters.

She averted her eyes and moved closer to Jasim. She wasn't sure she liked this place but he seemed perfectly at ease as he moved across the room acknowledging various people.

"What is this place?" she enquired.

"It's a hookah bar," replied Jasim, liking the fact she was hanging onto his arm and pressing her large breasts into him, "it is where people come to smoke and chat and relax. Have you ever been in one before?"

"No never," Tina replied, "this is a first for me."

"Come then, let us sit down over there," Jasim said pointing to a low seating arrangement in the corner of the room. "I will get us both a drink first and then perhaps you can try smoking one of those." He pointed to a hookah.

"Well I don't know ..." Tina said, "... I don't smoke ... never have ..."

"Come come, you are in a different country, you should try different things," Jasim insisted.

"Well maybe later," Tina replied as she took a seat.

A couple of very strong drinks later and Tina, having drunk on an empty stomach was feeling decidedly tipsy.

"We really should be going now, I think," she stated, "I imagine Jim will be at the restaurant by now."

"From my experience of our traffic jams, I do not think so," Jasim replied, "but I will call the hotel to see if he has left any messages."

He stood and left the room to make the phone call. Tina looked around the room. Thankfully no-one appeared to be paying her much attention.

Jasim, after waiting the appropriate amount of time returned and sat down next to her.

"No, he is still stuck in the traffic mayhem I am afraid," Jasim lied.

Tina sighed. "I think we should go then," she said, "I don't think my husband is going to make it back in time. We might as well go back to the hotel."

"No, I think we can wait a little while longer," Jasim said quietly. He gazed deep into Tina's blue eyes. She felt a slight shudder run through her body as his eyes held hers. She nervously licked her lips as Jasim finally looked away, his eyes dropping down to gaze longingly into her deep cleavage.

He pondered for a minute or two as he looked at her breasts. He could imagine them nestling in his hands as he played with them, running his hands over her tantalising, quivering flesh, fondling them whilst tugging at her hard nipples. He felt a stirring in his groin.

"Come with me," he stood and offered her his hand. "Come I will show you this while we wait for your husband. Not many tourists see what I am about to reveal. You will be greatly privileged."

Tina accepted his hand as he pulled her up and hand in hand she followed as Jasim led her across the room towards the bar.

Abdul Aziz watched them approach as he busied himself behind the bar, cleaning glasses with a small hand towel. He snorted derisively to himself. Here he comes, mister high and mighty, mister scimitar blade with yet another white woman he wants to copulate with!

He'd worked in this bar for many years, too many to recollect them all and he thought he'd seen everything. That was until Jasim turned up to avail himself of the little room at the top of the stairs. He was the complete opposite of Abdul Aziz. Tall, swarthy, good looking, arrogant. Abdul Aziz hated him. How he'd found out about the room he didn't know. It didn't matter now but over the past two years there had been a steady stream of women that Jasim had led into that tiny room at the top of the stairs.

And here he was again with yet another victim. Abdul Aziz had realised over time that Jasim's weakness was for blondes and especially big breasted Scandinavian or Eastern European women. He scanned his experienced eye over this one. She didn't disappoint but she wasn't Scandinavian or Eastern European. This one looked English. She certainly wasn't American, she wasn't perfect enough to be an American. He pursed his lips as he nodded his head in approval. An English rose that had all of Jasim's requirements. Not bad Jasim, not bad at all he thought begrudgingly.

He looked at her again with an apparent air of complete indifference but inside his guts were churning as always. He longed for the day when he could accomplish what Jasim did. Just once in his miserable, fetid life he would like the opportunity to lay between a white woman's legs and savour the sweet honey nectar of her shaved pussy. Just once he'd like to feast on her magnificent twin globes of excellence, groping and fondling her tit flesh, biting and sucking on her pink nipples before burying his throbbing fat cock deep inside her dripping wet, juicy pink cunt.

He could dream but now all he could do was watch as Jasim led his latest victim into the room behind the bar. He followed them inside so he could get a better look at her. His eyes locked instantly onto the swell of her full round ass and the shapeliness of her legs as she walked. He sighed and resumed his polishing of the glass in his hand.

"Where are we going?" Tina giggled. The atmosphere in this room was even smokier than the other and there was a funny smell too she thought.

Jasim seated her on some low cushions in front of what appeared to be a dance floor. He went off and returned with another drink for them both.

A few minutes later a man arrived carrying a hookah, which he lit.

"Go on, you must give it a try, " Jasim pointed to the hookah.

"Why not," Tina replied, her inhibitions lowered now by the drink, "but I don't know what to do."

Jasim showed her and soon Tina was enjoying the delights of her very first hookah. What she didn't know was that in this room the hookah's tobacco was laced with drugs.

Encouraged by Jasim, Tina smoked for a while, alternating with the odd drink or two. Her supposed planned meal with Jim rapidly faded from her mind.

She was beginning to feel somewhat drowsy, her eyes flickering occasionally when she was suddenly jolted awake by loud music, which heralded the entertainment coming onto the dance floor. She squinted her eyes not able to focus properly as she watched a group of women appear and proceed to dance. It was not a type of dance Tina was familiar with. By now her head was spinning and the pounding beat of the music didn't help at all.

She watched as the dance became more and more erotic, the dancers twirling and gyrating as they touched and fondled each other before interacting with people in the audience. The music was louder now, the sound swirling around and around her.

Tina was smoking heavily now, caught up in the noise and excitement of the women's dance. She had just exhaled when one of the women descended on her and kissed her fully on her lips, at the same time grabbing and squeezing her massive breasts.

Tina gasped in shock before she giggled and settled back down into the cushions to watch. She drew in more smoke from her hookah and her head spun again.

Her head was buzzing and her body felt so alive. She couldn't explain why, but it wasn't unpleasant. She was aware that someone had just touched her breasts and she didn't mind that either. In fact she didn't mind anything.

Jasim leaned over and sensing that Tina was not going to stop him began to gently grope her impressive breasts. He had fantasised about them all day and now his time had come.

Tina wiggled her hips, snuggling deeper into the cushions. She was incredibly aroused, her pussy felt like it was on fire. Whoever was fondling her tits needed to give her pussy some attention and quickly!

Jasim immediately obliged as he placed his hand on her smooth skinned bare thigh and slowly moved it up and under her skirt. Tina wiggled her hips even more, liking the tingling sensation caused by the hand on her thigh and overwhelmed by the feeling of her arousal.

Her legs parted as if by magic as his hand slid higher up the smooth skin of her inner thigh and approached her mound. He moved his fingers over her lace thong pushing the fabric into her pussy.

"Ahhhhhhh ... ooooooooohhh," she moaned long and hard. She was wet. Her juices flowed freely onto his fingers. He withdrew and sucked on them, savouring her sweet nectar.

The dancers moved faster and faster, the beat of the music hypnotic and pulsating. Tina's head was swimming, her senses now dulled by the drugs. Lights swirled around her as she felt hands pawing at her breasts and then her legs. She felt herself rise from her deep cushion to be led across the smoke filled room and through a bead curtain that seemed to entangle her before it was brushed aside.

Strong hands directed her up the stairs pushing her forward to climb up one step at a time, groping her ass, cupping her ass cheeks whilst fingers slid up inside her thong and into her slippery slickness. And then through an open door, the slam of the door behind them and the all enveloping quiet. The sound of a belt being unbuckled, zips being lowered, the rustling of clothes and then the feeling of release as her bra was removed and then the tingling sensation of her nipples and her pussy lips as the cooler air wafted over her hotness, making her gasp.

The feeling of weightlessness as she was pushed backwards only for her body to be cushioned by a softness beneath her. And then the feeling of pain as something big and hard was thrust up inside her and the feeling she suffered as it moved slowly in and out, filling her completely, stretching the tightness of her pussy, making her wild and delirious with pleasure before it ended with a brilliant flash of light.

Jasim had led Tina across the dance floor and through a bead curtain at the back. He pushed her in front of him, encouraging her to take the narrow staircase up to the first floor, his strong hands cupping and squeezing her delicious ass cheeks. As she climbed up the stairs he looked longingly at her legs. Reaching the top of the stairs he opened the door to the small room.