Time for Truth Ch. 08

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The girls visit Thane and a new member arrives.
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Part 8 of the 17 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/27/2013
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Welcome back,

The girls visit Thane. A new member of Thane arrives, and things with Benny and Bruce come to a head. Aria realizes she likes older men.

There are no sexual acts involving any one underage in this chapter. All sexual acts involve participants that are above the age of consent.

***Special Note****

When you finish reading this chapter, please read Desires. It is a companion story to this chapter. Chapter nine will be written soon.

Thank you so much for reading my offerings and sharing your thoughts.

Happy reading. IR2R

"Michael, it's time." Brandy shook her husband waking him. Leaping from the bed, the alpha called for the healers. The baby was early; she still had two weeks to go. Within minutes, the healer was there to check their leader.

"Madam Alpha, MJ has decided to come a little early." The healer teased.

"Look, this hurts. How long?" Brandy asked, not believing that it hurt as badly as it did. Michael came in and talked with her, trying to help her say calm during contractions. Fortunately for Brandy, her labor wasn't very long. Within three hours, Michael Thane Junior met his Mother and father red-faced and screaming. The doctor placed the babe in his father's arm, and everyone cried along with their alpha as he held his son.

Clarence realized his alphas were busy, so he and Justin headed to the airport to pick up the girls that were visiting from Texas. Soon the two males arrived at the airport and of course they were not surprise to see vampires in the vicinity. These wolves were guarded completely.

Soon the small private plane from Texas landed. Clarence and Justin waited as the five girls walked in. Clarence smiled. Hannah and Miriam would be over the moon. He approached the group and Marisol smiled. Clarence was awed at how beautiful that young woman was. He was aware that she'd found her mate, so he knew she was off limits. Too bad, he mused.

The girls giggled and he and Justin carried their luggage to the van. The wolves drove to the apartments where their brothers and cousins were to inform them of their arrival. Marisol greeted Benny immediately as did Rosita. Aria hugged her brother. Clarence noticed that the alpha twins shared similar coloring, and height. Aria, like her brother had a quiet confidence. The boys joined them and everyone drove back to the compound together. Normally guest reported to the Alpha home, but since Madam Alpha Brandy was in transition, they went straight to the community center. Hannah and Miriam were there to greet their grandchildren.

Clarence and Justin carried the girls' luggage to their respective rooms. As they got the girls settled, Clarence reentered the foyer to find Aria Loess looking at artwork. He smiled and spoke., Instant heat infused him, his wolf alert and scenting the young she bitch. Aria was not a novice to male and female relationships even though she was barely twenty-two.

Licking her lips, she heard the older gentleman moan. "Mr. Um..., Clarence. Thank you for..." Clarence stopped her.

"No need to thank me, Ms. Loess. It was my pleasure to meet you tonight." He explained. Stop it, she's practically a child.he chastised his wolf that was becoming more aroused by the second.

Clarence's reaction to the young alpha daughter bothered him. He was a man and often when he needed to he found females that were receptive to him. He would make sure the woman was older and understood it was just physical. He had to admit the girl was alluring, all of the girls were pretty. But why did his body react to this girl the way that it did.

It didn't matter. He was one of the top betas in this pack, Aria was under their protection and he'd protect her, especially from himself. Soon the other girls joined them and Clarence was glad to meet Phillips two sisters and see Benny's sisters again. He knew they would enjoy their visit. Soon the girls were ready to meet the pack. Clarence called a few thetas to take the girls around. Benny, Ares, Kevin, and Phillip were with them, so he wasn't worried about anyone getting out of hand.

Clarence stood and smiled. As he wished the young group a great day, his eyes landed on the lovely Aria. His animal reacted, and he subjugated his beast. He reminded him that she was too young for them. His wolf huffed and refused to speak to him. He wanted to check on his alphas, so he left the group in the capable hands of his pack member. His animal was annoyed that Justin also seemed to take interest in the auburn haired beauty.

Castigating himself as he went to check on Michael and Brandy, Clarence felt like an old fool. He approached the alpha's private rooms cautiously. Quietly he knocked. Michael opened the door, and he entered. Brandy was asleep and his new God son was cuddled in his father's arms.

"Congratulations, old man, Let me look at this guy." He teased. Michael proudly showed his son to his best friend. Clarence was awed. The babe was simply perfect. "Wow, Mike, he's perfect. How did everything go? No problems?" he asked. He really wanted to be there for the birth, but he had other duties to perform.

"No complications, everything went well. She hurt so bad man. But having him here, I don't regret it. Too bad he'll be an only child." he stated.

"Darn right. I am not putting myself through that again. Bring me my son," Brandy demanded waking.

Clarence chuckled, "Mad-" he started to greet her.

"Uh uh, he's Mike and you want to address me formally. Cut the shit Clarence." She ordered. Clarence laughed,

"Language Brandy, young ears." He added raising his eyebrow at the babe.

Brandy looked contrite and then shot back. "I can't wait until you find your mate and have your own little one. Clarence, it is the most amazing feeling." Brandy insisted as Michael sat beside her and nodded.

They were happy and now things at Thane were perfect. Clarence watched his alphas with their son, and he knew that if anyone deserved this happiness, it was the couple before him.

Then he remembered their guest, "Oh the girls from Loess are here. We stopped in the city and the boys rode back with us. They are giving them a tour of the compound. I took the liberty of having the staff assign them two rooms, Phillips sister are in the blue room, and Benny's sisters are in the aqua room. I place Aria in the purple room." He explained. Ever observant, Brandy was not so wrapped up in new Mommy-hood that she missed the subtle change in Clarence's tone when he mentioned the alpha daughter.

"Thank you Clarence. I'd like to meet them. If you can, give me a few hours and then bring them here." Brandy suggested. MJ began to fret and she needed to feed him. Not wanting another male to witness such an intimate moment, Michael escorted Clarence from the room.

"Well, old man, how do you really feel?" Clarence asked. Michael was a very private person. He never shared what he was thinking or feeling with many. Clarence was one of the few people he talked to. "I'm happy, nervous, scared as hell. I was holding him and thinking about the situation at Loess. I know you know about the Daniel's children's birthfather returning." Michael stopped.

"I've only had my son for a few hours, but I could not imagine being separated from him. I like BJ and Julianne. They are great people, and this has to be hard on them. When Javon called last night, I had no problem letting the girls get away. They are our family too, and I I want to help in any way that I can. Then I think about the birth father. I'm not sure what happened, but from talking with Javon he didn't abandon his children. He loves them just as much as BJ and Jules. Holding my son made me look at things differently. This man lost his kids and they need to know him. Javon is a great alpha and BJ is one of the most honorable men I know. I hope they can figure out something, because when the truth comes out, those kids will need all three of them." Michael concluded. Clarence was stunned. Out of all the years he'd been friends with Michael, he'd never known him to speak so candidly. He had to agree, Michael was right.


Benny was so excited to have his cousins' visit. Everyone greeted them. Grandma Hannah and Miriam doted on the girls, even Daniella and Candace were welcomed into the fold. Soon, the crowd thinned as the wolves had to report to their duties. The girls offered to help but were promptly told they were guest and were not required to work.

Taking things in stride, Ares asked his sister to walk with him. They needed to catch up. It was obvious that they were twins, because they looked so much alike. They were similar in height, shared the same coloring, except Aria's facial features were softer, more feminine. Aria smiled at her little brother. She loved teasing him because she was older.

Phillip had duties but he wanted his sisters with him. Candace and Daniella were so excited to see Phillip. The two girls knew something was going on with their younger brother and agreed that before they went back home they would find out what. Phillip gladly spent time with his sisters. Candace was as silly as ever, but Daniella was too quiet. Phillip wondered if she knew. Daniella seemed to know everything that went on in the family. He'd tell them before they went home. He just hoped his sisters didn't hate him.

Benny and his cousins were recruited to say with Grandma Hannah and Grandma Miriam. Luckily for him, Grandpa Jebediah needed his help. "Mari, Rosita, I'm gonna help grandpa. I'll be back." He explained.

The girls spent time with their grandparents and for a while, didn't think about the tensions at home. Time passed, and Marisol recalled last night. She was silent, too silent. Miriam and Hannah noticed. They were told that the girls needed to get away for the weekend, but not exactly why. Well, it didn't matter, these were her grandbabies, and shed be here for them.

"Marisol, Rosita, I'm so glad you came this weekend. You two girls have a piece of my heart." Hannah told them as she embraced both if her granddaughters. Both girls returned her hug. Then Hannah laughed. "Look at me. Please excuse this old lady. I am just so happy to have my family back. Listen to me, family is always there for you. They are not perfect, and sometimes mess up. But in the end they love each other. Never forget that my beautiful granddaughters."

Marisol and Rosita shared a look. Alpha Javon insisted along with Momma and Poppa that they visit Benny. Last night, her dream returned. She only had that dream when something was about to change. Over the past few days, her parents were upset about something. The Alphas had mysterious guest in their home. There was something going on in their family, and she knew it involved the three of them.

Benny and Grandpa Jebediah returned, and the three young people went in search of their friends. Benny had one place he needed to stop by, and within seconds, the girls found themselves outside a cute little stucco red and white house. Benny knocked and a man opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Benny, wait, who are these lovelies?" He greeted. Benny laughed, "Hey Patch. These are my cousins Marisol and Rosita. Girls, this is Patch. Is Saphirra home?" Benny asked.

"Yes, come in. I'll get her." He turned, "Hey Scruffy, company." he called

Benny smiled as she entered the room. Marisol was so excited for her cousin and could not wait to get to know his friend. "Hey Benny and..." Saphirra paused.

"Hey, Saphirra, I want you to meet my cousins, Marisol and Rosita." Benny explained.

"Hi, how was your flight?" Saphirra asked happy to meet his cousins, Patch seemed mesmerized by the oldest girl. It was understandable, she was extremely beautiful. If the women in his family looked like these two girls, why would he be interested in a Plain Jane like her.

"Long, but we are excited to be here." Marisol answered. Patch was speechless. Benny's cousins were so pretty.

"Saphirra is a mechanic, one of the best. She actually gave two jeeps a tune up yesterday while I watched." Benny bragged. Saphirra blushed and Parch laughed.

Marisol liked her. She seemed to be down to earth and was perfect for her cousin. Rosita liked her as well. "Saphirra, Benny was showing us around., Come with us?" she asked.

Saphirra looked at them and noted that she wasn't wearing anything nice, Marisol and Rosita wore cute little sundresses and sandals; she wore a AC/DC t-shirt, torn jeans, and sneakers. Marisol noticed that Saphirra hesitated. She spoke, "Saphirra, please come with us. I love Benny to death, but I would love to really see the compound through a person that grew up here."

Saphirra relaxed. She liked Marisol, and answered. "OK, Patch, tell Mom and Dad I'll be back, OK."

Patch sputtered, "Um, I can show you around." He offered.

Saphirra laughed, "You weren't invited big bro." she teased.

Faking outrage, Patch mumbled something about little sisters disappearing. They laughed and Benny asked them to follow him. The four took off. They ran to the center court where Ares was with Aria and Zoe. Kevin was talking with Candace and Daniella. The Thane wolves were mixed in with them as well. It was then that Bruce noticed Saphirra. He made his way to the group, and Benny stiffened. Rosita and Marisol noticed and Saphirra became nervous. Rosita didn't like this guy, He upset Benny and made Saphirra uncomfortable.

"Hey Benny, Saphirra." He faced Marisol and Rosita and could see the annoyance in their faces. "Hi, I'm Bruce and you are?"

"I'm Marisol and this is my sister, Rosita" Mari answered, moving to push Rosita behind her.

Bruce turned to Saphirra. He knew he'd see her today. He'd taken his jeep to the garage and hoped she was working but she was not. Disappointed, but not defeated, he saw everyone hanging out and knew Benny would join them soon. If Benny came, then more than likely, Saphirra would join him. His cousins were beautiful, but they were not Saphirra.

"Saphirra, I was wondering, have you considered going with me to Mama Cici's Sundaes for a treat later today?" Bruce asked. He figured she wouldn't refuse in front of a crowd.

"Look Bruce, I think you should..." Bruce took her hand. "Come on, Saphirra, have a sundae with me? Just an hour of your time and if you tell me to get lost, I'm gone." He added.

Saphirra stared at Bruce; her eyes wide. She wasn't sure what she could say to let him down. She didn't trust him. After teasing her all of this time, he expected her to see him as a nice guy. However, if she embarrassed him, he'd make sure he humiliated her in return. She looked at Benny and his cousins.

Benny noticed how he addressed Saphirra and he didn't like it. No longer caring if his actions seemed aggressive, he purposely took her hand from Bruce's. Standing between Bruce and Saphirra, Benny told the other male, "She won't go anywhere with you. Leave her alone. Don't make me show you a side of me you won't like." He whispered.

Bruce was shocked and stepped back. All talking had stopped. Everyone looked on. Ares, Kevin moved just in case they needed to intervene. However, Benny sent I've got this. Don't! Ares nodded as did Kevin. Phillip too stood. He might be a member of this pack now, but Benny, Kevin and Ares were his friends. Bruce spoke, "Benny, um I didn't mean any harm. I just want the chance to show Saphirra ..." Benny interrupted once again.

"Saphirra is off limits. She doesn't need anything from you, understand Bruce." He growled. For over nineteen years, Benny was always able to control his temper, but this male pushed him to the edge. His wolf growled furiously, but it was something else. His wolf was furious, but another part of him wanted blood. Ares and Aria shared a look and knew Benny was close to the edge. Benny, calm down. Don't do this. Ares sent. Benny ignored him as he advanced on the male that his animal deemed a threat. Bruce saw a look in Benny's eyes that terrorized him. Saphirra was his and if he ever doubted it, then Benny's reaction was a clear indicator where things stood.

BENNY, STAND DOWN NOW! Ares commanded. Finally, he broke through and Benny realized that everyone was staring at him. He shook his head to regain his equilibrium. Bruce stood before him, terrified. Saphirra looked at him, frozen. Marisol, Rosita, and everyone else just watched the two males. Soon two betas came and demanded to know what was going on. Bruce looked around, "Um, nothing, we were just talking." He answered.

"Sorry Saphirra," Benny apologized to his friend. He never wanted to cause her to fear him and that was what his reaction to Bruce had done.

"Benny, it's ok. Just remind me to not get on your bad side." She deadpanned.

"Benny, Bruce, Saphirra, come with us?" one of the betas demanded. Marisol stood to go with her cousin when Zoe stopped her. "It will be ok. They will talk with Clarence." She explained.

The three young wolves walked to Clarence's home. They sat in the den and waited to explain what happened. At first Bruce stated that Benny was mad because he liked Saphirra and asked her out. Benny started to protest, but Saphirra touched his thigh reminding him that he promised not to say anything. Clarence saw her touch him and realized that more was going on than two males fighting over a girl. Mona, can you come to my house please? He sent and within minutes the head female beta walked in.

We have a situation and we need to get to the root of it. Will you take Saphirra with you and see if she will tell you what is going on? he ordered. Mona nodded. Not wanting to make the girl more nervous, she stated, "Saphirra, it's too much testosterone in here. Let's go back to your friends." Saphirra stood and looked at Benny once more. She and Mona left and when they reached the court all of the other wolves had gone. "Saphirra, what did Bruce do?" she asked point blank. She knew he had done something. Several of the thetas had actually complained about him and the fact that they had seen him harassing several omegas. For another male to go after him so furiously, it had to be some truth in it.

"Look, the other day Benny and I were walking and Bruce and his friends said some things. Benny told me to report it, but I didn't want to cause problems and I asked him to not say anything. " Saphirra took a deep breath. "Then the other night, I got a call about a stalled jeep and when I got there it was Bruce. He asked me out. I would have refused but..." she looked away embarrassed.

Mona had heard enough. "Is that what he was referring to today?" she asked.

Saphirra nodded, "I didn't say anything to Benny because I was hoping he'd drop it. But he approached me anyway. Benny is my friend, so he was trying to protect me. He really didn't mean any harm." She added.

Mona sat beside her, "Saphirra, what Bruce did to you was wrong. That is bullying and harassment. We do not condone that type of behavior in our pack. Clarence will deal with Bruce, but the next time you feel threatened by anyone, male or female. Let me know, ok. She hugged her and reassured her that his was not her fault.

"Do you think he really likes me or was he ..." Saphirra asked shyly.

Mona shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, but if I were you I wouldn't go anywhere with him right now. Besides, Benny is cute, girl. Forget Bruce."

Saphirra laughed and the two women talked some more. Saphirra loved talking with Mona, She talked to her Mom all the time, but this was different.

Meanwhile in Clarence's den, Clarence faced the two males before him. Both were good guys. Bruce could be a bit of a pain, but deep down he was a great young man. Clarence was not unaware of his exploits. He wondered though what brought on this attack. Was Saphirra with Benny and Bruce crossed a line? If she was his mate, then his actions were understandable.