Tina Carson Ch. 06


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The hold on her momentarily broken Tina sensed an opportunity to get away. She tried to push past Klaus, who distracted was still watching the receding back of the woman down the corridor. He turned back placing his arm across her, preventing her escape.

"No, no," he whispered, "you have to stay here. With me. Now, where was I... ah yes."

Tina flushed as Klaus looked down her body, past her heaving breasts and down to her legs. She saw the thin smile on his cruel lips as he raised his eyes to stare into hers yet again. That sense of being completely alone with him returned and she felt her legs go weak. She put a hand back against the wall to steady herself.

"You are very beautiful my dear and you have an exceptional body, just ripe for the picking. So let me tell you what I am going to do to you."

Tina's stomach lurched. She swallowed hard. Her throat was dry, her breathing ragged as her head swam.

"First I am going to fondle your magnificent breasts and I am going to do this over and over again. Then I am going to pinch your nipples until they grow hard and erect. I will then suckle them and bite them so hard you will scream."

He moved closer until his mouth was just brushing against her cheek. His tongue flicked out and then he slowly and deliberately licked her ear. Tina gasped, her mouth gaping open again as she struggled for breath, her heart hammering away even harder inside her heaving chest.

His voice was barely a whisper as he continued. "When I grow tired of that then I am going to lick your married pussy and drink and savour your delightful juices and then I will nibble your clit until you scream louder and louder, begging for me to release you to your orgasm."

As he pulled away his tone became harder. "And when you can take no more, then and only then will I FUCK you my dear. I am going to sink my hard, throbbing COCK into your welcoming pussy and I will bring you to so many orgasms you will plead with me to stop." He smiled again. "But then you will beg me to FUCK you again and again!"

Tina was trembling. She felt a heady mix of fear and arousal invade her body. She was breathing deeply now and could feel a dampness spreading between her legs.

Keeping his arm across her, Klaus reached out his hand towards her breasts. She flinched as he touched her and pulled her neck down into her shoulders but she didn't stop him.

Once more she was drawn to his eyes, seemingly unable to avert her gaze. She gasped as he ran his hand lightly over her full breasts dipping into her cleavage before he grasped them firmly and squeezed hard.

Tina cringed but couldn't move as he groped and fondled her breasts. She felt her nipples harden as he moved back closer to her, his breath hot on her face.

"You have fantastic breasts," he murmured as he continued pushing his fingers into her soft flesh.

Tina felt the hot flush of arousal sweep through her body, every fibre of her being was on fire and still she was unable to move. She was finding it difficult to catch her breath as he continued his assault on her body.

Meanwhile, back in the restaurant, Jim had grown somewhat concerned at his wife's absence. The thought crossed his mind that she had probably got lost. He looked around the restaurant. There didn't seem to be a clear sign to indicate where the restrooms were located.

Deciding to go and find her, Jim stood and made his apologies to the rest of their table. Leaving the restaurant he finally found a sign that gave unclear directions. As he wandered down a corridor he could see two people in the distance.

"Tina, is that you down there?" Jim called out. It appeared to be his wife talking to someone who seemed to be standing very close to her.

Klaus hearing the voice pulled away from Tina and walked quickly into the men's restroom and as the door closed behind him, Jim arrived at his wife's side.

"Ah it is you, I wasn't sure," he said as he neared Tina. "Who were you talking to? You weren't being bothered by that person were you?" He looked at bit closer at his wife. "Are you all right?

Tina stood rocking slightly as she began to regain her senses, the pounding in her head slowly receding.

"No, no I'm fine," she said as her eyes refocused.

"Come on then let's get back to the others," Jim said leading her unsteadily down the corridor back to the restaurant.

Inside the men's restroom, Klaus was seething. His cock was bulging painfully inside his trousers, straining for release. It was a minor setback, but he would fuck that blonde English girl before the show was over if it was the last thing he did. It was going so well, until the husband turned up.

Klaus was deep in thought as he returned to the restaurant. An inkling of an idea began to formulate in his mind as he pondered on how to separate the couple. He needed to give himself the opportunity to take Tina but this time without any chance of them being interrupted and her being saved from his attentions.

Later, back in their bedroom, Jim, having consumed just the right amount of alcohol was in the mood for sex. For Tina this was the last thing she wanted. But when Jim turned to her as she lay on her back, sinking his fingers down into her mound, he found her slit was sopping wet and her pussy lips fully engorged. She came immediately and was disgusted with herself when she realised she had been thinking of Klaus when she did. Emotionally though she felt nothing when Jim climbed between her legs and fucked her. His quick fuck and climax barely registering in her mind.

* * *

The following day dawned and Jim was left to his own devices as Tina was too busy visiting the numerous trade stands with the rest of the managers from Bromptons.

Klaus, meanwhile had come up with a plan. He thought it was a good plan but for it to work, he had to get Tina and Jim to sit at his table for the meal at the dinner dance.

A well placed bribe had secured him with the means for that and it was simplicity itself. He arranged for there to be insufficient chairs at the Brompton's table and just to be on the safe side made sure their table was smaller than usual so it was impossible to add more. Since all the seats had place setting cards he also arranged that Tina and Jim's cards be put on his table.

The last piece of the jigsaw had been to acquire a room in the staff quarters of the hotel where he knew he wouldn't be disturbed.

Now all he had to do was to lure Tina away from her husband.

* * *

Her brand new black cocktail dress was maybe a little too revealing Tina thought as she put it on. The neckline plunged to show a vast amount of her not inconsiderable cleavage and the hemline came some 4" above her knee showing a tantalising amount of her shapely thighs. However it was long enough to cover her stocking tops and suspenders. To finish her ensemble she put on her new 5" heel stiletto shoes.

Over the last year she had started to let her hair grow longer and she now had that pushed back behind her ears, which showed off her new diamond drop earrings. With red lipstick on her full lips and red varnish to match on her fingernails she looked fantastic.

Jim seemed unimpressed as he put on his new dark grey lounge suit, begrudgingly bought for this trip at Tina's insistence.

Leaving their room, they walked down to the bar and joined the rest of the Brompton party for drinks. Eventually they were all called through for the meal.

When Tina and Jim found that there were no place settings for them they were not pleased. Mr Brompton called the restaurant manager over and although he apologised profusely over the mix up said there just wasn't time to change their table now.

It was then that one of the waiters, prompted by Klaus who had been watching events from a distance, informed the restaurant manager that he had found the place settings for Tina and Jim on another table.

Still apologising, the restaurant manager led them over to this table and seated them. Tina was on one side of the table and Jim, to his delight, found himself opposite Tina but sat between the two stunning girls with the huge breasts that he'd seen the previous night clinging to Klaus' arm.

He was delighted as the girls quickly engaged him in conversation and when they giggled at everything he said, Tina's irritation with him was more than obvious. Jim didn't care. Maybe he could make his wife jealous. It wasn't every day that he had this effect on two beautiful women and he was determined to milk it for all it was worth.

When they first took their places the chair at the head of the table was empty but as the starters were brought out, Tina finally became aware that someone had quietly slipped into the vacant seat.

She looked over. Of course; she should have realised whose table they were seated at. Her heart sank and her stomach turned over when she saw it was Klaus. He leered at her, his thin lips parting in what for him was a smile.

Klaus had been clever. He had insisted on a rectangular shaped table for his party even though every other one in the dining room was circular. He had made sure he was seated at the head of the table and had arranged that Tina be seated a couple of places away from him with her husband Jim across from her.

He had then coerced Heidi and Karla, two of his stunningly attractive employees both possessing enormous breasts, to sit either side of Jim. Their task was to make sure that after the meal he would be sufficiently distracted that he wouldn't notice or realise his wife was missing.

From where Klaus was sitting he had a perfect view into Tina's cleavage. His cock began pulsing as he envisaged what he would do later to her breasts.

Tina managed to get some food inside her and even took part in some of the conversation with Klaus' people. She was always aware however that Klaus was looking at her and although it wasn't quite with the same intensity as the previous night it was still enough to once again make her very uncomfortable.

At the end of the meal, as the waiting staff served coffee and brought out the complimentary whisky and brandy digestifs, an announcement was made that the dancing would begin in the Ballroom within twenty minutes.

In the ensuing melee, as the crowd milled into the Ballroom, Tina lost sight of Jim. Typical, she thought, now that he's found those two bimbos he'll probably ignore me all night.

"Ah Tina there you are." Gordon Brompton made her jump as he appeared by her side, a drink in his hand. "This is for you. It is vodka and tonic you like isn't it? I'm sorry about the mix up with the seating but apart from that, did you enjoy your meal?"

"Oh hello Mr Brompton, thank you and yes it is," Tina replied taking the offered drink from him. "That's okay, these things happen I suppose and yes, the meal was superb, I really enjoyed it"

"Good, glad to hear it. Now if you want to join us, we're over there," he finished, pointing over to where his wife and the rest of his party were seated. He began to move away.

"Okay, thanks, I will," Tina replied with a smile, "but I'll just have to find Jim first. He seems to have got lost."

Mr Brompton nodded and then wandered off back to his wife and the rest of his party. As she watched him go, Tina quickly knocked back her drink.

Right Jim, where are you? She looked around before making her first decision, which was to re-enter the bar and order herself another drink. She drank deeply as she scanned the room for her husband before realising her glass was nearly empty. Returning to the bar she ordered herself another. She took a sip as the sudden realisation hit her that she was knocking them back quite quickly. That just wouldn't do at all. She loved vodka but once she had the taste for it she was quite capable of consuming more than she should and that could and did sometimes cause her all sorts of problems.

For one thing Jim wouldn't be happy with her. Drinking excessively had led to an incident at his company's Christmas party and the last thing she needed now was a repeat of that. She had no doubt that an argument between her and Jim would not be well received by Mr Brompton and the rest of the senior managers.

Clearing her mind of these thoughts and not seeing her husband in the bar she re-entered the Ballroom. She walked round the outside of the dance floor, which by now was packed with people enjoying the party atmosphere.

The ballroom lights were generally low apart from the flashing lights over the packed dance floor although some parts were darker than others. As she reached one of the darker parts of the room she stopped and surveyed the dance floor. At first all she could see was a sea of people but after a while she finally spotted Jim dancing with the two bimbos. Typical, she thought as he saw her and waved.

As she pondered her next move she suddenly sensed a presence behind her. In an instant she felt a hand clamp onto her hip before it dropped down onto her ass. She gasped as the hand squeezed her ass cheeks. An icy chill swept up her back.

"Hello Tina," Klaus whispered in her ear, "I've been looking for you."

She shuddered but found some inner strength and spun round to face him, a decision she was soon to regret, as he maintained his grip on her ass cheeks and pulled her closer to him, his eyes locking instantly on hers.

"What the hell do you... do you... think..." She began to falter as his eyes bored deep into hers and her breathing became short shallow gasps for air, "what... what do you... do you think... you're doing..." she took a deep breath, "...get away from me!"

"Oh I don't think so my dear," he murmured.

He moved even closer to her, his breath now hot on her cheek. "You have lovely hair," he sighed, running his fingers slowly through her blonde locks.

Tina flinched at his caress, her heart thudding in her chest. As her breathing quickly became more ragged she felt the beginnings of a hot flush in her body.

Klaus moved his hand round from her ass cheek and down beyond the hem of her black cocktail dress and onto her exposed leg. He slowly slid it up the inside of her thigh towards her pussy. She was trembling at the softness of his touch, again finding she was unable to move and letting him do whatever he wanted. She couldn't seem to resist him and didn't know why. Her mouth gaped open and as she nervously licked her lips she felt the heat building inside her.

He stared into her eyes with the same burning intensity as before as he reached her thong. He paused briefly, resting his finger tips on the lacy fabric, feeling the swell of her pussy lips beneath. He could almost feel them twitching. Tina opened her legs slightly, an involuntary shifting of her feet, to give easier access to her mound.

"You are very wet my dear," murmured Klaus, rubbing gently on her now clearly engorged pussy lips.

"I... I... oooohhhh..." Tina let out a soft, guttural moan as his finger casually slipped under her thong and pushed into her pussy. Her eyes closed.

"Uuunnnhhhmm..." she moaned softly as her legs began to shake. Her pussy clamped down hard onto his finger, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Klaus. It pleased him. He knew now that fucking her was going to be a delight.

"Well that's most unfortunate again," Klaus whispered. "Your husband is on his way over here." She shuddered violently as he nipped at her ear lobe, causing a hot flush to flash through her body.

"Hello sweetheart, are you okay, need a drink or anything?" Jim said brightly as he reached her through the crowd. "God it's crazy on there," he added pointing to the dance floor.

Tina's heart was still pounding heavily in her chest as she tried to compose herself. It took her a moment before the realisation hit home. Jim was here. Jim had saved her. As she opened her eyes, she was relieved to see Klaus had moved away.

"Yes, I'm fine, I... I was just a bit worried when I couldn't find you," she mumbled as she tried to catch her breath.

"Come on then," Jim said clearly oblivious to his wife's predicament, "let's dance." He grabbed her hand and dragged her onto the dance floor.

Struggling to get her emotions under control Tina followed him onto the floor where they danced non stop for over an hour. Tina was amazed, as Jim never, ever danced, unless he was completely drunk and he didn't appear to be that far gone! The pulsating, driving beat of the music eventually blew away all thoughts of what she had been subjected to. Besides, she was safe now Jim was there to protect her.

Klaus meanwhile was seething inwardly as he re-joined his group. He had been so close yet again. Failure of his plan was not an option and he was now deep in conversation with the two girls, pointing towards Tina and Jim as if giving them instructions.

As the night wore on Tina finally left the dance floor and found a seat in the bar. Her head was pounding from the loud music. She ordered herself another vodka and tonic.

Jim, being very attentive for once, sat with her initially before one of the Brompton party dragged him back into the Ballroom to dance.

Tina laughed as he went, delighted at his change of mood. It was good that he was finally letting his hair down and enjoying himself; it had been a long time.

Twenty minutes passed by and Tina got herself another drink. She looked around but there was no sign of Jim anywhere.

Another fifteen minutes slid by and still Jim hadn't returned. Tina was beginning to get annoyed. Typical, she thought, he finally loosens up but then abandons me. It wouldn't surprise me if he's with those bloody European girls with the big tits!

* * *

If only she'd realised she was absolutely right. After he'd danced with some of the Brompton's party, the two stunningly beautiful European girls with the gigantic boobs appeared and were soon all over him. They bumped and ground their bodies into him at every opportunity. Jim hadn't had this much fun for ages and just hoped that Tina didn't catch him.

He couldn't believe his luck. The girl called Heidi had her hand on his leg and the other one, Karla was nuzzling up against him rubbing her giant boobs over his arm. They were presently having a rest and were seated at a table in the ballroom, one girl either side of him.

Even though he was enjoying himself he had the sudden thought that it had been a while since he'd left Tina. A pang of guilt hit him so he put down his drink and stood up, swaying slightly.

"Right," he slurred, "I think I had better go and find my wife."

"No, no Jimmy, come outside with me for a little while, I need to show you something," Karla said to him seductively, rising quickly to stand next to him. She pressed her body against his, pushing her enormous breasts into his chest.

Jim couldn't believe his luck. No woman had ever come onto him like this before and it felt good. He was a stud!

He went willingly outside with Karla as she led him to a secluded spot in the hotel grounds. She reached up and kissed him before bringing his hands up to fondle her massive tits. As Jim closed his eyes and revelled in guilty pleasure she dropped her hand down to find and stroke the growing bulge in his trousers.

Back inside the ballroom, Heidi had left to complete her part of the task.

* * *

Tina was becoming increasingly agitated as she began to notice people drifting out of the Ballroom and going off to their rooms as the evening wound down. "Where the hell are you Jim, this is beyond a joke now," she fumed, muttering to herself.

As she rose from her chair to begin the search for her missing husband she saw one of the big breasted European girls that had been sat with Jim at the meal enter the bar and head straight for her.

"Hello, you are Jim's wife, no?" she asked as she reached Tina.

"Yes that's right," Tina replied hesitantly, a frown creasing her forehead, "why, where is he? Do you know where he is?"